Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Nov 1968, p. 5

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Monday Nov 18 Now Main Nomination Day Conriog municipal council and county school board elec tions are currently receiving attention throughout the dis trict Top photographs show Most Simcoe county munici palities will hold nomination meetings on Monday Nov 18 and indictioos point to some keen election contests particu larly tor the to seats on the new county school board Medonte township laces its hm election in years with De puty Reeve Ingram Amos oi Hillsdale having announced he is considering run or rccve This would have him opposing Dalton Jermey county warden in inst Among other county munici palities which face coating cicc tions are the villages of Bee ton Creemore Etmvaie and Coldwatcr and townships ovad iaia Matchedash Tiny Tossor ontio Tay Vcspra and West Gwiliimbury The impending city oi Orllila which is withdrawing from county adminisitratinn and towns oi Stayncr and Alliston also will be holding council elec lions iottcnham Port The township of Tossorontio where Reeve Matthew Van iroree heads the coupon will hold Its nomination on Tuesday Nov 19 at Central School at Mega This datewos set in or der to give ratepayers chance to attend the area school nom ination meeting at Ivyr hall in Essa on Monday Nov tit BACK AGAIN Municipalities which elected their councils last year tor two year terms include Innis til Fins Sunnidale Tecumseth Oro Nottawasaga hokstown ltIcNicoll Penetang Coliingwood and Bradford Thetown oi Ailiston village of Goldwater and township of Vespra are among those which will hold nomination meetings on Monday Nov 24 Mayor John Darling QC heads the Allislon ltledonte Reeve Dalton Jermey Tossorontio Reeve Matthew Van Lorec and Rectonlteevc Earl Broomfall of whom are seeking reelection ow council which is now completing two year term and other members include Reeve Ralph Hunter Deputy Reeve John Taylor and Councillors James McCullough Stan Rowen James DickEy Oakla Grey Peter Cameron and Stewart DermotL Rccvc Wellington Dohson heads the Vespra council which also includes Deputy Reeve Cari Doran and Councillors George Ruie Alan Johnston and Harry Adams STAYNER ELELTION Mayor Elmer Dorin is com pleting his seventh yearas head of the Stayner town council whichis finishing the second part of two year term ltccve William More Is the towns county representative and coun ciliols are Allister MacDonald William Knox Kenneth Kerr Pool Donald McIntyre liarry Mathers William Fuller ton is clerk and chief election oiticer Adiala township will hold its nomination meeting on the same day as the school nomination Reeve Fred Baxter who is county chairman oi roads will be standing again along with Deputy Reeve Francis Kelly Councillors include Ernie Sev em Peter Cairns and Russell Sirr If an eioctlon develops it will be held on Monday Decem ber Mntchedash towmhip has an nual elections and its nomina tions will be held in the after noon oi Monday Nov to at the municipal building at North River Reeve Russell Creighton is completing year term as head of the council and other members are Deputy Reeve Art Silk and Councillors Adam Beck iirs GrantNoble and Mrs Hamhly Mayor Rohillard heads the Penetang council which will vonto News IN BRIEF ACCEPT SCHOOLS ERIDGEIIOWN Barbados Reuters The board at direc tors of the Regional Develop ment Agency has accepted Can adas otter of 20 preiahricated school buildings for theCarib bean St Vincent Dominica Grenada St Lucia and Barba dos will be allocated three buildings each two each will be sent to St lfittsNevisAoguilla and Antigua andone to Mon tserrat YEMINI WAR CONTINUES ADEN South Yemen AP Royalist riorces lost too men killed or wounded in the latest lighting with republican troops in the northwestern area oi Yemen Radio Sana said Sun day MORE NEGRQES VOTE WASHINGTON More Negroes than ever heteromore than6000000 out of 7200000 re gisteredcast ballots in Tues days presidential election most oi them for Democrat Hubert Humphrey the Democratic na tional committee reported Sutt dayihe committee said ina statement Preliminary returns from Negro districts in key aeas ind te Humphrey re ceived 91 pennant oi the block vote in losing the election to Richard Noon reuonnsmannnv SYDNEY Australia tAPi Prime Minister John Gorton lg noring last Januarys drowning oi primetnllnister Harold Holt was star in asuri camtvaldun ingvthe weekend Unlike Holt he did not enter the water alone Security men inIiiejacklt ets and tile guards were with him PNP LEADER KINGSTON Jamaica Reu tors Opposi Leader Nor man Washington Manley 78 an outstanding figure in Jamaican poiit tor 30 years retired Sun ay night with speech praising the concept at block Power The Negro statesman told the Peoples National Party hewanted to put forwardbis ideas about Black Power as final contribquntnparty think ing He had led the party since it was tnunded in 1933 sumo sorrnaimnnu PARIS AP Italian film star Sophia Loren bas been named in $600001 civil suit filed by Quadrangle Films of Switzeriand The company says that Miss Loren should have made film tor it in 1958 but that she did notiike the role as signed to her TRAIN JUMPS TRACKS WILTON JUNCTION Iowa At leastlspersons were taken to hospital with what doctors described as cuts and bruises in the partial derailt ment of Rock island passen ger train heresunday Musca tineCounty arentrnttuarn on pelt said tour Tear carsantl two of the ninecartrainathree en gines Jumped the track when it struck tow truck eta croasi ingDrlver lot the truck and passenger lumpedout oithe ve etc just econdsbetore It was struck by etraln can mm MQNDAY hailstorm ti usea Cookstown couple Donating LI photographs show three of the county trustee candidates Dr Anders oi Barrie George MacKay of Coulson and Norman Stoddart oi Shanty Bay be oroongthose back for anoth er year through having been electeda year ago tor two year term Peneiangs county representatives again will he Reeve Altred Cage and Deputy Reeve Lionel Dion At Collingwood Mayor Alin McDonald and colleagues are completing the iirst part ot two yearterm Colitngwood county council representatives areReeve Mei McKcan and De puty Reeve Donald Spooner Members of Bradtord council who will be back include May or Joseph Magani completing his seventh year Reeve Bruce Stewart Deputy ReeveC Cook andeouncillors Fred Dow Mcl Irving Arthur Iirrner and James Catania INNlSFlL chNcn thine codenaan WNW Siam Not tawnsage Valley Conpervaflon Authority is making titan Joe new to acre conservation all which Is being donated by on andMrlDaltonA mum at Cookflonnior the purpose The area contains well stock trout pond well man aged hardwood bush an eaten 5ch 20 year old red pine plantation and was described by Neweli oi Muimur chairman oi the authoritys iorestry and Speed in aquarium Sin pilot made tor quiet day use pica arc and nature preserve are The propertys tile is now being translcrred with nomin al sum oi $6 being specified in the deal Srrveys have been made and the transicr is being finalized it was announced It the authority Another site in Mulmur Creemore Lauds 0BR Champions attainment sum Croe more baseball inns honored their intermediate OBA champlom ship Red Sox at civic banquet held in thc town hall on Satur day night Coach JohnWestbrooke and his players were lauded iur their rrphtli battle which concluded with Creemore beating out Pct rolla two games to one in the final round Crecmore lost the first game and then came back to take two straight behind iiln stirring pitching oi Archie Bian hard and young Randy Mac Mullen The championship was the first 03A honors won by Oren more since 1960 when they no noxed the intermediate laurcis Two Ivy players Bob Burns and George Ellis played with the Creemore team Santa pi Visit To Collingwood COLLINGWOOD Stall Ar rangemenis tor iioats and bands are currently being made by the Collingwood Chamber oi Com mercclor its annual Santa Claus parade Tile big event which usually attracts thousands irom the nearby area and neighboring centres will be held on Satur day December Harry Downer lnnistrl members who will be back include Reeve Joseph Cochrane who has served cou ttnuously on council since 1956 Deputy Reeve Allan Todd and Councillors William Gihbins Russell Stewart and Elmer Grosc Essa council also Will be the same with George Davis gain reeve Eugene Smith de purty and Fred Ross Ed Mac Donald and Ken Blanchard councillors Angus police ville age trustees include Charles Bell chairman Merv Mflson and William Gibbs West Gwiltimbury council elected last year tor two years has Keith Langtord as reeve Arthur Wright as deputy and Orville Hughes John Fenncil and Robert Sturgeon as coun cillorst Reeve Arnold Vancisc has an other year to runon his present term in Nettawasaga as have his colleagueswho include De puty Reeve Edgar Currie and Ctruncillors Dick McQueenJohn Lougbeed and Vera Swanson Oro Reeve Gillespie will start his 13th year as coun cil member in January and his coileagucswili be Deputy Reeve Ken Gilchrist and Councillors Howard Campbell Allan Lean and Wallace Keyt nos UNCHANGED in Fins township the council which will be unehanged is headed by Reeve Frank Cough tinand includes Deputy Reeve Earl Elliott and Councillors Ross Usher Don MacDonald and Alex Finlay Sunnidales 1569 council also will be the same as tor thu year with Lloyd Pridham as reeve and Martin Bayer Dun can McCort Ed Ciulhani and Wesley Rates as councillors Tecumseth township members Mc who will be serving the second part of two year term in clude Reeve William Milligan Deputy Reeve EarryCross and Councillors Wallace Halbert Restord long and Allan Glass or WASAGA REACH In Wasnga Beach the resilt dents have the right to nomin ate choices for county school trustee in ward six which also includes Stayner Creemore and Nottawasaga The meeting will be at Duntroon Wasaga Beach council was ellt ected in August 1967ior the 1969 69 term Arrangements tor the next election have not yet been compietedbutit was considered liker itwt1t bechld late ncxtsummey min the tall Reeve gene Langevln heads the present council which also includes Deputy Reeve ma Martin and Councillors is chairman of the comnuitce in charge Current action is being concen trated on obtaining sponsors for floats and hands Santa Claus himself will ride on the ieatured float $32275 Trees Planied In Year SUNNIDALE Stall lree planting through the Noitawasaga Valley Conscr vation Authority was maior program during the past year it was shown by reports just re leased There were azzvs trees plant ed during the year it was stat ed by the iorestryand land use conunittea report PLUMBING Cr HEATING GtENBRAE Plumbing Heating to Bayfieid 7239223 SAND GIGRAVEI SandSterile All Sizes ctrrr VARCOE LIMITED rtwyzj naaost STONE MASON strengthens annancuas PAflOS SIDEWAHKB DRIVEWAYE SHANTY BAY ClairRohertabll William sf Pringlc and Ted Gordon Area lowpphtpalro has inspect ed Indrecommended tor acqui sition tor Walton area monomer and Yum council has been rtudylggdbe nnlulct phodlng negotiation oi reason or able price Mulnrur council has otticially given its support tor the prqoooed project Conservation otilciais praised the Tittin otter and the location In Essa township which will make fine additlog to the authoritii growing conservalt lion arm Others include the Carruthcrs property on the Mad River in Nottowasaga Utopia dam New lowetl pafl Totlem ham pond and Edenvale park commemorate Ice Plant Vote COLDWAIER Stall As move toward craising finances ior an artittdal ice plant for the new community centre Coidwntcrlcouncii has decided to submit the question otsecur ing $20000 by debentures tor the purpose to vote at the elec tors At the same time the council has suggested neighboring mun icipalities blcdontc Toy and Matchcdash also do the same sinm people iromrthesc areas also use the rink The question who submitted in Goldwater will be lAro you in favor of the viliagcvoi Cold water issuing 20 year dcbcra ture ior $20000 tor the ample lion oi the Goldwater conununity centre providing that the town ships of Medonte Moichedash and Tay contribute thosnmo amount each We considered this the lair est way said Reever Ernie Miller in reiercnce to the com irigvote The people who will be paying the hill in their taxes will be making the decision bull explained lo nibdtvlslcp commit bylaw as Swell braiding bylawBut we er an otflclal plan BOARD BUSY Council has timed slowly be cause at obstacles which have de veloped In be mufiiclpali tics moving toward oitlcial plans Mention was mcde of what was described as cumbe some machinery which often causes long delaysin getting approval An example case cited concernedcn application tor zoning change In Angus which wasjpassrd by Essa council early in the year and notice of approval trom Queenrlarlr is still awaited =Vespra has its own planning board whichhas had busy ycarnnd also committee of adjustment The building bylaw wr tit Guthrie To Mark Birthday GUTHRIE tStaiII l7rcpara tions are proceeding here by members at Guthrie Womens In stitute tor the celebration at their 55th anniversary Organized In193 Just three years alter the EastStmcoe Wo mens Institute area was torm ed the Guthrie branch had its organizational meeting in the basement at local United church here on November 17 The branch started with at mem bers The birthdaypccasion oi the group will be observed at the regular meeting on Tuesday November 19 Jackson Motors PROGRESS REPOR ONE OF SERIES urged Annuai nomination lfllcode dude Deputylteevehrl boron and Councilloh George Bulc am Auroraon Arrogant stop Earl Richardson lrrlerk meeting has becnwset tor Monday await ocormrrtroitv halt in Mldlrurstt iii an election devel innate overcoat mlytollcwothcnnlooalbuild writ holder Monday Westboundroundup rletherehasbun consideh able housing development It warm and Mincslnx lam proposed residential subdivision tor Midhurst are received par tial approval ircm council but was traced down by the depart menl spokesman said when asked about the proposed Spicer subdivision development Team Going ro Roydl Canadas equestrian team fresh from the Olympics where they carried at the gold modal tn the lace of strong interaction at competition will have an op portunity to demonstrate their skill that has made them the worlds ioremost riders when they participate in tho horse how at the Royal Winter Fair which opens in Tomato on November 15 At the peak oi their form as they demonstrated in Mexico the team is sure to go all out to continue their successful senlt son and show the people oi Can ada the skill and horses that carried them to victory Teams have been entered in the international by the United States Australia Great Britain and Brazil As result the event Ia truly international MEDAL WINNERS Canadas team will remain un changed treat that which car rted oil the gold medal in Mex ico It will be composed oi Tom Gaylord Co captain James Eter Co captain JamcsDay andTerrancc Miller Ten horses are to the bank tram which the team will draw including Canadian Club Top Gallant Stcclmaster Maple leigh Big Dee Canadiana Pis tol Pete Sweater Pieces oi Eight The grant and boyaiis The British equestrian team will be represented by David Broome Harvey Smith Allison Weslwood and John Kidd Mr Kidd replaces Miss blarlon Coairs member oi the Britta team who returned to Eogla following the Olympic games BEST RIDERS it is expected that the United States will send along its Olym pic icam under Capt Bill Stein kraus to again meet the Cana dian riders Both Brazil and Australia will he represented by the top rid ers oi their respective countries Both Bram and Austran will be represontcd by the top rid crs at their respective eounlt tlrs Novenibcrt I966 BACKACtth BIADDER IRRITATION Common Kidney or annou lrrltoa IIan make many lltlll Ind wamln tee tense and nervous com torrent any pg Halal urination high eon on no steep and have came ERNIE and 1ch older Lind depressed In no um ailsmt uullly brlnll relaxing cumin by naming Irritat in Kenna in acid urine Ill Quickly nthphlttfictcbsihdhldnllllltl Shoemln 1m anemial fifiw run Business is Beaniingi ronicua CONTRACTOR AND ansstvssos WELL Scme six monthr ago the de sioniwas mndetobuild the rnostmodern automotive dealership possible At long last were starting to take shape As you can tee the structural steeiis in place and ready for the next stage Upon completion of our new building Jackson Motor in Central Onta This is the first series at Progress Reports designed to la with whats happening behind thoscenes at Jackson Motor tonne soon BARRIElISI MOST AUTOMOTIVE jstttvtct tutor Pieced bear withus the end result writ justify the inconve encej will letter service facilities unmatched by anydeaier ep you in touch Moontu TANo curator it

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