Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1968, p. 9

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WM ME AND MRS ataaar JOHN ream fusion flagging plans Include Foil Singing in Unlted usual planning this weekend medal program for hilanlon Pos sible to an open invitation to the oonmauaisykptolyoee film book an co many phases of United Chinda work athomeaad abroadyith special emphasis on services laCanadian Mission homltalr city centres and with the in dlana Ill include the li Belfrcy Coffee Home whh folk thoblnnbv hr hype Minesingf chi1m Is gene Of Afternoon Nupfials °Bevcr Ann hurt in Pauling exchanged twcddingwwa in St Peters Anglican Church hilnesing at an afternoon ceremony conduct ed by Rev Walter Lee assist ed by Rev Fletcher StewerL White gladioli and yellow imums decorated the altar of the church with white bows samurkiug the guest pews Miss Sharon Davis of Mines ing sang Wedding Prayer and Those Whom God liath Join ed Togcthoraccompanicd by the organist lllrs Ruth Adams of Mincslnd alhe bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs JohnF Brooks of an Barrie The bride groom is the sun of Mr and Mrs Albert John Pauling of RR Phdpston gt ADIHONAL GOWN Given in marriage by her father the bride wore full lcngth gown of peau eharrnont fashioned on the Mine The lace Vbodica of the drossfeatured rounded neckline and three quarter length sleeves match lng lace chapel train extended from the Empire waistline of thegown rooks and Air flu TiJ3 31 an life silk illusion tulle The bride carried cascade of orange ros es centred with white orchid She wore an heirloom pearl pen dent and the hridegrnoma gift of pearl earrings Miss Linda Hutchinson of Midhurst attended as maid of honor The bridesmaids were Mrs Judy Stakellof Strand Mrs Kay lee of Barrie and Miss Lynda Pantlag of Phelp ston the bridegrooms sister who was junior bridesmaid The brides niece Christine Mclt lean of London was flower girl BRIDALTHEME Carrying through the them of the bride the attendants wore similar floor length linc gowns oi peau eharmont rTha maid of honor and one brides maid wore green peau char mont and gold toned peau charmout fashioned the gowns of two bridesmalds ey were three emotions lash ned into headdress cresceuts and carried cascade hnuquets of ti ted car nations Theflower girls free match ed the green of the hridesmaids Em and the carriedya basket of tinted carnation gt Don Lee of Barrie was but man The ushen were George Punting obloronto lton Pant lng oi Painswlck and Robert Pantlngof Phelpslon RECEPTION Guests were received at Bey stairs Dodge Mlaeta Point The brides mother was attired in turquoise crknpline dram accented with bone colored ac cessories and corsage of yellow roses Assia ng at thereceptlon the bridegrooms mother chose blue crepe gown with matching blue lace jacket complemented by black accessories and acor sage oi pink roses The brides travelling ensem ble consisted of rho piece wool coat dress and patent aoa cessories On return from the honey moon to New England States the couple will ide at 112 Henry St arm out of town guests attend ed irom Englehart North Bay Toronto Allistpn landed and surrounding areas of Barrie and from Montreal Quebec sPrAKINoaor prorLEANDPLACEsQ RETURN ro wmmrao Mr and Mrs Stewarthoyne havd returned to their home in Winnipeg after visiting in Bar rie for two weeks with Mrs gtyil rton Mrs Boyce parents Mr and Mrs McElwain Shirley Ave IBoth hold degrees of BA and MSW MasteLof Social Work frowe University of Manitoba FThey had been touring Europe and Africa for the past 13 months For two of those months they were accomanied through England Scotland bel giurn Holland and part of France by Mrjand Mrs liloy 3Elweia Lonaden dayandthisweek Mr and Mrs McElwain have fit as guests Mr and Mrs Eric fSnunders from Massillo Ohio Mrs McEwain and Mr Saun fders are sisters DAY 991555 Gordon Battle of Kitli OConner and his children Shaun and Sherrie over the holidays Mr and Mrs Jaclr Bradford oi Wllowdale were also house guests over the weekend your IN QUEBEC McPherson Managing tu Editor the Barrie Examiner spentthe Thanksgiving holiday weekend in Quebec He was the guest of his son in law and gaufihtsr Mg and Mrs Roland car an of St Michel fly amonevm rams CAMPER Perfect holiday weather lur on severalcharrie andrarea fam illes to Algonquin Earkior the givtng weekend Among more than zoo families amping the park were Mr Mrs Jack Welsh of Bay The regular monthly meeting of the Barrie nnd District Unit of the CancerSociety met at rthehornenersJ Duckwcrth Stree hers present The president Mrs Jean Ruth iehairod the meeting She read correspondence from patients aWrioDivision She spoke of the opening oftheNew lie search Wing oi the Princess Margaret Hospitalkwhmh she attended with Mr and Mrs Gor don Larkin acheon at theCN attended with irs McDon agh amiss William Lowe non leper 45 par will had been tran rted to and from Toronto hospitals 1511 dressings 330 colostomy bags eye patches and 2sheep skins been woman ohildafllheel chei Social notes are intende to cover the general aoelal life of tha oily District weddlnll parileatravellera and visitor arenllitema oi lnterefllo reader at this page Your help lnyaupyivlng this new willyhe greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Eh aminer 72565 Ind lair fnr Audrey Cdalson or Sihyl Ro berts at the Womens Depart ment field St and their guests Mr and Mrs Al Homer of Don don Ont Mr and Mrs Nor man Conlson and daughter Joanne of Puget StMr and Mrs Ross Dinsmore and daugh ters of Hayfield St Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson of Rose St and their guests Mr and Mrs Ralph Green of Toronto St Stan iey Chris and Robert sons of Mr and Mrs Stan Hammond Big Pointjd Pains En route home via North Bay the Fred Coulsons were guests of Mr and Mrs Bill Bainof Callander and spent Tuesday alternoon with them cruising Lelia Nip ing FR DM PETERBORDUGH Miss Dian ltirlr daughter oirll Land Normsnihrck of El Barnewas home from Trent University Peterborough for the holiday weekend Miss Tuck returned to studies on Tuesday AUXILIARY mews The Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie BulldersAsoeiation held its October meetingrlirthe home of Mrs Alexander on Therewere it enont and four fyTopicAt Annual Binney Mrs WOIld DinnerMeefing school in Toronto and she had received inquiries into literature trym student sea at the hos Roiand Leggett reportcdohat the campaign figure had been for nexrjyear Gordon lattdii president of lakeland district reported bus will be goi gtorNorth Bay from the rerun aarrn um Annual Diu ner Meeting lobe held attbe Bayshore MotJr Iliotel on Wed nesda Oct 23 at outstanding weaker this will be Dr slstant Erect tistics Netiona as been returned to the Sunnyview Mrs Dean Cowan NI The Npling airi Postnikoff and Mrs Marshall Chinese din ner was served The guest speaker Mrs Dunn demonstrated hatmaking The next meeting will be held on No 11in Minesing Community Ha LADIES wanna lPresldent Mrs Robert Fre da Green has announced that the ladies section of Barrie Curb ing Club lllhold general business ling on Wednesday Octso at some 0n the fol lowing Wednesday the opening jltney will he held shorting at 130 pm with two draws The opening banquet follows at 630 The very popolar business girls section which this season is headed by Mrs Kay Lehman willhold meeting on 0a at pan The girls have reserved Tuesday evening Oct 29 for social had dimer followed by curling mews cunsrs Mr and Stan Hammond and daughters Heather and Elizabeth of Big Bay Point Rd Painswick motored to Ottawa forthe Thanksgivingrhniduy The family were guests of Mra Hanunondfs parents Mr and your charming door penelsl Mirior panels pictures alternately with con possibilities are truly unlim anyn or correlating your entire how best vto realize your weli within your budget hacked by the nations finest their extreme workability This singers and at the pnh serv icam Sinidoy where there will be eontenporary mushrpoctry and unlitins sheen It saaoandu guest minister Rev Vernon flat soo MrJiutson was born in the Barbados but studied in Canada receiving diploma in Animal Husbandry from Ontario Show New Knits Technology is somuch part of fashion today that the twain are getting ever closer So we make no apologies for intruding no the world of faahion in what is essentially household how to do department So today lets stavey briefly the iasidan angla oi the Rolls that are so much part of this seasons ia shions We note that the striped knits that were sofashlonahle last year are all but largotten ea patternodiime move into life pichire The alub look the scramble stltdi raschol basket weave popcorn houcle can able ribsthese are the teirna being tossed around by tho who know theirltnlts Iv The knits go flat too to take on the look of woven fabrics in tweeds plaids checks and her ringbonea in womenaiashlona the cardigan look of the 30 has maturedand developed titbe come style leadu The sweat er itself comes with belted cardiganlacket over pleated skirt Sometimes 4a plaid knit is seen in either the top or bottmn half of the suit mum magmas The midi takes matching muffler seeming to need only Pierce Arrow to complete its overall yesteryear effect Knits are seen in pants tooeither the straight cuffed leg of the 30s or jumpknicker with ludt hose Inmore current parlance the sweater dress continues strong while Nehru jackets are interpret handsomely in dour ble knits vKnltweaEior the menfolk got off to urunnlng start with ast seasons turtlenecks Now the look is northwoods rugged iumbostitdies rough yatns hemannli the waythe area where deep rich xture gets big play ardware is often added for extraruggednessthe big industrial zipper buckles and clamps Children arevnol overlooked the rush to Fashionsfor little boys pe many of the effects ofDads clothes Knlt things little girls are more practical than ever thanks to efforts make or hang trusting color panels home ambitions satisfa matching slacks for new look for your prettynew knits and Anlculhnal College Guelph BA degree from Waterloo Un iversity and degree from Bnmanuel dollegs Helaeor M1 on furlough from Brazil raring with his funny During thapast llvayearaMr and Mrs Huts son have been engaged in van gelical and pastoral work Mriuison waa serving as pastor of several churches run ning an omhaoage and direct in eilniea and schools Llra Hutroas special responsibilities were in work flth the clinic They have two childrc Karen Harold i154 SCHEDULE The ottlci opening of lilo ajnn 20551 Willie at on Friday the program will continue on Saturday trom two until ten and on Sunday from two until five All groups within Burton Ave United Church are participating Figure emphasis comes in dlrndla and pleated shirts in pants suits and long iacket cardigan suits with flip little pleated skirts anof the most appealing littlegirl looks isthe ski sweater dropped to dress length Signs of quality are much as they have always been book for those irregular stitches around the armhole that mean the garment is fulliashionid rather than amendsewed onk for overcast seams choose double rather than bonded knit if price penmks has of all look for not This year as never before it is essential to know how to care those of yourfamlly Most are thoroughlysome even care lesslywashahle and dryahle achine Aiew flzould not gointo the dryer others ask for gentle washer cycl nations in er or another the only re stralat being the amount of rub bing or agitation So pick up no this DUNUTSANYMDHE On up Now Fear soverun atlgatua am re ported motions for exarnoia thiiilmnEGdierolthede partmentz of Phamaeoiou mnmuwomrwmsd MedicalCfillrga Georgia at troveraial in spite at the drum uatlal evidence The is however oneposst ilketo mention We know hu mans cant How long delayed reactions to doses olJSD We if my howlaarn to what extent carry My anxiety is enounflor the up till family MICHAGANDER Dear Michgander asked Nobd ifflu Winner Joslhia led eiberggofthe Stanford Univer sity School of Medicineone of theoremoat apthorilles on go ryotsyfiiestlon Gala ODE Ball The Frrday Night Mather of The Sari Armstrongdones wator lODE met at the home of M1191 gett to eompleta decorations psychadelk screeiu to be used at the lODE bail this Friday Their Filth Ahmal Ball will be held at the Barrie Annotuy it promises tobeoneotthemost memorable events of the com ing nodal season Dancing to fine Dance Band complete with floor show favors and Candlelight meet Due to the large fadllties this year there are still some tic kets available Call ticket sellers at moorswwm or 7297759 it is still pouible to get reserv cd tables are annnan BALTIMORE hld gt Police hve owo clues about the burglar who broke into carry out shophe was persistent and hungry The wife of the owner visiltd the shop discover about dozen hamburgers had beenslolenefter being cooked on the grill Police said hhe hur glnr had to break though fnur wardrobe of new knits and col their easy as their zlooka andfashion rlghtness There510 much to the knit story that well conu tlnue it later FREE PUPPET LSD enters tho fetus aeros the placeaialbarricr So far as know there has bcenno investl gatloa of this vital point if Congress continua to slash the budgets for medioal re seardi we may never know the answer JDSIIUA LEDER 133R HIOFFSSOR OFVGEL NETIN Dea1Dr Lederberg Im writing my congressman in Washington today My mes sage Antdecraasa in govern mart swam of median re acamh would be disastrous urge my readers to do likewise Dear Ana Land while bask you wrote Any wtman can have an ntfnir if she sets her standards low enough Say it again think my daughter missed it Elders age 27 has been seeing married man for five yars She calls it love call it boaralley monkey business with no future Eldora hasnt DEATHS Vulcan Alta Maxwell Roy Morrison 75 fomier Vulcan mayor and known camera Alberta farm implement dealer up und slices of toast large slices of turkey tbsp of butter tbsp of flour i0 Yflli sD Trip Results had real date4 tines Aha arts to sneak mini With this rat lie yids hernp in bars on street corners thing but motto the from done like mu atom father has been dead ten years so this loan cant be Jraid of Getting his face washed in We tried to tell my daogtxer in throwing away her ymuh and she doesnt wake soon no decent man will have her Her stock answer its my life we when wou attrac tive girl who could have nice reweetable dates settle for such shaky relationship HEARTEICK MOTHER Dear Mother Attruaive maybe but mart she isnt Girls who get involved with married men arestupid and often self destructive Professional help may be the me provided aha wanta an answer Women Bureau Has New Chi ei OTTAWA GP Syiva Gel ber trltill servamnt lh wara wersnce seam and welfare adrnlnistra lion has been named director of the labor depamneate womenl tnireau The annmncement was made Thaday weekrafter James McNultY parliamentary secre tary to labor minister hiadou soy revealed government plans to diange fair employment law to allow the labor department to initiate action in cases of dis crimination against women Miss Gatherpbom in Tomato holds degrees from the Univer sity of Tomato Coirran uni versityand the Jerusalem school of social work FROM ME by Jewel Brantley llhope you have bit of turkey around after the holiday because hava got something different kind of sandwich which ends hroilertogetj brownandbubbly look Youli find them ever so me so heres hoping you can join me in serving oran runner aaNDwxcana wna carcass sauce it PW V1 lh cut up cheese use chedlt dar and cup is equivalent tsp salt to V4 IM Arrange toast in shallow baking dish Cover with turkey Melt butter in saucepan blend in flour salt and Mar Add milk gradually and stir until blended and thickened hitthenadd your cheese and keep stirring until cheese is melted Pour sauce overturkey Then brown under broiler Makes servings youdbetter plan for more as you will probablyhevauepeats mi drummer In this instance it is indicated by good design quality and price for the sensitive budget Well this is what thought when Visited WILLIAM IDWE FURNlTURE It neuron stfnsst afseasoned antique shopper would are pieces of PINE Car in such brand names as GERARD mmi grid immm in mature and BUlZLlNGiONJn Carpets youll get good design and quahty in their furnish gs As for price which is lower than average this is made possible because of their location which is at the hack of too Dunlop St West Situated like 1tlhis WM MRVE EURN ngUTtEH yokiAMReThcoin in ass on to customer ese savm ladygr FPURNHURE CARPETS WhamMEASURE DBAPES and want to get the best for less then Visit LOWE FURNITURE Marta nunrrpst West Barrie new 1m mamrunatuanmanssmon sndfihetbetterway to playit safe and sure than by choosing Niccohni or Lady Ute 00A from STRANSMANS LADIES WEAR Thesanro elegant textured clotli coats beautifully styled With some being trimmed in fur Youll also find the ultimate in their LEATHER FAKEFUR and OAR COATS Their COORDINATE such as LANSEA and HIGHLAND QUEEN are lovely in the new Fail colois andwhether you matchSweater Shirt or Pants or do little mixing in colors the effect will be perfect as they fit so well So be well dressed from morning hil night by v5 STRANSMANS LADIES waste Barrie wanr To an EXCLAMAHON romp on your entertaining Then drop by HARDYGLENWOOD showroom and take look see it their ran serving mars your are both elegant as well aarpractical Their posh appearance comes frothe care full chosen decoratorfabrics wniehare sealed into lyester Trails This providesa strong durable surface that is alrnost glasslike in appearance yet so practical it you prefer anirldes gt cent look theireGEM TONETRAYS aremost attractiye and quite individual By the wayvthese TRAYS are made right here in Barrie For distinctly difiercnt gift for Chrishnas or any occe sion see the FAB and GEM TONE TRAYS at nhnnrctnnwoonsuowaoom West End rim barrio vomnno To run mam ran rnesanr in Jewelry Crystal and Lamps if you visit THE TREASURE CHEST Glhl war which specializes in ANTIQUm They have fascinating JEWELRY COLLECTION and every one of the pieces are crafted mu certainly aopreciat CASPERS inclehr or colored glass aswell aetheq many nthlTiJRE lfyou are Antique lover MarketSqnaro ethuig you can do an emergencyplace paper nah the eye when them we attached Bye for now

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