rtteromtbrsnoe Dly mess ixe with applications in to dlye world was heard by Barrie iiwanians lastoight DISTRICT wsarnrn Cloudy as Map Hartley John stony senior pndreat Base Borden right toldthe club that peace was not merely the absence of war but theetr Pstomty tho gahaeoee WNW N°iiiï¬medicité increasei 111BdméHYdrojRotésr tut night that if peace were at war then the urJo Vietnam could be over to matter at hours and we would have peace But what rturoripemr aired Mei it it Mum Sometimesthe guns nre7 silent because there it no one tell to tire them That wouidcertainty be the resell the United States unleashed uncontrolled nuclear war thoin his Remembrance Day message to the club Vhlli John ston also said that one reason the observance is no longer trailed Armistice Day to be cause an armistice according scnce oi the root retires ot war liere Mo Joroston talks with Kiwanian Neil MacDon ald who introduced him to the dub Examiner Photo Farecast Wednesday Cloudy windy and cool wcth ther is torecest tor the Barrie district with snowflurrics and local snowsqualis expected Wed nesday The temperature will drop to the ireezing mark tonight ria tog Wednesday to no Noon tem perature outside the Barrie Ex aminer was 37 degrees Synopsis Wet snow mixed with rain will spread into south ern Ontario today Precipitation will taper off to snowflurries to night but gusty northerly winds Wednesday will carry snowflttf riesand to the ice ot the lakes heavier antessquads Comidera bie cloudiness tow snowtlur ties and not much change in termieraturair die outlook for northern regions today and Wednesday London Winds Thronto Lake St Clair Lake Erie Southern Lake Huron Ni agara Lake Ontario rCloudy windy and continuing cool Wet Claims Policemen lire Punished For Too Few Ticlrets obscure or Ah editor rial in ltietropolitnnToronto Police Association magazine says Toronto constables are being assigned to punishment beats or not handing out enough trottic violation tickets yNews and Views ofï¬cial voice of the police union says it would appearthat all uitiiorm units are gauging the capabili ties ota man by the number oi violations he can issue Some policemen are worried that questiénable summonses are being issued by overzealous otiicers the editorial says Syrianum associationprcsi dent said guardduty at the Yugoslav consulate is an exam ple otthe punishment beat SAVINGS BONDS Sales of Canada Saving Bonds through payroll ded ions have reached $2095IOoin the Suburban Toronto Simcoe County area it was announced today Thepayroll savings cam paign is being conducted in more than 2500 establishments throughout the province bythc Wlllflit iorce oi supervisors and organizers Organizer tor this area is Patrick OMeara Hamilton snow or rain during the day Shoutiurrics Wednesday Winds northeast to to 30 Northern Lake Huron Southern Georgian Bay Mainly cloudy rots THELMA COCKBURN Ijourthv Trustee Seeking Seat On New Board Mrs Thelma Cockiiuro pub lic school trustee in barrio an nounced this morning that she will be running tor one at the county school board Mrs Cocktiurns announce ment brings to tour the number running for the two seats allot edio Barrie her hoard Nominations tor seats on the ember 18 The new board is the result of lo lation passed by the Ontario governmeht last log it doesaway with the hillschool boards in the county replacing them with one board that tollows county lines Mrs Coeidiurn 52 year old mother of two boyswas school teacher in toronto be are she married she worked with Lloyd Donnisthecoanthor of the Hall Dennis Report on developing tadvanced teaching methods when she was in onto Mrs Coekhurn is presh dent ot the United Church Wo mens Association ForRadrcieAuCtion More than out items donated hyBarrie merchants will he on ning of Nov 27 sale tor this years Rotaryrodio auction The auction an annual project is expected to raise sev eral thousand dollars from bids telephoned in by citizens the eve ltems will be advertised over the radiowhib the auction is in frogress Small items valued at ess than $5 wflt be dealt with beiore caller us the highest bid will be advised through the mails by card posted that night He will then goto the Canada Trustybuiiding where he will pay the sutnrbid Thereeeiptlwhich he will be givenetthe office will be good ior the herein the merchants store orothar piece at busine Someoi he items araractual relt tallohitcts care ervicus still othernare hulkd supplies at Grove Pa it standsl toireason that die greater the value of the goods or services he donates the more tnentinn he is going to get All tunds raised by the auction Willhe spent rightin the com munity Radio auction funds when added to clubcoiiera last year helped pay for the floating touotaip ott CentenniaLPark room in the new addition to the Royal Victoria Hospital aroorn home tor Senior Citizens and ledgeï¬oi $1000 tor Aidr Doria Parkers Citt zens Save the Park Committee omm ee chairman Bob Sar saa said that today is the final day tor pledge cards to be turn cd in Merchants still wishing to donate may do so by contacting Mr Simpson or himself lioperations will he handled directly iromthe licil Tc hone tract adio mote broadcastinii in the office 70 Rotariansfloï¬erhting in shiita willtako on onvslx ilnesandpl Windsor two Barrie seats on the new on the to mom county school board close Nov windy and cool Some wct snow likcly todayrSnowilurries and local snow squall lVednaday Winds northeast to to SD linllburton Mainly cloudy and windy with wet snow beginnios this aiternoon and tapering oil to snowflurries Wednesday mor ning Little change in tempera ture Winds northeast 20 Sault Ste Maria North Bay Sudbury No the Georgian Bay Timagami Algoma Coch raoe Mainly cloudy with few snotniiurrles today and Wedncs day Not muoh change in tem perature Winds northeast 15 to the dictionary is temper ary lull in Ihariightiog and we have had enough wars since that our to end all Often be said local trouble is heated by putting rigbtsome other part oi the body Paralysis of limit may very well be caused by brain iniury This applies to the World situation he saidin that we shotdd heal the world by heating mon Eaeh oi us like it piece oi Jigsaw puzzle contributes to the surge at world opinion that can work either or or against peace Some people think that the powers we have created have escaped our eontrol5tiii others think that the peace wt all hope tor will come by itself This is White River Western James Bay Mainly cloudy with law scattered snowtlurri es to day Cloudy with cum periods Wednesday Not much change in temperature Light winds Low tonight high Wednesday 32 83 32 32 32 30 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 St Thomas London Hamdton Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Killeloe Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Earlton Sault Ste Marie Kapusknsing White River ltioosonee tirnmins DEATHS 3i 32 to 25 25 25 25 2o 15 gym CANADIAN Pause Windsor on Warnica 6o clerk of the Sev enth Division 1943 New YorkCharlie Goldman uioor nay Court here since 79 who guided Rocky Marciano to the heavyweight champion ship nClevelandIBengt Kell gren 14 an internationally known chemical engineer and tormer board chairman of the Brush pBeryllium Co Lo AngelesLGerald non 54 who played Phllip Marlowe on radio and Christopher Storm in thefioreign intrigue televi sion esin Stockholm groomer NUMBERS closure masts DPP TIEMM ruapept 7mm Hospital more the second year three years not years Inaddltton yo ntereat on your interes If Cull in nnvniazo me be worked tor ltdoes notmmi morejdznpty then war hellish believe that everyone with guns should hut stop light inghe said while others lust as iervent as the padrlstn ice that humediltalnti totalwtthi drawn oh aid would be answer in Vietnam as in the tran ches oi Fiander we can see what the reaction and conse qneotoe oi such an action might be is this the kind at peace we want he slid Tboushts at peace shotdd be linked with those of justice he said and the elimination of stav ery oi one natioh byvloother poverty disease1nd hunger should be the aim These are the root causes at all war he said It Remembrance Day in to really mean something then more than parades flowers and glih phrase is needed rhinimcrs mnomctca Eggs Wholesale prices to country eta tions fibre cases quoted bya committee oi wholesale ogg dealers Monday extra large 4949sz large 47 medium Ht small 32 33 Hotterprtces Canadian Dairy Commission tenderable carlotsbuying 39 score oi buy ing to score 65 selling 65 Afterllriday November 15thiCantidaSavmgs dv Bonds coat yourmore because you to pay accrued interest from Noyembet lst Dont wait Buyyours today Youili getum investment whichpays annual interestpfs 75 forth ï¬rst car 597 for 675 toreach of written Elton secretaryirci suter at the Barrie Public Ut ilities Commissionist yestqrv day there would homo limited aincrease iiirates turban tie Hydro uses per cent tram tnthe bolasah power rstu opioid polities pay Ontario Hydro we announced yesterday at Eison are the and knew there wuvgoiul to aniucruser in mm pom rates and made all loses ior itï¬when local rates were last revised hesidcntlat rates were in creased Soptzmhu 1967 and in gustsid rates refrained int anuary We will beylooking at rates very seriously nest June be Eli At that timethe commie slot with corner ldel oi how the increase in the cost of Locoonoum Yegerdeyju Mintsm Day observance in Barrie mash ed not only so years since the First World War armistice but was also the instpende tor veteran at but memo World War and the Korean War Sgt Charles NcNabb son the Grey esters in Barrie has now retir ed trom the regiment He mar ched yesterday he said because have oev nttssed l1 parade while who form and didnt intend to miss PARK EXTENSION gt progress report on the Gen tenniul Park extension will be heard Wednesday night by the city Parks and Recreation com mission at its rexuiar moot meeting The extension is prim arily intended to produce in creased parking space over landfill site The connoisslon meeting begins at 30 pm in outage have back at maturity $250 for ca Yourhaybuycansdtsa mgsBonds ngmfoso oomtitittée room Moron so new Youth Appreciation will he the topic oi In address by May or it Henley to the Barrie Optimist In this evening in the new dining room it Brook dole Park ion The mayor has been invited to speak to the club as part of its youth appre dstionweeh project VISIT HOSPITAL visit to the Ontario timitat at Peneteuguishcne by man bars at Burles Ys Meoa Club and their wives has been stated IorNovfltB The club which workdirectiy out oi the YMCAaoddoes community rer nice work is at presentheaded by praident Gard Wat power is going to niiect iuhrre rate inï¬rm Also teach new con tract betweenwtbe Baron Full and loul 1757M tbuntlruallnn at Brotherhood of Blettricel workers signed tut week The contract gave the electrical workers an increase 13 per Kcant spread ova twoycu per Damage 5550 in Maps Two trattlc mishapson are highways caused total at taco damage Monday No iniuriet neie reported At ram on Highway too the Third concession bledoate Township acar driven by Ken neth Cargiil so at Glen Orchard niruck and killed deerwhich ran onto the road $200 dams yudone to the Caretil car Approximately one hour later two cars drivenby Alan tees to of Toronto and Russell La Honor at Kaindlr were in collsion on Highway li north ot concession two Oro township total of 60 damage was done ot which $650 was tothe bee vehicle Damage totalling $1150 was done in an accident where cartowing sum house trail was involved IIhe driver ohn Nicholson 54of Tor onto was unburt The mishap occurred at no pm od High way too south the extension takcnof thisoption yo Will get ch $109 mvestedl An youcan cash your aok fo