10 noon mains Spasmotiic Colon Follows Tension By THOSIESON ID Dear Dr nostesen Please explain uhat spasmodic colon is Does it ailect the bowels How is it treatcdlHAC Altect the bowels iha colon is large part at the bowel Most of it in tact Lets use diiiercnt term rather than spasmodic the proper term is spastic colon one which is overactive The colon finishes extracting the nutrients from what we have eaten and moves the waste matter along toward the rectum and anus by process ol rhythmic contraction and relax ation spastic colon contracts too alien and loo much The result is cramps and subsequently ei ther constipation or loose stool The spastic colon is iound in loose individuals Some ioika react in tension by having had achesI or upset stomachs or hives or backache or some other physical manilestation For manyI the reaction is in the colonhence the spastic colon Consequently one useiui part of treatment is sedation to try to help the patient manage his tensions without getting his colon or bowel into this uproar oi painiui avoracttvity Another aid is bland dial meaning diet with minimum oi roughage since rough iibrcs husks or seeds can irritate the colon and induce still iurther cramping it it is sort oi nerv ous colon anyway should caution that xvray oi the colon and stool examination are essential to make sure that no other condition is causing the trouble but in the great majori ty oi cases the spastic colon is result oi nervous tension The spastic colon olten is called colitis but technically that is not correct it is an all merit oi the colon but here is no actual inflammation as iIri plied by tho itil ending Dear Dr tlIosiesoa Please tell me the diiterence between colitis and disease cannot spell rightlyI something like di pherticulitis The diet seems to one my sister has the other In treated at 6LC Colitis is irritation oi the colon Diverticulitis you were almost right in the npelilng is special term and not uncont mon Treatment nltao will be similar or identical Dear Dr nodesoar am Kiri oi it About an hour or two alter eat breakiart lunch or dinner am starved again dont go and let something to eat then because know will become overweight am not overweight or underweight and am not overly active do eat enough at mealtime Why am always hungrytVC Thats hard one to insner without more inlormation One question is your choice oi ioods You may be eating more carbohydrate tstarche and sugar and less protein than suits your individual body chemistry You might try changing the proportion and eating more protein lean meat eggs iah cheese and less starch and sugar Or you may he underestimat ing the amount you really need talk with your lamiiy doctor might help sugar tolerance test might show you have hy poglycemia tiow blood sugar Dear Dr lhostenxon Does an adult have to continue medica lion ior lite when low thyroid developsl rs The answer is probably yes although there can be chaotic in the condition FIND HER NICK CASHEGAR BC CF Alter stints aa bookseller den tal assistant and vacuum cleaner salesman Bea Zucco thinks shes lound her niche importing and selling rug clean ers to the British Columbia inte rior After her husband died she sold investment plans oper ated taxi buaincss and ran tor political ofï¬ce DIET Amm BRAiN poor diet can cause brain be the same for both have TELEVISION BUFFALO EARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFAU TORONTO ll HAMILWN ll PETERBDROUGH MORNING VIEWINGt MONDAY 10 FRIDAY Mt IJO zlooay Show IlMr Dresl Uo ts to gï¬ï¬iinliygthcnair strikes DlTVD Mo fleMomisal Metro mo DClflooa loos oItonrner Itoorn no It Izmo olileta Schools Hourly TUESDAY DEC ierv ï¬rimn PM 11wuker Sex ku Partv lel Nev llsuoer Heroes Nws tunnel Around tGllligans island tillnftonel ov The Promoter llHuck and Yoat 100 Zaflasel szoo lMlster as 4Port Mason 71 IAve Lucy IlPafljerlIlmn 124m stooges sankenitatn tr mo zWhats 31v Line Moon and 71 mNatm 14 Ian moo 24qu ILNewr eIoea sire DBawltchad ltPiena Berton axeewiichs VWEDNESDAY DEC 11 AFTERNOON Olflnmonl uauu MW lzoo zJeonaroy aIzNows eNews dLuncJIeon Data laawltched 9Womens Worto llBinlo at Home zzzo Handy lean SMike ullas Hem53am tor To morrow VTnsltsrv Island It tvlrs liMovle IaMovio 19 An wnoNnanav one avaNINo liPmy at so glintIsaac swnitr Mv Lino lBilll Hills lzso 1Doctors 7Guildinl Litht ocomnatten st 7Daunr Gama reï¬ners Probe my area lZCalendar szis tcrano Prlx lIAInunaa soo 1Anothcr World MMJlake to Laura atoms 7Generai Hospital hfeoule In coniliet tItan heat as summg oi Nilht 7Commander Tom BZlloetors mary lillazot Loo Wes er eArt Linkietter Love Lucy lSupor Heron ens 7News too soloPlace or Your Own IGiililanl Island 7Fllntatoncs lovi let Takes All ltHuek and vent to Ioï¬dventureo as 7Is sss llNaws Sports stoo sIJo INaws Sports Hlovia HillI Jim 24 Cam llRabla Huoa llPoMyl Isne Allen flag II meat hmls Titan This ï¬ï¬‚Lueilli aau ï¬m less one Helene sou ILas Hana Wlaï¬ilt sport kï¬fuvammn lFhyllts atlIer mommies14 oinnn ns Consequences 6D It Is 941 Nun nnty sons 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uMovio Drum Gun All 440 ad Guys 7Pllt1qn Pl not him ii eElverley Illlliaiiiios 1Movle Crack in The woriay not lilaatival Gteln Acres IIIoerv Grtflln zoo aProlect lsPnbtie ma HonLoon winters lMerv Grilltn Dluwr inn it lonem MilIs News Iei arrsaarton oflstilinigoa Museum an Minot 35 aPerrv Melon snovie mom or Dalinte mums niriitu9 lb cottoncr Balboa By JAY BECKER North dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 4M vKI OQIOIB AJ sneer zasc use vases vu KJ 13 aiooao can SOUTH qunoo use 0A The bidding NM Eut 1Q Pus Pass Paxa av Pu aa Pass ea Opening lead ton oi clubs The toughest plays to make are those all the beatcn tracit it is not that such plays are dliticult to execute it is rathor that they are hard to think at because they do not iollnw the normal pattern oi play For example take this hand where it would be easy to go wrong tVest leads club gainst aix spades and dummy takes the ace Dularcr realizes it would be unwise to draw trumps at once and put all his hopes solely on favorable heart division so he ilrst cashcs the Kit oi hearts and continues with low heart on which West plays the ten Deelarer cannot tell at this point whether the hearts are divided or +2 but he does know that it he rutis in dummy with the three and East over rulis he will automatically go down one So lets say he rntts with the ace East discarding club South now leads diamond to the ace and plays still another South West he luiis low in dummy Ease wouldoverruil and cash club So declarer escapes this trap by discarding thahjark oi clubs from dununi stemming West towin the heart with the queen This unusual play accom plishes the job that West re CABLE AND YOU CAN WATER heart Again haiaeis daleat it urns does not matter South winds up with twelve tricks Ho rolls club in dummy draws trumps and easily makes the rest in eiicci what declarer ac complishes by this loseronloser play is substitute sale club roll in dummy tor dangerous heart roll no transter oi ruil from one suit to the other is certainly not an everyday occur rence butit is clear that the present circumstances call or it Any substantial variation lrom this method at pity would result in detest ol the contract smorWooo By MR8 MARTIN lViTS Six tables otployers enjoyed last weeks euchre sponsored by the Catholic Vomcnslea gue irs Jack McCarty and ltlrs George were in charge ltIa next euchra will be Dec at it pm CHILDRENS PARTY Our Lady ol Assumption Breniwood Catholic womens League was presided over by Mrs Vandor Kruys tor the Dec ember meeting at which 17 members were present The ice gue will provide Christmas treat for the children oi Our Lady oi Assumption School on the last day helore the holidays Mr and ltlrs Lamers will celebrate their 50th wedding an nivorsary Jan in New Lowell Community Hall CVL have been asked to cater lor this oc cation Atter message irom Father Brecn social hour ioi lowed BACK TO NORAML HOCA RATON Fla AP Fritz lomonthold German shepherd was rated hcst among the to dogs in canine obedi DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 enoetest but by the time he took his diploma to his mistress Airs Gena nidslcy it worth shreds guess dogs will he Wflvkummmmlgi dogs she said JULIET JQNES GRANDMA CHANNEL saurrALo Nac WW CHANNEIIFBUFFAL0 cos CHANNEL IaurrALo Anc CHANNEL saronon cac CHANNEL aaAImIE coo CHANNEL sroner crv anNNemInaonmort llNlJ CHANNEL Izrnranaono cac OFFICE HOURS LEgyptlan godot plenum Late 10Abnlpt gt transition ILUIga llWali tapestry 14aragame and girls nickname aunvuir 15 Music norH dExaiama so Acronym turn or on the lllionll ELKlnd of porch DOWN sadden Sugarpowl handle Sequins bird 205mrll 22Me My shado 23 Satans work Mlnterottlce itemzahhr 261raycoat 235troIIgL hoxca 32 By the Beauttlul MHobblo sanetons nickname with The 38Persplre 4032 mode Burnett heroine 42Newang atato 13Mlntoaaot maple 455reetthe newday 405ymholte headgear ilJteVolvtnE gt installaan Jon If Actor Welles Niton symbol 10Moru advanced in time 55 FMMUSIC AND NEWS BARRIE CABLE TV For installation Dial 7183644 CHANNEL sroaonm CllFl maaiihmnmu Manama be It fluid atn rvd The extra sugar in your coffeocertainly isnt sweets for the sweet this morning Mr Burns oIiILY croiswono Acacias comm pmlnndia 33 Milkflail 35 Exclama IIIVA IEVAQVA CHANNELSé Leavi guard 355 ONE room THE DRUG ID WEARING HOPE MGM UP TO BE LIKE THAT MAN HENW TV are 10 see so aeAuanu women LEAVE IOIZLUFFQ CASYLE As It comes AND HER IMAGINATION spszs HER NEXT 500M sacumrv CHECK 502W MILLION DOLLARS worer OFISOODIES 1240 0v 1811 triva inlla gal Evening sun god 18May zlllls come merciai samer sum STJIunch hausen tor one BDiTitMtn history Member thenuck Amlrk erlann yonland lerverage grades was Elva relative ballpoint I5 Ducks 17 Decreases 29 Suitable 1v Essaytst ntnote It More nimble tlon ot surprise as superlative Buzz sAWYE an ï¬ï¬‚lflï¬i BLONDIE titwogcev Havent SEEN You AROUND MUCH LareLY nets com TD NIGHT SCHOOL amtans was aeehHar REMIN MEI Foesar TH PAYMW on MY Lessons sue Tlti was eacwmc mos CENTER ARE WPHES 4130 creme an MARVESIJQO IM NOT Hans DOESNT MEAN TO exocaw WM TD ANYBODY WORKERS thslrrots suns mLLECrlttEDRlFD duiCE morn nwmc MAKE OPllJM heroin MORPHNEAND iItE LIKE Still tiFRE OMES ATRW weve BEEN some skccrmus ntouoirr youo cove HDMETD massvetl Summoner uuo masses mun Ica cars revert warrwse WA