mninsa ratsrnonsi dandelion WAMM flaunt they No on MOMWU mom Irnirsl enirr RUMOR italiao Premier designate ariaoo mor addresses newsrrien at tho Qulrlnale HPresidentiai Palace in Home esterday following meeting with Proï¬cient Giuseppe Sara lt get Rumor conferred today with members of itaiys coali tion Cabinet There was gen eral expectation that he would twgelst be able to ally his Christian Demonrats with the Socialist again and give Italva major ity government forthe first time in six months AP Wire proto via cable from Rome érmdn rq1lte iChill LONDON CF tEritish iest German relations have takenon sudden chill as the result oivadiplumallgfoulup at the height or iaslWeeks inter national monetary crisis Justwho tripped is not clear but clash has developed over Germanissued reports that Prime Minister Wilson tried to blackmail West Germany into revaiuing the mark Wilson is denying it in undi plomatic language The row developed when Ger Joaauuasavncmigtgt Thethreatoi stiffer government controls onsthe press and massive merger plan have shak en South Africas newspaper worldr in unrelated moves this moothya cabinet minister pro posed tightening of press resil laiions and merger was an oouoeedwhich would join most Englishlanguage newspapers in South Africa jAfï¬Cq Preas faces Threat manytwasundorprcssure to we value the mark upwards sup posedly to save French and British currencies An ofiicial German spokesman said in Bonn that Wilson called in the German ambassador here and threatened to withdraw some of Britains NATO forces from Germany if it waanot done in the Commons hasday night Wilson called therallega tlon quite false very much deplore the leaks inaccurate leaksin Interior Mioisien Laurens Muller said reporting standards and the qualityior newspaper articlshad dropped to such low moral level that the govern ment was considering legisl tive cootrols Muller said newspapers may be brought under thePuhlications and En tertainmean Act which bars material indecent obsceneof¢ ieosive harmful to public or als or blasphemous All The Progressive Conservative governmentheld Cimberland Centre in oneflof Tuesdays byelecLions and fMONTREALlOP tnw revenue from the No ber vol untary tax draw was the lowest yat at $953549 Mantreais executive conunitiee chairman Lucien Sautnier told pity ooun ciilors Tuesday that except for one month draw revenue from the oluntary tax scheme had been steadily declining sin chanted todayio ts monetarYJcrid broke est week asEatrop erheia continued tunown or an arerrench om lrrthe Senate leaves here today for an African visit which will take him thNfger He will dismiss mattersof nurtualioteres Prime Minister nt slain now dianwnaval exercises involvlng Bonn about what tookplace he said have never known such thing in fourryeara oi vnucouvra 50 Are Charged InIDrug Roundup VANCOUVER GP Ball or bond rungiogrfrom $500 to $10 000 head was set Tuesday as police completed about two ihlrds of arrests authorized in the provinces biggeatlroundup of narcotics suspectsr By todayvpnlice had charged 50 of nbmrt ill persons sought ooiis warrants Mosijof tho charges are of trafï¬cking in marijuana hasbish and the hol lucinotory drug 15D Sweeping raids followed four months of undercover work by city Poilcewoman JeanMoss and RCMP Const John Gradyhfl who had lived dis gulsed as hippiesr Policewoman Moss dyed hei hair black and laid it stringin RedVJCmSSiPlaiie TMachineéGunned GENEVA AP An intern tlonal Red Cross plane was in communication witmovcriooruchinegunned Tuesday as it was beads of government PUTUP ARGUMENT While Wilson did not say what happened it develops that he did call in iheambassador and put up strong argument for German cooperation in main taining monetary equilibrium by revaiuingr lie is reported to have pointed to recent NATOgcommunioue stressing need for sharing the financial burdens of the all ance which seems to havebeen carried step further in the German leaks The ambassador Drr Herbert Blankenhorn conï¬rmed Tues flaï¬ that he had not been butt shun Vietnam jRurgeslviel Cong SAIGON MP South Viet namese polio have arrested 35 Viet Cong political workers in Saigon duringja twouveelclong roundup to crush an emerging Communist political apparatus in the capital is high police source said today The source said 15 were women andthat all of those ar rested had pmflommunlst re cordst Most ofthein were long lime residents of Saigon he added Tbe roundup began Nov 11 Fleet Shadow Is Increased arrows roe shadowr Cana only tw three warships defcnoe department spokesman says Previously vial irawlers and oceanographic ships hrls tliugwith electronic equipment did notbolher to keep an eye on Caoadian naval operations until anuereise comprised about 12 ships Expanded Airport The plan to expand Toronto Menace senator cello goverinnentxlesder ternational Airportcoufd he threat to sex potency Minnie saugajgmllyg doctor said Tue constant ov rfllgbtacould produce Ont CF gt being unleaded on the Biniran landing strip at on alied Cross spolresmanrsaid today tihe spoliesman said there were number of African cas ualties in the attack hutthe plane crew escapeduohurt allt though 22 rounds pierced the planet He said first reports did not indicate whether the firing came from the air or ground The plane had been provided by the West German govern ment to carry relief suppUes into the besieged Atrican re gion physical and mentalrfdisorders ranging Irom allergies to sexual Toronto fnternailon rom Scotland lli over her shoulders said police as she and Const Grady at tempted io win andhold Ihe confidence fol suspected drug trafï¬ckers The morethanon raiding oili cera also held warrants for per sons wanted asa holdover from twouprevlous undercover mis sions by RCMP constables in Vancouver earlier this year city police spokesman said that as far as we know the po licewoman is the first woman to be involved in an undercover operation oi this nature in Can ada Ages of those arrested ranged from 15 tom fhaiiyearold was chorged with trafficking in bashlshr So was l7yeanold and another l7yenrold was charged with selling LSD Exminer TODR its Mews2 musamMu torriicsio Deaths23 Districts Editorial4 snark12 Theatre5 rv Listings26 Weather Womensd in night fiie 6mm aroselag mom emulash macauanmnrness Occupational continued tod at two Canadian universities idle tudents atï¬a third were to vote on agroposali nil in general strikeof at nts iii sï¬deiits occupying the ad ministration building vote sscheduled for today onrtbe quation of strike actl Draw harry Hillman MONTIEAL CPD Clar National League today board of goveninrs meeting will held in New York Monday to iscuss last Fridays threeway deal volving Larry iiilimanr Hiilrnan remained with More rest Canadiensaiter the ngree ment and alter Campbells of rice had nullified an earl trade inv oiving the same Little Max addy live goodChristian life in aweekifl My boy thats all wasrnnomu ca ofï¬cials expect it will be so the late nextmooth rfous peace talks begin eventhough the Saigon govern nienthas agreed to end its bov cot return for the right to headbargadningoo South Viet namese internal matters An ondto tbeQflday boycott ofexpanded talks by SouthViet namese PremierNguyen Jinn Thlenwas announced Mesday Thia lain great victory for mummies The families oi7h in burning fitBa1iwmfretinitis Named President Chairman nowmam or Air Can ada anticipating threefold expansion byiflhhas placed its future in the hands of two man senior management team Quebec lawyer Yves Pratie and ii Baldwin longtime deputy miniier oi transport in statement Tuesday which announced the appoint ment of Mn Prstie as chairman the Air Canada board ofdirec tors also hinted that the public lyowned line mayhavs to go publi or expa sion fluidi The statement forecast vheavy new capital require merits it wouldbe their re consider number ot basiemat ters affecting Air Canadas on fmm ownership to methods of Now holly row by the CNR slat crown corpora tion which holds all AirVCahada shares on behalf of the federal are proviitsth nggver an effort to re 33PM 9R The doublebarrelled appoint ment ï¬lls void created last May when Gordon ill McGregor retired after years asprefl dent The board said MrPratteti will beresponsible as chief ecutive offlccrfor all aspectsof Air Canada Voperations but will be mainly concerned withli nancing longrange planning and development of policy Aspresldent Baldw 56 chairman andthe board for the management of current op erations and for such other SENS as are assignui by the man Mr Pra te senior pa her in Quebec City iawlfirm gradu ed from Layaidiniversity in 1947served asdean of the versitys law family from to 1965 and was special advr totwo former Quebec Premiers tour ded and itsvsupporiers on he slde ljiorth Vietnam and itssup rters the other Theyll bench church prayinglike they bava ail aion and Mr Baldwin as president Idoubiiog and tripling infuse size of operations overgihc next live to 10 years and mung ganizationand future ranging main competitive Air Canada would be responsible rné nationai security wbieh isubmlt ment eomnutiees durln roan narrower grandeur ted itsréport to the lederalrgov earlier thisvmqnih rt since 1954 is Toron toborn Rhodes scholar hoen iered the external affairs PENment anumber important gave In Peace Talks thepeople of Sou Vietnam Foreign Minister Alr Chaoh Thanh in Saigon Thanh saidtho Unlted States and South Vietnam agreed the talks would gnizedas anrequal nelt Thanhsaid the Unitedrstaies made cleartbatit woul Wse any term of coalition government on South Vietnam and ieoegoized ML as