VICEREGAL Governor General hitchen er and Mrs ltlichaner meet Aldermari Marianne Linnell des Trudeau Wcmts To Meet With Nixon NEW YORK CF The New York Times quotes Prime tilin ister Trudeau as saying he would like to meet with Presi dentelect Richard Nixon to dis cuss the problems lacing Can Ida and the United States at home and throughout the world would like to I17 and un derstand what the major premises at Mr Nixons think ing are and would like to ac quaint him with mine he is quoted as saying BURNABY RC CF Stu dents at Simon Fraser Univer sity were voting today on pm posal to boycott classes while teachin to discuss SFU prob lems replaced regular classes voluntary boycott would ex press sympathy with 114 mili tant studenk arrested by RCMP or occupying the administra tion building last week Tin boycolt would continue until the Simon Fraser Student Sociey des that progress on the principles passed by the SFSS Thursday is satisiactory student leader said The student society has asked to have criminal charges against the 114 militants with drawn The militants occupied the SEU administration building Thinking of BUILDING Thinking of REMODELLING BUILDI PANELLING BERTRAM BROS LIMITED Simon Fraser University Students Consider Boycott during civic reception at Vancouver city hall Thursday The vice regal couple were greeted by Mayor Tom Camp No ormal plans for such meeting have been made yet in an interview with the paper ranging over wide spectrum at domestic and loreign suo iects Trudeau also is quoted as saying Although the huge list in vestment in Canadian business could lead to economic domina tion oi Canada he would prcler Canadians to invest in luture development than for nurse days in protest of the universitys admissions policies Todays teachtn was pro posed by James Sellers and John Ever two geography teaching assistantsI and was adapted almost unanimously by meeting oi nearly 3000 stu dents the largest meeting ever held at the university in this Vancouver suburb The boycott vote began imme diatcly aitor the mceting and continued today Roh Valsh student society president said the university probably would he forced to shut down in the event at boy cott bncausc unions providing services will likely recognize student pickets HARDWARE mozsa courts MEET diorama dudent Mats hooilgui lsm that is threateninlto custom the educational rye tern Hrs Drew told an opplsuding OITAWA Carine has rdusedtoyantviurto alive smarter Wan delegation that wanted to intend the pri vntrlywrgnnlzed Montreai con mom um terrace ooVietnam an external tbejmplre Club do believe bell and other digriitarics when they arrived to begin six day visit to Vancouver area CP Wirepbowl trying to buy present us hold logs Bclanging to NATO is im portant to Canada because it permits the country to discuss world problem with nations other than the United States lt may he in Chinas long ranga interests to becomorloser to the United States than the So vlet Union Unlcss government es tablishes society which its people regard us Just then you have all the dropouts the anar chists the riots and so on IIIUSI BE CHIEF During the hourlong inter view in the Prime Ministers oi tice The Times says Trudeau rclcrred to economic dom tlon as an inevitability hut have to be careful lest the eco nomic benefits we draw from our relations with the United States lead to aim at our polt li al independenc not aneconomic nation al and believe the vhnledev viccol nationalism is an improv erishing onethat you should onlyuse it sparingly in areas where you cant deiendyaursell otherwise the prime minister is quoted as saying To the Electors of WARD that Camdians should no longer Ignoretho organisation at ternpts to destroycur eduw tioaal system upon Weillh The 74yearold Progressive Conservative pro mlcr id that attunpts as these weaken the authority of thest and the unityol the people gt He said he believes Commm nists are involved in the pros tests but would not claim they were Communist conspiracy Keep NiiTO Strong OSHAWA CF FormerOn tario premier Leslie Frost Thursday called on Canada to keep our alliance with NA strong and do everything to bol ster our alliances In the western world Speaking at testimonial dlnv nor in Oshawa lawyer Kelsu Creighton 75 who has been practising here since 1919 lilr Frost said peace in the world may dcpend on our solidarity in the West Blood Service IORONIO iCP Anew bloodsupply service aimed at combalting hemolytlc disease condition contracted by one at every i2 newborn talents in Canada will be launched Mon day across Canada The service announced Thursday is being provided tree by the Canadian Red Cross Mothers across Canada with Rh negative blood will be able to obtain Rh gamma globulin or administration at the time at delivery at their first baby This is to prevent formation ol anti bodies that mayattadr sits quent babies Radio Pioneer Dies OTTAWA CF motto Arthur Steal pioneer in Cana dian radio electronic engineer ing and original member of the old Canadian Radlo Broadcast ing Commissiondied here isday at the age of 75 native of Castletoo Ont Col Steel served in the signal corps during the First World War and was twice mentioned in dispatches and was awarded the Military Crosst Simcoe County Board of Education Cookslown ivors Innisfil FOR non MONKMANV on December 2nd for EXPERIENCE onanicarlon OTEACHER srcunmr Years Secondary school Experience attaindepartment spokmnaa said Thursday lie said the government would have had no objection to private Soviet dtlrenor attending the conicrnace but Ihat tha Rua slans had proposed an omcial delegation which would have promoted the oiiiclal policy at the Soviet Union Triiiesnjten Stay OTTAWA lCPi Someï¬w lbo tribumcni lrom Nigcrla studying at Canadian unisersb ties will he allowed to stay in Canada almost indeï¬nitely an immigration department oillclal said Thursday it Curry assistant deputy immigjroilon minister told the Commons immigration commit lee the nudeotsmost at them at Ihc postgraduate levelwill be allowed to complete their studies Student loans omwa or no reaeiai govornlnent autiiorized $29 524311 to student loans under the Canada Student Loans Plan between July and Sept 30 this year The ï¬nancial assistance in the tom of governmentguaran teed bank loans went to 45301 students The loans are given tortu dents wivonecd money to contlnv us their education beyond the secondary school level They are interesttree during the pe riod the student iseorollcd in lulltime study and for six llwre9 liMlLESEAST orALLIsroN 4355501 introductor monomermid Theloans Ire tbeanpoyable over 9° flodolvntoohyeau iIVuture 1690313 wishEuler Alvaro Karpls onetime elusive leader or tho notorious Karrie Baker titans who ranlrcd as PuhtlcEnerny No1 in the United States In the 1930 spending ha ï¬naldayr to prison fllnuntng stating clerk typa Karplï¬whose gang was linked by the FBI with the stays log at to persons and kidnap Dingo two between root and Moldayshengants no is va qui away am the limelight Sudbury aiaze SUDBUEYTCP Firo de stroyed lour apartments and store Thursday in building in the heartoi an urban renewal area No one was iniurcd The ï¬restarted when tour ycarold boy put piece at paper into gas stovepiiot lightt Nofnmlliesmnde homeless because oi the tire will be relo caledundcr the urban renewal program Dog For Diet sasrraroow ca lllrs Edward chcltncr said Thilrs dayrncgotintlons with John Diet enbakci tor dog olicrcd by her son Randy will be settled by moiL Mrr Dieieobakeris concerned that the $125 miniature French poodle would leave 11yearold Randy out at pocket And Randy who has cerebral palsy and is unable to talk is deter mined to give the dog tree to Mr Dieienbakcr featuring the iinesi in DINING CUISINE POPe Bans Moms man in relation to wood mano VATICAN CITY immif Miriam unit We PM MW WU parcentige or innall hubby RomanCatbolle Grand influ bxmgdlxuzr vision virdio Ilect conception imit snowbvtï¬emidsIT Now nowmoj pinmassu yard Monorail id Audehydyrdiha macawrsrnorsrow anatomy mnamtirwooo aicmno armed nuss TAMEtVll RITA MORENO GEORGE CHMRIS mummVflSKJIME m3 mMFWHNMAN Ltwnitibut maria nun 597mm mmmwmmm tANovyisiovicri INORrrHVoFfrpRo Im ii BUSINESSIMENiSf chillilï¬lln HanleliiarnsJr thesnglngsoii lotacountrymuslc immortal creates legend iiiiiiioinnniiiom noon IhreeSpeic Is Daily person Monday Friday ron License All Color Music Show WHERMANSHERMITS Mrs Brown In youve got lovely daughter PANAVISIONEIROOR musiceincaobava THURS FRI FROM EM SAT CONTINUOUS FROM and other cicus 31 Homeroom FullCourse Meals aw Special Easinessmens Luncheons and Sunday Dinners rtcrrwsrui theintimaiestoryofa RESTAURANT ia Duhlop sow 72min flour Brainchild Dancing Pleasure Corne on Iy Staylrrte cairan coLon ADI WM mmwmm