fBEETON PLAQUE RECEIVES ATTENTION memsmw Electors Infflnytownsblpwill mlko their choice novatron the present tuna ex municipal tleldr Mr Amelia lmlfl council service dates bacbto ll also was clerk for come years Warden in 1961 Mr Maurice IMJIpIucnted Tiny on Sim MICoimty councile he is wellknown in county circles as well blaowonenL BPIRIIED comm lfuch interest basbeen hbouh In the election and spirited baliot contest is anticipated Tiny will have now deputy more since Incumbent Eugene Mellondecided not tontand See ng his sent out Howard Grier Ronald Hunelin merm est Lelaite It woman candidateifis if Thousands of visitors annual beekeoper after whom Benton scth fznlly stands beside Sibthmpe in among seven folha 1y view plaque at Bectoo Tectnnsctb park in honor of David Allanson Jones pioneer was named Tecumseh De puty itcovo Harry Cross member of pioncer Tecun memorial In its early years Boston was known as Clarkes ville before it was renamed Examlncr Photo List Top ProspeCts For 1969 Wardenship While there is always the pos sihility of dark horse winning the 1969 county wardeoship is generally considered to have ï¬ve leading prospects according to discimion in county circles The choice will become Sim coe Countys 110th warden in its 115 years history In its early years wardens were often relt elected but this hasnt happen ed since the turn of the century in any event the retiring war den Reeve Alex mum of Etmvale has decided to with draw from council work and is candidate for the county school board When the 1969 wardenship is discussed incounty circles the namcAinold Vancise almost im mediately reaches the forefront The reeve of Nottawasaga was rtmner up candidate last Jan uary losing the office by single vote margin as ï¬year record was set with Reeve Mc Aulcy the victori Reeve Vancise has alncady said he intends to let his name stand again if he is nominated which appears certainty As close runner up for the 1968 wardenship he is frequently mentioned as leading pros pect Reeve Vancise himself is taking nothing for granted with memories of last year in mind But friends are hopeful The head of the Nottawasaga eoun cit has been chairman of ï¬nance for thepast two years usually stepping stone to warden if Reeve Vancise doesnt win there are not few observers who believe Sunnidale Reeve Lloyd Pridbam has the best chance as chairman of the Not tawasaga Valley Conservation oboard which acts on behalf of INNISFIL NOTES1 Brief Onvl 28 municipalities Reeve Prid ham has given enthusiastic lcad ership which has won particu lar attention The Simnldale recve was chair man of the Simcoe County com miuee which helped to arrange the 1967 international plowing match at innlsï¬l lie is now serving his ninth year on the countycnuncil and his 11th con secuï¬ve year as member of Sunnidale council seven as IDEVE lnnisfil Reeve Joseph Coch rane also has been frequently mentioned although he hasnt stated himself whether he was interested or not As representa tive of the largest tnxpaying township in county coffers he merits consideration llo has born member of county coun cil for nearly 10 years Essa townships George Davis who has been county chairman oi agriculture for the past two years also has onthus lastic supporters He is now serving his third year as Essa reeve and his seventh year as county councillor Reeve Davis father the late George Davis was county warden in 1926 and his great grandfather also namcd Geroge Davis was head of the county council in 1872 At Collingwood Reeve Mc Kean has been given much sup port after he announced he was in the field for warden Coiling vvood hasnt had warden since the late Tom had the ban or In ibso Now serving his 10th year on the Collingwood council Reeve McKean has been member of county cnunbii for seven Friends of Port MONin Reeve Albert Calvert dean of the council members with 10 ycnrs experience would like to have seen him warden be fore heretires However Reeve Calverthas announced his re tirement from the municipal field Hi5 health wouldnt per mit him to accept the added responsibilities of warden His long service was commended by colleagues Penetang Reeve All Cage is compicting his 18th year and lifedonte Reeve Dalton Jermey who was warden in 1964 his 17th Reeve Cage has been noin inated in the past Oro Reeve Kenneth Cilia pie ls among othersconsidered warden material but the fact oro had representative mom in George lifecKay as warden stands in his way for the pre sent since county councilusually likes to pass the honors around Causing Reevo Gillespie will start his seventhyear as head of the Oro councilfn January Stayner Reeve William More Colllngwood Reeve Mel McKcair Adjala Reeve Fred Baxter and Ammo Reeve Ralph Hunter have been among others men tioned Two deputy reeves who also may benomiuatedare Essa Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith and Innisï¬l Deputy Reeve All lan Todd The four usually considered the leading candidates Reeve Vanciso Reeve Prldiiam Reeve chhrane Reeve Mel McKean and Reeve Davis all are certain of being back next year each having been elected yearrago for two year terms in their home municipalities Presented By Reeve By 365 Reeve Joe Cochrane on be ali of the township presented brief on housing to the task force meeting held by Mayor Bentley The following are ex tracts from this paper fnnisfil Council wish to thank you for giving us the opportunity to present our ideason housing wnicn in turn will be presented to the task force of which the Hon if Hellyer is chairman We appreci te the work that has been done mthe past to ease the housing problem thmgh the efforts of the Ontarioand the Canadian Housing Corporation good we realize that progress hoohasities an mansion of this project lnnistil Township has the need for low cost housing project from the point of view of the low income wage earner and reninr citizens small commun Aity complex from the point of do not need house of the mi imum size required by the Township This would be allow on the provision of minimum assessment on all homes espec ially lowcost housing or some pe of Government reimburse ment onthis type of project It 1tbe feeling of this council that senior citizens eommun ity complex should be located in village community environ ment with easy access to stores conununity centres and church as This also would giva the people in this complex feeling of being part of the commun ity and not the feeling of being patient in an institution It is the opinion of this coun cil that lowcost housing prn ject shouldbo located in an area fitting to the style of homes within the protect0ver num fber of years this type of pro ya ct ought bring greater view of the older citizens who tax revenue info the township than thereveniie that iapre sently being received from the poorer type homesland would certainly improve housing stand ards within the township minimum assessment on all homes has beat the feeling of lnnisï¬l council for many years as proven by the brief present ed to the Simone county council in 1964 as recommended by the lnnisiil Court of Revision At the present time even with our high building standards we still have homes in the township that are far from paying their share otithe tax innden and we feel that minimum assessment would encourage people owning homes of small assessment value to iniprove their homes up to the minimum assgsment and thus impmve the appearance of It cerhain areas within the Town ship It Is the feeling of this council that there should not only be minimtnn assessment on permanent homes but alsoa reduced minimum assessment coroner cottages We feel that with the increasing am phasls on winter sports the town ship should receive per capita 34 annual 25 cewe now have rto provide services to the resort areas in winter along with snow plough ing because of these cottages be ing used practicallyevery end for skiers sltidooer and ice fishermen We feel that since through apparent legisla tion these same residentswill be able to run for Council then we should receive one capia grant for summer residents To summarize this bri it is the feeling of lnnisï¬l council that we are in complete accord for fieldJor three 196970 coimcll Iors OtheIanclude Robert ï¬o Etienne Marchtldon Mor fls Dolby John Lack Bï¬lt Dcsroches andCharles Robb llnyclectors also willvota rlttiedonte uobmivh Staff Now immplettog his mthyenr on candidates for this Ray Geriopy veteran coach Rettf Vrncyand Whalen Gnriqay formerly ooadted the Midad team and la now resident of Barrie sonata Orb CorningDissolutionj 0R0 SPATION Stuff Dis solution of Oro arch school board to make way for the new county board to takeover administra tion on January is viewed here as the end of another era lnthe history of local educational pro press Members of Onos Inst area school board which will soon be dissolved the had Dr Paul Walsh Harold HusbandGordon dewell Bernali McKay and borne ntdbope with JobnOtr rie business administrator These names will long be remembch In this township for their con tribution to furtheringihe cause of education PIONEER SCHOOLS According to records here Oros school progress dates back to ms when the ï¬rst log school building woefconstructcd Other wooded buildings were then built and these wereloined by what became known asthe little red schoolhouses some of which still remainin the township but are converted to other uses Firstl steps in 0rd to form area schools am about whe Oro school area was formed June 1939 and took effect in December of that eventful year which was marked by the out break of World Warll in Sepr tember Despite rtim obstacles which restricted building Guth rie Mitchell Square and Hillvicw Nomination Gels Alliston Attention moisten 52in Alliston ratepayers will nominate town council candidates at the Allis ton arena tonight for two year terms The clerk Whitcsidewil accept the nominations and those named will have until to morrow night at pm to on ity in diocese of someone inated for more than one office he is requiredto stand for the first one nominated unless he withdraw tonight Mayor JohnDar1ing QC is completing his fifth year as ma or and other inciurthents include Reeve Ralph Hunter Deputy Reeve John Taylor and Council lots Peter Cariieiori Stewart Desmott Oakla Gray James Dickey James McCullough and Stan limit schools joined thaam in its ï¬rst year Edgarand Clowes schools were added in 1942 Nevis and Argyle in 1913 Hair kestone and Dalston lnltm mighurst invlwrand Shanty Bay Rugby and Oro Station in 1945 Jarrett and highs Comers were added during 1947 Oakland Hill lolncdvin 1933 and Crown Hillin1056rv FmAREA nonnn The initial area board was made unof two trustees frhm each of three scbool boards which ï¬rst adopted the area plan hndrow Bartholomcw of Guthrie was the ï¬rst chairman and other members were Smith Campbell now of Barrie Will and JohnColdwell with Robert Caldwell as secretary treasure er Shanty Bay Central School was cousinrtedniid opened for classes on Decemberto 1955 with anew addition addedln 1961 Guthrie area school was opcned on December 27 1957 and Marge new addition add ed later which was ofï¬cially opened October 251965 The ll Rest Memorial School atEdgarwhich stiilser ves snares which includes Clow cs Craighurst Dalston Edgar andpart of Nevis wasopened on September $1963 EAST on acnooL The East0ro school opened on October 1965 replaced nownsociety To Pick Officers lit Creemore Hall GREEMORE SiamK busy year of activities highlightedby the summer flowervshow will be reviewed by membersof Or more Horticultural at the annual meeting which is to be held on Friday De Mrs Blackburn nt will beamong those pres lt ing reports The springlilac to and June show were other hf ofï¬cers for the new term willbe heldand Ross Fraserwlll lides of the Canadian north The meeting will be held at the Creemore Presbyterian church 1am Woodrow John Gilchrist amaller schools It Juratt Mitr museum My Hawkedone indict 51 Withth usualprovlneinl ueatlonalt grants Dm school trustees gavejlddancoto pol idea which enabled these schools to be ï¬nanced as closely to pay as you go bail as possible Drofsnound ï¬nancial polfcyforschools has led to some concern about thonew sdtool change but litl others OroJcople generally haveindi cal their intentionzottlivlltl derlng change MedoutecouncilLReeve Dalton Journey is engaged in spirit ed election campaign withrDe ptrty Reeve ingram Amos for the 1m 7o reeveabip 111 deputy reeve who lives near Ilillsdale said he dccid edafter eight years it as time totry fonthe leade Both candidates hnvrtiecii busy seeking votes The ltledonte roeve in automatically chair man of the Madonte telephone commission which has been pom to dial tcle phones lhvo councillors lforace Vasey and Morley Ball are stindlng for deputy reeve and six are standing for three eoun dl seats ltfonday Dec is polling day Boyd Miller one timc newts theonly umbcnt IMPERIAL Election Stirs Interest seeking reelection as coined ior Others shading are Kcm ueth Hamilton now council lor at Coldwatcr who has new hem in ltfedonle Paul hic llugh Donald Woodrow flow ard Dunlap and lytlo John stone Howard Robinson Clerk 11 the chief election ofï¬cer BRlTAIN POPULAR Lennon our Britain up enjoying boom year for color taining foreign visitors includ ing record number of Ameri cans and lBritish Travel Asso clntlon reported Sunday 574000 foreign visitors for the first nine months of this year 14 per cent more thanin the same period last year These in eluded 712000 Americank 25000 more than in 1961 Starts wet intihe other classics the new sysem their support with thebope it satieves the announced go oqllll aduca Jon for all boy lithium county Goldwater Reeve TREE1 COLDWATHR Staff bftheColdwater caun past twn years Reev Ernie fer Goldwater nomination meeting wï¬l beheld tonight atthe coun ell chamberljwith Chester Man on one press nominations ormer warden Reeve Mil ler livednin Goldwater fo erintendent attho county bulld ings ller gned two years ago ected reeve here Icomeback liter and was thus maid long intervalu When hewwas warden 946119 hadpeeved 11 years village reeve Other members of thecouncil include anew Brown Ken stand for election in neiaibo ltfedonte where he nowvresidea muons School of Music lhn Ideal Christmas Gltt FREE low cost housing project for sen iorrcltizens and low incomela orers on the pro sothat the government sub dize the town ship for the difference in tax revenuethnt would be received from regular subdivision in of low cost housing pro ject this is not possible then we strongly feel that amini mumassessment be placed on all hotsingvespeciaily low cost housing before project of this typewould be considered aminimum assessment he plac ed onall housing especially low cost housing before project of this type would be considered FAST TAKEOUE SERVICE oncnmnuy ttll innrun day and Saturd Add MIME Winner of ID sedan ï¬iflld 15 years when he was huildingsup SEHNCQNNEBY IltliNIlIillllIlliIi untvlstott noumcoton trauma pa Alllllllllll one Showing Each Picture Thundcrball Runnil 915 jun Iliil lllliltililtl indium trunnion Iccmtlcomx mum Wu nonunion hdidt entertainment GNU C0 TD PICTURE UNIVERSAL RELEASE It Entertainment unison Illilllii 9n flimmmuinnmunn HUPEIANGEiilHliGLE SUSANSAINIMMESnHlRRYGUARDINU Arwnuumnmm