rinity Gold white and yellow mums created bridal setting in inn ity Anglican Church Earth for wedding ol Christina Susan Eyan to David Wallace Bah bcr Archdeacon At Read ot ï¬clated at the evening cere many hirs Burmaster presided at the organ and accompanied the soloist Mrs Edith Edgecamhc Is she sang the lordr Prayer and lVedding ilytnn The bride is the daughter of Mr and ilrs Leo Ryan of Rothaell CrescazL The bride groom is the son at Mr and Mrs Wallace Barber 01 RR Strand VELVET GOWN nlr iiynn escurtrd his daugh ter to the altar andgave her in marriage For this special day the bride chose lull length Mine gown ot white velvet de signed with sleeveless bodice with soltly scooped neckline Chantilly lace lashloned the jacket with trumpet sleeves and calhedral train ol the dress crown of pearlsrcaught the elbowlength veil of illusion tulle The bride carried bou quet oi white gladioli and baby carnations tinted hluu ATTENDANTS Miss Janet MacDonald of Bar rie attended as maid ol honor Miss Ellen Gricshach of Shanty Bay was bridesmaid Thu maid ot honor and brides mald wore identical floor length gowns ol mint green peau du charm The dresser featured soltly scooped neck lines and hell sleeves of veh varay sheer embossed in lea dcsign Their hcaddresscs were three bahy earnalions matching the colors at their houquets and gowns Miss Kerri Jane Elphick oi Barrio was flower girl ller floor lenflth gown was of similar line style fashioned of sunshine yellow peau de charme trimm ed with white lace She carried basket of yellow and white carnations dang Vows MR AND MRS DAVID WALLACE BARBER DavidElphlek ol Bunla war ring bearer David Chaytor oi Burris atten dud as groomsman The ushers included David Ryan the brides brother and Stanley Bar ber of Stroud brother ol the bridegroom RECEPTION Followln the ceremony guests were received at the Sky room Lake Restaurant The brides mother received wearing gown of champagne crepe with matching drum pagno lace coat and harmonis ing accessories Her eorsagu was yellow Sweetheart roses Tho bridegmorns mother as sisted wearing powder blue two piece ensemble comple mented with Corsage ol pink carnations For the wedding trip to Niag ara Falls and New York State the hrida donned travelling costume ol lmportedwool ln emerald green shade with dine olate brown accessories and cor aage of ivory Sweetheart roses On their return the newly weds will make their home at RR Harrie PrornisesMade To Children Are Serious Obligation By GARRY MYERS lhr We parents should he very ex acting ot ourselves when we make promise to child once knew father who considv ered this matter so important that when on returning home and discovering he had forgot ten the toy he had promised to bring his liveyeaer son he turned around and drove back down town through trafï¬c in order to make his promise good The trip took him about an hour Some parents however dont seem to thinkthekeeping of promise they make to child is at all importnnlp whether this promise is of some thing pleas ant or unpleasant Think at all the promised punlshmenls in case you do that again that are not lullilled Indeed when you say no or dont five times in succession tor the seltsama thing without doing anything about it you have lied four Limes But many parents ar more inclined to hold the child to promise than to hold themselves to promise made to him even to exact unreasonable promises of the child certain father or example on leaving home for work one morning refused to his his four yeartold daugh ter because she had not eaten American Women Seeking Status WASHINGTON AP re port to President Johnson on lhe stalus at American women calls for more daycare centres up graded household jobs and better altitude by men toward equal employment opportunity for womeu in report slimming up pm grcss during the last live years the interdepartmental commit tee of the status of women de clared that American women segreater unpertuni than belore But it added that the issue is to what extent they will use them Moreoverr the committee said the achievement of em ployment equality still requires many changes in the attitudes of men despite many new feder nd state laws aimed at end rimination because of The report disclosed statistics showin that half thawomen in the United States between the ages of to and 64 are either em ployed or looking or work Job opportunities have in creased in almost all occupa tions during the last ï¬ve years particularly in professional and technto work and in cleri holds said Nevertheless the report said development experience Th humberof children cared Core facili ommlttee noted in eosed to more than 500090 in ages from lower than 200000 in the second helping ol food he gave her after she had promis ed to eat aliol it You hav ent kept your promise went his words on leaving home IN GOOD FAITH In this instance as in so many other instances with young child the youngster doubtless promised lngood faith but lacked experience to foresee the dilticulty ot fulfilling the promise The ï¬rst error was in exacting the promise The sec ond in trying to force the child to lulliil it Parents are inclined to ask the child from three to to say alter punishing him to promise never to do that again What else could the youngster do at the time but to makethe prom mise He is so eager to escape further punishment that he is ready to make almost any kind of promise After your live year old has served his sen 20 minutes tor punishment merely let him know the time Look rot Zellers celebrates ersclry with gigdntic scale in October l7 throrlgh to October 26th tence of sitting in chair sayr their Bahmow is up Dont ask him to make any promise Dont even re mind him of why he was punish ed Unless it is very obvious to him why he was punished hc ï¬rgy should have been pun Think at all the teenagers Whose parents exact promises of them concerningb hurlor away from home who later question and cross question these youths evm sit up late at night to hold an inquisitlon What better way to cause them to deceive and to build wall between the child and par ent better way is to make tow reasonable requests of them just law and so live with them day byday build such relationship with them that they might strive hard to measure up to your expecta lions it in athousand lmea better to hold ourselv promises to our hddrthan to exact promises and their fulfill ment of hlm rut lltENitNDOUS every department magnetron craa haunts mmmunsnar 0mm 11 PEOPLE AND PLACES CellAudrIy Carlson haunt rim rimM osmre canvas mums names The Womens Auxiliary to the Kiwanla luhot Barrie have minted details for Dessert Britlgatotukaplncaoaishe ginning at 730 pm in the Army Navy Air Force Hall on Dualop st in keeping with the season Halloween desserts will be altered nests lira llck Butler is oonveoer oi as pro iect with him inns in charge at tickets assisted by hirs Burtv Slnnnons FROM KARMA hlr and litre Sparham and three children were holiday weekend visitors with his moth er Mrs ii A3parbamTher osa St llskslnvesiigaiev Pornography In ThelMails orrawA or Postmas tenGeneral Erliï¬a xiiian lhas recommended to us as department look into the mailed distribution of obscene and dis gusting material with view to taking criminal notion against its distributors He told the Commons Wednes day that he has bunaware since lag Thursday at wave of invitations to plain envelopes containing pornographic mate rial to Canadians to buy such material from Evico Film Co Ltd of Copenhagen Denmark Mr Kieruns said anyone who replies to the invitations will be wasting time and postage The post oltice was taking sieps to cut oft mailed replies at the Tomato and Montreal inter national alworts GRADUATES hliss Karen Adele Dom daughterof Mr and Mrs Grenville Doan arm No Elmvalevhaa been graduated as adental asslgautlrom the Wayne University of Chieago tPhoto by Les Cowper it ANNIVERSARY At lent manna young men are attending the Obmplc Gama this week in Mexico qty loimnv Trbbiu and Bruce Duo gerticld DINNER GUFSIS Mr and Mrs Llew Beaver were hosts at lainlly Thank glving dinner at their Donald St rest once on Sunday Guests were llir and hlrr Kan Beaver and daughters Nancy Debbie and Peggy ot Don Mills Mrs Jack Rodgers and dough ter Miss Susan Rodgers and hire on campben all of Barrie rims Stirssit EMMA FOR TOMORROW Rely on youriown attests to get things done nowDont de pend on promises of ooopaatksn trom others no matter how sin care they may seemespecially in the AM Dont make changes in projects now running smooth lyuand dontdlaunelimawpro FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope ldieatcs that you can make line gains within the next year even though you may have in work little harder to achieve them Use at your extraordinary intelligence and lorosiglit should attract the attention at superiors lnyour occupational field and this could lead not only to lob advance ment but also to ï¬nancial bet terment Best period along the former lines Between Decanter 13 and Mardr list MW and Sep tember for monetary interests The name DecemberMuch cycle nexLJweJuW4nd Au gust Those engaged in creative nurllytwell duringthe next 12 monthswith notable periods of accomplishment indicated be tween now and the endot Jannlt ary next March and June Noverriier will be noteworthy where romance is concerned also next January May late June and late July and those of you who urcsingia may llnd surreal aloanboundduring any one or these periods Dont put too much laith in the ma mances oti nextwAugusL how ever Some urtisiaading iafln enees will prevail Travel oppor tunities are indicated between now and middauuary also next July and August child born on this day will be extremely ambitious and versatileespecially along cres live lines drawnth oath knot enterprises should do extraordi llinn$Z500in coupons Lootrvwnvrm it erL as nuetan Paris kisses lltrs Dan iel Johnson wife at the late gt By ROBERTA ROESCII Dont accentuate the negative when you are looking for Job should he perfecin clear to peo plewho want toworir Yet de spite the very evident truth hardly day sacs by in which dont meet women who in one way or another accentuate the negative and talk diemselvos out at Job Just this week as matter at aot one woman eama to say that no matter how hard she tried to ï¬nd work there time no parttime jobs for he Even when job ads mind like something can handle are pointed out limi when go tor intenle that ornploy ers dont hire me Today for example answered an ad that seemed like the right thing for me But as soon as mentioned couldnt be sure how long would want to work the employ er ahowedm more interest in wanting to give me trial second woman who equally at fault in annealing the negative almost had lob in her hand when ahe mentioned that transportation would be great problem to her SET OF WHEELS really dont know how ill get here she toidher potential boss because wahave only one car at home and my hus which Icould befns tgh lhe meanliig at these words remover kiss Heart transplant patient Quebec premier at cera late husband Proceeds from mony Tuesday night releasing recorded biography other Forget Negative Remarks When Applying For Job band as on Unless not drive me to this lob ï¬rst may not be able to come Still tlurd wile and mother specialized in negative ap proach when she said at ï¬le and ot an interview that ahu was loaded with problems al home that didnt pay she told me later on because his intere cooled air so mods he tuned me down for the lohi in the complex livos doatnmv oi UL lead have eonllids and problems grian swiping out smooth passagewaysbe tweenhorae lite and jobs But employers wantus to have this smoothed out below we arrive lnr work So it you have been too negative in pre senting unsolved problems rath FRENCH iLsisaie will he turned over in the Montreal Heart institute Wirephoio or than crystalhz ed plans change thestyle of your job hunt from negative to tive accent by deciding ahead at Interview time what you can andyvhal you cant do PRIOR POlNTS 1er means that before you lace an employer you will among other tttings idea of ill how long you can work or will want to work the hours and days you are availahla if you are looking tor parHimu work til ddinlte data on which you oaanann it wnkodout plan tor trans portation and firmly sealed mouth on the problem you will be leaving at borne Unless you practise pen va attitude ahou your appmuoh lo new job you are bound to get the neï¬tive nod in interview lNiï¬RADE Tha HallDannie report recommends integration ol FrcnchEnglish language instruction with olal French in the first four yaars of schooling Learn how the teachers feel by attending the On lario Educational Association Open Discussion Friday 0st 18 800 pm at thaConllnanlal inn BABY BONusfat melatonin llyoulnre In thestoreon lrtdayNov ivoiuR at 8pm when your nomais drown you some smnrasrnvo ouasrtoiv win $5000 in shopplngz coupons lfyqu are not in the store and your name is ml $2500 incoupons Will he added to neirt as $75 as IN nun srons rat st 5+ OCLOCK