Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1968, p. 6

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Church Barrie onllov 1L Annuctznt MusNorman Postrmnducted the Barrie Presbyterlel exectn live Womens Missionary Soc lety meeting which took place in St Andrews Prehytertan Plans were disctixed regardy log the WMS Annual meeting be held in Essa Road Presbbt tcrian Church on Jan it ginning at loam Mrs John diciiarlane Toronto 57 Essa Presbyterian is noLavailahle suggestion that all auxiliaries ordera sub acription to the Fresbyterlan Message the Eastern Division WMS magazinegipr comparison with Glad lidings Amalgama tion these publications is an der discussion at Council Concern was noted regard ing finances to carry on the work without borrowing at Omncil level Barrio Presby err Toshmo Contin nan vonlc ice hash iiixgihriii thins sihuiiiii tor the toss couple or years sparked by an output oi mov iul decades Bonnie and Clyde iashion Iprouted alter release oi the iilm on the Depruriooera criminals but now the empha oi the movie Starbased on the tlie ol actress Gertrude Lawrence Miss Lawrence was extremely clothescop scioos and wore devastating gowns both on stage and in public Daring lhe 10 and 10s when she and Noel Coward were in their heyday the styles oi british designer Mo lyneux were among her iavor ltcs Edward Molyneux tor mer army captain who made Paris his homowasat the ten basedanthesetwo coior sis is on elegance with release icat president will address the meeting Mias Lots Powrte regional secretary will also be terlal iinaociat picture is couraging as ment height oi his lame He set the trend ior the 30s by bringing reveiled by state downskirtlcngths trom the HOLD AFTERNOON TEA The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion hold tea and bazaar on Friday Shown at the tea table are lelt to right Mrs Florence Drake president Mrs itog Black general convener and Mrs Dorothy Humphrey cocon rcner Convener tor the ba raar tabla wasMrs Audrey Drake Mrs Mildred Monroe was kitchen convener Mrs May Shaw and Mrs Alina Fun zccott Were pouring Winner ol the bedspread which was given as adoor prize was Mrs Joyce Addis oi Clapper tonSl VENTURE CLUB The Venture Club at Barrie willmartr its 17th birthday on Wednesday at banquet in St Georges Anglican Church Par ish Hall at 530 pm About 30 iormcr members Soropilmists and other gucsis are expected to join the Venturlsts on this spedal occasion TEA GUESTS Mrs Jean Cockhurn and Mrs Arthur Snyder were among the guests in attendance at the tea which was held in the Essa Rd Presbyterian Church Hall Mrs Cockburn and Mrs Snyder are residents oi the Grove Park Home aasr aonom DANCE lhe Squaretimers oi Ease hordcn will entertain at square dance party and box so cial on Monday evening in the Buell Building beginning at 830 oclock Dancers from the surrounding areas are invited to Babies Need Toys Which Will Aid Théii Development By GARRY MYERS PH The baby up to about to months needs objects to reach ior grasp loci and handle things to crawl aiter push and pull toys things to put into one another brightcolored toys anundproducing toys Buy good stutled animals with eyes which cant come out soil dolls things which make sounds smaller blocks which he can handle pile on top of one another carry around large heads on string to shake and rattle toys which fit into one gt another as arrest of blocks or pegboards toys to take apart and put together toys which are hard or salt iurry or wooly rough or smooth have variety ot feel experiences bright colored things to look at bath tub toys The child from two to tour needs push and pull toys things to tit into oneganother and to 01 Promotion PLACES attend and ladies are requested to provide box lunch ior two to be auctioned all later in the evening Squarctimcrs Presi dents ltlr and Mrs Jack Rait will welcome the dancers Al Calhoun will direct the pro gram WEEKEND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Don Goulson and children Kathryn Stephen and Brian at Castle Hill Drive were weekend guests at the Rose St home of Mr Coulsons parents Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson WEDDING ATTENDANH Mrs Tina Hadley at Willow date was matron oi hondrat the wedding oi Miss Doreen Mobel Peacock and George Franklin Orr in First Baptist Church Dar rie Mrs Joyce Brown ot Cold water Mrs Marlena Hill Mrs Anita Peacock nnd Miss Mari lyn Orr oi Orlllia were brides maids Mlssbeth Cooper of Aurora attended as flower girl pilevor arrange on peggs tor manipulative skills and eye hand coordinationztoys ior use ior playing alone as puzzles and large beads toys for devel oping color and size discrimina tion Since muscular development at this age is important there should he places to climb tstairs or boxes wagons to pull ropes to swing on big balls to catch utensils to pound All sortsoi wagons cars dump trucks andinterlncking trains HOUSE ITEMS Dolls and accessories are al ways good chest or bureau titled with dolls clothescarn riage place to bathe the dolls Unbreakable dishes all sorts oi things to playhouse Blocks with hoards ior roots and fences are excellent good set may he made at home or by ANN LANDERS ADVISES Symptoms Of Drugs Vctry According To Tolerance Dear Ann Lenders My wile and lsus act that our 19year old colleg sophornore daughter is taktngdrugs We are reluc tantflto speak to her about it ior tear we might be wrong She would then become even more hostile and unreachable Will you please describe the symptoms that accompany the drugs We are totally ig nor nt on the subject and are atrgrd to ask anyone ior iear they might guess why we are interested lm sure thousands at parents around the country would appreciate the informa tion Thank you in advance Aim NO NAME N0 CITY Dear No Name Here is condensed yersion oi the mate rial have gathered from my medical and psychiatric consulte ants Note please that symp toms varyaccording to the indi duals degree of tolerance and the quantityoi narcotics used gBlrbiturates pills to calm nerves and relieve anxietyl Thick speech in it intoxicated lack coordination detach mont lntarcstln surrounding actlvi Marijuana Strong sweet odor similar to burning leaves permeates the lothing and tin gera in the room where the amokin took place Dilation ot and stintiasses when there is no sun Decreaseth petite unusual sleeping hahi up ior 14 hours asleep to hourat 15D incoherent speech wide personally wings thigh one minute low the nextt loss oi motivation vomitin The LSD user looks as iilleiastiiieting tronr severe hangover Pep Pllla Rapid speech gling loud laughter fatigue trembling hands loss of appetite Glue Snliling slurred speech as it drunk sensesWdulled doesnt seem to see well or hear welt Passing out is notuncom mon iierotn Watery blardr look on lace unresponsive shakinass and nahllity to con ccntrate Needle marks an arm which are otten cotcred by long sleeves even in hot weathe cannot sonvnn Dear Ann You atpedssolve problem wi out knowing it Heres ho Yesterdayi reached the dial my rrtpeJl decided to write to you although and the brides brother leonard Peacock wasring bearer RETURNS FROM TEXAS Mrs Charles Kcarsey oi Val ley Drive has returned home at ter journey by air to Texas and Arizona in Texas Mrs Kearsey was the guest at her soninvlnw nnd dhughtar Mr and MrsC Pinncgar oi El Paso in Arlzonashe wasthe guest at Mrs hiargélhtPeacock oi Tempe and formerly at Mldhurst FRO MANITOBA Mr andMrs Neil McKenzie oi Molita Manitoba have been visiting his mother Mrs Thom as McKenzie Sunnidate Road and brothers Kenneth of Wel lington St West and Arthur oiMary and iamilies in Barrie ltir and Mrs Roy Tilson at London were weekend guests at theirdaughtcr and sontnlaw lilr and Mrs William Muir Glenwood Dr local carpenter Pounding sets or piece or soil wood or soap and hammer and nails with large heads are also excel lent Nest oi blocks or pans irom thckitchen which will lit into one another Crayons and chalk can be used it large surlaces are provided on which to draw large sheetsot unprinted news paper or wallpaper samples Sound toys are always popular tambourines tomtoms drums sand box with necessary shovels sitters pails and the like attract children as small auto and trucks which canbe used with building blocksTrl cycles kiddie cars larger ons and sleds areapproprtate tor older children The childirom tour to six needs toys whichdevelop in used to look down my noseat my hatesand mental stumbling enough began creating the problem Wheni was extreme creasing muscular skill He needs large variety of toys people who did stared at thepaper ior 20 minutesnot knowing where to start Finallyi sorted out all bloclu in an effort to tinda be ginning ior my lett Strangely vrew my problem in in orderly rational manner For the very iirst time recognized the part played in iinally able to accept my share oi the responsibility knew what the solution hadlo be gt bless you Ann Landers This letterrlsnjt worth sending perhaps but theenvelopa is ad dressed and stanrped so im going to tosstt in the mailbox yANN FAN ronavntz Your fprob one ol the Mrs Post requestedbrtetre Gigantic Size Its not going to bevmuch dii present rtcord attendance is anticipated ports oi the yearsworlr be ready lor the annual and ti pos sible some visual expression oi same Look at communication in VMS work was discussed withnow ideas ior conducting the Fall Sectionals to extend the Kingdom oi God at home and abroad Commenting on the Synodlcat Semi Annual the president asked members to consider the allowing Retreat in Muskoku at Oak Lea Camp in June irom Synodical level as the Bellevllle Training School St Giles ACw Elect Officers The November meeting of St Giles Anglican Chirrch Women was marked with election oi oi ilcers ior 1969 in the absence oi the outgoing president Mrs houmethe meeting held Nov 12 was chaired by Mrs Case The slate of officers torthe coating year will include Mrs Allan Rea presidentzltirs Case llrst vice president Mrs lion Hilton second vice president Mrs Charles Porter treasurer and Mrs Tim Hughes secretary Contanew appointed are Mrs Helen Burdltt Save the Children Fund Mrs Claude Watt supply department Mrs Fralick social service Mrs Ron Wal pole telephonez Mrs Johns Living Message Mrs Muriel Ellison lJlO Mrs Jack Giorgtanni tamlly lit Mrs Jessie Dornberline socl Mrs James Fentak publlci Mrs Lois Hope and Mrs Spruce work table Mrs Joan Boyd program An article onBrotherly Love ior Christian Education was read byMrs Lucy Hutchings The business meeting included the annual disbursancntot iunds with donations made to organi zations bothinside and outside the church Mrs Eurditt reported the Christmas parcel tor the groups adopted child had been sent Following adiournmenla dis play of housewares was shown Refreshments concluded the eve ning gt The December meeting will be in the iorm oi pot luck supper which all women of the Par ish are invited to attend Familyliéaches PITTSBURGH APt Marie hetihan and Raymond Wieba gen got married Saturdayvand created family of 10 brothers and sisters aunts and uncles nieces and nephews and grand Pfllelm it was an instant population explosion saldona ot Maries sisters alter the ceremony The couple both widowed had been neighbors or five years ierent said Raymondwieha gen at 18 the oldestoi the new brothers and sisters Well Jtlsi be living in the same house to the brides four sons and three daughterop she has 12 brothers and sisters who in turn have all children Wiehagen has iour sons and two daughters liealso has six brothers and sisters who have 28 children iAlso alive are the grandmoth ers on both sides ottha mar riagc Asked whether anticipated any problems with his newly ac quired lnmlty Wtebngen said None that didnt have his to Never needs an ink padt Fast Easy Eiiictent Can be custom ordered to meet any size shape or message re ouirement PERMASIAMP will reproduce orr iine lines small type laces logo typosevenphotosin tr accurate detail COMMERCIAL rmna nrvrsron status EXAMINE Hilda Miss Margaret Ramsay oi Guyana was spcakcr at the Oct ober Sectional The Canadian Girls in Training conierenco held at Stnyner wasreported as helpiut despite the small numlt ber of CGiT leaders attending The Citizenship Court ior Slmcoe Oouniywtll be held in Barrie lnDecember Expected visitors will include WMS mem bers lrorn Meaiord fibeme oi the worship was Praycr Devotions were taken by members at Cockstowu WMS Scripture reading was by Mrs Brennan followed by prayers by Mrs McKenzie and Mrs McAuley of Elmvate Mrs McNelce presided at the organ lor the accompan iment to singing at hymns Miss hunk room Deaconess Was Barrie Student graduate of Barrie Disl lrict Central Collegiate Miss iudy Youngnow works in the field or Christian Education Miss Young the daughter of and Mrs Don Young of 136 Eur ton Ave is deaconess at St Andrews Presbyterian Church in lirampton Following attendance at Bar ries King Edward public school and graduation from Central Collegiate Miss Young enrolled at Dvart College in Toronto Her goal during high school days to work asa deaconess was achieved three years ago whensbe assumed that position at the Brampton Church Her involvement with the chil dren oi the church as Christian education director leads to involvement with the parents She also assists with Canadian Girls in Training and Explorer groups and youth fellowship meetings ior high school Stil dents on Sunday nights in the summer months the Christian education program in cludes camping weekendsin Al gonquin Park in which Miss Young gives counsel and acts as director of the camps UPJOR ADOPTION OSLO AP About l75 homeless Vietnamese children have arrived irom Saigon to he adopte by No ianparenu llate April high level of the 10 almost to ankle length and introduced the sharply definediwatst line recent television rerun at the I935 movie ltir Deeds Goes to Town showed actress Jcan Arthur in suit that 1968 avantgarda gn or might have included in his all collection except for the bulb ous sleechshouldcr cacaoco AN EPOCH Molyneuxs styleit came to he called slinkysuited Gertrude Lawrences long yieon iigure Says Cecil Beaton in his book This Glass oi Fashion Gertrude Lawrence was now to be his greatest ad vertisement ln Moiyneuxs polkadotted pyjamas or while satin sheaths she would look divine but then Miss Law rence was always wonderlul exponent tor everybody con nected tivith the making or all sorts oi clothes bywenring lmiak coat over they flannel slacks she could create an epoch indccd Gertrude Law rence was one at those along with Marlene Dietrich who first made popular the wear ing of slacks by women Gertrude Lawrence was one oi that galaxyoi stars who dellghted both London and New York audiences Critics insisted that she wasnt good actress but she could charm everyone who saw her into acce ting her also star Shc dctintcly had too light voice ior singing rnlesyet her English governess in The King and was triumph We interviewed hcr several times over the yearsnl her summer home on Cnpc Cod One oi these interviewswas prior to the opening or The King and inlilarch 1951 and she was taking thesing For Tomorrow Another good day As with today both business and person al interests will be governed by exceptionally generous at cnocs with emphasis on rhetor mer during the morning hours and on the latter during the 1le An excellent Venus aspect especially favors romance ar tistic and cultural pursui FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll tomOrrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that even it during the pastcouple of months you may have been disappointed in the progressol material lnterestait wottld be advisable nevertheless to step up eliorts now sinccyou have just entered iincpinnetnry cycle which will last until the end of February cycle which will be highly beneficial where both job and monetary interests are concerned other good financial breaks are star promised in May and Jun lso duringthe two months begin ning on September 1st pa rléd which also promises iurs ther rise in your occupational status Despite all this however it would be advisable to be out oi March and to make no loans One ofibeitnest Canadian whiskles all speculation by the end ni cannons LAWRENCE lng lessons she invariably did beiore any musical She knew bersell that she hadnt really good voice and wasalways anxious to do her best by in tensive study Our that interview was in her New Yortr dressingronm prior to pcrtormanceust couple oi months belorc she died in1952 She was til then but in the theatres tradition kept on LOOK rs aurnnrvrtc She made and stayed oil the list at the to bestdressed women ior many years in tho movie based on her tile star ring Julie Andrews the clothes were designed by awardwinning Donald Brooks who gave them an au thentic look litany ol these were in cluded in his tail collection here where he also included the glamormalertaia at that epochvvelvot supple beige wool clinging jersey and twccds with slathers of tar ostrich fronds or glittery He also included some of the trousers Miss Lawrence WHAT THE STARS sir Hy ESTRELLITA Social and family attairs should be generally harmonious iormost oi the year ahead but do be on guard against tension and domestlcirictlon ior the balance at this montband in April Sentimental matters should prove unusually happy during most oi thenext 12 months but most outstanding periods for new romance nndor marriage will occurdurlns the balance oi this month in Febru ary June July and late Sep tember Most propitious periods tor travel Late December early June and late July child hour on this day will he eirtremely ambitious and could achieve outstanding suc cess in the business andor iilt nanciai worlds ro madame anonnor Bondsman lndia AP Sripati Chandrasekhar family planning minister says he plans to introduce bill to legalize abortion Present laws only per mit anabortion ii the mothers health is endangered Indias growing population is estimated to be $15090000 and is growrng by about 30000 day so loved one pantssuit com bined grey worsted trousers and short belted coat in camel with turtleneck oce lottyne sweater Another grey trousered suit sported tax collar And he grouped eight sequluneddresses tor color panorama irom block to chartreuse The earlier period oi Ger trude Lawrence and Moiyncux also produced Madame Vion net Paris designer who gave us the halter and cowl ncckiines with the boiler staging return this tall in number at collections includ ing that or Donald Brooks Vlonnets most larnous cone trtbutlon to iashion was hcr invention at lira bias cut which added the cling needed ior that shaky look that Miss Lawrence achieved as Nocl Cowards cosmopolitan sophis tlcate Elsa Schiaparelli came into ptomlncnca in the Jobs too She introduced rough or heavy iabrics into daytime and evening clothes She lnvcd heavy crepes and these are popular again this tall ior lor malsShe also introduced syn lhetics into high iashion revolutionary idea at the time when the new synthetics were regarded with certain skep ticism as suitable only or me diumpriced clothes Burning ltectalltcb Relieved In Minutes Exclusive Healing Substation Relieves Pain AI Shrinks Hgnonnbiau It you want satisfactory relief from ltching PIleshcraa good news Areuownad research laboratory has found unique healing substance that promptly relieves the burning itch and gaintsiztuully shrinks hemorrhoi This substance has been abown to reduce amost cileoV tive rate or hc ing Its germvltilling repertiea at help prevent cotton in case alter our very striking improvement was noted even among cases of long standing And on improvement was maintained nverapgrlytlofmonthai This win accomplished by new boating substance BioDyna vlhrch moldy helps henl urcti cells an stimulate growth newr tissue Now BioDyue is tailored ita ointment antllauppositor form called Preparation or it at all dmg atomoatrstaclion or money refunded ihooosrzw Mortgages Got cash test or house repairs new car vacations any other good reason YouBorrowg $2000 $3tlllll sonou $5000 Manthlyla anta gt Aslowyiins $3810 $5714 $7619 $9524 Paymants based on 15 par ennum year term amortirnrt ovariyears WHY OURPLAN IS BEST NO BONUS CHARGEDR HIDDEN FEES With the Associates you get mortgagavapreamanttbat is crystal clear Nobonus or hidden fees are var charged Normal brokeragaappralaaland legaltaas are deductedtrorn tan amount Prepayment pri tapasnoniidantialarrangements SPEEDYSERVICEJusttellusyourhaedsandwatl sat up plan tor you immediately assiocurss REALTY cRsoIrLIMtrsn our onam sros gnous 126 1496

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