22oon Ahead Plowing Match Acumen ittzeiw not than Him person qxeSXCoritivrtu Northern transmit totLotus for in or seam mow VANCOUVER in special plowing mum between wardens ot government spending andthus higher taxes he said talks about the weather bases at rising rates or Morm ing the tax base and reducing sWedosomethIng Canadian investment to move but It morelowardownmhlp gt the rates Carter told the annual meeting of the American Insti gist oi Certified blic Accoun The laxreiorm package pro ownzasiIonorou Carter saidyhirjrrrost serious fmï¬uachainnmhailuberen oreco twoyear or what actually hookits years to Rm jWoiound it took almost two in m1f Elmdoflmm COPENHAGEN nentem year 10 deem our mind of posed in Februaryiast year has complete Scotland on Denmark lmdmmm meknow flu yet to be accepted or rejected the Canadian government same time absorb the views of an interna onal soccer game MSWX chm Carter said mmefldaggnlmdbmcï¬ th matei na 91 pation in tin Canadi terprlse were not intended to dry up toreign investment Canida but rather to encourage DINOSAUR TEETH ii DENTISTS DILEMMA Dr Dale ilusseii paleon in dinosaur law at bttnwa that were moved from their tlonol capital to new spacious tologist at the National hiuv Tuesday The Jewsarc among iormcr storage area in the na quarters to wtrefthoto scum examines gigantic teeth 150 ions or dinusaur bones orgies Shake wnv savannanonan Oi College Structure By THE CANADIAN PRESS recommendation that stu dents be given strong voice in running the Ontario College of Art in Toronto has drawn mixed reaction from university adminv lstrators and studcntreprcseul atives across the province Dr Douglas Wright special lnrcstigator randchairman ot the committee on university af folrs Tuesday recommended to Education Minister William Davis major shakeup of the college structure It would give teachers and students place on an allpowerful l9metnher council which would determine almost every phase at college policy including the power to hire or iiro the college presi dent The council would include nine member from thopuhiic at large SIX fro thoia ity and three students Sydney Watson OCA presi dent termed the report truly democratic distribution oi sponsihility and said he would start immediately to introduce some reiorms which do not need epproval Dr Carlton Williams president at the University of Western 0n tarlo said Wednesday the art college through this experiment can make really genuine contribution to higher education in the province CAUTIDUS APPROACH nut Brian lier president oi the Student Federation at the University oi Waterloo said The power will primarily he in the same place To have an effective voice students must have an effective veto Its going to take long time and conirmtation between groups heiore the students get eonees sions Jeticry Fear 22r president oi the 005 Students Admitlist tiverCnuncii said Dr Wright seemed to agree that stu nts should participate in rdccision making butin stalemate the reconunendatinn would still Romance With Eslrimo Cost Man His Job In llrctic OTTAWA CPTv Whitï¬eld who lost job with Canadian Marconi Arctic Quebec in 1961 or his romance vith an Eskimo woman will Terence ask the Supreme Court of Can ada Monday to reconsider its decision upholding the com panys right to tire him In special ap high court Mr Whitï¬eld seeks another appeal or new trial so ithat thecourts can consider new evidence irom his former Atelie sweetheart Mr Whitï¬eld an Australian was fired by the company for th iraternizing with Ann Witaltuk an Eskimo nurses aid who later became an airline stewardess He iiledva $25000 damage suit against the company alleging he was the vic criminatio of racial dis ilnai appeal to ItheSuprcme Court against judg ments against him in Quebec rts was rejected by five jug tices earlier thisyear The company said it ï¬red htr Whitiield for violating clause of ills contract which said Eski mo and Indian villageswere considered out oi bounds for company employeesaud barred em irom associating with the native people give the deciding vote to the president Wednesday One university pre dent who declined to be ideal lashed out at the recornmcndhli and said it would belikohaving the asylums run by the inmates Dr Basil Henley acting vice pre ent at Waterloo Lutheran university Said he could see no as withtrvlns 5W1 system Students at Waterloo Lu theran are currently involved in all academic boards and on number of board of governors committees H0 vefn ELEGTRI iood Maivalous gift nderiut toown ght The goal was scored in the 70th minute by outside loll Bobby memo Carter envisaged many Sr clql Manna aheadwhich only Nows the time to Moreover our Texaeo Wiltindie dinnte oi doesnt mote panama Seemstoga siMcor PETROLEUM LT at Banii stock up an houseware needs MG SHOPPING QUAWIWES elmTED