hiss Nicholson Van couver sonnets the white um emulated on her TASTE in VANCOUVER car during the hookendland Monday as Vancouver gets its first dose oifwioler this sea eon Three inches of snow ell parts at the 50 shininiand Saturdayand there as mar snow Monday moro mg iVirephoioi UNADiscussesHans C°unter POIIution UNITED NATIONS CPD The General Assembly starts today disouasionsof resolution designed to give the world po ljtical Will in the direction of solving its pollution prohlems The revolution sponsored by SW and posponsored by 49 other countries including Can cdpseeks tooouvene alinlted Nations conference on human environment in am news brieï¬ng Monday Swedish Ambassador Sverker Astrom said one of the primary aims of the resolution is to in duce invite even camel wonld governments to think se riousiyvot the question oi pollu tion in the air water and land me other reasons would be to encourage research into pollu ginaide College With Ontario Universites TORONTO CF Rough guidelines for the integration of teachers colleges with the it universities in Ontario are con tained in report released Mon day by the committee of presi dents of universities of Ontario The report the conunittees second annual review says tenlt tatlve agreement has been reached between the committee and the province to have univer sities start taking over educa tion of eiornemary sdnool leadk ers in the fall of 1569 fIheeducation minister could let requirements for certifica tion but the universities would set admission standards The university would have to ensure its education graduates rneet certiï¬cate requirements but could develop itsown cur tion and toencourage govern ments to take practical action alniILst it Askedabout Canadas role in drawing up the resolution on matter that has not been before the assembly before he said Canada has been in it from the start she is very enthusiastic FRIGIITENWG ASPELTS Asimm said the lrighicning feature of world pollution is that no one knows what the end eliect will be As examples Ihe mentioned that fish in certain lakes in Swe den now are unlit for consump tion because Efliiilcivihat seeped th the ground made them poisonous An insecticidespray intrm Integration ricuhun and set additional standards Prospective teachers would pay the same lens as other students Under the agreement the province would build the neces sary facilitieslfor the universi ties Operating costs would gradually be transferred from the education department to the department of university of fairsl The takeover of teacher train ing bythe universities has been under discussion for the last two years and one of the major ob stacles has been the future at the staff of teachers colleges The report recommended that staff members of teachers col ieges be encouraged to take study leave to improve their ac ademic qualifications during thrceryear period OttawaannaénnNcs can CANADIAN races MONDAY on fees The federal government of lered the coastal provinces all but Berta and Saskatche wana nihepercent admlnis trative out at the 1500000 souareiniie Canadian cdnti nentil shelf Justlce Mi iater John Eturuersaid new federal ex propriation legislation is ex pectedto be ready for debate by Parliament in January Alfred Di Holu PGW Allngtont pe akin durin Comm0ns debate on industry department ding esti rn es said Canadians are losing their economicand po litical birthright as result at Canada auto agree ster Merchandrsaid it will rtakea few months tprepare urai lievelopmcnt legislation providing incen Lives for industry to locate in the lilaritimesr TUESDAY DEC The Commons sits at 230 pmgtEST to consider leg islation on customs tariffs TheSenate is adjourned until it day oi Ottawa Proigsspr Neathy said that ratherthan being duced in an ares in South America designed to kill mos quitoes killed the cats which ai lowed plnguecarryiug rats to get out or controL There ivas an epidemic oi the plague among people of the area Mackenzie King Was Without Philosophy OTTAWA or wt Mackenzie King the former prime minister and lliheral pony leader had political ideas but no philosophy he could ex press with clarity Professorill Blair said Monday night gDclivering one oi series of public lecturrs at the University political philosopher King was an active practitioner or the art otï¬governmenla politi flmn He believed that alllliberally minded men should be Liberals in politicsavoiding either ex lremc oi tnryism or socialism He had an abiding faith that most men were reasonable men prepared to loregn some personal advantages to accept compromises or thegreater good at the society to which they belonged The professor of history at Carleton University here and Mackenzie King biographer said King was incapable of any coherent presentation of his political philosophy Never did he get beyond trite and meaningless plati tudes NEED ANEW VOLKSWAGEN NO PAYMENTS TILL FEB I969 zBARRIE VOLKSWAGEN on eReguiar Officer Irai lg young meniooklng to meaningful uhdariak complete rsltyeduoationw th arts sciences military ralnlyng Result let me walleducated IPersohhiizefli10vainLSPecialPléasmé Hero Iapecial peeoral nullity no mueh mIM um um solve the when you on untthink uwinwmmmmmW hangings well 39h9yi9 Dinnerj Napkins me ll you napkins ts luncheon Napkins gtWhihflflvMlVINIhIVIiMflU tam hidd Pflm Puss2 ooiotn Mommy is gold or eoiwrn Prices ataitat soth Ask zrreAsur mt 50 bolhlmprintad winema gt inflow Own Hoiidov summationsimminentan mammarle torTwwmeotwch Amvmuusiouamnnedmmwmnma blue Enidwith imprinted cradling aweiopatlrktiveiy baled Plan $11de stationery wiournt pzper and tip udniiw germanewank dumrwdffl at momma lflrruioiiindemnv mums jnormaQ Diatiactivaly personal for nationalism on mamchmnxuseabhekm lity vaIiIln paper with inatdiinx plain envelopes aloud type and isomers commit Inti 50Enveiopes ni1=uatmg gPersonalisenglaying cards Quality Duratons nonnfn variety or cold honeymoon itnprinted unis allow yea tonmplniowyom