Different Datés me Been RSet While nominatlcnm beheld inmost muoichlalitics on Nov it then will ha law on otherydatel frProvtnetal regulations require nominations or the new room ty secondary and public school hoard oodalao the county sep arata seth board to be held on the Nov in date but some municipalities plaa council nont inatlons at other times Tossorontto township where Reeve hlalthew Van Loree head the council has set its nomin ation tor Tuesday Nov to Reéve Van Loree explained this was dona to give Tossorontlo ratepayers chance to attend the school nomination meeting at lvy the day beiore Tossnronllo his In ward tor county school election purposes with Essa and Sunnldale Besides Reeve Van three wb Is completing his 12th year as head oi the council Tossorontlo members Include Deputy Reeve James Wales and Councillors Stun Hailey Clarence Arthurr and Calvin ireland NOVEMBER The town oi Alliston and town ship at Vespra are among Slur coo county municipalities which have chosen hionday Nov 25 as nomination data ior councils and public utilities olï¬clals The village at Coldwatcr also has ap provcd this date lor its nomina tion At Alliston much interest also has been shown in coming vote on tour liquor questions set or Wednesday Nov 20 Mayor John Darling QC is completing ids tlith year In otï¬ce at Altiston and is now ilnishlng his ï¬rst twoyear term The ma yor and Deputy Reeve John Taylor have the longest service among the nine members with it years each Reeve Ralph Hunter who re cently was elected ï¬rst vice president oi the Assoclanon oi Ontario Counties was chairman nt ttnancc during the past ycarr Councillors completing terms in Newman One at the minimum which continues to allow one year terms tor its council Vespra also has set its nomination for week later than the county school nomination Vewra is grouped with Oro to one word seven tor Iha talter and this meetingwili be held at on townshi There will hand election or Oro council since Reeve Kenneth Gillespie and colleagues were elected year ago tor twoyear terms Reeve Wellington Dobson is completing his ï¬rst term as head oi the Vupra council which also Includes Deputy Reeve Carl Dotan and Councillors Harry Adams George llqu and Alan Jahnslon Former warden Ernie hlllier heads the Goldwater counciL The village at Creemore also has been following oneycar term policy but this is to be changcd to two lteeva Wllired Warden now completing his second term as head of the council has old Blackburn Frank Hart ll vey Pettigrew and Alex McAlv itster as his councilcolleagues Among municipalities which will not be holding council nomA linattons since they were elected year ago tor twoyear terms are the villages oi Cookstown Tottenham and Port hicheoll the towns oi Colilngwood Brad tord Penctang and townships oi innlstll Fios Sunnidale Tecum Seth Essa Oro Nottawusaga and West thilimbury Tottenham council which will he unchanged or 1969 includes Reeve rredvllclean and Coun cillors leopard Abernathy Wes ley Rowbolham Ralph Hutton and Alton Anderson Reeve Lewis Monkman heads the Cookstnwn council which oh so infludes Councillors Bob Shun dcrs Arthur Kidd Murray ltlc Dawell and John Houghton Reeve Albert Calvert and Dan clude Stanley Bowen James Dic key James McCullough Oakia BlilllliE ACTION Housing uty Reeve John Reedy head the Port lttcNicnll council Tusk ForceLCreuted Mayor Ruben Bentley today announccdthe creation oi task iorce that will present brief on housing problems inBarrte to the Hellyor Inquiry on housing problems in Canada The Mayor said thetask iorce will meet Wednesday and hold public hearing Nov 13 Transport Minister Paul Heli yer has been travelling across the cournry listening to the views at municipalities and lndivid uals on the problems of housing Mayor Bentley feels that Ear riecitipens have ideas that may solve some of the problems He hopes they will prepare briefs and present thorn to the Hellyer caourry The Barre force will have to members Larry Davis presi Back To Norma lit Luiltin Rule spokesman ior influx Ride Ltd in Barrie said yesterday that normal operations are now being restarted at the plant fair lowing mishap which sent 13 employees to Royal Vi Hospital because at noxious lumen Wednesday The plant had beeneloaod irn dent oi the local United Steel Workers Robert DennisPresl dent oi the Barrie Labor 0ounlt cit on Bohbette presi dent of the local United Elecr trical Workers John Henderson sales manager John Coburn lawyer Gord Spring builder Ray Gariepy sales manager Leon Perriard insurance agent Aid Roberts and the Mil yor Once the task force has heard all the hrieis they will prepare report or the cnquiryMayor Bentley did not know when he would prasent the Barrie brief However he hopes to have it ready by the end of the month iord Appoints Credit Manager Sandy ll Urchuk has been named manager of Ford Motor Credit Companys branch Mike in Barrie Tkle appotntment was an nouocal today by David Haibock vicepresident id operations Ford Motor Credit Company at Canada lied nativerotf arm Dntario Ur chuk attended Ryerson Polytech modialaly alter the incident which was caused when down draft blew tunes irom chim to room where the l3 weretwarking Thetrouble re curred Thursday All employees will be expect ed to return to work Monday said plant spokesman Dc partmentot health and depart ment of labor wepresentatl ea will remain on tha premis 4h time being nical Institute in Toronto Ha joined Ford Motor Credit Conn pany of Canada in February 1961 as sales representativve at its Hamilton branch He was made oiï¬ce manager 01 that hrancbin August 1968 and held that position until his recent appointment llheBamo brandt hlch op ened Novxl loss is located at Fred Grant Street in in outcall tensor Dilbrndiord Si grade l2 secondary school grad uation diplomas at St Josephs High Schools commencement last night Twentytour grade to students received statements of standing Four grade 12 students won excellence certiiicates for high est standing in individual sub jects Theywere James Dewar John hlulinowski David Mc Pherson and Elizabeth Vale John srigley was grade it honor certiï¬cate winner while George Center Michael Brown Mark Cavonaugh Glenn Kre love Patricia Leéper and Stisan llomhrook won honor awards or their work in grade ten The grade nine honors slu deus were Marion Iankn Rue sell Krelovc Mary Jane Kearns Christine hi00ffliti8ll0ll Klein Gobblnck irene Baits Michelle Lachance Nancy SVvick Ger ard Gagnon Mark Spearin Jane Srigtey Geolirey Bond and James Webb included in the list of exceb lnce certiï¬cate winnerswere Grade fliMary Jane Kearns Marion Lewko Russell Krelove Christine Grade 11 George Centen Glenn Krelove and Michael Brown grade ten Receive D1p Seventeen students received ONeill Elizabeth Vale alsowon the St Marys CWL Barrie general proficiency award for grade 12 students and accepted $30 prize John Srigley was the Woolworth Co grade 11 schob arsitip winner and he received star George Centen won the lad les auxiliary to the Barrie Lions cluh award and got Sgaultlarion Lewko received 520 and the Knights of Columbus award tor grade nine rJames Dewar won the Can adian Taman Corp Ltd award for excellence in English for Grade 12 collecting$25 Tho Barrie Juniors Meet Midland Barrie AC5 continue their home stand Sunday at 230 when theyiangle with the Midland Junior Hockey Club flhe AC outshat Colllngwond 3719 inthe league opener last Saturday but lost 52 Tomorrow afternoon they will be out to takerevengeior the deieatr oseph Students lbmas and John Srigley and Rosemary Tarnan award ior grade it his Iory tudcnts went to John Srig ley got $25 The Ontaribde partmenl oi education award was won by JamesDewar or his achievement in history De war also won the Kempenigldt Chapter ODE award and $25 or grade In history and gang rapby nltobert Hook won the Mathe matical Association of America and Canadian Institute of Actu arias award pin ior his standing in grade l2mathemalics The Monsï¬eldDcnman Gener al Co Ltd award and $25 was made to David McPherson Glenn Krelovc won the Woolwprthmatltematicsand once prize and $25 Ellen MeClelland was present ed with the Student Council lead ership award by student council President Charles McNellis RAISE FUNDS The Angus branch oi the Can adian institute for the Blind an nouncod that they raised $500 in recentiundraising drive The money will be used to further the work of the GNU in Angus The campaign was sponsored by the Angus Lions Club on gyyBarne jCodke Declares SEVENTEENHtudonts ro celrod grade secondary school graduation diplomas at SLJosephs High School oom mancemcotv last night Twcn tyriour grade to students res ceivedstatelpentsot standing Above award winners ion to right Marion iewko grade Elizabeth Vale grade ii George Ccnten grade to and John Srigley grade 11 Be low Charles Mdlcllis prest dent oi St Joseph student council presents the student councils leaderdalp award to Chrlstina Van Vugt stresseslgnorance 0f Foreign Lands At dinner meeting at the Barrie Ys Mens Club Don iiocPherson mandgEr oi Luikin Rule spoke at the ignorance of Canadians concerning foreign countries We laugh when we hear Americans talk about permao cnt trost in Canada or when we see an American heading north to snow ski in July he said but we are just as ignorant ourselves when it comes to coun tries ioreign to us lir Maclherson mentioned the expanding industrial base in South Amorica and stated that on the average the South American people arelndustrious not lazy and shirtless The enigma conccrnlng trade which exists between some South American countries should be stopped he said in Santiago Chile no meat is available from Monday to Thursday due to the great shortage of heel hut beat is cheap and plentiful In Argen tina Dutiable goods are taxed irom 150 to 225 per cent to pro To Nottawasaga Conservation Aprovlncial grant oi $3500 to the Nottawasaga Valley Conser valion Authority for erosion con trol tor the Nottawasma Riv or has been approved The Authority proposes to can ry out control measures to pro tect and stabilize the portion oi the area where the river ilows through the Essa Town roads and lacilitles alonglthe river in the township Alt member municipalities are beneï¬tting but the township as the main beneï¬tting municipal ity will hear the malor share of post Sailors Seizure GRAVENHURST Ont CPI Gordon Aiken 50 Progressive Conservativemember oi Parlia ment lor Parry munddekaka Friday suifered heart attack at his home here Mr Aiken member of the House since 1357 was reported pital snotty Nov hit 19 Sunday Nov iron l25 arson Lambert avalopmont stakes riser Aunts ship Centennial Park including the Authoritys portion of tho commutative in satisfactory condition in hos Former Mayor its Cooke said today that at tha timerthe city purchased lta looped gorhale limited Information was available on pollution control handgun He said the Pollution Control Actot Ontario was administer edthcn by not mokthan two lolhrce people univth AREA At the same tlmev authorities were emerging in every area at lnlerest regarding conservation he said Some got in acts some lust claimed broad authority Tha problem was where you couldmove lle raid that when the city purchused the burner which it waslearned earlier this week does not meet with the depart meal of ttcaltha present polln Iion standards hc felt the city was moving with the times lhe Pollution Control Act has been tightened and expanded twice since last Waste dLsposaiand pollution control have been growing prob lenetvtacing Barrie as long as can remember he said He said the problems ahev ac oclerated rapidly as the city has grown andgovernmem agencies becamevare Involved In rciusc disposal hOpen dumps were used out side the city years ago then sanitary land ï¬ll methods Even tually neighboring township ob lecied and passed bylaws tor hiddlng dumping In their areas Burrlewas ntnning short oi land within in its own boundar iesitoradiis purpose he said One form of disposal receiv Ing popular acceptance was the teelpce humor he said flt was recommended as being high ly intensiï¬ed burner reducing everything to minimal ash and emitting visibla haw that cnntsrlau nusmnssnmw The executive director at the Harbor Light Rescue Mission In Hamilton Martin Boughan will be guest speaker and solo ist at the monthly meeting oi Barrles Christian Businessmens Committee Nov 12 Mr Dough an was onetime member oi th Marinpraticligious ailm érsrwho were regulars on the Anhur Godiray television pro grant The meeting gets under way at 530 pm in tit basement meeting ball in Burton Avenue United Church KIWANIS SPEAKER The organization of the new manly education board will be the topic of an address to the Barrie Kiwanis ClubbyDr John Andersoi the Barrie Colleg iate Board Monday night The meeting begins at 615 pan in the Miramar Gardens on Dun lap Street any EXAMINER WANT ADSV arrows main beverage Blithe would disperse within about teen MrOooko said that ootur cll was aware there would be condoning changes in pollution controls they meander an possibility or making modiï¬es tons to the burner to accord modnte the developing provio cial sphere The city was advised that Its teem could hemodiiledthitn ther reduce any pollution ettect at an estimated cost of 319000 to $100 he saidn became president oi the Ontario Mayors and Reeves A9 sociation about that timeand set up provincial committed on pollution control including air soil and watcr sinoe con cern was mounting in all these ilelds llegionnl implications involv ed whole provinces undeven na tions ond so the problem hudto be attacked irom every level he said Technologicnl information on these aspects oi pollution was on the increase such as ways means to determine speciï¬c ci iccts oi concentrated air polio alon on humans onlmalandpiant lie As more information becomes available there is no qttesion that mu altty mustvkeep he said Portable ChamicalToiieh Steelholding tank No holes to dig wIdEBi sanitary eonvtn enee for construction learns carnivals baz aars and airssee in soon KEN WINTER co Barrla more owluo our incurs AT View Rrstiuniur For ROAST or BEEF or Batten roaKcuors 75 vegetables dessert