iston oven mu Alme tsteitt Steven son Memorial Roma has serv ed Ailisten and district or maid than to yearnlts origin in me was made possbie by the sup iii the late Inblaw auative to the handheld and Morrow CHE Hr Lohiatv who died in mi uto ped the orRinal howital ieclt lion Has Four Questions fir PAULHOBBERLIN rCttIr Itor of the Walker Mineralog ical Museum Mississaga dis plays section at the lush of huge ice Age woolly yOdd Fossils Shown mammoth found north at Dawson City while his wile Hody geologist and lecturer with the Royal Ontario Mus eum displays the drum stick of Cretaceous duclr biiiedhudrosanr or dinosaur tound by them in the Deer River area of during the loclure they pre sented in Alliston Photo Athena Bakcr ALLISNN William Al listoo voters to on Wedneday lfov 20 they will be given the opportunity to veil nufour noesti our on thoaale Questions on thebaiinti which residents at years and oversill be asked to decide are Are you in Ivor oi the sale oi beer only under public house licence ior COMMDB on licensed premises to which women are admitted it Are you in iavorot the sale at beer only under public house licence ior consumption licensed premises to which men only are admitizdi Are you in tempt the sale or liquor under ndimng lounge licence lor consumption with meals on licensed premises Deputy Reeve HILDSDALE SiamFriends have asked me to shad and am giving it serious consid eration said lngram Amos Me donte township deputy reeve when aslred about reports he in tended to stand or reeve in the coming Medonte election The Malonie deputy reeve who lives at Let concession oil to highway near Htllsdale said he would detiniiely make up his mind before the nomination go Search to Are you lavas ot the sale at liquor under aloungeli can for consumption on we announce canr Ron Cassidy operator oi the Windsor Hotel on Victoria Strut said hrls ready to Install all of these acililics if the electors re turn iavorahle vote 6o per cent vote required on eadt question to carry The Windsor Hotel which was constructed in lost hada bar in its early years Local option became etleotlve in Allistnn io 1908 and it remained adrytnwn until mi when the voters op proved the estobilshment or retail beer outlet and govem ment liquor store Durlngthe ms the hotel was NEWS EXAMINER raunsmv ohoaao 17 SH iii Medonle GilliMed BunFor 1Reeve97 had servedlong enough to war rant standing ior reeve in addition to serving on coun cil those elected also serve as itiedonte telephone commission ers with the rceve as chairman Deputy Reeve Amos said this was theprovtsion made in the telephone regulations Howard Robinson clerk is secretary for the telephone company Councillors at llledontc include Morley Hall Horace Vaseyand Boyd Miller licensed to units beer under the Perguson WNW bill thlsjwao then classiï¬ed as near beer and not liquor under reg ulations at that time These have new Imended numerous in the last liquor vote held on Dec 15 154 the government liquor store carried on to tit while the beer outlet was approv ed to All CAMPAIGN OWK Mr Cassldy said the campaign outlook for the afï¬rmative side appeared lavorahle He said be based this on comments he had heard Mei Chris Anderson said boot legging was not malor prob im in Allistou although police mmnxtanfly alert to keep it lit there are unlicensed bo teia two Ailiston clubs have ciuh llle for sale to members In newscreen splendorllte most magniï¬cent picture ctcrl uncommon GONE WITH THE WIND pm pm Free aJat Slime LIMITED ENGAGEMENT RESERVED PERFORMANCES Every Tickel Holder Guaranteed Seat aura NOW ON SALE Mailncea pm Evening tin youngtown 12 EAST ILAZA Where the swingers uref aCOMING Saturday Ottolter I9 Tn roaoNTo fSHoTGuN Iust hack ooma v5 tour meeting which will be held on ï¬In Alliston Display By BRIAN BAKER MLISION Over 130 radi hounds from Alliston and Bar rie and districts enioyed lcc Lure and slide show entitled From Edmonton to Alaska Trotn Edmonton to Alaska givenby Mr and Mrs Paul Hobs heriin Misissaga at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Brcev ords and Annie on Boyne St Allisttlll Tlts was the first failand win ter event at the Barrie Mineral ogical Society Lunch waspro vided by the Breevords whose rockvandmineral ï¬lled home hail Facial interest for the mem bcrs The Hnbberlins Paul and Hardy also had on displayan extensive leuilection unusual fossils in 3cluding millionyearold 1lislg amammothstusk and jaw rancient insects trappedinfossil mgr coiled squids and saver al specimens oi fossil wood LARGE TUSK Highlight their limomile tip irorn Edmonton through the Rockies Yukon and Alas lia was the discovery of an enor rnous tusk feet long of 10 Booyearoidv woolly mammoth an miles north of Dawson City They also had cast made of some of the best dinosaur tracks ever found and these are now at the royal On Mu um where ï¬rs Hobberiuiis aTgeologist paiaeontologist and lecturer iti so they had on display tor mem were the massive jaw and molars of mammoth billing in the Land of the Midnight Sun was an unusual experience for us remarked iirs Hubberlin It gave us so much time to explore in tact you never seem towant to go to bed You can keep going for ttVo or three days then you jun collapse The rate at growthup there is fantastic and you can almost see things growing up out of he ground The masses of beau titnl flowers that grow up all over the penina frost are unbe lievable Wives of servicemen doing duty up in that country regularly go out into the bush or mountain to shoot moose iher Year trophy This deer sheep caribou andrgame birds for the table caution in Mrs Hobberlin described many little incidents Oncera Canada Jay flew oil with their break last bacon ltlrlidbherlin doz ing in sleeping bag borrowed irom northern ï¬re depart ment rolled too close to the tire and the bag was burned hence the firemen presented him with lire extinguisher when hetook hack the charred remains on another occasion grizzly bear ate all at their provisions un noticed while they slept nearby 0n on occasion Mrs Hohbcrlin got bogged lion in muskeg and had to leave without her rub hers Wt even lriedpanning for Terrarium The Mens Fowl Lawn Bowling tournament and draw was held on local greens with full green from various clubs The winners were first wins Johnsioiis rink from Old Mill Toronto second wins Harvey Benton two wins Ellison Beeton High ior one win went to Reynolds oi Port Credit Draw winners were If key Toar Marsdea Tolieubam apples Ede Palmer Tottenham This closes the greens tro 1969 The club has had agood year 33d several new members join ROOKIE AWARD Sandra Thomson duahhter of Mr and Mrs Don Thomson was awarded the Southern 0nl ario Ladies Softball Rookie nf given at banquet at Grand Valley tor the girls bail team on Oct STUDENT MINISTER it was with great regret learned Thursday morning Oct to that Harry Wilson student minister of Fraser Presbyterian Church had died in Toronto hospital He leaves his young wife and daughter Ruth to months of age BARRieiiintguiA RIVFIN THEATRE WLM°IA PW Pius monountmiuusnms was gold said Mrs Hobberiin We had nothing else so we used the trying pan and surprise came up with nice nugget oi gold sils said Mr Hohbcrlin There is something exciting about discovering fossils of life that lived anywhere from ten thousand to hundreds of millions of years ago Fossil localities and the amount of fossil mater ial in North Amirice are almost unlimited whereas with mineral collecting it is almost impossible to find good material any more without buying it at high on HOT SPRINGS Among other things they show ed views at hot pools and springs actual earthquake crev ices glaciers voieanic slnic turcs cirquesthe midnight sun the Comatocli silver mine Fam ed Tom McGees original log cabin dinosaur tracks in solid rockulpine iloivcrs wildlife and mountain scenery The most spooiw place they saw but did not explore was Headless River in the Yukon It was said many white men have vanished on the river or only been found The Barrie Mineralogical So cieiy meets every month through the wintei and makes ï¬eld trips through the summer President is Ernst 100 Yonge SL Barrie Vice President is Stennick 137 Bayview Drive Barrie Semeary Treanirer is Roland Murray RR Mine sing and program and iield trip Chaimtan is Owen Jones RR Barrie specializesin erotica and onlyVinceEdWards as CharlesHood can take him oni cotuMau astonishment llllttlili AlluillS Production starting iiiNlii EliniiiiiS at Charles Hood brutalizeswomen MondayNov to It will be an atternoon meeting at Mcdonte municipal hall at Moonstone with nominations received by How nnd pm Reeve Dalton Jermey who is new completing his 20th year as member of the Medonte coun vhasnt announced his intan tions but liiendsvsflid they ex pected him to stand again HE was county warden inlmv Deputy Reeve Amos is lom pleting his eighth year as coun cil member and his fourth as deputy reeve He said he felt it Ctremote Plans Miner Hockey CREEMORE Slam Pros pective playersior Creemore mi nor hockey teams have been asked toregister at the Legion Hall here this coming Saturday Oct 19 from ilam until noon Plans for the season were dis cussed at meeting held at the Legion Hall on Wednesday night If there are sulficieni reg their decapitated bodies have istratioitstheie will he novice peewee hantam midget and ju venile teams LOL AT THORNTD THORNTON Stain Tho ton Loyal Orange Lodge whose hall on highway 27 here is used ior numerous community activ ities as well as lodge meetings has been active in diis commun ity or more than 115 years The lodge was first formed in lost New snowmo 330 pm Last Show to pan illlll itiisnii costar ctio SlrWitn Lovol Our chief interest is inJos nrdï¬ohinson clerkbetween Dalston To Host in Growers DAISION Staff North and South Simone Soil and Crop im provement Associations are both assisting in arrangements lore corn tiny program at the farm at ltiurray Greaves here on Oct Discussion groups are planned as Well as machinery demon strations Reports will be given on experiments made at series of plots where different varieties were tested Weed control meth ods also will be discussed Admission$20tl STARTING SOON Watch for the Sunday Bent Concerts niihe lip and Down Club Next time you have the crowd over bring out the whiskymeant for parties SeagramsMellow 83 You can trust the mellow taste of B3 to make mellowec drink of whatever youre ourin sw ones or long ones or short ones And thats worth celebrating even without party Saharanref MELLOW 83