mm sum Elm township council will press Sm coo County roads commitiaa tor union to replace mart ono Inna briddo ovu tho NDUIWIMII Riverat Angus allowing dluuuion at its Nov ember Melina We hnvo taken this up ho lore and will do so again said Reeve Georg Davis explain ing the hrldga county 95 ï¬onsihihiy slice it is one Lima county road He mentioned at ona limo it was so esicd sidewalk addition he dad iur pedestrian saiety but this was looted ioo exptnsive Councillor MacDonald who is one oi the Angusmem ohm oi lilo Essa council mall ed discussing the need in non sit with county road oiiicinls The bridge was inspected and iii hazard recognised TRAFFIC INCREASED Voluma oi traitic over tho bridge has increased Calmst ably as result oi the new Nyl iawasaga housing subdivision iust west of Angus limo Dayls said pedestrian erasing would help but tha raol used was altwo lane hridga along with 5an pedestrian crossing EDepniy itovo Eugene Smith nkreed this bridge was an im portantvnced hut ha also remind ed the members they have been picssing lhe county loldorwarlt oh iormcr Essa iih lino road now known as County road to Minoan Angus and Euler turn change in roots io Margaret direct in Angus also was asked PRIORITY MENTIONED it has to ho daclded which project should luvo rlority ihe dapuiymva stlte ihay are both naeded but thorn have been many roonutl mad to the county Coime road 10 has iairly larga volume oi italic and this would be increased illhI road was imnrovzd it was maintain ed iiu road connacta with highway to it nor at Sum nidaio Corners ioiiowa roots to Angus known as ihe Erenlwood roadv lit Anton there is lob along hlliiwayou and than tho county road promds sir PAULS 317 M39 PM Congratulations ioihirt and Mrs Russell Stundon on the hirih oi iwln daughters act it at Barrie hospital Proud grandpar cots are hint Georla Siundon and Mr and Mrs Howard Pen ny Mrs Gaolgo stunden Kathy sland iiirs El Graders Ipent Sun day in Hamilton with relativao Waliar Stundan Srsr will in 90 years ald Nov And id to Minx load moo Skiers caiod In Wind Tunnel wonrawa OP Ottawa area Ikiois participated in Windviflllilelthbtl hero during the weekend tha Nailonallto search Council and they Canv rediaanmateur Ski Associatio began axparimants aimsd at lm proving Canadas chancrrai tho 1972 Winter Olympics in Japan Objectoi tha tests ll to iind ways nf reducing drug or wind resistanna nxnarihndnd by skim ihay wars conductod in hnrisontal windtunnel rotor sunint six by nine feet Thawiod tunnel simulated iual drag conditions encoun tered by the skim travelling at high mo in downhill The skim wore iheir own rao ing 9qu meat and soml afloa menu it Tiia weekends test detini ly showedthat toying chuckles oi tha sitigliooi can rtdilco drag Skier Allan Mailchieved simulated mod litmilap an hour and Bali Ciiiinrd and Susan Graves ad speed ihrough Esuia highway on and through Tecumselh by way oi ihitanham to highwsy at Sim coo Garnish Wm bonds County council asked the Out aria dapartlnont oi highways to maid taking over the road urliar In the year 11 wufnlacrri on lilo Councillor Kan Blanchard said he could vrell understand to need However he pointed out the county build new bridge on county road It wut oi linxier which was opened earlier in tho yeart Th Pins iiivcr bridge at Anla us was consirudcd hy tho county in I919 and cement walk was built inst year it was stated iha two counts representa tives iteoaaDavis and Deputy Reeve Smiih agreed to take the mailerv again and report back in councl Nced ior wider bridge on Centre sirect has been the topic oi considerable discussion in Angus Councillor Ftcd liosv Angus pharmacisi showed keen interest in ihc council disousslon about those projects which were considered important to halping Angus dev elonment During dilwssion oi incrcosad provincial government assist ance to hol reduce housing and iarmtuxa on it was pointed out to council it involvcd con siderable extra bookkeeping to creditoaoh rohata individually An lncronssd subsidy to the council could achieve tho same purposé with much reduced Id ministration it wasslated NOMINATIDN HETK Harold 311 chik nnnounnad arrangomanir had boon mada inr tha Elsa ioilorontio and Sunnidaio nomination mutinl ior county school irustoo it will ha held at ivy hall durint iha ailernoon Essa and Sunnldola will he held at ivy hall during the afternoon Essa and Sunni dale will Iva noeieeiion tor their roapoctivu councils since they were elected yanr ago for two years Toasorontio townlhln wfli hold its cmncil nominaiion animus do Nov 10 1t Email County Council niso Ichaduied to meet on ï¬rst day at Barrio There was brief discussion bout the prohahlooliecl oi resin sessment in Essa which now im ilsloeal asscssment oi $5550 050 raised to $6914015 or county assessment mist The townshi axpocta to he rar mud on er the now nrovlnov ial manual basing wins on 100 cant normal sell pfbce nnxt yeah Evanlualiy aquallnnlion and local assert mant iiguras will ho tha IIYM it was stated proaching CANADA mn SiAVl county crisp SAVE OUR EXCLUSIVE ZELLER CREST BRAND MENS SMART canons BROADCLOTH mamas dreams every nighil Masculine 4huiton jacket with convaniV hie collar and pocket balloon seat trousers with hail boson waist thonlconi Clinics oi ifllldl strips assorted colon Size to W0 ENS THERMAL UNDERW Sanforizod cotton broadcloth pyjamas ior plonsant mortals in NZdIlIfSpdalPorchMl MEiisiiRES°gtV5HJBI$ instantaneous luv Soyrat At This Terrific Priest 55904 hiyiailoyed aasycaro dress shirts of diiiyoiyoaier M11579 polyInna nevar need Ithoyra liennnnent lrosai 430 Rolaasaf ioawre heops thynwioanari Styled jith ions items am no And muv lot or builondonhcaiiar White Puhw Purchase humanism sportsman For Mini mguiar coliar long sloevas Manvleasind as sorted plaids in masoulinocolorl SMLXL summon Sillith son aovs to is 7347 Groovy tunicneok collared shirt wiih back sinner Washable cotton Siyded wiih ionl ileum Notation culll Solids our Vahedtsinsizcsiiwlflt conouaov 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