Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1968, p. 1

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EXAMINER tenants our lulleYeerNo 141 ram MINNIE Trudeau enormous point to report matanewsconlereneeia Ottawa lhiusday Mr Tm deanheld flrc conference fol lowing the first reading oi the official languages act in the House Commons CF Wire photo ICONTEMPT or zoom qu Imprison Quebec Teachers commonom teachers with 204m Jail sen day iateuccsstilltobescrvedremaln Jree todayaflerPramlcrJean Jamcs Bertrand refused Thursday to intervene for the second day in row emler Bertrand told new co reuce other teachers demonstrated with 2000 sup porters in front oi the legisla oune that only Chief Justice Frederic Dorlon of the Quebec Superior Court could grant pan done or reverse the sentenm for an oftenee dating back to loco The premlcra statement war reiteration of stand he took Wednaday regarding the sen tcuces passed alter contempt of mt convictions arising firm Mr Berkaud one name epiu presidentot the Cooled atlou of National Trade Onionsswim which the teachers hare atfiiated that he could not actss aeubsitutcior the courts by intérvening He arggeded theteadrera allow the most normal road in eh cases and take the prob to Mr Justice Dorian The sentence became eflee Hve let when ihe Supreme Count or Canada refused to hear an appeal by the teachers all officers or the cocomenu yndicat des prolesseius dc ada Aug 231965 AP LE march on the legislature Thurs and presented the is teach ers to lean Lolsclle ill Ber trand sewemry gt Divorce Petition NEON Ontario Colut of Appeal Thursday gave Toronto woman permission to advertise her divorce petition in newspaper and ruled such ad is adequate notifica tion for the husband she says she cannot locate Under Canadalnew divorce legislation which went into ei lect July many orders have been grantediior substit onsl sendceedvertising of divorce petitions when the spouse can not be iolmd Anilela Suttp 29 Toronto at rte divorce proceedings Sept 17 and epplledearlier this month or an order allowing her to advertise the divorce petition newspaper rather than serving legal papers on the has bandshe says she cannot io eate Mr Justice Parker oi Ontario Supreme Court had in referred the case toyCourt of Appeal Mrs Suit said she married her husband John 32 by proxy when she was in Poland in 1964 She said he deserted her two weeks alter she arriyed in Can Highest Minimum Pay5itale TORONTO UP new minhnlnn wage tore general industry or $130 an hour announced Thursday by Labor Ministcr Dalton Balcswill give Ontario high in the other niueprovincur er mmmuri than current rates ilixon BacksBombingliait Yr Richard mm Rep in Boston soysjhe willsupport any bombing halt in Viehiamdrat does notendanger American troops and helps bring peaceadding With peace Negro Sprinters suspehdéd Negro sp from the U5 MEXICO WY AP lohnCarlos weze suspended US Olympic Corrnnitiee today in eidiihitiouism during an uts ContinuesDaiinombing Wcdonotwautile play politics ersTorrmiaSmith and lymplc teamby the 11taeuepensiou was for nutyp Olympic victory oeremony Wed moon or us liglitcrboulberssuebked through heavy iic their daily bombing of the Saigon government continued td ballr at agreeing to bombing halt Bees HusbandDie oi Eugene lwombiey aderet star of the Petticat day at pneinnonia and in The coroners office said 51 was due to natural Junction television series cancer iii 52 hospital in ma the death new Miss Ben died Stirl Port th Vitaitestoitbe due Win reek Milhondire Wed ATHENSJCPL Jacqueline Kennedy arrived in Greece today to marry one oi the worlds richest men Aristotle Onassis ending five years of speculation about the future oi the glamorous presidential wilin if roe III brought the brldctobe and her family to military airport at Audravidain southern Greece As Mrs Kennedy stepped from the plane and walked down the steps she was greeted by Onas sls who had flown from Athens in take his bridelobe on to Skorpios the small scorpion shaped island he owns south of Corfu They will be married there Saturday or within three days at the latest Onassis told re portersin Athens Onassis said they would spend their honeymoon on Skorplos unless Jackie wants to make tour of the Mediterranean 1M REPORTEREUP Airport police confiscated all cameras and locked reporters in the airports waiting room about sooyarda away just before lira Kennedys let lauded Mrs Kennedy left New York Thursday night shortly after the surprise announcement other plans to martOnassis Her plane reached Andravids shortly before Ouiseisvgflewfin from Athens Mrs Kennedy wearing abortsleeved green woollen dress crocodile skin shoes and ornate sunglasses was kissed on the check by Onassis as he gave her welcoming embrace iben Onassis bent to kiss the two Kennedy children Airport employeesseld Mrs Kennedy was smiling as she stepped from the airplane She took deep breath looked at Apollo Crew Firesi urns racovauivn armor Whom the warm sun and than took her children for brie walk along the runway to stretch their legs hammer en group re lcvptcr for the wedding date on slromios The weddingwill unitetho ae iyearlold widow of assassinated Preslggtdohn Ego left me LLomsn shnllppl rag magnate 23 ycara mher se or Onaasfiia 62 was in 1960 or 14 years marriage to the former Tine Iivenos daughter oi another multimil iianaire Greek shipowner They had two chtldren and she later married Englands Marquis of Blandiord the Duke of Marlbon three oughs heir Mrs Kennedys plaos towed were announced lhursday in New York by her mother Mrs Hugh Audzluclose few hours after the an nouncement MrarKennedy her two dilldrenCarollne lo and John Jr mid party of emit lumped 90passengere from an Olympic Airways jetliuer vend look off 1mm New Yorksglfinnez hymn was the airline They no cam néfisuin of President Kennedys asters Mrs Stephen Smith and Mrs Peter Lawlord Mrs Lawtords daughter Secret Service agent and live maids mohesmanjdr the airline said thepianea 90 passengers were put on plane that left hours later The mintshlp ranked as one oi the international jet isfis bestirept secrets Their Steering Engine HOUSTON AP With loltlng hurst of energy the Apol lo astronauts fired their steer engineltoday in the most poweriul manoeuvre ever made by manned spaceship The huge engine finshedto lite and sported steady tail of flame tor 66 seconds as Apollo raced in miles above the Cult of Men ihatwss areal nice todo the machlaneilorrued beautl fully cecratt commanda Capt Walter Schirra mplcslon the engine that one were jolted out odtlleir walnut iess world and that the gravity reading in the cabin was one day will guide American lustre oauts to the moon When the burn started it was mder the automatic control of spacecraft guidance and navigation system Schirra took control manually the last 30 see ends to demonstrate the ability or the pilot to takeover in case the automatic system failed He reported that momentarily Interest Salem on one an on we maniacs by MPs ill hearings of the Com mons external affairs commit tee on the Nigerianclvil war and Canadian aid for its victims ppearsrto suing The wmember committee lost its uuanunat both its alter noon and evening sittings Thurs day The quorum is 15 Nor mally committee cannot cou tlnue to function when it loses its quorum but thevhxternal at airs committee continued in up eratinnwithoutone The stee ingoo nee has notyetzctedona almd tanu sends camicom mitten on factdiu ion to Nigeria and Biatra chairman Perry llyau laToronto Spadinai saidin an interview that no actionvis likely to be takenbefore the return or ch ha ltlsgenoclde ltlsntgenocldo isgenncids Wanmg Conuttiitee The external affairs dep ment is understood to be studyu uig the proposal Committee members expect the govern mentlo turn it down as it dd sinflarsuggefinnby com mittee last spring Mr llyan saldiiatGeh lililroy Canadians repre sentative ou the international observer team in Nigeria is pected tortest Tuesday The committee whlch origi nally plannedto wind up its hearings this week will iso hear witnesses from the United Statue and Scotland The witnesses Thursday were Keith Bezansou of Ottawa chet inN during the firinghthe astronauts none at ground level engine was the mostlpow triul ever fired on manned space elu thadbeen ignited four times arlier onthe Apollo Quantum torce new mission with maximum burn or 15 seconds Thus tha amount of energy produced was in mmhflflng today burned two onsfoihfuel reduc Schlrrawasiu goodde when he awakenéd today and relerring to Apollo new no telecasts earlier this week said hes like to try for Emmy for the best TVseriéa The television show was can celled today becauserol bu nodule f5 Testinga Sunday School class the yang asked one of omission my chlldi Replied the bright one are the sins weought mit anddont The Examiner TODAY Ann neon1 gt City News2 QlasxlileiLlMslt Au into in Hurricane May viiiypasaflampa Mum on num cane Gladys continued its north Vard movement in the Gull oi Air Mexico today but the weather bureau said it probably would turn eastwardmud strike Flore ldas gulf coast north of Tampa its winds had dropped from so to 75 miles an hour but it was still expected in briugfiveloot tides in thinlypopulated area near the mill of the Swaunee River between Tampa and Cedar Key so miles to the north west The weather bureau had fore cast earlier that it would turn toward the Tampa Bay area and its more than l0000o0 resi dents hutaald later that it would bit further north Beatie Friend Pace Drug Charge maroon Ain John non of the Beatles and his Japa nese girlfriend Yoko Ono were arrested today on dmg merges The couple were lulled ot Paddington Green police station and then released on ballsior appearance Saturday at Morer bone Magistrate Court They were also charged with obstructing police in the execu tfon ofia search warrant Ileunonv and Miss Ono were arrested ratinvvMontagu Square apartment in the Marylebone districts lhayewmaharsed with being possession oi aquautityoi the lorbidden drug ranaabishan other term ior marijuana Harlan wishes Jackie Happiness Amman Reutcra Lord Harlechsald today be hope utotleOnasris minister Whatare turning Jacoueh Kennedy on be very happy in her marriage to Greek shipping magn nte Arls The tonnes British ambassa dor inWashlngton whose name was linked with Mrs Kennedys earlier this year made his coonneat in laxlet statement to the pram rmn Harleohs statement IMrs Kennedyhas been very close personal friend overlie years lbopesho will be very happy codes To iisé Both French iind English OTTAWA am An Official lemma Act that will require Canada the chin most courts and all federal depart ments commissions and ngerv dc to useboth English and to French in dealings with be 1ch was given first reading in Commons Thursday night mnior feature is the provi sion for bilingual cderal dis trim in areas where at least to pcr cent ol the population make the minority tongue Thirwould be giant step in implementation of bilingual districts system recommended last December in the first re port of the royal conunission on bilingualism and hlcuiturellsm 1t llsfed 54 census divisions mew oi them inQuebec where the English or French minority masses 10 per cent The and commission pro posed federalepmviocial attion toesiablishthe districts with possible subsidies to help minor tles in areas such as education under the Official languages Am any federal outlets such as post offices or manpower con tree would have to pmvlde serv lcm in the mluoritylanguage PROVIDES FRAMEWORK However establishment of such districts evidently would set up framework the prov hoes mld mists Jlr meal Sililheqmfl ln sent copies oi the act and askedto cooperate However gee figment would establish with or without provincial cooperation Ar bilingual dimtshdvisory board would consult with the provinces but would not be sub iect to veto Meanwhile Ottawa was ready todisoussfinancial or technical aid to the provinces to help iShip Missing four Days Late LONDON AP HISton Libelion lreighter crossingthe Atlantic was reported our days overduetoday ritish officials expressed concern lor thalthaca island which lelt Hampton rR ds V25 0ct1w1ity argooi On Oct the ship radioed that it wouldarrive three days latenflhe coast guard said the shipdoes not respond to radgo signals sent outevery half hour Pl lor them implement the and recommendations Slumsyear Commit sloacrof Official Langtiages llr Trudeau said he is looking someone pretty tough on thoritalive and unafraid to pry into federal departmentswould enforce thespirlz and intent of insect He said the obiect of the legis lation is to ensure that both the English and heath in Canada can deal with the slate in their own language SUPPORT lRESOLUflON Bilingual is tricte werent mentioned in resolution pmoding the bill Opposition parties mpport the resolution with some individual ENVE PCAcadia the government is fgoing against the natural trcnd to word disappearance of liteach with such legislation Opposition leader Stanfield said the measure is the easiest stop in the constitutional evoltu tlou now under way in Canada lhe federal government wouldjaee its real tam ot lead crshlp in getting plwi al sup port lor such measure NDfP Parliamentary Leader David Lewis and Credltlsie Leader heal Osmotic described ans to maltethe lsnguag sot nude and equal ouer joneixuied In Gilli Crashw SARNLA OP one man was killed and another injured Thursday night when two mt trains collided Deadla Robert Cameron 437 of Sarnia fireman on north bound lrelght hauling chemical cars believedtobe containing chlorine nitrogen and ammo Wi nessea said the train struck the caboose of another train that was standing idle Alfred Cornish 54 also or San nia and one of four men in the caboose was reported Thursday night in Sarnia hosplmis tn tensivc care ward There was noimmedlate report on hircon Vdihon Theother men lnthe caboose escaped injury None of the chemical carswee damaged in the collision

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