Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Dec 1968, p. 4

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Walla Publisher Morley Ford progtem chairmanof the Simcoe County Board oifEducationhas ner in which operations of the board will be publicized lllr Ford in air in terview earlierthis week said the board meetings will be open to the public but most committee sessions will be closed There can be no quarrel with these arrangements Municipal school boards which functioned until the inauguration of the county board usually handled their committee work behind closed doors but held open meetings of the full board Thus the public was kept informed about all school issues and about the attitudes of the trustees to wards administration City town and county councils are re quired under the Municipal Act to open all meetings apart from committee ses sions but school boards are not Both the school board and police commissions may conduct their business privately However cloéed meetings of the new county board would not be acceptable to the public School boards previously were not taxraising agencies Their levies were raised by city councils and thus councils were held responsible for the level of taxrates Under the new county setup this has been changed The county board must levy its own taxes And with ex 35YEAR5 AGO IN TQWN Barrie Examiner December 14 193 Frank Foster defeated Frank Jackson ascomnussioner of public utilities by majority 244 There was heavy vote in municipal election John Craig re turned as mayor with Reeve James Blair Deputy Donald MacLarenAlder men Cavanagh luck James BDougall George James George Shan non Herbltobertsonhc Stewart AHodges WA Gill It Wiles WgPoucherAnthur Jay Thomas Cassin brought honor to Simcoe County by winning atRoya1 Winterlair withL finest Dooley potatoes grown in Canada Speaking to Kiwanis Club formeri Premier of Ontario Ernest Dnrry delt nounced socialism Itwou1dlead to dictatorship and tyranny he said would prefer to reformithe capitalistic system Mr Drury said hehad gone toschool in Barrie with Woods worth CCF leader whenthe latters there was no one he liked better or trusted morehut did not goyfor his program William lllalcomson of Barrie and Fred Campbell of Guthrie elected to Ontario Boyslzcouncil At Simone Presbytery of UnitedC Rem Bert Howard told of terrible dev astation by droughtfsufferediby ofSaskatchewanthis year Lions Club in secondyearof charterin stag ed successful minsttel showat and itoriumnNet proceeds go to work with blind Gordon Longman Was interlocu itor William Bell=featured soloist Publlshod hv can Newsroom leltod 16 Hayfield Street Santa Ontario McPherson Managing Editor monsoav DECEMBER ran race IN THE Lam RUM THINK PERHAPSNTIG an mus OFCWMATDBEFRIENDW Wml WWIA People Entitled To Open School Board Meetings 009000t5f$35000000 monogram People stay for years cellos cleared up uncertainties about the man intention Other trustees have already noun MEMORY If LANE Mens olrcledncluded Frank Craig mans gt an Ted Mayhew John Booke Paul Hart father was preacher atCrown Hill and Walsh elected dispatches in thalpaper golden wedding Coach Gordon Meekings sanitation lookfgood for did Mk Am mmwxrmwxfiggsm w+=Lmn1unu his 39 on annotation oops HEART TRANS Dear Edict Reports continue to como In that heart transplant pallenla In all parts ol the mid are dy log number of them allu havlng received the nomad heart transplant Afewweokaagotbanpod rend longest survivor nfheart transplant sugary la the United States Thomas 47 dies or problems developed after ha re ceived bl second donor hurt Ono wandora If the mgeona are able to determine the con dition of the other vital orlaoa bclnre lhe Iransplanl Do thav uka Into consldarafloa the last that now heart can only In crease the circulation and hast en the deterioration of alba dia eascd organs of the body The surgical paradox seems to be this Unless the ayslem of the rflleal oi the heart is in as condition as those of tho donor the transplant wlll produce other mmfilioalloas and thus lead to la ure llnvlag sfudlcd and road much on this rubiett it seems to me that it la well with while for people to begin Ihlnking about how they can save their ago hearl Thcre can be no do whatever that Hi In very much dollyounell lob alnrc exercise and good nutrition are undoubtedly tho things to rely on People should know but they dont that II the heart and tha arteries are kept in good con UNITED KINGDOM WIIliam Tolfar General Manager By BRIAN MEREDITH London Eaglaodl Obaener narrlo Eamlner Houses are hard to come by In Brltaln as they are In Can ada Housing aa problem even got mentioned on placards in the mulll plate demonitra lions in London at the end of October But in Britain with the momentum of several decadu oi agitation and effort behind them the national Ministry of Housing and the local govern mcnt authorities are together dolng lot about It Soulso are several voluntory organlzalions Moreover things are lot better then they were But within Its lirnlts tho houn lng shortage in Britain 15 still unpleasant Maud polar penditures expected to run from $39 helore becomingo titled to one County the boardsimpact on the better lass crowd NWth districtand on the cketbooks of the housing Many mum peoplele be consi erable congeslio and frustration and Cons uenflyl as the spending body as see ll much of the reluc rvith theeq biggest budget in the county Eggzefihfifizvggvgfi $3 the board must from every standpoint WSMW mm mm of fairness and ethics reveal its plans from Moria mm to the public without reservation It is finding suitable housing gratifying to learn that this is Mr Fords MANY WANT om echoed his views ntitiflttlttlfihm The board of course has much to do emgam before it becomesan organization caplt fgedmigg gaggfifiwgfi able of handling the education of public adimo 311K my up and high school students It has the escape living conditions they vltal task ofseleotingan education dir found lrksome lacking in pri ector and superintendents and other my and independent and senior officials who will carry out the Wlu MllePm flmw wishes of the board and the machinery me we educafional Wam ln addition in the great indus trial areasof Medan Birming The board is very much in the forma ham and the likedie conurba tlve stages of its operations and it must WIS use the Dime imqu be given chance to clear the decks for mg minim ketcfld action But there should be no effort 55915 gallmmfigl 39 to hide the work of the board from the by side Wm suddva min public The trustees were elected and many families to dwelling they are directly responsible to the peo many people to room The pie They should be ready at all times sanitaryvfaclllfies are lead to account for theirraotions by permit igltingagmlagxgafi ting the press to cover all regular ses Slum addition hm mm ed to jor have been renewed in these black spots but with new occupants who create and suf or from the miseries of racial prejudice as well nsthoso of over crowding In contrast at course there aremany area of sandy N555 under occupation Hill Ray Brown Against this background of Dobson Dr hnyllughes Edwin lneson Emory George nghtley Bill Sulcliffe George Graham Frank Muir Glrls circle in gummamn Whitehucy Pomfrlet Elliva oug ey ean Tuc er Dorot main Knight Ella McCausland Phyllis Shan hon Margaret Webb Jean Ramsay Bev Billie Simmons Ethel McQuade End men 33 mm were Warren Wilgar Bob Leishman Authorizel as second one Cleland John Hodges Art Pugh mail by the Post Office De Allan Scott Orchestra with Wally Per Mme magi at pianobincluded Ken Walls Bob 5335315133 ilgmmiigg Powell Pieter Sinclair Ward Smith lan Percy Howard Smart Amide Barth Isittyitfliriihdlq BarrieVCollegiates fine juniorfoot excepted ball team won championship Georgian Submpfion my dailylby Bay region beating Owen Sound 11 rrier 50c weekly $2600 Redstorey Ray Livingston BillrStlach early insle ponies 10c By mail an $3600 nearly Ontario $1500 ycar were stars BC grads in Toronto formed club with Dr William Gallie honorary president AthollierSt United Church father and son banquet Cecil 10mg presggaed Dr Harold Smith Vlvkwlifl fadingi was eecte sect ker was P01 Pill if =9 Magistrate Comgtlbn more Jack 3025 files ggegg Tfigm president Central United 931 Simcoe CountyCouncil ninted John Forgie jail governor er Pupil vve val tory addresses at 1301 commencement Mr and Mrs George Colescelebrate side Ontario on yeah out side Canada British sinus szsyean Press and AuditBureau of in republication of gunm hockey season star centre George Ken nedy decided not to retire ews published therein it trafficfor which theywm not or are owned brooms public Mollys unease ltee health aerviceAll thlaapart meanotjet hé witch thali ditloa by aenatblofaedfna hahlla and wow ouqu may can be mflalnmeldwlah normal fauna tloa nag No believe la the answer to the bout annrplant Idea We would do everything posalbla to aavaoirrownhoart lnourday medical idem Inlama what lack of sundae and Imam nulrltlooarotha twomaln lhlnu to consider In bean Unease hardening of tha arterlea liver and kldnay dio euel etc It In known fact that lltllly all clvlllzed people die not of old ago but from some Iormdiol diaeamllg people do not aatur MM kill themselves by falling to undoratand tho great laws of body chemistry Wltb av million people In Canada auiferlng from heart diaeau and heart mun lsla telling ua that wa are dil giag our own pave it in almost time for us to chaaga some of eating and living hablia wun al aeanbla exorcise limpet diet nutrition we can slop these killing diseases Prevention Ia better than looking for cure lmun polat out that exorcise In It self cannot keep pcopll healthy and Inc from disease We mun pay attention to an trition as wall If warrant to malntaln healthy heart and keep the blood alrum from ba lag polluted It in polish to load the body with Iata auger and aweeta than expect exercise to make all those pram British building Ia go ing on 1pm It la almost an ough to keep up with the do mad but it in notoaough to make up or the older houaea that are now obsolete or the 11 million odd dwell ings In UK third were bullt before 19 This meaaa In fact largely before 14 as little building was done during the first world was and older hous lngonforms much that la Vie forfan like the TV Coronation Strcet environment These are drab induaialal cormniarltles with small houses cmwded side byhido and back to bsdr There an no bath or indoor toilets The narrow street are the only playground for the children and they become congested with intended COMPLAIIANT SOCIETY About hall the new houalng these days is being subsidized by tho governnnnt and mainly built by the local audiosIdea and the bulk of it becomes available at low rents for those most In need of it Over all each month in Britain enough new hmlsu are built to add city the line of Saskatoon to the UK landscape And this is no figure of speech The new housing may lndeedmateh wholly new com munity one of the nthowaa Brltain ha been building since the last war often lareladvaly empty hreaa lhoy are care fully planned complete with ln dustry and athei employment op podunltiaawithpubl and churches and shop and com munity contrca and all the ele ments that make up modem communlty They are often de signed with imagination and can have brave new world look bout them hey are given heavy government aululdlea and are planned and administered by ironstone an independenthouslng corpor ation of ninhorlty Theyare in effect kind of state owned compaay towa The now towns illustrate phenomenon la visible else where large proportion of the Ks citizens liva ia mutefin anced low Nat housing or hono fit by trictly ooatollod rents and thiaincidantally is putting the rcivato landlord out of bus iness It could be argued that this makes the growth encou trolled and managed society in Britain much OHM And float it makes is complalsant oven llabilued moiety nears sonarwring Lesa Nearly third of the dwell Ingsin Britain today were built authorlty The rinln aid hytha tenanta an an lament in the family budget relatively leaa than in many And there are in addltlon many other state sarva that reduce notably the from the old age penslona fam ilyallowanccs1unenrploymantla surnncoa and workmens com penaatlons that are generally ohe tries pa mg throw off our year Out gm my mum thy Mm malresllptlalgbtmmpnnsoa be Ind tween Briulnlepeomingly low fwage structures and those at or Reuters and also the needa greatest ondmast wait wallothoywomapaod then savour voluntary omofauim nth countries great numbers but it in oftcn rough an the individual and on the ex Membérprirne Canadian undonalcaae The jlV play 3CodiyComo Bomewaa ua It mhutlooda edatth aaharatodaddawhlchlaadto hlgndtolaatarollavelandhopo scenic mam am enamel hey reader should know lhlttbayutbomaatarobtheh about Through exercise Wilhnuntandcmllcanbo voiding your fallhiul and oval boating hIaad or It can be your are bimbo aha to arson ep my balrt In good shape and donate same when plan on Since Ihlr la aa have iii dolty ulf lob someone la going to lygotahoartwllhallayrtama mum to With all 01 the transplant pub licity everyone should know that God baa to all who put their faith In Jesus Christ new spiritual heart Through IliaProphet Isaiah God asks Why will you did Clat away Iyour transgressions which you have committed against me aaya the Lord and get yourself new heart and new mlrltl writer suggests It would be lronlcallndeed ll 20thcen tury man offered new heart by the Lord of glory should find the means to extend hls years with the heart at chlm panzeo while rejecting the life of the world to come Don Randall Physical Fitness Dlrector Davidson Street Barrie Englishmans House Is Not Always His Own Castle mggling to help those who fall through the official net Shelter and tho Fondly Hour lag Association are two of those rm morisrrotol silence Secondly responsible for blo stories enhancement Canadians heNoi Subjects Qt Bdlian aoaaowwm Many Americana Indeed some Canadians Wait to understand that Canada la an Independent nation becauaa the Queen la the head at atate lhoy believe that Canadlana an rob you of Britain Independence waa gained offl dally on Dec nor when the Statute of Westminster was passed It confirmed that the nation of the British Common wealth had powerio enact any legislation they wished oven ll lt opposed leglalutloa In Britain Although Iho Statute of West mlluler spelled out the terms ad Independence had been gained many yeara before The flral test come In 1an when Govor are norGeneral lord Elgln algned Ihe Rebellion hoses Elll Nei In her he nor the British govern meat agreed with it but It had been passed by the Parliament at Canada and therefore be came law That was thebegln ning of responsible government In Canada In February 1867 when Lord Carnnrvnn introduced the BNA Act In the House of Lordatha said We are laying the cor nerstone of mat state per haps one wluch at future day may even overshadow this coun try But come what may we shall reloloe that we showed nelther lndlllerellce to their wishes nor jealousy of their as plrallons The Independence of Canada and otherCommonwealtb na Ions become clear alter the rim lVorld War Canadas prime minister Slr Robert Bor den and the South African prime mlnlster Smuia took the lead in lnslstfng that the Com monwoalth nations should be consulted about peace terma and also have independent saau In the league of Nations Some nations Including the USwera opposed hut Sir Robert ordea To MilijtrilobitesAndv Interested Citizens lit the Aria Ordinarily the best response to false Up untilnow thisis how We have felt about Mr Sydney Owens comments about on alleged bowler struggle at as the reason the strike is not settled self in silly position for two reasons First if he really believes such nonsense too gullible noiveond non bility of Union leadership gt if he does not believe it butgmerely says it he is spreading inaccurate malicious and irresponslrr There is absolutely no truth in It MOORE President MonsiieldDenmon Generol Co ltd Mr Owenhosiploced him sophisticated to have the responsi hp polatzd anon mm cm dfialfiamhaodwmed la ungar caaualtlea of whom were killed Canada usnoxpeolodtobalnlboflod line of battle than Canada cer talnly deserved place In the leagua of Nationa its worth argument and Canadian lads pendanco became more clear from then an especially aa Can ada and other nations at Ibo Commonwealth olten omoaod Britalna poallloo omen avarice rlraMyaland Patriotic So ciety was formed to Upper Can rillCaptain and of Royal Navy captured Fort Moria run imDr Wollrad Nolaon war Canada rebel leader was gcapiured and exiled vimfin fraightftaln can rying Manitoba wheat lelI Port age la Prairie for Montreal lmrlme llllnlatcr Sir John Thompson dlad during visit to 9ueen Victoria in London toolllama at St Johna Nfld recelved flrsttranshtlan tlc wlrelcsl aignal from Corn wall Eng illsDeath of famous mla aloaary Father Lacombe dzKnights of Columbus Hostel burned at St Johna mid with Ian of no lives fluSnowstorm and blizzard in SouthernOnlarfo caused 24 deaths dim THOUGHT For God no loved the world that Irojave hIa only begotten Son that whosoever bellevelh In hlar should not peflah but have overlanllng life John Silo Tho golden teat la so ollaa committed to memory but not taken to heart ondrmfounded ru MDG he is altogether for the good clean taste of true Canadian whisky

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