wsaruenfl hurts imWCloudpltdiu and daance of Mutant rosvlnwtodgtiloldflilhm WiFuï¬deluktsknoFJ UNITED APPEAL robisdlvojflJTO To Date 325509 fool Your No 146 ti VICE PRESIDENT Hubert ï¬umthY clfnhraces Mrs Lynv den 13 Johnson at love Field Sc1vs Democrats Eind tWeH lit rue ASSOCIATED PRESS Richard Nixon accused Dcnmatic opponent flutter if lime of loose talk and sltiomitdiing today and said Hominy as president would mate great risk of misad Fliumphrey meanunilc was bclnghailodasapo calmiro ciewvrker foruniting iiiaids TexasDemocrats behind him He heads for California late todayto try to repeat the feat thirdparty candidate rec Wallacehit by an mole ooicvtiuownzalongiwith eggs and tornaboea niesday sald leaders of both major par es ha er kowtnwcd to soar w£ ii divs iii Astronauts campaign speech today Mrs Johnson en route to Washing ton saw the crowd and decld Mite joinjt for minute she chisis and ignored avcrage cit iMlLS Nixon said today the present Dcmocmtic administration has not been able to keep the peace bosnot kept up military strength or American prestige and now it cannot restore peace do this dismal record 110 opponent brings the fasteï¬ loo tongue in the nation and the fastestjswitch of poations aver seen in American politics NixonsaidJn statement Mr lfunlphrey hasisliown constitutional fnabtlity to treat tilervietnam ndtt1e Paris negotiations eily or for that matter understandably this campaign Re said She called Humphrey good vlcepresidcnt and warm friend Wircpboio immigration Dept Proposed For Quebec QUEBEC CF fhe third session oi the 28th legislature resumed hiesday witii introdue tion of bill to establish prov incial immigration department Premier leanJacques Ecr trand noted in introducing the immigration bill that the majori ty of Quebeccrs are French speaking and said the nude partmcnt will attract immi grants bettcr adapted to the French culture Asked in an interview later if this meant néwcomers to the province would be obliged to send their children foFrench language schools MrBertraod replied EvOiicoithey com to Canada 0lVQuebECv they copy the same rights asother CliiRBS They will cnloy the samcrigbts as those who speak English and those who speak French live Eriighi For Experts ABOARD THE ESSEX AP Base near Orlando Fla for The three Apollo spaceas tronautscleaned up and wellfedcome ashore today to relive for experts their llday 4500000mile journey in space They will fly from the USS Essex to Patrick Air Force long series of debrieiius From their answers and data gathered by the spacecraft the space agency hopes to deter mine whether the next manned space shot can safely take men in circle around the moon The decision on whether the ileCAPSULE NEWS liner historian To Reine UIJAWA CPIMaiGen BruceEMacdonald 51deputyr chief of personnel for Canadian armed fomeswill reLire next monih for clVilian Jobythcdeience department announced today Transplant Serum Has Potential fronon CPIThe ALS serum taken from horse blood and used to prevent rejection in human organ transplant has great potential in the treatment of other human ailments says Dr Taylor chairman of Canadian medical researchimu cll co mince May Revive Eaton Centre ronoNroicrloriiojals of treal are conducting negotiation Comp investments with Eaton C0 Lt rria leiid to revival ofthedowntownEat flsksZ YearMarriage Probation TORONTO 0PVance Packard United Statesauthor Tucs day nightisuggested atwoyear preparation period for marriage then should be twoyear confirmatl per in marriage cripple VietnameseForce SAICON APtU Vlctiiamcse troops southwest of and air strikes that wiped out spokesmen reported today be rho said in an interview marinas sighted more than 400 North 50 comp ble on Nangland called in artillery nearlyzbalf of the force military fwiioou APLA British businessman has out to ays agh to canoeacrossithe Atlantic isfeared dead friendsrsaid today Peter Cheshire is diamond mqrchpntrlcftStaicnfaland Aug inia 204ioot canoe with centrach food to last month 2000 cigarettes and enough recovery team chief Apollo flight willbe anollier earth orbit or circurrlluoar is expected in November For Capt Walter Schirra Jr Maj Donn Eiseleand cl vilianWalter Cunningham the next few weeks will bea condu uous round of medical examinat ions debriefing and reports The Apollo crew splashed down at7ziz am EDT niesday in the Atlantic southeast of Ber nnida and was then taken aboard the aircraft carrier Officials called the Apollo flight bowl Pen phy cian said iiiedical examination showed allthree men cssentiah 1y normalno problems He said the men showed no sign of mental strain no irrita tion Quite the opposite Carpen tier said coaos WERE Golva Eisele had some residual inlt faction but otherwisaihere was nocvidenccrof the colds that plagued all three astronauts during the flight No doubt about it they are tired the doctor added Eiscle showed more weari ncss than the others becausevbe had stood the iast night watch and normally WmildJlfllLhECll prepariagtor sleep at the time of splashdown iress Buys The Gazette MONTREAL icri Southam Press Ltd is purchas ing The Gazette hinting co through an exchange of 700000 in cash And 00000 shares at Southam Press was announced Tuesday The boards of the two compa nies said The Gazette family owned for almosrrdoowaara would retain responsibility for its editorial and news policies Southern Pressshares closed on the Toronto stockExchange at Jim sharediisdaye tab shing the purchase price for The Gazette Printing Co over 09000000 sum Outlric€anadl womanhood toms Defends BOSTON AP Richard Cardinal Cushing says the idea that Jacqueline Kennedy cx communicated herself from the Roman Catholic Church by her marriage to le Onassisfs lot of nonsense in speech Tuesday to mem bers of the Caritas Guild men in the licensed beverage indus try the Catholic archbishop of Boston said repeatedly tbatCar lias stands for charityand turn on the radio and all hear are people knocking her head off as it were criticiting her and so forth and they are so far from the truth that no one would believe mil ever got on radioprogram and re vealed whnt know All know that am able to tell you is thisCaritas charity Months ago llrnew that Jac queline Kennedy was goingto marry Aristotle Onassis know what she hasbcen going th gb for many many Défertce In Spite UHAWA CPI Defence spending shot lip 3111000000 in the last ï¬scal year to $1 750000000 This is just $5000000 under the postwar high of 195657 And no relief appears in sight despite original government ar gumentsvthat unification of the armed forces would save 5100 000000 year foriive years in row or total of 5500000000 ï¬naocn Minister Edgar Ben WeakénsHope PARIS AP Arncrican and North Vietnamese peace envoys traded changes tndaypi aggrcs ietnam without provid detectable sign that be axing agree halting the bombing of North Vietnam Tilers had been speculation that Hanoi might rchy in this 270 semen of the conference to Washington overtures about that he said is what is necdcdr Cardinal CuShing ke ministration of the late Prcsi dent Kennedy and have been contacted by others intimately related and ossoclntcd with tho Kennedy family to stop all this fromrinking placopnamnly that Jackswidow God rcst him Well would have no part lihe ExamineL TODAY Ann hinderso City News24 Classifiedll 19 to Comicsu Deathsii Districte3 ti Editorialt SPoflkIZ ii 14 Theatre4 rv listing24 WeatherJ Womensd would marry Aristotle Onassis 2385 th lilat wot yesterdayi Québec liquor Strike Continues liolirnaAi cell Quebec Liquorjoard workers Tuesday loft no doubt about their willing ness to rcmaln on strike Workers in Montreal voted 1120 to 523 in favor of contln uingtbcir fiveimonth walkout Whli employees in Quebec City fnvor SiADeHding vSoars Of uniï¬cation son in his budgot speech nies day night estimated dcfencn spending in the current fiscal ycar at 01746000000 or $0 000000 under the 106768 figure 0nly month ago the govern merit forecast defence expendi tures in the current fiscal year at rill14000000 01 331099000 below the budget ï¬gure Earlyoext yearrthe govern mentwill present 100970 de Exchange 01 Charges in Paris gt Bombingliali Ambassadors Averellilar riman and Xuanfihuy clashed in the 2lsviiourmeciing over wdio is entitled to speak for the South Vietnamese people Ha cab ernmeut of Pr dent Nguyen Van Thieuwiule may once again demanded US recogni tion of vandunogotiations with the Viet Congs National Libera tion Franc fonce buugcnvhlun ma peacetime record Defence Minister Leo Catlin has already said there will bea pay increase for the armed forcesnow numbering about 100000 personnel compared with 123000 five years agoon top of the lipcrccnt boost granted in the last two years Moreover the North Atlantic TreatyIOrganlzaLion and in pa ticllartwoof its members the United States and Britain are puttingprossure on Canada not to reduce its military strength befla especially in Europe informants say this pressure has become so intense that fix tcrnal Affairs Minister Mitchell Sharp will internrpf his Latin American tour for few days next month to fly to Brussels for special millNovember NATO ministerial meeting ififcCan you give me little more money John Mate Certainly About ending the aerial rathacls how little intivlnflation campaign Not More Than log For at 16 Pages mAWA CF new two perccnt levy on taxable person al income shapes up as key weapon in tough anti rinflationnry bid outlined by rookie Finance hfinistcr Edgar xtlcnson iilesduy night in his viirst budget speech The tax effective next Jan cairlcs maximum mit $120 yearlfor any taxpayer Mr henson forecast token surplus of 33000000 in the next fiscalyear starting April but opposition members promptly attackedthe budget as shock JflngioLiLand vicious The ï¬nance minister stressed the antiinilatinrlary aspects of his proposed measures the broad ficld of eco no in policy the most urgent need now Is to check further the continuing increase in prices and liviagposts he sad here appears to hay been some easing of inflationary pressure in recent monthsgflut therei little evidence thatthe damaging upward spiral of prices and costs has been 23fo tively broken IAPS LITTLEUSED HELD in addition to the twopercent Formal tax increase tin this nouu dplanslo hovecorpo lions specd payment orthrir taxes audito collect an esti mated50000000 In new ireve does from the hitherto little iouchc life insurance industry in orcnt vein hesought toellminaiewhat he called deeply felt grievance by ex emptingr from taxation all amounts left to spouse He also plunsto end taxation of gifts between husband and wife in nli the proposed tax changes will add $55000000 to governmenicoffcrs the cur rent fiscal year ending March 31 but that will soar to $345 000000 in the following 12 months Mr Benson predicted But despite the higher reve nues this year the expected def icit will total $675W9000 on spending of 510130000000 againstr re enues of $10 105000000 is compares with the peacctlmé record deï¬cit of $192000000 in on ï¬scal year Ended last March 31 Next years anticipa ed small surplus would come rfromre hues of 511575000000 and ex penditures tit 511670000000 News of the deficit forecast this year ought low whistles ches as the yellowroso in his lapel read through his H800word speech sharpest opposition atiac however were reserved for proposed tax increases CALLSBURDEN HEAVY Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield said outside the House they will put heavy burdeuron thepeople coming top tot thatsx mircharge posed last winter Max Salisma for the NDF said Mr Bensons bid for balanced budget next year is almost certain bring on recession Mr beoson made it clear his biidget speech and at newsconferencc the the changes estate andath oveaonflifcdnsurancc companies are the beginnings of major taxreformprograrn He told the newsconfercnce he hopes tohave thorough program of reform ready by system operating bcfo ext spring but does not an patevh ismrebuilt tax im The proposed tworpcrcent personal tax increase dubbed developincnt taxylwlll bring in about $440000000 next War more fliau half the an ticipntcd additional revenues Mr lionson said Underthe new rat mar rled mail with two children and EZK cents 3week cxtrallf his salary were $10000 hevwould pay the mairimum lucr se 30 week Despite the ending of taxation hu bands or $5000n year willpuy 00 GaitToday Inauranoei Companies For More Revenue taxes on inhcritooccs to other people will be about doubled PROPOSFJ EXEMPTION in othcr reforms of the csfaln tax ihe finance minister pro posed $10000 exemption for every mature offspring with it bigger exemption for younger and whollydisabled children general exemption of $20 000 was suggested for any cs talc in addition in freeing gifts be twcen husband and wife from taxation the government prir poses to set up newisliding scale of tax rates on other 21 more closely in line with normal income tax rates Life insurantc companies which paid lnss tban $3000000 in toxin in 1067 should be taxed generally the sameas any other industry Mr bonson said He proposed lSperccnt tax oulife insurance companies in vestment income and also taxi ing income received by policy holder who scilsor cashu in Wiley This income would be considered the difference be twcenthe costoftbe policy and the return to the holder it would not apply to bencfici arywho wouldwiaoegonly the normal estate tax charges The move to bring life insure ance compii is into thopal corporation taxes wasmne of tho malor recommendations of tho report of the Carter royal com mission ontaxati made blich in early 1967 Therecommendcd speedup of corporation tax payments means in effect that companies will pay iamuntlis tax in lo months gt ihey now pay their taxrin monthly instalmenLi starting in the thirdmonih of their fiscal year Under thenew ystem they would complete th ir pay ments by the end of the ï¬scal year instead of carrying them over into the third month of their next fiscal year Aims To REVENDFS Mr Benson said this faster payment will add $30000000 to federal revenues next year al though it does not represent any lncreoSe in taxation He admitted it will reduce the cash assets that companies have on hand to investbut said this reduced liquiditywould be countered in large part by re payments made under the re fundable corporation tax nstl edtivo years ago In another move amount that anks gage loan up move taxfree These companies now an ex enipt up to three per cent of the base hich these reserves Turn topage two please iieuiiudiei avocado lly uncommon as gt Prelnier Bennettof British Columbia mid the social development tax of two pgr cent on personal taxable income is designed to prevent the prim mm fromhav their lo He said the especicd revenue of Mt 00f Muirom the new lcvy uli hc next fiscal year will go entirely into federal furs The nundlcr nlddi is piled up by federal goVerrimcnts dur ing the last 12 yoarsy national disgmce Not at all expected Vslnco