Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1968, p. 6

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Seventeenyear old Valerie Bryan iirst year arts stu dent at the University Bri tish Columbia has been con Miss ac Lions sen Miss BC Lions and will represent the Western Foot ball Conlerence Club in the Out nMdm his his cmymp Contest in To ronto during the week ol Nov d5 Wirepboto Childrénlsfiniense Rivalry Poses Difficult Problems When two young children are near in ages and one receives something as gift as on birthday or as normal pur chase oi plaything or article of clothing the other child may be very unhappy Even when dessert is served one child may tear that the other got more than he did With this problem every par ent is familiar So it is natural that many parent tries to pre vent unhappy teelings in the other hrotheror sister who tul lers from iealousyin such an instance The parent looks or an immediate solution Accordingly parent tries herd to make sure the other child is satisfied right away When thereiore one child re ceives ar gilt or normal pur chase this parent tries to match it withanother gift or purchase ll moreover one The latest in woer lewelry is lpaing onesell with rings necklaces and Beverage idea Canned egg nog at youriocal supermarketin Io andssttounce containers It can bekept tor months on your gantry shelf and needs van to geration yo prefer the alcoholic variety ustadd one cup of and one cup of whipped accent to the thounca size can This will rnakeilz tourounce servingsYou ean double tri pic or quadruple theamounts it need to worry aboutvthe beverage running out gt with few nuarts the pantry Hall healthy persons body weight is musc child insisted he didnt get as much cake or ice cream he is given additional to satisfy him Some mothers have written me that following one childs birthday they would make trip downtown as soon as possi bleto match his gllta tor the other child These parents eae iiy see that this procedure seems to solve theproblein oi jealousy and contention They may not see that this practice makes each child more ieariui that the other child will get more and better things than he does It can think oi no better way to arouse more Jealousy and contention between two youngsters To illustrate mother writes have two girls six and eight They have hurt leeitngs or jeal ousy it one gets something and the other doesnt get the same try to buy two of everything ohain belts Here the Napoleon Lock On Auction Bloc PARIS ersl sitar or Napoleon Bonaparta brought moo trance auction Monday The lock platt edand mounted in 19th to rat B1ack irame went to an unidentified gamut mas ronrnarr ran rnornssrouan boon snaussoorv but wish didnt have to What would you do My reply in part Its you have been trying to match everything for these two girls and have done so tor years no doubta change in your ways wont be easy or you and them But changawiii be necessary it you dont wish their jealouries to grow worse at quiet moment with them you might be able to explain to them withtgood criect that they will need to learn to wait and that as they do each will find that his turn will come to re ceive birthday gilt or pin chase oi something he desires Expect some tears and com plainingas you try to carry through this sensible plan You cant go back and practise them in this better way From their earliest yearslt will be hard uphill climb for them and you wealrs two rings on each lite er each wltltmanystones in intricate settings Craigiiunterol Strum llr MPH in Wfllon Wield In the lld stifliddotrm iiev Hoiderioy mad at the alteraoon cannon or which the titer wasdoded with white and bhntinied daisies am Ftusinrnoos at lvy an fibula daisies The bride was gin inmrr rlage by her lather Her gown war tattooed at embrohlerod satin with was imported into Holland The dress was deem ed inld Aiine with lcoop routine and long sleeves Ind featured reshaped culls mi termini Her veil was lull ieogdi flotillaoi French lace and thatcarrled cuedc cl ivy and shuts dairies The mid ol honor was Miss Anne Moria Steeoholdt Stroud The bridesmaids were Katlu Hodglns til WW Mlu lire Helen Horvotb Apestem and Mrs Donna Hunter at Bar rie Mrs iith is the sister oivtha bridegroom and Mrs Hunter is the ottierialaw oi the bride The ring bearer was Mark Horvath The attendants wore gowns cl emerald green manning tad ioned in anAllnc they can 31911163 Increase LSiZes Decrease pTodaya young womaniant what she used to be She taller Mailer leggin nad heavier than any previous generation at ionales according to the Health insurance insti lute Tbe dresses she wearslike the woman are no longer what they used to be Theyre big gertoo but their stated Elle Photo by 1M Dower MIL AND JOHN WILSON Htmter ol Barrie and ionnoon Warren ot Windsor were the rind bouquets olrsrute clslrsn mmf Tiny bowswhim ma dresses were scattered through their hair The best man was Terry Goodyear at Cookmtiie John hchnlght ol Ayhter Oral their reception in the some Conununiwjiail lollowed die ceremony The mothervothe bride received wearing green velvet dressand brown accoss ories The bridegrooms mother ksrP INvTHs TRIM Freshrhari CoiedslEVn Garcia Against Added Calories run JEAN not higher education crn prove to be tattooing as all gctiwt espedalio whenstudylni in ac companied by pcaauts potato chips and assorted carboydrst eds alone kind or another Coeds en gardel You dont want to turn into Miss liesp Calories during your lresllnan year it can happen Last year ireshman wrote to report that she had gained so much weight the family scarcely rowgoiud the buxom lassle who came up the walk at Christmas time She had added leteenpoun tur keyi It is easy to figure how the pounds pile on At the end of the days classes you gather at the campus eatery and relax with nourishing snack beiore settling down to the books At dinner you Claim Labels Help Cut Poison Threat MONK GP The con sumer is entitled to warning on the label lla productls po tentially dangerous the Cana dian Manufacturers of 9hemical Specialties Association confer ence was told Wednesday VEieanor OrdWay told dele gatesoo the asociatio 11th aonual conference there were 40900 reported poisoning Iod gdents in Canada last year and said that it can be assumed thatseveral thousand more poi sonings occurred which Iwere not reported Miss 0rdwny director at con ior the federal department at mnsumerand corporate afleirs said the highest incidence of gisonlngs involtifi household caning and po og agents and added that children under live accounted tor 7oper cent of the total Miss Ordvvay urged delegates tolnvestlgate pondhhities oi re gisdng hazardous substances with other ingredients toreduce the danger of the products EarlierMrs Brechln torthe Consumers Association of Canada criticized manulae tinerr or misleading the public She cited plastic bottles de scribed as summer which break ludlilmlflli polish bot tles packaged in the some way as popular brand cl beverage syna as worries elf ldl uhltration chairman otvconsumer studies write to the table with appetite It the ready and eat heartily Including dessert Then you nib bla during the study session Bo lore calling it night you otten gather to share the goodies somebodys mother sent lrorn home Ailthls can add up to last ten pounds or even twenty Stop on the scales and check to see Whats going on Better still stop at the five and dime store and weigh in on pay scale the kind that tells your weight and your fortune Weigh in once week and save the dazed weight tickets for the rec gt it your skirt band eels latte tightrdont blame it on thc cleaners Start trimming the calories Eat good meals but stop overeating it isnt the iirst helpingthat ls tattooingbut those accords At dinner leave all the bot bread when the des sort is pie eat only half piece Or get inthe habit oi leaving the crow if more than low pounds have been added iorego dessertand ail iattenlng snacks Most important eat break last it you deip or skimpthe lira meal of the day you are apt to lose out on good nutrition all day and establish bad eat lng habits Eat balanced breakfast not sweet roll jam and mllee Have fruit or juice an egg or serving ol cereal with milk notice of toast and beverage 3TH lsa good Lime to form the right lood habits if you eat at the dining ball you will be served vegetables and other loods that are not yourlavor nes Dont pass them by while sumer service and information control is way of eating Plan to get some active exen else Check on your weight and measurements Beiore creeping pounds get solid hold on you take them off take them off gnuMay was target can pink saimo cup bread or biscuit crumbs salt pepper In cup milk melted hitter 16 dry mustard slightly beaten egg Mix well together andbake an hourat 350 degrees lt This imagmaovo colourful huteto ourgreatExh tionis beautifully illustratadwithover 400 hotogrophs ufiigue récord of the aims and achievements offlExno 87 $2000 rHonAs aLsouasous nods Limited Mo Tome 122an wore blue and silver brocade nsamble with blue leadiercd at Drused tor the wedding trip to Florida the bride wore cranberry wool ensemble with beige accessories The newlyweds will reside at RR Springfield Ontarl LTHE LOOK 01 LEATHER Lady Western shapes vhite iahric it is from the0htarioi leather ina coat with ottcen Fashion Institutes all coli ections i0 Photol tre closing and collar culls are smaller study indicates the average woman today is live leet tour ad onehall inches tall and weighs lit pounds Her dim ensionsare bust 35 inches walstm inches andhips soy lnches Compare that with her tinoolthecentury counterpart live loot two iltpound shor tie with measurements at fllo 2466 STANDARD LABELS Apparently dressmalters have been doing some comparing too and recent check shows that they have been attaching email this has been the result olellv otts to standardise rising no1 woman doesnt have to due which rock to go to when the leaverooe store and goes to another linkers incxpenllvo gan mentr have my cases made their wares conlorm to tho markings on more anten slve apparel which triditionaiiy has been out more luily 0b aermr ol the shine scene see so eiernentolvanityln Ill ol thisat every woman iiktho think shes able to get Into girlish tile dress The maker beltltlerflmseelshave known awava is catching up ranram arm Theer is in last years do ltyoursetli patterns While ready tww Iltel went down pat tern slusrenuined theme woman who thoilght ohewm sin to dress usually lound she had to buy size pat er sire labels dresses For some time now says the log institute manulaciurers oi rea dyrtowear have been downsiz ing their merchandis nn large size tern Now the pattern sizes conlorm to readytomcat mark Modern women eat more speed meatsihan their grand mothers did andthey take bet ter care otthelriigtnes But as dress manulacturers worked at standardisinggrhes for the new woman they worked toward making those size smaller too As result while every day in every way women grow big ger and bigger dress sizes hay become crusher In part HOId Meeting Giurdilll United Gimth Wo men held their ihaokOllering meeting in the chords school roam Mrs Ronald Allan pm sided opening wlth the singing of We Plow the Fields lolr lowed by prayer Fourteen members answered the roll call and Mrs Gordon hieQuanle ted in the special missionary pray EF iacluded in the correspond ence was letterJlram the Convener of Finance lor Sim cos Presbytery with the rug gestion daatil possible the as sedation should endeavor exceed the 1968 allocation The TltankOiiering progrom was in the hands oi Mrs Lucas and Mrs Constable and included several interesting seasonal readings and thesln ing olWe Gather Together To Ask The lords Blessing and Sing To The Lord of Harvest The program was concluded with the Henedl on rLrass NOTE oun and hem trirnmedin Kalga sweeteners As rumour As agukwestiax £4

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