Venture IMdIks Biiihdï¬li lt5 were manurm Anï¬icm Gourd Hall the Van tureruuh oi Barrie entertained liru Delirium President Mnllawelln hindrance Mrs ethoru hit Hugh Wai well Mrs Charles artistic Mrs Wm who had the honor or cutting the birthday cake has ior centrepiece donaied by the Soloptimist Club war wonrhy Mn Jack inher inxlon Another draw ior she was won by Mrs Wm Pr Olher guena at the anniver rary included Mn Ted ilor WATCHFUL WATCHDOG Seven month old bnssct Gramplon pimpy managed to ele Clogbsey at Continy bound and friend rest sitar keep eyelids open long enough Dog Club of EC two day long day at PNE Agmdome to guard tudrered out hiicb show GP erephoto IndianInSpired Fashions In OlrigiricilLeathes DQSiins EDMONTON co The woman who wants happi ncss drcss can have one made to order in new line oi ln dianirspired iashious All in leather the all col lcction of Kanata Originals runs from suede bikini to floorlength evening gown in Ioitbladr moosehide fringed and silky and slit to the thigh The Kamila ideaend some at the dress designs come from David Ward for mér Golden Gloves champion and newly elected Edmonton alderman Tlppflï¬yearold stiliESS consultant last March became president of Team Products nonproï¬t marketing rganizntion for native handicrafts and nromptly too it into the fash ionbusiness lie says he drd it for two reasons to help crack the en iorced isolation of indian cul tura and to show Canadian source of styles to an industry dominated by Paris London and New York Hisandhers bathing suits use hreeehelout motii in or ange and green beigeend cream deerskln coat and dress has matching white lur hat The hides are com mercially tanned and designer Ward says the bathing suiLa are ï¬ne in water as long you let them dry on you Cutting and sewing are to bedone by Indian seamstrms es at Edmonton and Calling Lake 100 miles to the north but the glowing bead and em broidery decoration is done on reserves by whatever tribe design traditionally used the ancient Buyers can choose from annr patterns or Embolic ones iha tlumderbird assa cred bearer of happiness the butterfly ior everlasting lite the éactua flower for court ll you want to trap man said Mr Wardhuy one at our courtship dresses and youve got him ihaclothes are not priced for souvenirseekers Retail price range from $15 to not We expect imitaqu drees ensemble one not animamoothatdeoutiorth satin lined coat andsuede side out for the thwaodland belgesulhm ï¬es emb aredathemllg Iald Fine be my guest But you want the original youll come to us Part 11st blmsell he vehement about keeping Team and Knnata irom turn ing intoa gilt from the hirer Weretrying to get away from the commercialized hit andmlss kind tot craftsman ship The indianshave to know theyre ibeoniy ones who can do tlilshnd do it mm Accordingly next yanrl collection is to be designed and made entirely by native people That means Cele King an Edmnlonreceptiou ist who designed most at this years lid pilot dtsigns will be replaced by people like Henry Nanooir 32 Cree art ist from Fox Creek Alta He has one dress and several shoe designsiin theipresent collection Mr Ward says the fashions are one way to show native Mia their traditions are worth something in presenir day Canadian liie which are mm Mrs George Noon Mrs Robert LeBoeui Min Francine Fortin Miss Joanne Finley and Mia Gillian Swennio Former member attendlng were Mrs lies Pratt Mr George vlioorman Mrs Ci enea Rinhart Mrs lamel Orr Mrs John Walton Hrs Wm Wood Miss Jonn Robean and Mn Alan Emu warn THE as munm nannies be good period aoaimowi Planetary influences to lhler day will be moat generous where personalrelatlonnhtps are concerned Howmr woe roetriulve forces will prevail especialiy in ï¬nancial mousse Giit dugoesï¬ons He Gardens Few men would mind receiving Mod disbeaï¬ll mishnaa present Even an wrapping the inevitable array at ties socks and shirts pails eventually so the unusual lug gestion isniore than welcome Ii hla hobby in growing plants and ilowerl indoors or old why not get him the tools ior the lob literally and ilgura tivelyt Your Guide on Growing House Plants and ï¬ring ion Gilt Plants can be obtained by sending postal note ior to the lnlomtatlon Branch On tario Department of Agriculture and Food Pardlament inga Torontos Ontario and Wage book in peckedwith useful intonation and advice it has most altraoti colored cover andseveral Acoior iliudratlona ttnmlï¬iout knalt many in black and to sandman renew so llcatlon the lrdonnation BMfldl Pratt Mrs glen Stewart Mrs ANNIM Mu Merv Wiae did queen and Miss Flora bleGregor Mrs IckEtheringtcn Boe eprogranune Earlsh President of the Sorop tlmist Club oi Barrio extended Ier dih hi Gill on en i1 We Americas gt Winners of the card game were Mrs Phyllis Gelhons and Asrlsting the Venture Club in setting up the hall and doing the dishes were three high school students bliss Joy Noon Min Dianne Emrick andDavid STARS ior expansion or speculation Hold tight to whatever easel you have FOR THE BlRflIDAY ll towers in your birthday your horoscopeindlcates that between now and April it would be advisableto make the bed use of you skills and ill enta since planetary influences will bed to both Job and monetary rain and you ahould be highly gratified at the recog nition and advancement you re ceive during these out few months Dtherjforward strides arenromlred during midduly earincptenber and early next November whe you will enter motherexcellent threemonth cyclotor accomplishment Where personal reiatlonShipa are concerned your bestpd riods or sentimental interests will oocur in early April late August lite October and next November Propitiouacycles for travelDecember January and the period between June and mldSeptcmber if you plan hlpthls Decem however be sure that you dontovertax your budget Adriid born on this day will be extremelyarrbltlous and un usually competent in business affairs will be an exeeptionalhr tine organizer gt baa severelhtbers on gardening available free Growing Hobby Plants Under Artificial Light teiiahova set up this fascinating hobbylinthe basement Other pamphlets such as its Never Too Irate to Protect Valuable Garden proa mentcis and Lanrboape Design Detail and Accessorieswill per rnit armchair plannlng this wlnoer whenceresults with next years garden and grands HymhMï¬h Guides Meeting gt Brownie Aliéndaie xilrstAilnndale mam hostess to First and Third Ai landaloBrowniea on the noon slop oia FlyUp to our Guides lirownies toriiy up loom First Aiinndnle Pack were Giorgianni lennlier Metro and Patti Lynn Martin Thlrd Alianadala Brownies to fly up were iKathy Kronabctier Jacquie Keogh and JanetSeartil Tawny Owl haid good bye to First Allandale Brownies while Brown Devi Mrs Edna Kelly gave similar message to her 995 sent to welcome Janet Scarth CarolMariin thdeol ï¬rst Cornpnny went up Barrie Central Ranger after re ceivlng herrsavenv your star Carol was presented with her Ranger bat item eriGulde Company Jenuiier Loch ow to the Guide Company in eh her mother is lieutenant and hers ais1erBei4oara Guid Carol Martins mother is Tawny Owl oi Firt Allnndale Pack and sister recrnved rher wings IBACKACHH SECONDARYW gt TENSIONKIDNHI lillAliOH roman Kidney or are Irrita tloru make many ziiliï¬iiuiidiahiy rep you my lose In ml man he keen on teal older tired mm in summer altered unlly nrlngs relaxing eomlort by Iutlnl in Lynn who mme or earthen random Beei Stew And Is Tasty And TEeOnomicai beef 5th and Dumplings la hcritago irons early German immigrants toCanada and the United States Because it is tasty and economical it has be come an all American iavorite 1th recipe is easy to prepare meal in ltselt and perfect ior cold November evening mark 1inch beet cubes Ye unsilted ilour lr cuneanut oil chopped onion water chopped parser an water 36 salt large clove garlic minde imedium bay ieai cubed potatoes tir ccarrot strips about inches long ic thickly sliced celery diagonally cut cubed green pepper diced mushrooms biscuit mix ti thym leaves mashed milk or water Drede beef cubes with flour Heat peanut oil in Dutch oven or large heavy saucepan Add beer and brown on all sides Re move meatand set aside Add onions and cook until tender ANN runners inwsns Will Alienate Daughters5 Add meal water parsley salt garlic and bay leaf Cover and cook over low heat hour Stir occasionally Add potatoes carrots celery and green pepper Cook covered is minutes longer or until meat and vegetablSu are almost done Add mushrooms Combine thcut mix1 and thyme Add rnlik orweter at once and mix well with took Spoon onto boiling steel Cook over low heat uncovered or 10 minutes Cover and cook in minutes longer Make to servings jBY Unhealthy Attachmem Deer Ann LanderI have our childrentwo boys and two fgirlhbut my problem is not with them its their lather lie gets along lairly well with the boys aged eight and 11 but relationship with his daugh ters worries me to deathilley areriswand 17darling girl popular and brisy involved in tennis swimming and chEer leading Their grades are excel aometimes follows thorn in his car tivc begged him not to but he ignores me Ive heard him tell lriends his daughters will probably never marry because they love their daddy so much on man could ever measure up to himihe truth is the girls dislike him he came he is so ve and suspicious What can do about this appalling situationilLLl lent and the house is always N015 tilled with attractive teenagers Their lather sticks like glue when the boys coma over He quinea them and makes insult ing remarks He has made it clear to the boys that he doesnt trust themWhen the is go out they often douhl date he Dear liilnoir Probahly noth ing but give it try Suggest that your husband tail to doe tar about his unhealthy attach ment to his daughters Hed get an eoriull Perhaps someone can make him see that in bin at tempt to hang on to his girls he is driving them away Unless he alters his thinking hafwlll alith his daughters complete ly and they will close him not ob their lives Eoniidenlill lo Shocked And llurt So whats new believe itwas Benjamin Franklinwho said You never know sons true character until you share an inheritance with him lli bet it was one of Bens relao tives who told him to go By kite xmtnusv The United States Supreme rCourt hears about 3000 petitions nyear