Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1968, p. 10

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am Roam Auuuc Jar Iue birth at LARKan Ind the nu clan to annaum the onmwfi chores daughter NT whomsmelly Mr and Mn Ironl Gardiner 01 Toano announced the ensuesmu of their saunter alery ltaon Albert Kltch and Mn tut Th Ill t0 Oil Dm Nflvlfllbtr HUI 195 II New data United film smimurtu DEATH manna wumd uwrraeaaud nanlv at Harrie otthlnnday so muoer ll ma warren urnIce xluuur in me asln ye helmed hushno Thelma numeralnor our man Helen Dorlne lalra Relout o1 aerrle and grand liter Donna uuuuce can David brother ol Alice Mn In fluent and Gilt MIL Coin and predeceased one more Vic or Kilrour mum It the sizes ev lunerli Homo an ltorairv sum Barrio mm Wednesdu serum In on cam on Thunda November II It an interim aurln Union Cemetery ORAN mt unusuaqu It Clvle genital Petuboroulh on sundllr November 10 loss Mars IYEK Alllll Dolln hi in Daulhtu or the ma Patrick 1anou Down hRghunrHldlmlv rv III ivnnleys street rte until morning uuenl mu Iiwv Church harrle at lo Il mveamr at hi and Bgrric husband late hinbtl Patehe delr £18051 Roy Miller luneu we wbh to nu it our Mend Ind nelx noun mlnv arts at trtndnesx ulcs and entruster or during our time pl Ion lure at IMlovcd wile Susan Ireland We Rev oeaaes Ikfurwcnumnul Halted llilm and Kenneth lrelma in lutlnz memory at ltesnltt lnothcr Cora IL based away Not uVer her but to love her None named her but In praise reamberm by hus band lnd grandchildren qOMINQ EVENTS JBLIGVHTYV gBlNGO Every Wednesday at 11m VNEW SOUTH WARD CONHVIUNITYHAIL St atBond OltlLLlA Bmgo Wednesday ARMY NAVVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop StuWest $300 JACKPOT $70 CONSOLATION ADMISSION 50c van panama If Mn LETOE TEA aar and BakeTable sday November 13 Ho pm ANDREWS RIAN CHURCH must be aa reeling miny clusttleu lch must ICOMIING EVENTS PREVIEW OF HOLIDAY FASHIONS Wednesday November 13 TOME STREET UNITED CHURCH RM FEUDWSHIP HALL Fusions by Walkers and Jean Christie Grandmas Boutique and Sweets Boutique Door Priles fitficta $100 AVAILABLE more SOMPIIMISIS AND AT THE DOOR REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE no ALL ELECTRIC HOME 0n cornerlot beautiful view of Latte Simone and Memorial Park bedroom kitchen large bright living room plenty at to cupboard space Full dry cem cnt basement quiet oountry liv ing $2000 Contact BEIIY NEWTON Hawkestone 48152100 SIMOOE SIDE 53000 down bedroom cottage living room kitchen Zpicce bath screened sun porch stor age shed int size 60 123 Asking 311000 Contact BEIIY NEWTON lIavtkestone 4mm LAKE SIMCOE bedroom cottage large living room kitchen fiberglas insula ted hot is cedar hedged with beautiful view Asking $13500 Contact BETTY NEWTON Hawkemne mam ll 1mm hm REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES BahcockEarrie 7205095 Coiboame Stroud toolam iii hiaciaeod Bhrrle 728475 Spencer Thornton 5032 Fitzsimmins Chhil 552620 Slltlw Slrotld Ed Green Barrie Torn Fihsinimins Churchill ISGW Betty Newton Hawkestone lift2103 Lillian Roberts 7250927 Marguerite Home 7282255 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 7mm WLV RAWN Real Estate Broker 30B BAYFIELD 51 mflsl SPECIAIJZING vRURAL PROPERTIES gt one or Minimums at tractive olderhomes on well lreed corner lotln quiet res identlal area one block trom shopping Large living room dining room hitched and den on main floor with bedrooms ed to sell atflspoo PHELPSlONo bedroom hotne uith piece hath Situated on large lot ideal investment prol pert Asking $7000 with $2000 mma Gibson ijIIoughbyl Dick Draper nt bedroom bunga low iniquiet Varea line Cash buyer miles from Barrie on paved road Ram 70 45 in good condition wells room house needs EXIBHSIVEVrBHOVathIiS Owner 11 take back first mort gage at7 tor ten years 51 noon soup BRch storey oil furnace piece bath good well garage main 093005 Mortgage carries $6127 per month at lot Bayiield st 728 1071 Appraisals Listings lnvrted MILLS mnvloV lI lVHlTE mom and bath on second floorLPricr large living room and kitchen BIETT DEA co urn Nultiplczlktingm autumn outrun magma Boerdlac enema tunmaps 41tlcoliler5t samemm Rm jumu saelum Wings Beach 105E T0 EVERY CONVENT ous mm Hueia your answer tor an act ive family Situated on nice court large lot and home ready to mandate belore fillistmu Shall we inspect this home to gether Callhtarg Kleinm 1W IDW DOWN PAYMENT Imlltaculate three bedroom brick home OCiose to schools and cast end shopping centre Early possession CallDoliy Morteli 7280614 lbw DOWN PAYMENT Three bedroom home in the country priced right at 99500 4363113 tireplace games oom laundryrodin and double ygarag WILMA streetiV Everett Full price at Joe Hogarth will carry or $66 per month Call immediately to see this hlargVWakeiield W65 LISLE Nine registered lots to be sold in one block $1500 doll with terms Call lu Lovesrove IllGill VLA PROPERTY This three bedroom bungalow with living room kitchen and utility room is terrttic buy at $9500Iull price Hard to be liech Then phone me right away and let me showyon this home Call LilaVHird 0191903 MONEY MAKER ltehave money making res taurant Ior sale with net in come over 515000 year This business is close to Toronto so it you are interested phone Pat Theresa Byrne today 421 mlsos mas natm mini mml nelaaa moon mix gelrolls emu Baker Wilt Latlren Mar Klein llmu Stewart wands Dirndl Immature fllree bedroom bitumen with large living roomdining room and modern largekitchen This is really whom to be appreci ated alter you have seenit Large blazing Ilreplaoa in the recreation room and many ex tras For Inrther dailils please call Joseph Dirracolo SI Si SENORITA Heres an elegant Spantsh style hacienda with hlooriahardlen tranm bedrooms lull bath room fireplace in recreation roomgnd doable gnrage Char ming wrought iron balcony ov erlooks patio Carries tor $149 per month superb residence Call AlanWargie QUIET RESIDENTIAL AltEA Three bedroom bungalow with garage Nothinglo do but move in to this newly decorated home Broadloom in living room and dining room new kitchen and bathroom floors plusbeau tiiul hardwood floors Iuliy fin tiled hasetnent Convenient to transportation and schools For further details call Hannah Pentiand 723W BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED none on quiet street Thribed rooms fireplace in family room Access to patio from sliding doors in dining room his home is apltasure to the eye Phonc Yvonne Rowe 7780201 roux noon auwoamw within miles Barrie and un der $10000 is almost as diffi cult to find as unioonl But we haveone Call MrHaynea tor details at mean llinlnson mmzolo DaveDoliv PHMOMI mmonem mm noon maim vial labialad $1000 dorm carries lac lander0100 mm miles leetnt Barrie on paved road Calm mum evenings $8300 ave HIodtfhh MAW ltll toot Steele Street Here is silent bargmlora ham and Mom together Call maulCarminaqu gamma nut rAms Just ad edge town This is aa laminae dininl with 02 rm kltduu has neural hirdtmpboarda bedroom donate rarer 101 dearm Vino low ionic Norm Synnott guitar an cumu mm Bill Hamilton namMcGrath Elmlo man wtanlLuum114 SHELSWELL 81 WILLSON 119 Damon so ArrRAcrIvc muse nannoonalmoamw lnnlce residential areaV Finished recreation roorntulth walkout lo patio more detail retercall to laabei month 5300 GODDIERCIAL PROPERTY IN ANNE ST AREAHIS 7000 square eel floor space root cellinlplus too leetotlioe space Has large modern all room apartment on the secondfloor 1WD torced air all heating stuns large lot with plenty at spaceIm parking lll health reason tor selling Cali Bill Dullm1451 No 1270 lemonPRIVATE ESTATE lovely occluded bungalow with many extras in every room Five bedrooms threebathrooms fireplace in largellving room separate dining roomipatio over looking thelake electric heating doublegarage Pulldetalls call Mrs llalkes MLS 1380 7261881 VREVAILTOR 57 WNW saw amt north SAMIV am noaimr ramwa coho salmon chore ans REALTOR woman an O5 AarhAlslus nonmacs Ranrals mun Hartlay new summer Ransom All nose ReLlMIII Russell Smith Rea moose mascot M15 REALTOR 12123711 gt 7284294 Galleria hinheitimtn N11 Fostermém Elaine inesonélmzllt Helen llamasmuss For EMORY MILLZER MEMBERS aroma oRAIIGavVILLa rononlo Bottom HAROLD FORESTER mermaid smut PHOTO lacs neurons new Idol hale Funds Available FreoCustomer Parking pAmswwlI bover bedroom bungalow with attaéhed garage paved drive way beautituliy landscaped lot located miles south of Barrie For Iurther particulars and to view thishomecaillou Goode mondt vast we array HAVE AGoon any on todays market bedroom home in good condition only minutes trom Barrie Large livingroom kitchen piece hath roomhihis home has new turnmaew wiring and new well Milton lot 00 340 Taxes only 0192 all this tor the low price at $10300 For lurther information call Lou Goedamondt EVENlNGS cam HOMES ransom MODE asthma Wm 7231555 GRANT MIEARTHUR 715415 nooall mm roman momma 7135001 slum hm mare UNITED PHtYIdIMLS naanron annwrsrna rams 3mm RARE OPPORTUNITY to exercise good augment 105 acres otproductive farm landV on highway stone treegood location fairprice TViompletelyVmodern home Exceptionally iargeharn DARGE mamman SHAPED mayor in storey bridt with conveniences Videai tor retirement couple zbedrooms kitchen gung room andliviog room full basement mustitosee CharliaARead Don Campbell Fred Taylor VPaulPenrnan Smth Campbell pr mwo 7260143 Vmun Hugh Plowman 7250243V Doug Campbell 7281205 Ron Allan 455534 moat Don Marshall new 737389 LRiehardtDick Burma Ml5 Realtor Mortgage funds available 33 COLLIER TELEEHONE 7284430 owmmansrmam Choice location overlooking side split livingdining room hall and stairs beautifully broad loomed bedrooms Zbaths finished Iarnily room withstone ear ortgag Mary Morrison aownaRmANSaman bedroom bungalow Vlocatadlciosefio sdiools churchesand has line The ane bedroom basemant apartment carries the gage Eitceilent investrnen Call Mary Morrison Bmwhu 725leAN amwslj MAM aloluusoN nitma NANCY lviENzlE VI £15m 1250044 aum lan FRANK NELLE Photold aaul ma non 12l531l new new outtaIain new muk Wainwright hum 0266696 Stan Hammond 7160961 7143712 Mike Magus 7260602 7204076 Leo Cavahaugh Frank Nellcs Bob Solar imamSigmun EASTAt thoFive ointa Phone IW Evan aa OAL FRED an rr mom CHAS noucas 7mm COREY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers on Dtmlbp St El Phone mutt Ist and and mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your poem and and mortgages uaara autumn new Guam ZETAM main Litmus m8an mom PEPE GUBHELS LIM JA COUITS AND CO 50WENSTmzths MORTGAGE MONEY avarmana Photo ms Realtor cvamncs coupon is corms viams WALTER COUTIS 312021111 xELMVALE Lras baths newly decorated and equipped bedrooms large lot ITZGERALD REALTOR PHONE 301 ELMVALE PLANNING on Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradford Lake stmcue bedrooms WI baths living Tenn can 116W monthly liteboy Mostattractive tulevei PROPERTY F0 sate ORRENT nouns in Auram inlt mount for couple te Dhone 4mm MOBtLEHOVMES TRAILERS SALE RENT possum omen General lendale lravelux Parts and Seavica Cash or Terms up to Yeard 170 BUETONV AVEV moose arsclao llI ule unused 2Citatlon nmhler Exempt i5 tootVllockll nc Al rue1093 15 SANDY COUTlSmdm Home for sale with Vmany Vex1 dining mm MobiléHbrnes Ernest liatta 17231209 SHANIY BAY More uuitea Ior porch and Mdle Iron THle 01 Interest Iua In slam mom house Tele whom new PRorerv roasals Dewsnap mass RENTALS HOUSES roR REM fKEAIPENFELTV VILLAGE mile beyond the rity on the Stanly Bay Road remaking IV lee mum any STEVENSONS ll MW 51 1mm locals and lunch bar now onmltnmtlnlrtcuentn Iniuut ed taunt am can alumni Grocer Sto MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lat and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere euthanasiam or VALUATIONS It You Need Money at ImIMImenls 1M1 worthwhtln mus to or Phone 12 BB hiogtgage Funding ImpsonSears 121 DDNWPIINL Member DalHo lion Maulr Amclllto uo vacuum en vuuu 53311 Elli zrwtilnern twangva on ml Huvan to lim manna exist altinn WRITE want33 out let roauital nxanluer no= Vs will behappy to help you wrilek dastilledada Toluene yourilexlwan ad dial lie7414 fired aueno CALLI raymun evenings or MOM all Vuewmaaoepl FIRST bulitin lured TOWN HOUSES by canonIT DEVELOPMENTS BarrielLtd EAlnllUL WOODEDVSITE BEDROOMUNIISV aslovas ANDREFRIGERA was ougcnucauvnaarco em momauxhly now nannun IEIEPHONE antmm AuIIlbil Ngiemugw 553 12 name Televuona mutt lull00M Mu at Al Du IIo Elmkt available insulate 00 monthly Telephone mil alter In aaouoou huuu reasonably mail 511335 Tibia esp mom bungalow with re excellent lmuua Dfl month AVIIIIBI Deer her Telephone norm between Ill non Wednesdayvow Naw slacnnoon haul10 run in minute tram aarrte Immediate Pollulloli Telov phone mam 01mins ol antrte three beds iviimetimelim 513th lilvublh oe men moon rm cannon bungalow mu abtz end or November Televhon mam evenlnls noon hours or rent mum localinnu mentions mails tn 7mm alter me or ten norvia WM Wll coal Ol ROM unlit Glrlle miles south Sunnt aleJJoInus miles tram same Is Her tram Colllnnnodw mouiIuv vohu van Der mos it Sllyner HOMES WANTED no You HA House TO RENT WITHINlO MILES OFBARRIE allahle lbcdroom house requirodtor tamin ottivc Relcrences av 17287521 BEFORE 5330 MONDAY FRlDAY ssmlaonl noun wanted to rent an saute ticlore December 11 pilnan John Nulxlnn 72 tween aménun neoulneu Aimmedlauly by teem or bedroom apartment rem entor and use my fret msau whoa Weare SkiVIIIed molar $rvicéand will give you PromptriAfieVmion CLASSIFIED SERVICE naram GUIDE SEPTI VTAN SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern iradioeontrolledi trucks TILE BEDS iNSIALLED VAND HEPAIHED ROBERTSON linens oases 1011 m0 flak Sliu Tam andw ans wen dilator hiiuHsrihu RONINGV some him am no uuumrfisfd 12 lists wiglekttrt ma deliver Martian Paving Barr mssu gt rowan aAu nousclouta duty plastic never sedanax tortin tm on dill 1m€ya mar er In um minim dmonnx on Work mulntieed Call Thornto Ma oer were per lnsertlonnlhltcs consecutive Insertions er mm per inrertlon total rerun ulnouil clu ALUMINUM SERVIC ALUMINUM Se ng doors and windows aiding store fronts COMPLETE INSTALLATION Direct iactory price WAII Van STROUD We JANITOR SERVICE coonNo ro Etna eIe In homel ozone raml cmqu nrvleu mom VSHINGLlNG mama at mulling cord in Sign 01 tatIn LtdIan INVISIBLE MENDING awwm moo translation am minim Gulnateed mute Telsphonn Scott vielat name so all In tau autumn fleshtag bin aaraeV nlhg ma Biol Professional carpet and uphol stery cleaning 1N YOUR HOME COTTAGE REPAIR JACKING COTTAGES Insulating and remodellinl HULRST Hawkestolte TELEPHONE ono Vimmic DRIVING SCHOOL Moons Drivan School belrn to Drive the Mnoarn Way For ootatraeat nous 1153915 EAVESTROUGHING NORTHERN EAVESTROUGH NG 4872121 SEAMLESS ONEPECE EAVESTROUGHING Free Estimates 4361543 GORD EVANS Stroud0ntarm gt IAINTlNG PAINTINstl DECOBATING lNTERIOH EXTERID Also signpaiattng European experts VVAN NOORTVWYK lttRoso Street mom mannerismsGood we uuuumz nd mlutlilnoous bl can name he CARPENTRY meNClb are Ironwork houses atlases hltohuna valtine LAND SURva Kt strick 262 nuetwwlh Islflylll BlTlré mml etc aan EXAMHGW ADS 1g

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