fourth Canadian iunlor football EALFBACK GORD Remmcn ml of the Saskatoon Hilltops runs into trouble as Greg Thompson 21 of Ottawa Soon VHilltops Down Sooners To in Grid Title EDMONTON tGl 1h passing arm oi rookro quar terback and the alertness of strong rlcicnsive unit carried Saskatoon Hilltops to their title Monday Dave Pickett la in his first Year with the ManitobaSaskat chewan junior leaguo cham pious directed the Hiiltops to flitvictory over Ottawa Soon ars heiorc 7117 fans The Hilliops who won them tinnal crown in 1953 1953 and 1959 received the Regina Lead erPost Trophy and Pickett was named the games most valu able player We got to their quarterback and they didnt get to ours said Saskatoon coach Al Leding barn after the gameOur de fensive unit headed by Don Seaman and Gerry Karpenlro harassed their quarterback for DeJordy err moves in to help team mate make tackle Hilltop went on to win Mondays Can most of the game and was key factor in our victory Pickett Rookie of the Year in league this season threw two touchdown passes and scored one himself in an outstanding performance for the western champions John Storey on 40yard paseandrun play and Dick China on 10yard pass also scored Saskatoon touchdowns Stanley Polak converted Sas katoons three touchdowns and added two field goals Grog Thompson scored two touchdowns for Ottawa one midway through the third quar ter on 33yard run after recov cring his own punt Stan Daley scored the other touchdown on a3 30yard run at ms of the iirst quarter Terry Black got the other Ottawa point on 36yard single We gave them two touch downs hecause oi bad plays Blamed in Chicago Losses By SCMT BUTTON Canadian Press Stat Writer Denis Delordy apparently has Ibeen blamed for the slow start of Chicago Black Hawks this jseason in the National Hockey League The Black Hawk last in the Eastern Detroit Red Wings Monday as signed Deiordy to Dallas of the Central Hockey League and re called another goaltender Jack Norris The Black Hawks have scored more goals than any other NHL team52 But they also have il Saskatoon madeth NHL debut in the 196445 season with Ease ton After returning to the minors for two seasons he was traded to the Black Hawks May 15 1967 Pit Martin Gilles Marotte and Norris went to Chicago for Fred Stanï¬eld Phil Esposito and Ken Hodge in that transac tion He allowed 132 goals in as games for 327 average last season with Dallas leed the most45and are on tourgame losing streak Deiordy 30yearold native of St Hyacinth Que had al lowed 40 goals ll games this season tor an unimpressive av erage of 370 Either Norris or BMW Dry en with 424 average will he in goal Wednesday night when Pittsburgh Penguins play the Black Hawks altChicago To rught Oakland Seals visit Los Angeles Kings in other games Wednesday Boston Bruins visit Toronto Maple Leafs st louis Blues are at NewYorir Detroit Red Wings meet the Seals at Oak land and Philadelphia Fiyers play Minnesota North Stars at Minneapolis DEMOIIDN uNnxracrno The demotion was blow to Deiordy who shared the Vezina Trophy with Glenn Hall in the wsoar season Last season DeJordy had 280 averageand four shutouts when he hecame the ï¬rststring goaltender because Hall had been lost toSt Louisin the ex pansion draft Norris 26yearold native of TWILIGHT MIXED Team No az PtsTeam No1 do Hiuehells 25 Team No 22Gooi Balls 12 Barrie Sports 10 Pan Bums t9 trikers lit Duf era 15 cotton Pickers it Hot Shots it Team No but moth Antifrom the wt of years army lielltanlot from Richmond Va mam maritaodled Davis mp intercom Aahes prediction true when the United state takes it suitcase to Australia won four at series The United States the bestoftiva withtbeatnnalldiantoamto cars the Stoned in Nov ii Rally sm JOHN no la Organizers of Remernbraoca Day one nib said here Monday ail i5 vehicles entered were pelt ed with stones bricks and snow balls as they passed tinotuh the southwestern New Brunswick community of Lynnfieid Onevehlcio was torcedout ot the event when rock mashed adian Junior Football camp ionshlp game in Edmonton 17 19 CP Wuephoto said Ottawa coach Don Hoithy They were the best team today but it the some clubs met week later lm sure the score would be reversed One of the touchdownsthe 0t tawa coach mentioned came in the second quarter when Thompson fumbled on an at tempted punt and Saskatoon took over on the Sooners 11 Two plays later Chinn scored on pass from Pi Vatican Refuses Debut In Goli ROME AP The Vatican has turned down its chance to get into world golf competition eliminating what certainly would havebeen the biggest name team at the 16th annual World Cup championship Sponsors of the tournament formerly called the Canada Cup figured on 4t nations enter ing twoman teams for the 72 hole tourney that starts Thurs day However only 43 countries subscribed Tournament managers then came up with the idea and through the host club Olgiata of Rome approached The Vatican They knew Msgr Paul lifarcink us of Chicago was good live handicap player despite his busy schedule as an aide to Pope Paul VI The question was Could the Vatican supply partner arson BUSY IN v5 However word came back that the idea was impossible and that the smooth swinging monsignor was in the United States on other duties Begin byexpfaining thatriife insurance is the surest form of saving and the earlier he starts tha easier will ha Then tell him nownhrough Excalsior Lita permanent pilsonalinsuranco hell have the finan ciai independenca he needs because policy cash Values keep increasing Explain too how he can build an immediate estate by purchasing an stiarluat amount of Ilia Insurance when hes young andn goodhaalth Talk italor Than contact an Ekaalsior Lilo santativa Hell oitai ekcailent advice on you sons parmanantpérsonaltita insurance needs its windshield Every car was hit at least once but little other damage was reported The labour ftmile rally ended in Fredericton with ltfopctoo ND team emerging the winner Driver Don Horne and navigator Amoid Hoar fin ished the route with only to pen alty point assessed against them it bad as nuancepine the de fendlng dlmwion determine teoolsjmou prized poosexton Australia humor the Ola 11 theirs is years ninth tit Americans in 1m botwon walnut year Indira held it seam Us rerun win maiortenniafltle led the United States into the Daria Attilathe out min ever to dip Mileage Round torthd ommnemrsstwunrsr 61 most on lenthan Krishna Monday That gave the Americans tieadiathcserlumldmadef the days second match between Clark Graohoer of New York and Indias Premiit Lat little more than an exhibition Nonethelas Gradiner needed three hours and an minute to dispose of his mum lee Ml 97 75 54 As had turned back Lall in ooeot Saturdaysl singles but Krishnan had whipped Graob ner Stan Smith and Boblartz of he Angeleslteamodfor dou blesvtctory Sunday to give the United States the Li lead head ing into the final boo matches But Ashe ouidrly removed any doubt completely dominat ing the experienced Indian who nppeflkd tired from the two previous matches The match was piayedin mdegree temper ature nun OiiTliIMPS ills lions ndinn Phoenix catapults Erin60 Bragh Wins iii Laurel LAUREL lud AP Erin Go Bragh with southern ac tentthat was the 17th running of the Washington DC interna tional at Laurel Race Course Sir lvor representing lrelnud srne more EXAMINER TUESDAY newsman 1968 but bred in Kentucky virtually flow over the final oneeighth to an jockey Ian Cocks most un derneath hoofsol Bannona Star riddenby Paul Kelle way RIGHT who won this two and quarter mile Goring Novices Steeplechase event mile Monday to win the $150000 international And the colt he beat to til wire at the end of the lit mile over grass was Czar Alexander United States representative who was bred in lreland Cahili saysnrggs Will 39111 GreYCquPlavofll imloNiO Coach leo Cahili of Toronto Argonauts says the same positive atti tude that got thEm into the Eastern Foohali Coniérence fluid for the first time in seven years will get us to the Grey up Cahili says his club is just as good as Ottawa Rough Riders who the Argos meet here Sun day in the ï¬rst of the twogame totalpoint ï¬nal for the right to represent the RFC in the Grey Cup Nov Our attitude and feel it was negative one ac counted forstraightiosses in our three meetings with the Riders this season he said Monday night as the Argos pre pared for light workout and review of Ottawa game ï¬lms it seemed that every time we played them this year there was something at stake We were trying to gain first place hr win the conference eham excessroRnunf 1W pionship and we were too cau tiousjust wanted to wi This one is different its important but its iotaipointafiair and think our players are going to be lot looser out there nanuru TEAM place Argos in 1967 has used this type of amateur psychology to build the team that made the playoffs last season for the first line since 1962 and reached the final round this season for the first time stnce lost After taking over as head coach in July 1961 he said that the main gt problem within the Argo ranks was feelingof security among the playersxlie said his first mdve would be to halt the airliltot players from the US to Toronto here yesterday About to take this fence is Bender ridden by Nicholson who was not placed the iodquand horse tailors were not injured AP Wirephoto Zions nun motivational TRUUMZiiNllrHTS SIEHISEEING TUURS FLAGSTAFF remarrde SAN FRANCISCO cos ANGELES RUUNDTRIP alliteration mortars AND lNFonMATloN AT Barrie nus TERMINAL Byrno Agent to Et Simeon Street Telephone 7285571 than DAY GRAY cancer LINES