M051 PARTS of Canada 50 degrees forecast for south berta Ontario and Newiounil will have cold temperatures era British Columbia Snow hm Hm mum today in contrast to the mild lsupoctodinpsrtudAi ed high temperatures today or Yirephobo Cost Teacher Shortage Key BiBi Obstacles By THE CANADIAN PRESS The cost of Increased blun gual teaching and the lack oi adequate teachers have been cited as maior obstacles to en actment of tecommandationa outlined Monday in the second report of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Bicultnral Although Ontario Education Minister William Davis declined to comment until he had exam intd the report spokesmen close to the government said the province will welcome the suggestion that Ottawa be re aponsible for extra costs of edu cating minority language soups Yin Hope chairman of the Metropolitan Toronto school board said the commissions WORLD BRIEFS recommendations were prema ture in view of the boards ex isting priorities and oi the countless millions oi dollars that It would cost Eut Very Rev Johnson chairman of the citys separate school board said we havent found cost to be deterrent so gr nndi dont suppose it will Phillip Lamouronx associate director of curricula for the Al berta education department and Premier Bennett of British Columbia said in creases in Frenchlanguage in struction would add to the short age at qualified teachers ECEOES THEIR OPINION This opinion was echoed in Vancouver by Sadie Eoyles in charge oi training French Princess Will Visit Tokyo LONDON AP Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon will visit Tokyo to open Brit ish week next September it was announced Tuesday It will be the Princess tarthest trip east oi Suez Kensington Palace spokesman said Her husband already has visited Tokyo The royal couple are expeued to spend about week in the June nesde capital the announcement sar IEEMORS arr TOWN PAiil Reuters The po population oi Patti fled in panic irom their homes alter two strong earth tremors shook the northwest Sicilian town Tues day Numerous old buildings in the town were damaged The earthquake to 110 we minor tre Monday in Spain Switzerland and Yugoslavia HOFFMAN swarms UNTTED NATIONS AP Paul Holirnan has accepted ch twoyear extension oi his term as administrator oi the UN de velopment program Secretary General ll Thant announced Monday Hoiiman 77 US in dustrialist and Tamer Marshall plan administrator lor Europe has been heed oi the UN pro gram or to years it directs UN aid programs or developing countries DELAY TWIN BIRTH gtMOTALA Sweden Reuters woman who gave birth pre maturely to twopound twe ounce baby girl Nov is ex pecting her daughters twin about ion as it was announced Tuesday Doctors were able to prevent the birth of the second child and are optimistic about the survival chances oi the ilrst PASSPORTS CHANGED LONDON AP Because of the widespread use oi wigs and dyes British passport appli cants wont have to state the color oi their hair any more ioreign olilce spokesman said Monday STEAL SLOWMNJ MONTHLY NEW YORK AP iTie do partment of social services said Monday night that nearly 31 be 000000 in welfare cheques is stolen and Illegally cashed each month About 11000 cheques worth $10000 are stolen lrorn letter carriers and mail boxes The remaining $30000 is one counted for by 9000 welfare ra prlentr suspected oi falsely re porting theita to obtain second eque RUSK WM RETURN NEW YORK AP State Secretary Dean Rusk Will re turn to the Rockeleller Founda tion aths tirst distinguished iellew alter completing his Washington duties Jan no Pres idcnt of the foundation from 1952 to 1061 when he resigned to in President Kennedys state secretary Rusk will draw up his own program of research and studies foundation spokcaman said Monday it 50 was kept on as shte tary In the Johnson admi tron teachers at University or ilritish Columbia The problem couldnt be solved by importing French teachers horn Quebec because that province also is short oi qualiï¬ed teachers in many nib iects she said Dr Lawrence Boogie head oi UBCs in department agreed French instruction in Grade Is desirable goal But It was impractical now because oi the teacher shortage lie sug gested starting with higher yades and working down French instruotion begins at Grade in most 50 schools in Ottawa Davidson Danton president of Carleton University and cochairman on the royal commission said extra costs in volved in roviding nrinority schools woud be marginal The children going to them would need education facilities and services anyway he said Cilia report tabled in Ottawa Monday suggested all Canadian children be required to study French in school sl sing at the earliest possible age SUGGEST WHOLE UNITS it also proposed establishing complete public school system covering primary and second ary schools for large French spesking minorities in non French provinces The report speciï¬cally recom mended mInority schools be set up in areas designated as bitln gual districts and that the ml narity groups mother tongue be the normal language of instruo tion in the schools Quebec Premier ieaihlscques Bertrand refused to comment on the report before reading it But before it had been tabled he announceda royal conunis slon would inquire into the sit uation of the French language as working language in Que Mr Bertrand said theQuebcc commission to report in 12 months will recommend mean rues to guarantee the linguistic rights of the majority as well as the protection oi righta ot the minority and iuil depelop meat and use of the French lon guage in all sectors oi activity in Quebec NEED NEW VOLKSWAGEN No PAYMENTS TILL sea i969 BAilRlE VOLKSWAGEN Town St at Essa Rd 7265438 Thrs freebrochure tells youhow to cut the casts of saving forretirement dlikotobe ilnandsll heal Itredmrurntls onunrightilhis edhmwiuuullow youcahmectmthis objective sndztlhemnetimere DISTRICT women Moderating Tomorrow Some Snowflurries dials humerus weather will temperatures the Barrie region tourerrow law tonight will be tour do you To etures Wednesday will climb Noon temper ature It the down town ofilea was in degrees Winds comm will be smith erly is Some mowihuriee In forecast Nilm 0P Forecast lured at son Synopsis Warm air will move into Ontario today and WW considerable chard mm in no of snow the next two days Across the not oi Ontario skies will be var iable today and Wednesday with some soonnurries likely Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Lake St ueir Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario Halihurton Southern Georgi Variable cloudiness and not quite so cold today with tow snowihrrriea mostly near the Great Lakes Wednesday mostly cloudy and little milder Winds lldit today and southerly is Wednesday Sault Ste Marie North Bay Sndbury Northern Gordan nay Tomasmi Aim White River Oochrsne Western James Bay Cloudy with ecu Iliad lupin Fallon my ScientificIiy Dulgmd Wehrme Construction hrsuinrsnwiignnaounim ream tEATHER UTILITY IIIT ldcalGltt rerMamwinurnn SPICE RIIBK INCLUDING IIJARS ANDSPIEES 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