Walla Publisher II MoPiIInon Managing Editor mar omen II no can of the budget announcement that wid owa will be totally exempted from es tate tax on property left them by their husbands There has been longstanding criticism of the federal govermneuts es tate taxes particularly of the principle of taxing annuity beneï¬ts as though they were lump sum bequest vI am proposing Finance Minister Edgar Benson said in his budget speech that in respect of deaths after mid night tonight we exempt all amounts left outright to widow by her husband and to widower by his wife Perhaps should make it absolutely clear that this estate tax exemption includes pen sion and annuity benefits Further if trust to his wife the assets lnthat trust will be excluded from his estate but included in hers and vice 33 With this reform we will recognize the contribution made by wives to the ac cumulation and conservation of the wealth of family It will eliminate deeply felt grievance There would also be $10000 ex emption in respect of the amount left to each child and additional exemp tions for younger children depending on age and income and for children wholly dependent because of disability Finally there would be general exemption of $20000 to eliminate or reduce the tax on small estates to whomever they may be willed WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Dec 10 1943 No election this year in town all candidates including Mayor Donald MacLaren re turned by acclamation Trophy for Barrie Air Cadets donated by Mr and Mrs Howard Felt in memory of only son Pilot Officer Donald Felt killed in RCAF raid over Germany year ago Simcoe County Council established schol arship in history on occasion of centen nial Centennial celebrations of Barrie Collegiate Institute in full swing sive service Speaker washevi Gordori Ohannen graduateml Monday nijrt at B01 was Open House andthousands visited corridors classrooms gymnasium and auditorium where bandconducted by Allen Fisher gave concert Girls sportswere directed byMiss Uriel Kelso and boys athletics by AvBCockburn RedICross had 97 donors at month blood clinic headed by Flynn Sr donation made by Arthur More Lions Club celebrated 12th anniversary in Barrie Banquet address given by Clarence Chartersof Bram ton managr lug director Canadian Wee 1y Newspap ers Assocn County Warden Or ville Toddh ored at annual banquet in Trinity Parish Hall Local dairies complimented by inspector on high qual ltygof milkequal to bestin Ontario Dr William Gallie Dean of Medicine It on non Examiner THE SNEEZE HEARD AROUND THE WORLD swim Iu no husband leaves the entire life interest in William TolfIr GonoulMInIgor we Proposed Estates Tax 47 There has been almostho criticism IAmonth beforeiMr Bensonsbiidgét came down the Ontario Economic Council urged that the federal govern ment should withdraw entirely from the estate tax field and that provincial saci cession duties should be moderated The OEC backed it proposal with signifi cant evidence and sound opinion Succession duties the report stated are major factor in the sale of Canad ionowned companies to foreign invest ors In sample of 28 Ontariobased companies sold to foreign buyers be tween 1964 and 1966 estate taxation was the principal factor for 10 of the sales and an important influence in sure others The report made several other sound points Estate taxes are paid by the non wealthy while the rich find legal ways to minimize such taxation Estate taxes discriminate against the thrifty and in dustrious Estate taxes often amount to coufiscafion People of talent leave Ca nada or refuse to come here to work be cause of high estate taxes Finally there was the point that for all the harm they do estate taxes produce very Iitt revenue ltmay not be popular with some soaktherich adherents but the mine tion or elimination ofestate taxesishould DOWN MEMORY LANE in crash near Angus School cadet ooIOrs dedicated at impres not be nitioized It is good step wrong righted comments Harris in his monthly review University of Toronto and chief sur eon Toronto General Hospital gave ad dress at BCI centennial banquet Dr Gallic is one of Barries most distirp guished native sons having grown up on Mary St like so many other prominent citizens Don McConkey of Barrie has returned to action with his unit after having suffered wounds in Sicily Three young trainees from RCAF pilotl school at Borden suffered fatal injuries Salvation Army celebrated 60 years of service in Barrie Chief speaker at rally in Roxy Theatre was Colonel Peacockna tivevof Stroud rsecondin command in Canada ltussias military attache at Ottawa and two aides given tour of inspection of Camp Borden by Brigadier Spencér Commander of anny base Barrie Active Service Can teen later Community House had re attendance £11600 personnel on Saturday Principal Arthur Gird wood spoke ofhis25 years as principal of Barrie Collegiate at centennial ban quet and estimated thatmorethan 6000 hadgraduated in that time Toast to Old Boysvgiven by Town Clerk Arthur Smith Other speakers included Sh ErnestDrury distinguished grad who was Premier of Ontario lDlB23Rev Dr Noll Sinclair chairman board of education Mayor Donald MacLareh Warden Orville Todd of Churchill EV ohm ly PAW NICHOLSON OTTAWA AI every duck humor known to his sorrow It takes more lhnnona pellet to kill duck on the wing Tha marksmln must line up that dawn mIlIard Into the pattern of abotto bring It down hit by just one pellet straylng be you the edge of that pattern is not cowgh But we are new old it ll believed that single pellet can be lethal If eaten This Is one of the many rur prlsing fact reported In the far dualan annual report of the National Research Council of Canada The objectives of the NRC conslst Invdevclopipg Ind nur turing nntlonIl scientific re search capahllky and in ap plying this for the natonnl hen em Fo this purpose If devote more than half its annual budg at to grants and scholarships to Insist research The NRC Ifqu has sins employees These In cludc the executives and admin istrators and tho Byfown Eun nles who make coffee and mis chief as found In every govern ment department They also ll cluda large group of highly aklllcd scientists reflected by the employees In the $10000 plur wage bracket and the 1427 In tho 510000 plus bracket the of the agencies of NBC In our ECONOMY amour waterfowl May From Lead VgPoisoning Canadian Falcon and Develo ment limited whose obfecl to land In making available to all handllns through Industry the beneï¬ts of Invention mull tag from Ibll publiclyfinanced research rnposals in thla ml last year Included PourablI frozen puree and sauces and Photomeler for rmde colour TV The NRC itself scored relen tliié first which enabled It or measure the dlamfer oI Qua aars lhosobaifllng stellar bod Ies decp ln outer space so deep that they no bllllom of lighh years away from us In one year light which moves at 186000 miles per second will lrovel almost six million miles or as we say alx thousand hll llun miles Add nine nought to Ihnt and you get the distance from us of the nearest QuIaar It seems strange that some of Canadal top scientists are spending the tarmayorl money measuring the diameter of gel axles of small stars Ill that die tnncc away when nearer homo taxpayers are being poisoned because our aclentlsla have not taken the ilme Io perfect non pollullng detergents and non carcinogenlc car exhausts and nonemphyscmatic citerelies But at least we are now told by NBC that number of Qunsnrs have diameter of about 100 lightyears or one thousandthlot lhLdiamefe nf ourown IV But what Iboul those roll Iudaf Wildlife olï¬cllh bava been mourned about the num ber of waterfowl which din from lead poisoning Waterfowl which probe mud bottom for food In adept at discarding from their bills ï¬nelydivided solids Ilka mud but they have not yet learned to discriminate between seed Ind lead pellets of which hunters dump about 0000 Iona onlo waterlowla habitats every year lead pellet picked up by feeding blrd ls slowly dis rolved by It rtnmachl diges tive Juicer and enters the blood stream it labelleved that aim gle pellet can cause death from lead poisoning So to combat this menace to the dimlnlrhing wildlife around us NRC has perfected shotgun pellets made of ï¬ne lead powder held togeth or by glue which dLssolvel to water iusl hope that my friendly neighborhood mallards can fell the difference between sccds and load powder Twentyseven years ago NflC had band In drawing up Na tional Bullding Code to ensure lhat our houses are sale No body hasever been run down by an unsafe house hleybc to mark National Highway Safety Week NRC has been working on National Automobile Code which wlll be similarly cnlt forced Fear or inflation Dogs Canadas Footsteps Today By WARREN BALDWIN Enmlner Correspondent OIIAWA It seems that whatever the starting polnt in cxnmluntlon of Canadas econ omlc problems we finish upwlill Inflation It might be more ac curate to say It is fear of infla tion rather than the reality to day that In dogging Canadas footsteps The fear of inflation has in waded the stock market the bond market and almost every area where price change and are vulnerable to spenulnLinn Last week in the clnslng hours of its publlc hearings Housing Minister Hellyera task force on Canadas housing problem heard from the Canadian Lllo Insu ance Association one of lh prime sources of mortgage money for housing At the end of last year the mortgage port folios of life insurance compan les totalled $6600 million most of It for residential construction with preference for apartment investment But 158 Pemberton vice presidcnt of finance of the Sun CANADAS sronv Transcontinentalvline Costly Prophsal by non BOWMAN On Dec 10 1880 Canadas Parliament began study of the bill to enable the newlyformed Canadian lacific Railway Co to build rallway across the coun try gt Iba transcontinental line had been promised in 1871 as part of thedenlvfor gettlng British Co lumbin into Confederation The railway waslsupposed to have been completed in 10 years and British Columbians were threa tening to secede libero were any momdelays The drlrd OPE company had been formed in October with fi nancial backing from the US Britain and Europe Oneof the hadron involved was John like Earth Examiner 16 Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario Aumorizcd asyaccond class gtmall by the Post Office Dc pertinent Ottawa and for payment of postage In cash Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates dally by oarrier 50c weekly 32500 yearly Slngla coples 10c By mail Barrie 52600 yearlyc Ontario $1500 year motor tbrow off 10 year Out sideOntario 510 year Out side Canada British passes sions $25 year USA and foreign 032 year National Advertising Offices 425 Unlversltynvenue Toron to 640 Cathcart Str Mont roal Membcl of the Canadian Pressnnd Audif Bureau of circulations The Canadlnnlkresa lscx cluaively enlltled to the use tor rteplublifatlfl of all Iowan dispaces paperorc Iied to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the locsl news published therein God at His Word IIo Life Assurance Company told the Task Force not to count on continuing supply of mortgage funds on the some soan as In the past Insurance compan II he warned could no longer afford to carry on large proportlon of their assets in mortgages which had lung lcnn ï¬xed interest rate the real value of which would drop as prices rose They must invest larger pro portion in communisfocka the value of which would rise and provide hedge against future Inflation Not only In thlr going to influence the investing policy of the companies themselves Policy holdersare borrowingon elr policies at the ï¬xed rato of six per cent The Bank of Canada reported total borrowings on policies in the eight months ending August Illst at $417 million compared with 5191 million for the same period last year and $46 mlllion In the same eight months of loss If is Inre that today policy loan wisely Invested can be profitable deal The other Rose boyhood friend of Sir John Macdonald They had put on shows oven in the us with Rose acting as dancing bear while maodonnld provided squcaking accompaniment Nowbhe squeaks were coming from the opposition benches of the House of Commons and also from Macdonelda own fol lowers The deal was to give the OPE $25000000 cash and 15 000000 acres of the most fertile land in Canada The company was exempted from great deal of taxation and could im port its material dutytree Many Mia contended that the price was far too highlhe Lib erals produced plan to build an all Canadian route for top 000000 and 3000000acros less but Ilfacdonald had the votes When the US built its first transcontinental line it had nearly 7000000 people living West of the Mlslssippl In 1000 there were only 55000 people in Manitoba and M0002ln British Columbia There were the costly problems of getting the railway through the barren country north of the Great Lakes and through the rugged Rockies where roqu had hot yet been found the Yellowstone route now used by the CNR was known but it was deemed to be too far frorhthe us border and Would leave ngap whloh might be developed by an American company Despite the problemsnndbe cause Macdonald was able to keep the support of his mema Lars the bill was passed by the House of Commons Feb feel by vote of 128 40 Construc tion began Immediately not THOUGHT And these algae shill follow ihem um bilievc they ahall fay hands on tlt sick and they shall rccov Mark ram 19 If you are anhcllever you have right to pray nude cot God to honor your faith eke you at your faith side of the coin Is that the In surance company must offset this relatively low Interest with higher yield short term Invest mentr secondmason why the pro portion of mortgage Investment by life Insurance companlcs la likely to decrease Is the Canada Pension Plan and the Quebec Pension Plan whlch are divert Ing savings from life insurance to compulsory contributions in funds Invested In provincial bonds The Task Force has wound up Ita hearings and will get busy thls week on preparation of re port which Mr Hollyer hopes to gctcomplcledby mld Januhry In ilme to introduce housing legislation early In the spring In Its qulck Iour across the country It has amassed volumes of evidence that admiftedly raise for more qucsflons than they an swer lhe one thing clear Ls that Canadians want and probably need more housing erunsro EDITOR festive season In our wintry Pom on earth good will to ward man bu Install tru mcanln the the management of MDG considered tbl ï¬nancial harddupu closed to flmlllu concerned by their tlmely delay In getting employees him on the Job Donaldsofion Mild that the pens am condoned hospital Ind medloII welfare benefila with on no pay bass Many Ilpccta of tho IlrlkI have hearing on all men chants of Barrio financlllly In that th ImIllm Imount of Christmas shupplng any for In stance 50 to $300 per family would at Its rnlnimum be $60 coo loss of business QUEBEC OPINIONS ThlI II ulectton of edi torials on current topics lrInIIIt oil from the French language pron of Canon Montreal l4 herein The terrorism practised in Quebec by IlLtle band of Idealism or fanatics appears to Io be terrible avoon of weakness These people dont want to convince anyone they almply want their fellow cltlremio capilulalo to panic For them any means even the most sordid in good if it leads to the victory of what they fed Is lust social or political philosophy If theywerc to win through our abdication It would mean the uncontest ed reign of repression and dictatorship The recent bombs and bomb threats appear to be linked especially to the unrest in the fields of labormanagement relations and higher educalt tlon Management In general has become an object of con tempt for some people and school administrators have become symbols of paternal lsm and unacceptable domina unn Icwould be foolish to deny name new Vldsll rum Wood Mounl PEnMisnMA Thu um lathe idly emancill continually bout of an open field In BanIn for flu establllb merit of now Imam Bow tver they havo shown little or no public Interest In assisan the workers of this lnduury to obtain normal living wage Perhaps by coundla non par lldeUon in helping and Ibo strike the no pay period can reduce the average eIrnlngI In the Georgian Bay economic lion Regardless of Industrial man uemeotrr request for time study personnel to hold the line on wuu approx per hour Infhlaaroathocostofnmex lollneo tollvo ll comparable with thatot much Inger clllu In thlI product when hirba wages are Id By thI ht of management to manage IIIDG apparently WInfa hitter production we per hour for the In money qu what do they aspect from employees want or tholr blood Yours atncerly III GENNINGS member of GLC that many Irwortant changes are needed In both these fields But could not the unions and the strident associations act more constructively and real Istlcnllyf Could they not show little more patience and moderation in choice of Ian guagel It cannot be repeated loo often fhat the unions aro led by honest and dlslntercstcd men who devote themselrca wholly to the condos of Ihclr fellow workers But are the not themselves sometimes the vlctims of the intempcrsto zeal of amoll minority of their members Students also would be well advlscd to look into the small amount of sympathy they are getting from the public Am thoy forgetting that they are clashing headon with soci ety tblthas Imposed heavy sacrifice on Itself to provide them with an education Granted all this does not life the fundamental proh loma faced by young pcopl But It should at least no suede them to discuss thelr problernsln different tone of voice Never needs an Ink padl Fast Easy Efficient Can be custom ordered to meetngy size shape or message To outrement PERMASIAMP wlll reproduce colors fine lines Imall type faces logo lypescven photosIn true accurate detail commander rnwrm orvrsron BARRIE EXAMINER and belief that the maj choose ditional sumed When we called long before the strike It is timely that we Inform There are three longran Committee waslnfolrned gsion of the boiler house All MDi Company Employees All blunted Citizens of this Area Effect an early settlement with local 536 and return to work Invite those on strike to return to work If they choose and hlre ad people where needed sothat normal operations can be re Relocate the plant away from this area It will he bbvioris to you that option No most desirable for the Companyylts employees and this area We hav effort in the various meet that Itzmay yetbe done on about certain basic facts with the hope only will accept the logic and fairness of the Com panyis posrtron and actions recently ge options from which this Company must made every reasonable ings to accomplish this and still have some hope meeting on Thursday November 28th the Union of thg Companys desire to complete the expan This work was started by an outside contractor will take There is still at least twoaweeks work left and even if option No Is attalried and the strike ends over half the the Cemmittee for cooperation and told them that this work wouldhave plosdslble for all employees to return to work promptly if IIls workers were threatened and on the nightof December 2nd shotgun cussng withthe Union Committee who disclaimed any knowledge of the shotgunincident hutithey did say they would rather let the employees stay out for longer period than ctroperate and let the work be completed 1thesefacts butwas not completed at the time of the strike The Unioncommittee was told that unless we complete this work now people could not be called back for anothertwothree weeks We asked would make it nothing to do with current production efforts but merely stri was set What happened The Contractor came fit on Monday December 2nd blast was fired through thewindows of the contractors business place doing hundreds of dollars in damage This of course interrupted the eff ort to complete the boiler house expansion and make it possible for all to return to work at an early date When talks resumed on December 3rd and 4th this was againdis Since this Is certainly not in the best interest of the employeesthe Company or the area and is highlyunusual we thought you should know