Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1968, p. 19

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flu beatenom talcum damm mmmeterwmm lanrdStatienWagm mammalsmm mt International 14 Ton Expm WIS hlnn mmm unwrittenman immunoas autumnal lrtnityUdttedChmchvlllhold ltdr Ms Indirai1 with service 11 nor an pro itzv Allan Roberts of Cat very church Ttronto formerly mastoniry in Nigeria with the Mme Willi Preac muse prepared by both junior and sea ior choirs Former members and visitors will be welcomad lbn Cab and must Tandau mt erases loader Wl Yard Bucket Track Wysidrln Bu illower and 13 Yard on Frink Hydraulic Operated Wing Tower lose armmer llydraullc Operated Wing Tower au OrieWVinlous King Scagrave tlydraulo Sandspreadm WEoginen Barns Electric Drill Prat it HP Brake Blecder Balls Bled and Dedtcr Valve Seat lidaccr Itldge item Tool Valve Lifter Tool Auction Sale to be held at the DlloYard lash 7th Avenue Owen Sound Ontario on lhiasday October sense at tom syn Local me Terms approximate won per cent depmlt must he paid at lime OfflirdtaseC6fW1lEie payment must be by cinb or certified scheme and must be paid within five working days from date of auction or ittms will be abject f9 resale Alltdlequen to be made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario Items to be sold AS is without warranty suij l0 Ontario Retail Sales Tax and Federal Tax where applicable items nily October list find time of sale Bother information may be obtained from Mr Schwandt District Suple Superman Department of Highways en Sound Onlnn cphone dot9550 area code 515 AUCTION SALE of good household limiters in dudinfl electrical appliances ldg linen undersignedauetioncer has received instructions from lliIRS MlNHELL at VALLEYS GARAGE IOMAPLE AVE BARBIE directly across the road from Grayrcoadn Terminal Saturday October 19 at pm sharp to sell the following Electric Werner range trlc Frigidaire refrigerattx cubic it Dining room nulls complete wllhohlna cabinet snuff able and chairxr piece living romu suite urge plate gla all minor Studio cou win zrocning chstrn or lamps Table lump small tables Green rug Card table and chairs Humidifier Aim chair Electriciron Elec tric toaster Pots andpans GE washing machine Bedroom suite complete with dresser Bedp mattress and springs Beddln llnens towels pillows cushions curtains quilts blan Set of gold band Silverware Hand painted dishes Large cut glass lustQunntity of good dishes Sliver tray Silver dishes Cass gole Pie plates Wool comfor Electric heater Elsctrlc small rugs colored Bandpainted fruit dishes Sit ver ten service set Pair of candlesttclrsr sitter tr of candle sticks mahogany Kit ehenxcloclr Radio with electric clpclr Wool thrower Afghan MOWTHKI Lawn chairs Bath room scales and many other smaller articles too to list Terms cash No reserVels Mrs Mitchell has given up her home Franlt Webb Clark emfll OOUGHLJN auctioneer Owner or mnnngcmentof the garage well not be held reason slble for accidents on the op crty day of sale AUCTION SALE of household furniture for therestate of the late ANME LUCAS at VALLEYS GARAGE 10 MAPLE AVE BARRlE Saturday October 19 livingroom chairs Living room chair new trlllghts zl ipeh BOA Victor television good as new Iron stand living room rug ing room ru Bedroom ru Magazine racks quantity of booksrCard table Quantity of electric lamps Sin gig bed mlttress and spring China cabinet nndybuffet co ersdglth minrorsf can Coffee table Sewnrg Quantity of tastiest pans Electrical applir aw Lilltchenmutenniln Bed turns it talc clocks 1m drawer ge odd gt Antique irons Lnr Boy chair Terms cash Np re serves the estate must be settled lam mUGlililfi uctldneet NEWSPAPEWPAGE MATS dunno nrnvlnclli be inspected at the above location 330 am to 430 pm 3y amt and Thursday October 14th until Material Control Department of Highways DawnsvlowI Ontario Telephone mans area code mm Mitts nynms 1414500117 The UCW met at Mrs Ern Carsons home lnBarrie with 16 present Devotional was conduct ed by illrs Lorne Wilson Pro gram consisted of beautiful slides shown by Mrs Alex Cameron and taken while on trips to Eng land and Scotland Several lrom here attended the 100th anniversary senins Oct to sthllneslug church hlr and Mrs Ian Keith have Murned to theirhome in Lon don England after spending threoneeks with their aunt hire Sid Cox and fanily Mrs Jacks and family of Rich mend Will have purdiasednsnd moved to Ralph Bowdeus house Mr and Mrs Howden have mov ed to the basement of tbeinnew arm while it is being complet Mr and Mrs William Hankin and daughter spent the weelra and with friends in the north Visitorswerthe holiday in this vitnnity were Mrand Mrs at Joe lifuwnMrn John John ston and MrsGlen Richardson Gravenhurst Miss ltltn flamtl ton of Barrle and Mr and Mrs Don Scott of Toronto at Scotts Mr and him Frank hfctifsrlane and children and Mrs Rita Mun ccy all of Toronto at Mrs Edith Newtons Miss Edith Robb of Spanish ntva Muirs Lloyd Johnston of Elmelc with his sister Mrs Colt Mr and Mrs Pelerrléterkin and family ot Toronto at Mr and Mrs Ed hioRaefs Mr and Mrs Charles Cole spent the weekend with Mr and Mrsjdley Wilson in Oshawn Mr and Mrs DonMacDennan and daughter visitch over the weekend with friends in Ottawa and Montreal Nonmnrounnonr ROME lAPt Canada Chile lndla and therllnitnd StaicdWere electid Thursday to threeyesr terms as members of the intergovernmental commib tee of the World Food Program The program is sponsored by the UnilcdNafluns Food and Agriculture Organization in beautiful Antique chest of Luis CELEBRATEPA WASSO DEVOUY rpm mnguWW airs George llolt attended the all Board of Directors meet ing for Simcoe South District Womens institute in Coohstown Town Hall Sept so Sixteen were present to arrange the 1969 an gnu yttieh run be bold in II Mr and Mrs Frank Hobbs have returned home after motor triplto the east coast Conpntulntions to Christine Simona RR Thornton upon being chosen Queen of the Fur row nt South Simme Plowing Match on the Lloyd Cumming farm Slroud Oct llr and hirszEmery Bcllry of Bradford and Mr and Mrs Charles cheer of hiluesing were recently visited by Air and Mrs George Holt nu cwn The first meeting of the Lil group was held at the home of Mrs Vandapost Project this term is called Being Vell Dre$54 cd and Well Graemel The group is called the Granny Goons President is Arlene Bemty and secretary treasurer in Carol Schandlcn Leaders are Mrs Vandcrpost and Mrs Spencer There are nine mem bers hlrs Peacock showed movies and gave demonstra tion on makeup and good groom lllg UCV MEETING Thornton Uutcd Church We men held their ilianlrsgtving meeting Oct atthe home of Mrs Black with lli mem bers and fourvfsitors Mrs llolt president conducted the business which included plans or The Bible Society canvass ob taining leaders for Junior church congregation announcement of the fall convocation at Alliston Oct 29 chapter in the study book on Japan was given by Mrs Mel Dixon Mrs HartleyEvans had charge of the worsblpscrv ice with Mrs McQuay reading the scripture vocal solo was rendered by Mrs Altman lAtnchrwas served by By ALLANiNGRAM Mr and Mrs Carl Marsh all were in llnltburton district during the weekend closing their college tor the season Most persons who have sum mer homes at Minets spent families noted were Ballnntyne Mr and Mrs Harold Dollery Miss Audrey Fettes and friends and Mrs Henderson also Charles fanuly Fred Pilhci has added car port to his residence on Bay view Road There have been severalhemen improved in the last few mohth and in all can concerned Congrahliations to Darryl Sta fura of file Barrie Navy League in connection with plaque won for general proficiency and chievement Darryl was form er resident at Minets novel sight for Barrie Al landale railroad yards was to see pulpwnod being loaded from truck on by machine to flat car it would seem that there are frequent shipments of this commodity from Barrie and builds particular ca the truck was from Arden Mills R939 to hear oths death yoursago gt It wopld be appreciated it any person havinga news item would phone it to M6730 Thanks lnadvnnce nuns pour Thanksgiving Day here Some cs added beauty to premises proced polntmenl similar meeting has been arranged for Newton Robinson Lodgn Bail forllecumnetli Din trlct lou at 815 pm The aim will be BL Wpr Bro edCCoois of Bradford cookstowa loss simmered Congratulation to Mt Gall Bull and rm Bradley of or laws who were married Oct ii in St Johns United Church Al llaton The bride is the daugh of no and Mrs Georsdlluu Lionel anney is in Stem eon Memorial Honpitll hnvlng sustained broken pelvis and broken bone in an ellnw This happened when he wnn unint ing sign on place of business in Bradford Sixteen are members of the Canadian Girls in Training group under the direction of Mrs Milroy Meetings gill be held evory seeond Fri ay TRAva Mr and Mrs Jmett spent Thanksgiving Sunday with relatives in Ston Creek Eldridge and as Marloria Eldridge spent Sunday in Mid land and Gravenbum Mr and Mrs Riley spent the week end lh Mr and Mrs Wright Barrie Mr and Mrs Chuck Hart were in Peterber ought MK and Mrs Art Han sen spent the holiday weekend in Braniford with Mr and Mrs Altred Hansen Mr and Mrs Frank Mumberson and daughter and Miss Kay Mumberson with Mr and Mrs Horace Banners men Stayner Mr and Mrs Dalton Tiftin have returned home following ten day holiday at Myrtle Beach Florida Vltltorn in town for Thanks glvln were Mlsn Marlon Teu nnt oronto with htr and llfrs vlL Jenneit Mrsand Mrs Robert Evans of London and Glyuu Evans and Miss Marlon Robinson Toronto wltlt Mr and Mrs Evens Mr and Mrs Walter Korchuck and chil dren Toronto with Mr and hlrs Carr and Mrs William Carr lr and Mrs Balph line MAWA OP tusttce Ind fair plsyor tbeir absence concerned Parliament at if brietawednssdayrslttazg Inst13mins theCmnnrons considered judlelnl oppoin ments and political patronage inequities in land expropriation internal parliamentary legali ties and rair play for Prairie formers Saturday letterreed ets andopponeents of blue mov ies The Senate was onlthoname tack demanding square deal for the poor anddebntinl changes in Supreme Court The liu twem naming new iudges and porkbarrel polltlcs wasa neonat on transmitter eyes when theCornmons planed shillto provide for ttnow judges to Quebec Superior Carol and three to Ontario county and district courts Despite Justice Minister John Turnersassertion that political background is becoming less relevant in choosing judges oppositlon members were no convincedd CflllBJOB TAYOFF Newmmiocrnt Frank Howard tSkecnet checked off slim of retired or defeated leernl Mira with highpay jobs nudconclud ed Printe bfintster Trudeau hasnt been all that vigorous in resisting the politicalpayoff up Mr Turner himself beneficiary at the system Mr Howard suggested because his present Ottawa seat was ve cated by the retire ent ot Paul Seek Five Eskimos orrnwn cpl rm nndboats swept over the sonStralt chnesdly¢lllt¢ locate flve Eskimotarnlttenov erdue on ladmile boat trip to cape Dorset in the wartime ER 7M3 MAM Territories No definite reason In known here for thclrdepnrture from Sugluk oh the mucous rout five days ago But therohsvo been reports at tlio North flat the flank feared mangan their liven due to proposed Quebec tie we of tunettonsnoo performed the tmflfllfllmiu Einb 55 is ESE gl as it 53 SEE 53 Egg as 55qu assist 9255 stir 15 ESE as Miss Myra thfln visited re cently with hcr two brothers Mr and hire Ken Tiffln hlld hurst and Mr and Mrs Ted Tlffln Ornagevflle one STATION puts cnnnronn CRAFT CLASSES keen interest was shown tateenngngmpsatsmeet in held at the Conunllnity Cen tre Tuesday night Hobby class es hscludinz Wt cunmell lug leather craft oil painting and picnic molding will begin on 15 Enrollment in open for one week candle night is planned for sometime in Nova enter Interest is needed in St John Andtulancc Home Nursing Ind it is hoped class will be started in January ginoern square dancing will be gin Oct 25 and montage sale balsa noble free dmws crafts etc will be Thruway Nov at 300 pm was la Mrnlualt Gilchristln home trorn hosplhl Rev Willis ofrnngua brought an inspiring message and tang snlo at tho anniverA sary service at St Andrewl Presbyterian Church Sunday The choir from Guthrie sang an anthemuuder the direction of Mrs Robert Campbell Mine Corinne Wigfins sang solo Mandamus Pearseli Burton Pirrte and crow ford attended the Lhankotfering musing nt Zion UnitedChurch Sham Bay Thursday whir and Mrs Tracey Mead tough Orlllte spentrSunday mine pad Mrs cum Mr and Mrs irwln Clnrlt left this past weelr for the west where they expect spend sev eral months Terdlf who was quickly appoint ed to tbscltlzeushlp court wtenntlme the bill for Quebec judgeat salaries of mm yeacench and the Slumsyear Ontario Judges went through second rendiatg debate and =thlrd reading Only Senate ap provsd and royalv assent are needed now togmglre it law The additional Quebec judges are needed to handle divorce cam newly under Quebec Sup rtor Scourt Jurisdiction after botnghandled by special Sen ate commissioner The extra Ontario judgesin Ltncotn Essex and Middlesex counties éwere necessary because is galaid caes re onth eldlng criticism that two of three recent appoino munlb lo NovaSeotias Supreme Court wererold school chums of Mr Turner the justice minister listed Judicial qualities as moral courage and decisivenen among other things NM RULED OUT But he wasnt ruling out poli ticlens as judges he to cd in answer toMnrtialAs PO Chnrtovolx Later during the hour de voted to private membern mix lions Mr Turner promised to bring in an amended version of the nyenrold Expropriation Act around the and of the yearperhspx sooner perhaps er the issue was raised by lrélh mnn Liberal liyilnrd Peel South backed by Conser vative Robortlhompson Red Deer1 who complained diet in fivnnuccenslve years ot coml pinhfllgnbout the lawn unfair nest aupagst from the govern mentflwsshrorrdu Faith Robber lrinl lawnmower rm trial of cursed betir robber Georges Laney endedme any and SessiouICourt Judge ll £15555 can as all is sf Goergtois moderating mun heart attack THANRUFFZKEG Menbars of Guam and Oro United and Presbyterian Chords Women were mmg than firth cred at Central Dre Oct thankofferlng meeting The speaker was iilrs lienlg oLAr magh at Ctarkson the only home operated by the Presbyter lan Church in Canada for urn married Men She showed color slides of the inside and the grounds at the home and new addition and rmered trues item on her work lllrn Grant AnsdeB presided iltrs Maeer lneo Eunice Wilsont sang solo accompanied by Mrs Jack lilo Arthur Central Ora Ladies serv ed lunch nt social time fol lowing the meeting Several meiobero of Womens lnniuxenre attending the Area mergerde It ooddwata ads or JERSEY About 30 people attended the banquet and dance for Slmcoe County Jersey Club Friday at the Hell Charles Simpson pres fleet was in charge Trophies won at the Parish Show ware presented to the winners Don and Arthur Needles allowed more pictures taken at Cookstowrt Fair also lhc Great Edibery rum ed atvPefetbomugl Music for dancing was morphed by Fax tous Orchestra ADOPT FLEURaDELYS QUEBEC iCP The flour delysts tobecome nulelal symbol of the Quebec overn msnt Premier tean aequen Bertrand announced Wednes dayMr Bertrand told news conference the flnurdel al ready part of Quebecs ag is to be used on all government Parliament JusticeAnd 1qu P1qu amended law would end the Kinetice whereby property can amounted without notice or immediate payment to the owner on lnternsl parliamentary le galities speaker Lucien anou roux rfilected motion by Dom std nelnnln PGCaps BretonEast Richmond to open formal debate on the govern meats new systemof present ing only designated portion of the cabinet each day as targets for questionn tile emery may be TlnfianadaOrfll scarred orrv tanner Britains woman gold medal list in the Oly le hurdles Dave Memory In Wednesday he may eventually nettle inCann ads or the United States and take out citizenship in either country lime 26 Boston Univer sity stu out sold he plans to go to Canada after visit home to Britain He said he plans buslneas sdmuiirtrntloa Hemery set world record oi Mi seconds in wlnnin Britains first gold medal of Molded Gnmesfucsday Wont intervene litSentence oinzscc OP Premier Jeandscques Bertrand refused Wednesday to intervene in the ease of in teachers sentenced two years ago to abort ilnson termstllat theyhavn yet to dont intend net ns substitute for the courts Mr Bertrand told news conference whennsltedif he wouldvheed request for intervention demand ed by Marcel Peplu president of the Confederation of National Jacques Trahnnflld bewould hand down at ludumentjbec in disused with con bythutederal nortberudeivelnli remnant dtl inluustlon durlnsnr Trade Wane The 12 teachers officers at the Syndlent proletalonel des Quebec were each sentenced to udnys in tail for their refusal to court kept ill nonhuman nyndlcita in Feb Wettinfinrws lN Burr IltUDEAU GETS KEY UPTAWA CF Prime llllro Liter Trudeau Wedncsduy re ceived gold key to the city of Ottnwa at ceremony at city hall Mayor Don Reid welcomed the prime minister on the city hall steps then took him up to his office to meet city coundi £33k sign the official midst MIKE AVEETED BRANTPOBD GP lhlr tyeigtrt nines werkers at the bullet Co of Canada Ltd plant here voted late Tuesday to no ecpt new twoyear contract The workers members of local 397 United Auto Worhes had fits Wednesday strike dead warns comm SUDBUEY CF Itstudy to determine if some architectural control can he cruised over construction at row housing in the city has been authorize by city council The council Tues day authorised no planing board to recommend possible to study bylnw changes which would take into consideration desira ble architecture mum as OWEN SOUND CF Thomss Alexander Dossier to was killed Wednesday night when struck by enrwhilerid intt bicycle Highways two miles outh of hero The youth was ridingnear his home when the accident occuried monies must leNGSlON CF Kathleen Hopkins 45 of Etinsville0ni died in Klngsfotl hospital Wednesday of injuriesreceived in single car accident Oct when her vehicle otterturned in ditch nearherv home Erins ville is about miles notthof Kingston TURNS OVER HOME BRANTFOBD CP The home of Rev Thomas Hender son an associate of Alexander Graham Bell inventor of the telephone was turned over to the city Wednesday as historh cal site The fourbedroom iwostorey frame house has loved to hava been builtrabout 1843 served ascanadas llrst telephone office and exchange for several years MILED ON COUNTS SUDBURY OP Gerald Lavallee 22 of Sudbury was convicted Wednesday on coming false pretenses and was sentenced to one year defi nite and one indefinite on each count The sentences will run concurreutbv Lavallods arrest and conviction enrne after Sud ANNOUNCE CUTBACK BEANEFOHD CF Five hundred of the 2000 emplomls oi illumith American coin plant of Massey Ferguson lid will be laid on next manta our log almost productionlullvn company spokesman said Wednesday The spokesman raid the cutback takes plaos ovary year Petition Backs Bolicewoinen mm Out 99 licewoman Lois Beckett in changes of discrimination by the Sault Ste Marie police depart ment said Wednesday night they have gathered 1051 signatures on petltloutlernandlrig pub lie hearing into the charges The group decided at meet ing to send copies at thepetltion to AttorneyGodan Wilbert or Saul St Marie and Ferguson chairmnntof an arbitration board appointed tededdeMlss Becketts claims for salariynbd benefits given male members pf the lice foreg Miss Beckettwane polled woman with thoTarenterua Township police department be foretho townddpwasfnmal gameted with the atomnu Shewan demoted toelerir 18 SNOWSJN SCOTLAND GLASGOW AP The first snotrot 1191an felt across the northern half of Scotland Wednesday night The Glasgow weather centre said snow was general above the spoofed level Ben Nevis Scotlands Maoistst mountain was well cov er DEPARTMENTS MERGE LONDON Reuters The British Commonwealth office merged with the foreign office Wednesday as part of govenn meat streamllnlng progrnm Hand of the new foreign and commonwealth department in Foreign Secretary Michael Stewart Commonwealth Sean fary George Thomson left with out department will become ministerwithnut portfolio avail able for special assignments MARINA hm £79m WNDON Reuters Prin cess Marina the Quccos aunt who died brain tumor in August lelt more than £76000 about WWW in her will it was disclosed Wednesday Alter death tlullés thé blyearaold princesss estate stood at £54 one but further details were not available because royal wills are protected by privilege GIVFS BILL GO AHEAD ROME tttelnersl The Ital lad government day itjwill nut oppoie private bill which would permit the sale and advertisement of enntrace tive pills The pill is on sale in Italy officially only for model not purposes and all publicity for it contraceptive effects is forbidden roar rams cannon DNDON Reuters rims thy Daly zoyearold ppet was charged in court Wedne day with setting fire to that lmperialWar Museum in Lon don He is alleged to have hurled two gasoline bombs into the museum Sunday QUEBEC GP long playing record entitled Dani on lHommeDanlel Johnson The manwa launched Wednesday in the Que bec legislature Part oi the pro ceeds of its saleat $2 copyer will be donated to flisltontre Heart institute scene of Ca adas flvn heart transplant ope arivns PLUMBING HEATlNG strains Plumbing by Heating on sayneta 7239223 SANDrEr GRAVEL VSand Stone All5lzes¢ curs Vancosf 21 STONE MASON vrmgmagascuas opinionatng SHANTY BAY STONE C0

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