mam HenInn ot the Medonte coun rdl llameerve Madontl tele phone convulsion with the news as chairman improve ment to the telephone 55 rhaveheenamalorlssue municipal experience Mr Alan magnum be Mn his sixth year on corn oil Woe Wallace Key his ï¬fth Ind hundllor Howard CHEM his third Couhdllor on norm or year of the Oro township area board which will be mannered Memhers of the townsripa years from 1951 to me incite InaW Included demands made for dbl 1° rive with or Mscllny in do mm or arrr INS0P sum VINHEM STAMPS R54 TIME SA V176 7001 in gt TheBunie xomner Pflltli LIVER Weangitxqrï¬dmoiorinwpplybrg unnamme momhaduuumm mmflhaoeltreodaloruonwflh tumultka Commercial mull DMD WMUIEM Iororrnsr 2527 goorrrr ran nonstr mutton ROAST PllRK GllllPS PORK ltllll RON mannaem PORK GllDPS FROZEN FOODS Ixslomronnoommms roman drowns lSlltl euros conuro BEEF mnmm mourn Ill 59 Ml GA DFFERS WIDE SWINE gt zIlFtiiFllTEM 299 zoo jx YLBV $l Home Vane and Boyd Miller Plan Nomination lit Collingwood MAINWOOD WWW nation meeting or election of county school txustco in ward ï¬ve will be held on Monday Nov 19 in the court loom ot Colllnzwood municipal building It 530 am he town of Oofllanood forms the ward wlrld will elect one trustee to the new lomember county board Two retired tenure hire Dor othy Karlie and Mrs James Wrightphave announced they will be 63mb phones and extends tree call omit ibll drama to the neighboring township pro and also to Onllla and Barrie have been subjected to some clrlti clsm However persons living inarens when the main cells are within thevtownship or to tree call areas at Goldwater and Elmvale appeared to be set laï¬ed with thaprosent arrange ment Clerk of the township Hohardltfloebhgn in also score m7 of eplmne comnls non His father the into Robinson was clerk Medonte tor record so years from 1995 mm lha present clerk who was so on Novanber he held the post for 14 years Wilma township on m3 entlrol rural haml Med r5 lOON swirrssrrw BAGGIES vFREE 600 um WHIP Minormu omens SlniBiefl whorls 00 BONUS r5 TWISTVROLLS BoLooiA sinLEE Ems FREE $400 BNUS TAPE VLlQlllltltETERtlEllT Korrx NAPltllts Inurrrnrrrrrsr one ironns onion honorarium er BONUS TAPE un mm THE PISS Utm lioLlllIE melanoma mmomw minusIsms WWW plantain Jun sunsm oglro controls orrLoomons tooALrArlsmrs IGA fresh gradeAallwhite lllllEE E655 ashram whom no Law maï¬a vvllpeedl for run shiï¬lrneru on new MAlt ETSQUAR ZIGA nanny AND Muwns SélerliCle 0n Bey Was Likely In Contempt the publish are Look magazine protrahly an in contempt of court be cause on articlann James Earl Ray in the issue at committee nnrned watch over pretrial whileityin the one of Ray charged with murder in the slaying Dr hisnrtin Twiggyer made rm to on com Judge Preston Bottle mlletwethathewuamn dlloe or tour yearn AM if he eonaldered No Is and civil omen Reeve Gillespie lust muedDeputy Reeve Ken neth Gilchristle be his seventh year on council Ind hla second as deputy dotmcitlnra all have had con the article and erles Publica tions publishing the nltlcle in Look prolnï¬ly violated the ludgen orderrertrlv1inx pro trialpubilrity The article appearing in the mnent issue of Look tell at he activities loilowlng hi es capehomthe Missouri slate prisonand before Kings slaying in Memphis last April it was the llr rl Dr Paul Wlkh Gordo nBld well Bernall duellay Haï¬and and Lorne Tudhope Thl board will bedtdoandhlti £135 mixer tire and local on the new starting county boa Herold rd takes over admini rtratlon nl socondary and while school nextyenr on comhlned7 with Verna to from wardsaren whlch will elect one tmxtee to thelhnem her county boardgt mmsni norrs More Polling llooths rat tho idolatry writing seasmcnt ofï¬ce where our an vldlng thetownshtplnlo pm latloir group of that number or less enmtuuw me use voting for mo rm nmnmnsrlnnunoommss nprsï¬rrrnvrrgvrjuuur lvilsuslroriflérsi59 bullion JUICE ism ourrsrwrooig sonnrrornrr 3W1 mudv UQIllDWIX mmam IlElSEY TISSUE IIMIIIlllu Ilflllfl hummus cumsnrssooonrs 29 more snore ohm $111th 3329 to about und system Expéétéd In 1959 hyk roomn installation or an IBM machine in the county an owl lspmcessod itwtlt be necessary to set up additional polling subdivisions throughout lnnlsiil 1111 machine can handie 450 namert which will mean di Thla changewill not toke township connoil lhe school board election next month will be held present polls which total 14 hanlll be increased the new The change mey lnove mahy residents rornva nenrlry poll to more distant one Progress in catching upon usfast no homomons lean to hunting holidoy lhereeve who accompanied by Police Chief Wil llornvllrownand Animal Control Qitloiarlltoy Bridgejsome dis cussion has had on holiday on 51 Rims 337 With plans Ifor new ï¬ll lone requiring that running Wa or be available tor every home ConndlioLWiillam Grhhins urg ed Lorin to ask Atepayers to after that 171 akeup felt that the sooner made the better gestions iron the pnbli might hesuccesrful in choosing men who could giv time and thigh to he work oiacom NELJON PLAN The mw pith tor development of on additional portlon oi Sun ny Brno subdivision was rder rod from the planning board to councillor approval The plan was given oounolli blowing and new the developer will have to come back with an acceptnlgle agreement to supply running wa en HERD DISPERSED Whlle Ralphltoberlsoli la still confined to bed following trac tor accldent his herd at high quality Holstelns has been dis persodto all parts of the coun try The sale held inst Saturday was well attendean prices or this milking herd went high with an nveragerotWs and 101 price ot $1615 Buyers were prc from all ports of ontnrio Neighbors and relatives took charge at handling ML Robertson sal on bai may towmlh llewill be no linedlor while yet but in as well as pessible nunamva whom During October 90 permits were issued tor hulldi or these 21 were tordwelling for cottages 16ior garages 20 or renthions it forladditions for storage sheds two or can portsnna for silo one for dalok hatchery one for poultryhern two for implement storage nd one or marina two or in mg barn and two or idemolltions 165 Total of permits issuedlo data is 634 compared to 567 or 1957 Propertyiqcreqse over last year is lust under million dollars In his remarks the inn inspector states that senmls consideration should be given to employing lullttrne assistan for this oflicelle points out that another bylaw ready for passing will double the work of lo department ounmfonnr When the accounts for salar lea to councillors were being ap proved by ï¬nance chainnnn Gib bins he turned down entries from members of ncll lo be paid tor the day hey attendéd the esynals mono SAND GRAVEL Send Stone CLIFF yarcor treepla ing by school children no norm RWAM Ans rnorm 723nm