uNItreo APoaat cumin $99970 to om $53509 VthtiYurNo 152 4965 on BOUNDTHEWORLD TRlP Hrlssa Peilissier 81 of Far national Aliport niesday night on the last lap of 25000 trio stoned The mother of two is promot ng roundtheworld rally oi inglc engined planes to be held next springlCRlire photo Riissians Go Home BRATISLAVA fAP Slo yaksin Bratislava copied PtaguelGlcehsaiuesday night androainedtiieireitys streets shouting Russians go home hpd Brezhnev boo booboo The autiSoviet demonstra lions emptcd after 10000 cheer ing chanting Slovaks broke through police lines in aiwild greeting for the nations liberal Communist leaders who are vis lting the pital of Slovakia for the local oelehralinn oi Czecho Ilovslsias 50th anniversary similar demonstration in Mortgage Prague Monday night against the Soviet occupation brought woroln from Peputyilnterior Munster JaliMayeritnat these lice were determined to maln tain public order liut police and militiamen failed to stop the marching Slo vaks shouting antiSoviet slo gans Leonid Brezhnev is Russias Communist party chief Led byra man carrying sign with the French word Lib erto the column moved through Bratislava singing the féfIiirnit iMajv Jump sea TODNYCP Almost don ng 01 National Housing Aet mortgages may be in the lng inquiry are considering to commeuding early in the new yearthat the government al most double to 535 the limit loan for newhouse under the act it was learned today After six weeks of hearing missions around the country andmlith another four weeks at the intermittent hearings sched iuledsoniemembers of the in quiry team led by Transport Minister Paul lleilyer are con vinced th NllA loan limit should be jacked up by an uni preeedented amount Present iipperlimit is 318000 plus the $360 cost of the two pEHJHtC premium for mortgage insurance on the top amount The lastinerease in the limit few years ago was about 53000 Aim ot big jump of as much asslmwo would beftoassist po tential home buyers meet the increased price of house especially metropolitan areas without simply inducing build ers to boost their price stand 000 SlovdksaChqnt national anthem and lighting candles as memorials at hallo dozen places wheresl were killeddorioo vaslonlsst Augus APPLAUD DUMEK Earlier tensolthousands ol Slovsks wildly applauded the arrival of President Ludvik Svo boda and Communist party chief AlexanderDuhcek the lat ter Slovak The crowd mobbed the railway station as gillflil eightcar train pulled in forcing guard of honoraod band to retreatwithout playing note Today Svoboda signs new charter that create autonomous Czech and Slovak states joined in federation iounv Ann sanders7 City News2 Classifiedu 15 Comics12 Deaths14 District5 Editorial4 lwnisungsfiz wheelero womens6 ards by matching amount an informant said hone as Claims 150ooo Backexs even umesthepopulansuoport Rene Leyesques new separa is germinating in the fields of protest in Que The new group called the Christian Nationali party is irislng inprotest against educa Ltion reform in the same Quebec 7regions cultivated successfully lllc onal Roman Catholic Frencthanadlan valuesin what one leader describes as the first political movement countering the qriiEt revolution politics started in 1000 The political strength and in tluenee of the hristion Nation alist party rema us to be proved Discuss Plan To blah Youths Fer Year Of PublicSefvice orrmwu or PrimeMriiA vister Trudeautold the Commons fTuesday the government has might be done nthe liiture this country had been dis cussed with some otvhlsinlnis othin near the prhmpted bya Montreal speech Monday by State Secretary Gcr ard Pclleticr studying and form to ide am youth groups These had included nonnrtlltary drl and round schoolin Mr Pelletier described the nonmilltary draft as yearol public scrvice similar to the militaryservlce in other coun by the Creditistes in edelalipolV election but partyvleaders 150000Quebecers with the resignation train the ruling UniomNationale party of backbenches in the legislative assembly elected in Montnioren riding in the June 51906 ge ral elem tioo denounced his Union Natio nale colleagucsfo continuing what he called evil and social ist policies introduced the Liberals The wealthy doctor tion left the Union government with alworkingma islative assembly taking into account one MLA to Serve as speaker Dr he mblzi yihsgi tian Nationalist party would defect Standingin the house now is nlon Nationale Liberal independent vacant tries idcvotedsto peaceful Notr Danierlmrarf ridlogs voeaucies in Bagel and upport of more than The party sprouted from th political lunderground thisweelt Dix Gaston Tremblay 44 jority arms in the looses lcg Uniou Nation to itlth would soon follow him mier JeanJaequesiicrtrsnd said noneo his other Mints Eyclcctioiis are tobe hcld Dec MOSCOW CF Cosmonaut Georgy Beregovoywas brought back to sale landing in the So viet Union today alter four day flight around the earth Moscow television reported his copsule separated from the main part of the Soyuz space ship and the 47yearoldlormer test pilot londed by porachute exactly in the plaoncd oreo telcvirsionA announcer stud Beregovoy successfully carried out the program of the flight The olficihl Soviet news agen cy Toss saidvthe cosmonaut who completed Rosies second longest space flight feitwell alter landing Toss said friends and corro spondents met him when he landed llls landing came two weeks alter Americas Apollo 7rcap sule with th ee astronauts aboard landed in the Atlantic attcri an itday trip around earth atolliittiousshowed lauded or alter starting During the high Beresovovw the oldest man known to have Vllown in space carr out two so Missile Barri on tumult Wodnudiymdoboeaonibï¬s lass said Astronaut to Safe After DciyspIn Space approach manoeuvres with an other Soviet spacecrntt the un manned Soyuz which was launched day helore Soyuz and which was brought back to earth Monday Toss said Soyuz in an al most circular orbit was brought out of orbit when the rctroen gines were switchcd on or its seconds givlogit the necessary braking impulses apparnlusLit was not clear whether this meant the Soyuz spocccrait or Beregovoys capsulHescended by parachute and as it as proached the earth saftAlaoding engines were switched on Beiegovoy waspthe first Soviet spaceman in to months wThe last man sent into space Vladimir Komarov died when his Soyuz lvship the prototype for Eeregovoys cralt crashed to earth in April 1961 Beregovoys flight although manned as space flight since Aleitel benovs history making walki spa in March 1965 Is Shipped BYEllirFreight Tofuoscow noun Reuters inaiur political storm wos brewing in West Germany today as spy scandal turned into comedy thriller story of stolenU made Sidewinder missile ship peed air freight to Moscow The missiles journey hun dreds of miles across Germany with icking out of the back of carwere amongstartv ling detailspt the theft disclosed Tuesday by the federal prosecu tor thethelt tuokplacc year ago govémment spokesman said in VestBerlin that Ideall inet was expected to meet soon to investiga the entireISpy sit At the same time theSociol Democratic party as withrthe an Democrats in the coalition vernment de maoded that parliamentary committee be set up to examine two countries the efï¬ciency of West German counter spi age ag Ea three moiorUStolevision net works today in disputeiover wagesand job security The walkout was not upeciedto ha ny immediate effect on shows The American Federation of Musicians AFLCIO sald pickv ets were set todayrlor is televA sion studios in New York and LosAngides where most of the shows are prepaiedhand in Miami Baacb where the Jackie Gleason show originates svoysvaPeace Tfalk only IPoliiiCdl lARIS Reutersi The chiet North Vietnamese dele igate lit the Paris peacetalks ng ri ly charged today that Washingtonstalk of peace was intended only to serve the domestici presidential election Chief delegate Xuan Thuys charge came after the nthand shortes eetng btwéen the vIt lollowed more than two fweeks of intensive speculation that the United States was pre pared to halt its bombing of North Vietnam and was re ported to have offered the North Vietnamese apackage deal by ward this end Thuy told reporters after the 90minute session that while President Johnson spoke of peace on both Monday and Tuesday to aircraft were intensilyingthcir bombing of the southernmost strip ot North Vietnam AP Wire to Athens been sought by city coundl had to be kept in storage 520000 oer year would have eliminated the height milled the work to proceed theifutura land use Not More ThInILIOc Par Cepyv Page Fails To Mee 0i llir By chased over three years ago ed by the department of airpollution control service view yesterday domestic waste The burner does not com negotiations on the burner said the city has known of the reiec tloo for some time lheoity 15 wall aware of the decision of the department of health1 really dontzknw why they have not made it public would have said something about it earlier myself but nobody asked me hiri Evans said with Hailih Minister Matthew Dyniond and thenmlnlster felt that it would riot be possible or feasihle to install the burner because of the llution it would cause to the Iihe SimCelllrl member oftilelcgislalure said he had written to toenail infomiinglhern of the minisers opinion EVANS AGREES agree with the depart ment iic saidiTrorn theiul formation can gather it would be wrong to set thisburner up aomvhereufihere isnt another such burner anywhere in the province of Ontario The environ at al health branch at the health department described Barries burner as single chamber model More efï¬cient models have No or three chambers they said The dwattmeot said the burn er eoul odified to make it conform with pollution stand ardsiandthat city and depart ment engineers were studying possible modifications These might include an afterdiurner water washer aodan extended smoke stack The additions to the burner could cost $00000it was learned The city purchased thestkfoot high refuse burner on June27 1900 to be set up on hhe present sanitary landï¬ll project west of Ferndale Roadlhe original cost was $42000 but the machinehas since that time Pnnorcmoasavruo Md Les Jolliife saidyat that mean ving to theéityin garbage disposal costs oFover Aid Fired Smith formercity Manager Walter Gigg andald Jollrtie made aspecial trip to Prince Edward island that year tosee sindlsrbuma in operation wouldemit said ut wit in 200 feet in October 1966 work started on he foundation of the burner but council soon learned that zon ing reguihttons for the FerndaleA Edgehill Drive location which wasde nated aslopen wouldJiot mit the erection would disperse satin BYLAF Council movcdan amendment to the zoning bylaw that restrictionsi the area and per trip January 1907 tthOn tario Muniolal Board rejectcd the change in zoning if and would be best delayed til item in tliavarea was determln At an earlier municipaib rd lieorlng sevem property owners objectedto the garbage burner location They said the present lnndllll operation is undesirotilc lilo Evans said hehad talked time that the incinerator would Formnrysecpaégtwo Requirements Pollution Control BOB ALLINGTON Examiner Staff Reporter Approval of Barries teepee garbage burner pur by the city has been reject ealth spokesman for the in Toronto said in an inter lfen Hawkins an information pffieer with the serviceI said the burner was considered inefficient for burning ply with Ontario regulations regarding air pollution and does not ineet our design standards Mr Hawkins said mm EVANS and howaiier would be clear ly incompatible with existing and future residential uses in the area they felt The board said it could not approve rezoning the burner site until new oifici cityyplso was completed The installation ol garbage incinerator with the capacity suf fieieot to handle the garbage from city the size of Barrie would to agreat extent influ ence land uses for aconsld able distance in all directions the ropet CONSIDERE VE gt The city consider moving the burner toanother location but decided to try again later or the zoning change byincluding it in thecumprehellsive zoning bylaw dralted in thezfall of 1957 to dcalwith 1530 acres of land which were annexed lrom Vespra township in liloi gt In Auvdst of this year the On tario Municipal Board approved that bylaw and cleared the way gettiogtaperuilt lha department of spokesman Mo Hawki said the city did not apply in the department for advice belore they purcliased the burner in 1966 anddid not request per mit for ometimcafterwards lie so he thought there may understand ing on thep rt thencity and ï¬rst oificis ere may have ielt Wm monolroolyapplied4lr odusirial burners Several alternatives appear opento thecity Theycan sell the teepge burner iijthey can rind buyer andpurchesea new one They can make 0me ad ditions tpthe existing modeluor oppiy for additional land 1111 sites in the city Anotheogov ernrnent agency the Ontario Vater csourcts Commission hasalready taken gt of the dastlalternativc if Ald Jollifles vicw of tie ys garbage predicnmcnt is correct Barriezcould be inscr ious troubletn ale months in August hesai An five or siXmnnth nd we have atom to omvorrctusc Transplaiits From one rMan ronbivrowcei Guy aneselmmigro leiityilciï¬hylur butcan be lived wit An incin