Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1968, p. 13

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Véio coon mama Psychiatrist May season Motrin MD Dear Dr Miller am bousewile and have been taking preemption headache capsuierior our years am airaid ani addicted get pres criptlons irom lout diilerent doctors take Light to 11 cup auies day every day and sometime more tht it hurt inc have two lriends who take the same amount We are alraid we cant quit have lot of headaches and am very nervousMrs AL0 Theres diiierenoe between addiction and habituation You and your iriends evidently are in the latter class it isnt question at whether you can quit using these capsules but whether you will The drug you mention is an excellent one but not ordinarily used for headache or other pain unless it is quita severe The company making the drug is sues warning that it can cause dizziness somaolence skin rash stomach irritation muscle twiteliings eye changes convul sions and breathing ditticultles if that doesnt scare you into halting your preposterous soil dosage dont know what will By getting prescription from iour doctors you are practicing deception But deceiving whom Yoursell My suggestion is that you choose one of the doctors and coniess what youve been doing with the lurther suggestion that he run down the real cause oi your headaches Tracking down the precise cause of chronic headaches is not usually easy It takes exam ination testing and observa tion The majority hnwever are due to tension This in turn can be matter of your mode of living or your attitude toward iiie You may perhaps need psy chiatrist rather than one of the doctors you have been duping The medicine itscli in the en cefiivc dosts you are employ lng may be making you nerv ous Dear Dr Molnar Twowears ago was bitten on the ankle Since then psoriasis tnrmed there and has spread to arms legs and waist Couldtho bite have caused thisAC cant answer definitely be cauSa lhe causeo psoriasis never has been deiemiinnd Forms oi skin injury however who ha 89 due Cure Headaches are tiwught to boron lactor its Mancuniale Dear Molnar2 My 16 yearoid daughter has missed her regular measiruai code What are isoma eausu besides being nrognaat lwhiahsha isntlltllxs LP Some ot the cam are nerv ous tension iauity nutrition nv Weightand the commonest olatiislhatinlheteemitoiteagt takes some time or the regular cycle to become established Dear Ilr Miner Shuttld hor lriones tr taken by woman total hysterectomy at to endometriosis and uterine iihroidsiRM wont give positive yes or no but will answer probably yesl1e dettnlta answer should come lrom your physi cian who can hasa his decision upon what symptoms ii any are botiharing you The total hysterectomy means that thh ovariesalso have been removud which brings on sur glcai menopauseihe ovaries instead oi ceasing activity bc CMSE Di natural menopause cease activity abruptlyhecause they hsile beenremoved lhus you are likely to encoun ter an abrupt onset oi menopau sal symptoms which otherwise would have come on gradually Use at hormones to ease the symphonis until your system ad justs would therelore be rea sonable min ammo ALLEN imam Uitipia community hail hoard sponsored successiui bullet Inddattce Nov Music by the Ziebb Mulholland orchcs tra vvas enjoyed Jilin Burns former resident at Utopia while serving at Base Borden now living in Vancouver made brlal visit wiLh trlends hers Mrs William Pigolt isla pat ientl in Toronto Vcstern hospital allowing surgery and Jack Ellis is ill Royal Victoriaiiospitai litre Jack Hirons and daugh tars Scarborough were with hertlnother Mrs Jack Ellis last wcdii Utopia wooltiy euchres got all to good start Thursday even ing Nov 1le EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 1mm TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO aanntl auraano BUFFALO lonoNro nAMMON TUESDAY NOVEMEER12 EVENING sue aWeakcrSex 7gtHouaa PHI ai Live lch liSuner Heroes 5W 1an Gin lSWilll Around lGillilana llhnl tautFlam gm ave tlanllnsikal IlHlitk In Yoat Say snnrts sm alutnter 1oo Llam Mason 71 Law was XlPzrrv Mlson swtnanw on The cs sud islet 113 hon lzss flEmnlnlrment ans Lanan 41mm House can luoo ions ZNews inno WW zWhata My Llnst aAabott to Cnstella 555 llNewr Weather tNews Weather onewllounn llPierra Heston 3Motherntnl nFLanr Nfltl llnndv Grith WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15 zsnnn iullEHIlnl 7Lllciila Bait 9urtonn Playhouse zConcentratton entity Giant lJo Jfiomu Pyle Usatc azoo aheo skelton llJudd mso oaewltehao Ioo Slellis Dillcr 11Undcr Attack mo anoris nay nNawn vuuner 1mmn Sim iinv Three suns 0vo veuera liltlerv Grtttln limo liNans Weather sports MORNING AND AFTERNOON mo 3Pnncve ms 1News 1110 zMlka Doulila llSearch For Tomorrow ms denier Both no lulnllrable Noam use AKQI QAHN NV 13 gun can 4s scum Aims guns on ems nabiddint mot Nona hat sontn you 29 Pan SNT run we Opening lead ten oi clubs Giles situatioéis grog uplglry ireqlientiyat It so but you are expected to Hues them right nearly all the time iisarc is nothing really extra ordinary about guustng right consistently it in fun matter of solving each problem as it arises in calm and logical tashian Lets say youre deciarer in seven notrump and West leads club You count twelve sure trick right away and the prelr tern is to tind the thirteenth It you could see which opponent hd the queen oi diamonds the task would be easy enough but mm um you 4mm swamz county news BELLEVVdfiT By MRS SUSAN STODDART George Baxter spenta week with his son Ernie in London Mr and Mrs Gordon Matt Ottawa were weekend at Nov guests at Mr and Mrs Ruliett ltir and Mrs hank Orr are now living in Bell Ewan alter their recent marriage Mrs Bill Stoddart Kim and Paul spent week with Mr rind Mrs Glen Stoddart ol Bolton CHRLEY ay ions Anillslnonc Mrt and Mrs Lloyd Martin and children of Crnlgliurst were Nov visitors with ltir and Mrs Wallace Dnuglas ltir and Mrs Orville and Armstrong and Jamie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Garnet Johnstona of Oshawa Mrs Victor Johnstonc Orillia was recent visitor with Mr and Mrs Armstrong and iii Johnstonc ltir undJiirs Wt Denney and Ross and Rick and Miss Bev erley Doolittle oi Barrie were also recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Armstrong John stone returned home with them alter spending the past two Weeks visiting ltir and Mrs Denney and ltir and Mrs Ti Exeil in Utopia The Silver QuarterCiuh oi Hobart and Carley metat Mrs Gladys Andersons tor quilt lng Mr and Mrs Wallace Doug as attended Rosemarie Nixons wedding Nov Mr and Mrs Milt Board at By Jay FECKER Phil King sinuyon dont play with cards you mu put your to work andtry to locate missing queen 1hr is not mid to 09a It the startso whatyon do to try to lealnai much as you can about the opponents hand before atlemptinl diamond nesse to either direction Accaldinllit ou cash the QJ olciubs jack oi hearts kingVof clubs and AdiQ of hearts in the course oi cashing these tricks you learn that West inflod with tour clubs and three hearts and East with two clubs and three hearts You still dont know where the queen of diamonds is located but by now you should assume East has the missing donut This is because West was dealt six unknown cards that may have included the queen while East was dealt eight on human cards that may have in cluded the queen The odds alel ersiore eight to air that Best has the queen and in line with lhisyou lend the ten oi diamonds irom dum my and louse As it happens the percentage play succeedt and you make the grand slim but it not exactly lair to call your play merely lucky guess it would be tar more accurate to call it an educated guess tendcd lhair granddaughters wedding on Saturday Miss Barr hara Beard and Charles Walk Mr and Mrs Brian Bartlett Beavcrton were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ab lited MOUNT ST tools By Mitsfiu mwmv Mrs Theresa iticGutahcon and homily Windsor Mr and Mrs hourrie and family Toronto Patsy King Peaetang and Den nis King Toronto have been re cent visitors withhlr and Mrs ltir and Mrs George Ciarii ltiimico spent Nov It weekend with hieoarenls Mrs Evelyn viiiciiae Toronto Mr and Mrs Sheady and lami Peterbor ough spent Nov with ltir and Mrs Lanlor euchre is pisnned turned 11 nesday Nov 13 MioHunsv fly MR5 MONTEITH Vcspra township schools spealr ing contest was held in thecom anunityhail Nov atllosa lak7 ing part were from Portage High Danny McMaster Laurie Minesing Central Brian Janehiaw ttm ouiy an School Henry Veenema Grace Kloosierman Forest Hill Nancy MarkJamia Deitoh Prices went to Danny Mclvlaster Henry Veericmap Nancy Mack First and second winners will be speaking Nov 12 at pm in Huronla Cen tennial Elementary School Elm suuere JONES SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK GRANDMA tl MAKES econ AS 1H5 ALGQF Mummy snow want TAKES PLACE ABOARD SQACESHIPW COMMEND WK WflROUGiiNESS W15 PRlNEE55 SOPHIA WAS FORTUNME TD GET YOUR SEWIEES ASSURE WU SHE IS Gilli SFE THIS Milo i5 PILUTED BYA COMEOIAN DRESSED UK POLICEMAN AND HIS LOVELY FOLKSINGER WitE THE ONLY IMMUNE To AWLEVISIQN fiERtES ioeA FliiE HAW zaltLoFF tLL JUST SiAI Dill use To MAKE To HAVE THE LIGHt FtXED IN ow FRIDGE WHO HAD MIDNIGHT SNACKz tspiou MAD MY ELF LEilUC SANDWICH YOU ATE MY 7Rockltshin 105 lNewa ITrrasure isinns srlioutonu iiauiu Bunny Tu NEED MORE WEXPECTEO 41aevnriy Hillbillies Matams HOUSEHOLD 7Dick Cavetl Fchlz thby was lpo ilChez Helena Home 11 aetween Heaven 155 2Personalitl arzvm sNewn 7Andy aruliln you 1min 11 Anon run iizzi san Alien runs 10 zHoltvwooa Sahara 7Dick van Dyke 931 Spender nHunro Nann mo lNewl So its beautiful sunset but lets finish sol wont bishere typing when it rises moo 7Clrllain Knnmno fiqnlvmlty or The llPoneya INewl Weather Shorts 855 aMt mssup 1Dialinlt For Dollars Johnny stool Pigeonl vvmnu Grlhlm naiovio idle orl Plrlde SLONDIE Aeneas aspen maintain LUndermlnea 501roptpran meters 5Toanoalda operaaxtra 18Most 19Thway ansumrea bleak 155 Ehiaiors DOWN vNewswuuter campus LSutnra 1cnliore actor companion 2Splnotaot dzPiay szMnriaaln asort groans dye 8Jumbicd sight assumed We stomoorouoom 15rolglaaory tundra arm 2tArms depots 401btctianga mu 711 The World Turns TJunny You Should Ask uo Divorce court tcnntncl Inoniner Room 12m mo chvardy spew Cards 11Ncwa Htrlku Snu Snnm Mi mews IElwiklhlsd 225 oVnmens world llNewn weather llHlnao it Home South wannasnav NOVEMBER 13 EVENiNG aauu Bunny llanle Say mono and Lisa 11mlstanrs 555 sonon Guy iii1133 Brag liNgws Weather 7Plvtfln Place 3sz rm Slim flit 11 1143 lNewa Weather salmon soo Snarls it News dBkverle Hillbillies Phillie won Ls Sign oaowitcnn Annlsi nenonoiuoopiul it maanrtnn Ho lPennia in Conflict 5443 sun dGrec Acre 1You oont su iozno 93min at Night ZOuuidcr 7Cnmmandey Tom Honalhon Winters Bingo Diary tiMetv Grill coo 21mm Grlulu lizsi so uNowr Weather snort GSLE 5M6 uv ZDIy nl ourlecs 714 is Many Weather Sallnllnfld Thllll INewlvwad corn FLOWERS THEN vulva YQU no its FRlEND molten ERSOMAL you SEENONE ram uxsro KNOW litiT STRANGle Attounn HERE ARE uosur his much is PAULOIKW WANTV Tessa HIM suz 5min Show and other 63019 YELLMEHOW 1a 17Csrtog noon 25Nun premium raphersline 6Pineappie 21lnltiaison LLutnher 201here theless confidential ornavy ZLFDOHESS alibi ddcumenta 43Flow 22Compaas anecnmpose soaiotu gently point 9N0Elklnrl 32Littisehtld against 23iack nlialand 38ntenawear inhalant aperhaps 14 Votea to 38 Sharpen remark 25 Famous accept 39 Peruvian 4E Exclamm bacteriolw unitiil indian lion gm 28Pioltuptha check 30rench van aLBoxacore 1telnain ansebauand hockey 83Freneh pronoun atoatatn 351uzon nattva SLSultlx with ashandoale Ivorytower perhaps learnwuig room lt44Ntlgllhdr lull zDoctoro 7Gufldin1 Liam lDltlrit Gama BUZZ SAWYER zNewn 7Newa DNewi Weltheh sports mums EIRST PRIZE 15 ms WINNERS WEIGHT snvez DOLLARS llHonevlmocnen ziinxoi FPetttooht sanction srnni or Conaezunncea NINewet weather Sporbl Dliinratmiea Me You WERE Newr DIETING Wendir axis jaw mile lttio iPlem Berton OrLova uny tissunlr Heroes JFlace at Your Own dGllllganfa lsionn IHinlsicnea Iliiovil Crow on Trees iiiinca Yogi no SAdventulu oi Huck Finn cPerrv than 11 Love Lro iilisvnu Five mo wagon IWHIII alwlawulewl anamawewwnl llllfllfl or No noon Toaotherl Willi AMUGGSA terKEFrER

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