Copncil gwrn Visition Ensrvrawrnop LYN GRAND presidcnt ol the Students Councilat East view Secondary school presents Hed Linens races On Fair Bd Executive The barrio Agricultural Soc lcty will run different lair next year if any of Aid Ft Horscys plans materialize He is head of the societys nominating committee and hopes in break away from the past habit of chooslng directors from within the closely knit soc iety The nominating committee is made up of the immediate past prcsloent and the three prc vious presidents Jerry Cough lin past president and one of the directors who resigned in protest recently said he will not participate in the nominal ing committee proceedings this year This means three men will make up the nominating com mittee instead of the usual four Aid Hersey wants to go oul aidc lhe society and bring in new blood number of people have been approached and have indicated that they would be willing to become directors of the society he said There are 18 directors 17 of whom are elected by the soc lety membership and one ap pointed Anyonc con iuin tre society and have vote whin the annual meeting is hcd in late January or early Febru ary Ald Hersey attended the an nual meeting of th Ontario ssociaticn of Agricultural Soc tics held in Acton law weeks agot lie prepared point lorm resume of the topics that were discussed and prepared copiesfor the members otthe Barrie Agricultural Society Henry Stanley Ontario Agri cuiluoal representative from Milton suggested to the annual meeting that fairs forget about classeslor specific varieties of produce audt hat they not give prizes for classes ol produce not grown in the area 31ndusiriali Managers Tour fLuikin Rule Bob Hunter president of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce and general sales manager for Ltlflfin huleaddresscd over so members ot the Lake Simcoe branch of the Canadian Indus trial Management Association and discussed the future ex pansion of the company on their tour of the plant yesters day evening The delegates were welcom ed by Fred CookI Lulidus man vnger of manufacturing engineer ing and were taken on cem plete tour by cornpanyexecd lives Personnel manager Normalie Watsonheldza buffet supper in the company cafeteria Itlisener president at the Lake Simone branch of the CIMA thanked the company of itd Ms pltality Arrangements for the tour wera made by Monti first vice president of Fahrah onof Canada Ltd Orillia and work manager of Lutkr Lufkin has recently purchasr eda new manufacturing plant In Holland and the Crescent Tool Companyof Buffalo New York fv cheque for sizar to Les Cooke chairman of the United Appeal campaign Russell Stu Co operation between the directorsol the fair was dos cride by Mr Stanley as essan tial Floyd Laslrley recently retired director loe agricultural and horticultural bgancb of the do panmcnt of agriculture told the annual meeting that not all fairs would survive Maior Her sey agrees with Air Lashiay but the Barrio lair should be around lor long time he said TOP LOCATlDN Our location and the lairsie we have is thecovy of almost everyone connected with agri cultural societies The makeup of the Barrie riculturni Society board ol dir ectors and themen who chair the various committees has been of some concern to Aid Hersey for some time When was president he said no one asked me who wanted to 333231 roanpprsr brine working with me As re Simcoe County Council which has 55 number representing $munlcipatttiea has been in vited to attend reeling oi YorkCouoty Council It New market on Tuesday Nov 11 Theinvitationv was extended by Warden Garfield Wright paryk marketing teacher at Ehstview is at left Examiner Photo suit ended up with group of men who were fine chops but didnt know If they coulddn the pnrticular task had in mind The motor said thatjas one man of the nominatiirg commit tee he was speaking to pros pective presidents and asking them who they would like to see on the board of directors The directorsare theimen who planfbr the societys main function the annual fair Most directors areusually chairmen of committees however chairman of committee need not be director Mater Herseyoutlined the problem tre society has been having this way In the past he said wevhave looked around for men whocould chair some of the comittees and then have made them directors The ma who is reeve of East Gwiilirn bury and was accepted Mem bers have been asked to meet at the county building in Barrie to make the trip by but It 1130 fun JOINT MEET Members of York County Council were guests olrslmcoe County at lolm meeting ear lier In the year at which county changes and other mutual prov him were diseased Wc npprcciatcdthis rciurn nvitationwhich win give us another chance to discus mnt ters of mutual concern said Simcoe County Warden Alex hicAuleyrin menacing ar rangemonts for the trip more neconrrrnnomous Recommendations made not the recent convention of Ontario count as Including admin Irative changes for Childrens Aid Society health units and regional government are among itcms expected to he discuss iteasscssment problems Ehfo auxiliary police training regional lail recreational pro grams and tourists and indus trial promotion were other like iy topics mentioned Simone county council will hold its own regular session at the countybuilding here in Barrie on Tuesday gtN be looking for men wholhav broad Interests andthe welfare of the ill lty at lirgc in of man can quire special knowledge The fact thatja inanmay have yeatjsof erperlence in handling cattle oruhorses does not mean that hB will make good fair direction The major was careful to poirt out that he was not attacking nny of Ihapresent or post directors justthink we have to begin to look at thingrnlittle dif lcrentlyTha property we have outgtheré ls worth more than $200000he said New types of and new thinking could not elp but be good for the Barrie Fair he said Drsrnrcr inhuman Rain jar feels thatrtha society should PredisttedThurdeY move ml the Thursday The Toront weatoer office says rain will begin tonight Barrie district and by late Thursday itwill turn lo snow The temperature will be as to night rising Thursday only to the of mark Noon temperature outside the Barrie Examiner wasds de grees Synopsis developing weath er disturbance over the gull states is moving towards Ontar io This will bring rain to south ern Ontario tonight and Thurs day with the precipitation oc curring as snow in the north country The rain across south ern Ontario will likely change to snow by late Thursday night Toronto Hamilton Windsor London Lake St Clair Lach Erie Lake Huron Niagara LakeOntario Haliburton south crn Georgian Bay Ruintonight late Thursday with rain becom ing mixed with or changing to snow Winds easterly 15 to 20 Sault Ste MarieNorth Bay northern Georgian Bay Timrrgarni Algonia White River Cochrane Thursday ovi ercast with snow and continuing cold Winds northerly is to TORONTO CPI Wholesale to retailvcarion eggs average Weighted prices quoted by thvl department of agriculture as of Tuesday large 53 me dium 49 small 38 Eggs Wholesale prim to country stations fibre eases quotv edby committee of wholesale egg dealers extrn large to large 4147 edlum 3541 small 32 Cl latter nric Canadian Datry Commission tendernhle buying 39 score 64 buy inghtu score 65 selling roots Mon FAST irannour annvrcn mountains and limit Forecast temperatures Low tool in Kitchener Mount Fa Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough cOItNER Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Killalue Muskok North Bay Sudhury Earlton Sanit Ste Marie Kapuskasing White River ltfoosonee Timmins as as as as as 30 so as 20 20 70 20 45 40 so ro to as 35 32 32 so 30 to ao Members uftho Eastvlnw Secondary volleyball team pose with tireltmphy they won at th uolor Georglon Remove iatients From Home rireynhorqhdinn BnrvOLerBnri champs an secondary school nssocra chy hieger Mary Short and thin volleyball championships Kneeling in the trout row from left to right Mary Ien Green Sharon Enuman Befcause10i Zone Infractioh BRIDGENORTH Ont lCP iourtcen elderly patients are being moved out of nursing home in this small community In miles north of Peterborough because the home in lo violation of local zoning lows The Ontario Municipal board ordered the Armstrong Nursing Home shut downbecause it is in residential area Smith Town ship council had originally al lowed the bum to be opened first two patients left Monday to go totprivatchomas in the rarea IIow canpaople be so cruel asked Eleanor Emargy nurse on the homes ZSmemv per staff What have these peo pie done to be treated like this Roger Armstrong who EDGAR WI Member Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Gordon Bidwelleov oz at pm Special guests willybe Mr and Mrs Garnet Pratt of Barrie who will dem onstrate how to make Christ mas items suitable for home decorating or gift giving TREE DEADLY VANCOUVER lCP Par erits have been iyarued tokeep their children away from labur of anger W0 ehs bought the house In low to es tabiish place for the town ships aged to stay said she was told by real estate sales man that the house could be used for nursing home he paid 319000 for the house and spent $4000 renovating it have no idea what will happen now the 43yearold mother or six said hope there will be people around to look after me when get old lilr have tried to do num trees by the British Colum bia Salety Council spokesman saidtthe seed pods on the laburnum threak open his time of year and can lead lowed convulsion or death if swal orsulud sesame While They Lair WOMENS DRESS Asst styles hnd sizes Cherer Aiken Cowle Syl1 Kim Kasparski Standing vin Moore Bcrcriy htmdt from left to right are Schcf 1anti Mrs it Edwards Eir In Valianco Susan main aminer Photo xi TllEvBARRlE EXMIIN WEDVESDAY NOV cautions ContlncotnlinnéKay Cooke BayahoreThe hiark Hellman show QueensThe Changes andDarlene Dcan WellingtonFreddy ifcitenna gt Iuovresi ImperialI Lover plus Mondo Can No Roxyyloor Dow illll hill on pair LARGE SELECTION or