Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1968, p. 5

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nvlecled io Yjlio proposals toward more Walker Lenny Brethllughfe Me Evoy Kenny Sturgeon George WELCOME rrowrr DELEGATES r0 srrmrr Delcgatcs from district 1t modlug hour Huntsvilo Berton attended their mutual flower convention at Stayncr Untied Church hall yeierdey 1M visitors were welcom ed by Alex Gilliam felt president of the host Stayncr Horticultural Society and Dr Ives of Stayncr for mer Ontario Horticultural So ciety president Blaminer Photo Phorre System Change Debated In Medonte noousrorv Stainy First coundl years ago Reeve Dalton Jermey is expected to stand again in the coming township eledion Nomlnatioe day has been set for Monday Nov to and the meeting will be held at the mun icipal bail here Howard Robin pan clerk will receive nomina Jsons between and pm Warden in 1904 Reeve icrmay has been member of Simcoo Deputy Council since 1954 He was first elected deputy reeve in December 1953 when former warden Fisher Ganton was eve gt Medonte courted has done bct tcr than most Simcoe County municipalities in holding down its tax rates County assessment has been much dimmed topic centering around whelhm the contention of Increased efficien cy and equalization ls Justified by the higher coal Another major issue concerns the Mcdonle Telephone system which providts subscribers with service at modest cost Persons living in areas where the main calls are within the township or to frcecali areal at Goldwater and Elmvale ap pear to be satisfied with the present system but others living in fringe areas resent toll diarg es lo Barrie Drillia Oro and other neighboring areas not in cludcd in the freeioll agreement LOOKING INTO COST Sale of the system to the Bell Telephone Company and instal lation of dia telephones has been debated at considerable length and currently the commlmioners made up of members of the council are obtaining figures in the likely cost of conversion Bcsldes Reeve Jermey me her of the ftfcdente council in clude Deputy Rccva ingram Am and Councillors ltfwlcy Ball Horace Vasey and Boyd Miller an election develops it will be held on Monday Dec Goldwater Reeves Asks More LdCcrl Controlf conbwarsn Staff payers are getting the moves to lessen their control over local affairs said Reeve Ernie Miller in denouncing the regional government llhe head of the Coldwatcr council said he has talked with many residents and practically all were much concerned about the trend away from local con irol Larger areas of adminise tralion in itself doesnt assure more efficiency be said arguing thatlocal control should be main lnrefereace to talk about amalgamation of smaller mun ritlpalities Reeve Miller said Goldwater would prefer to return to Medonle rather than follow Mawhcdash andOrillia township all This would be more practical for us if the matter came up said the former warden iron is now completing ids 14th year on the Coldwata counclL DEFENDS POLICY Personally would like to see local voters have as much con trol over their community af fairs as possible said Reeve Miller stating he has been called oldfashioned for this be lief but be still adhereslo it To my mind this is the only he said stating the prin that the ratepayer who Pats the taxrs should have con trol over the spending was ab solute right in his judgment Praising the good community spirit in Goldwater Reeve Mill the suggestion of joining er said he hoped to see the South Simcoe Ball Winners To Be Honored AtBradl0rd BRADFORD Stall Chem us oflbe SouthSimcoa Softball League for 19611 Rocky Cnlangelos Bradford ball club will be honoredat banquet which will be held at Riverview nn unsaturday Oct 12 at The club will receive the lea guencbanipionship trophy which was won year ago by Hounnd Landing Terry Garter star pit cher has been chosen the teams most valuable player During the seasonhepitched 11 victories against our defeats including five straight in the playoffs 1Tb championship was the first won by Bradford since 1960 Members of the learn besides Carter include Bill Duncan Rick Hunt Steve Simurda Cameron Barr ult RobertDewitt Bob rains and Bob Jackson Jimrny Pricewas the but boy dGordon Kneeshaws Fennells Gaiters crew alsowill be com amended as runnecsup Bradford Show Grails lVLlDllURST Staff stratlons ofwcavhig spinning and other crafts are passed at the autumn festival at the comrnrmity hallherethlseondng Saturday afternoon Dctnbr nveneratso getting volunteers monsirate wood carving leatherwork and trout ytying during the festival Exhibits will be displayed in Lthehaliand the program also wonthe final four games to two with Carter oalpitching Bob Bur tan for Bradfords closing 54 triumph After the final win the Brad ford players wereparaded through the downtown section on fire trucks as part on victory celebration which wound up at Rocky Colangelos place The Bradford team was spoil sored by the Queens hotel here Liquiudes display by Boy Scouts and Gubs softbali game at the nearby mond between the actor junior and teamaalan new Goldwater community ten lrc ultimately get artificial ice The matter of cost is now being sltldiulr Goldwater council could help but it was impractical to look to Goldwater ratepayers to bear tbc load particulwa without Medonte joining as well as other neighbors Civic improvements during the past two years included consid arable road work and alsothe bridge on Mill Street The Cold water legion has acquired prop erty for new ball on Main St After his election as Goldwater reeve Mr Miller was placed on the county road commitch and projects included roads of hue portance to the people of Cold water as well as elsewhere DEAL WITH OlllLllA Reeve Miller also was chosen one of the members of the county committee to consider terms of Orillia separation Others include Sunnidale Reeve Lloyd Prid ham dlairman oro Reeve KL Gillespie Flos Reeve Frank Goughlin Port MeNicoil Reeve Albert Calvert and Warden Alex McAuley of Elmvaier We will try to do what is fa for both the county and Dr illia commented Reeve Miller suggmfing Orillias move insep arating from the county will in crease taxes for the latter lbu was contrary to reportgivan Orillla based on 1967 taxes which indicated saving of three mills iDébehfiires Sold For $5014 The Selhyl Who desire to build doublsvliouse on the farm ac uuired from Jamleson in lhorotonwlll have to like their request to the consultative com mittee fol ruling on the per mit Bylaws do not allow double or multiple dwellings in rural distrle Thedelay will put eoo stnrction hock at least month film Selby had intended to have double dwelling with garages between Iuider one roof for father and son wasncnns The Boy Scouts have permls non to use the front of the town shlp building to put on car wait for fundraising gt STREET CLOSING lhe redrtape work will get under wayto enable the closing of Victoria Ave part of the Sunnybrae school property The matter willhave to have at prove of county council It could be that permission may be grant cd to enable the owner to sell street developed CULVEHTS Bud Martin did not make ditch and install 15inch cul Ddte 3de To 1860 EthVALE Staff Flos Ag ricultural Society which will be presenting its 1963 show here on Friday and Saturday Oct 11 and lzrdates back to the pioneer era of nudism The on agricultural fair in this area was held 109 years ago at property near the Hamilton fnn cairn on highway 93 do embed in old records as Lot Concession of Film townahr Settlersthrougbnut the area 10 ed in making agricultural dis plays dances and mrrymaking with the result it was decided to make it an annual effeir ONCE AT HILLSDALE The fair has been an annual event sintealthougb Elmvale has not always been the home baseFrom 11161 to 1m nearby Hillsdaie was the location The site was moved to Elrnvale in 1881 and has remained here since While this years fair is the rirotrows trunnioth Mr aners loe Koning of Muskegvu Mich spent couple of days visitinngn and Mrs John Foucarth Mr and Mrs Harold Jones were visiting friends in Brook lin Ont recentley Mr and Mrs Jack Polley Ssrnia are at ir home here for some holidays MrJand Mrs Ernest Cook Rexdaie visited Mr and Mrs Roy Smith Mrs Ida Cool and Mrs Earn Gray one day last wee Mrs Ida Cookwar guest of Mrs Fred Archer Een nell for few days last week Mr and Mrs Archie Bathgate bavereturnedlrom 3a three week holiday to Victoria l3C the telephone lamprey Control Measures Taken WASAGA BEACH Stall Noltawassgl River is among talc Huron tributaries where lamprey motml Inelsures have been taken by the federal depart ment of islieries Treatments with lampricide al so has included Echo River near Ssuit Ste Marie and Sturgeon Lafontaine Silver and Cbikanlsb iog Rivers in the Georgian Day Other Georgian Bay rivers which remain to be treated this year are the Magnelawan Nalscoot islirlifiria Boyne Sydenham and The program of rehabilitation of Lake Huron and Gcorglan Bay with splake is dependent upon the success of the lamprey control program on these waters are aurora EXAMINER THURSDAY coroner loss up areas to be handled from Ht council To Stay In thtdesdgd nlmmoouisuinuuirm lnmfcrfinzceConnly MVIndnwillbeM mmmwdme Corinth in Jan rteuv vmrie not numbers and services can be Assessedfor rari doer not bareany bearing on the arrangements under which therlelcphooe company has let substation switching thereby rs ducurg the rates and enabling more private lines This bu been done in the Lakeands area and we have been advised that mime were reduced by about XITCHENER CONVENTION The building inspector was sent as delegate to plumbingcon venllon at Kitchener His costs for the thrcoday trip totrlicd $1363 including 75 for hotel The account was approved HIGH TENSION LINE The Hydro Commission wants its poles located at least six feet from road boundaries and inolsfil Council feel that this may interfere with road dcvelr opmcnt on the 11th line line is tnbring high frequency pow er to thepsubsiation being built in increase the services needed in the north coined werecl ad school demon together the municipal voting at the and of next year will be for Oile yearJetm prlbosed pan diseumed by council is folle tber council members who will be back with Reeve Vairdse are Deputy Reeve Edgar harte and Councillors Dick McQueen mer rcove Born Swanson John Loughecd Mr Mc Queen is completing his tour term on council Goldwater Plans ire Hall Plague commran Staff our in honor of the late Nelson Woon fire chief for Cold waterr volunteer brigade for 38 years villag has been proposed in the We think is excellent idea said Reeve Ernie Mlllcr rtaung he felt Mr Woons con siderable community well deserved to be remembered in this way as an inspiration and example DISTRICT lots on conditional basis to get services HIcrceve proposed placing the aoue at the fire hall on Gray treet Herb Stevens onetime ockcy star is the present chief the volunteer Goldwater hriA Churchill Cow Is llward Winner Reeve Mlllcr recalled the late Chief Woon heading the Cold waler team in the county fire fighting demonstrations and con lcgts at Grillia Barrie and else are Elmvale Areo Fdirs latest of the larger fairs of the county it is not record in this respect in tall the Flor fair was held on Oct 14 two days later than closing date of the 1968 fair it wu shown by old rec ords William Harvey was secretary at the time and John Johnston president mindllamas the sitejn 1870 who headed the fair execu tive from 1553 to 1966 He fol lowed Walier Middleton debt from 1942 to 1933 Vespla Prepares The Madonte community than as now was lumber centre and it also had hotels printing office woollen mill and retail store sec tion Craighurst too was lum ber and mil centre with licens ed hotels rrrsssnr GROUNDS driving park used for early horse racing was the site of the first fair at Elrnvale then community In Flo township After four exhibitions were held here the present fair grounds became thehome for the fair in 1885 Development of the grounds was financed in its early years through the Flos Agricultural Park Company Some of the pilt oneer presidents were Johnm chie Richard Graham Robert Peters and Walter Rowley Girrcnt president Cecil French who is serving his second year succeeded Reginald Theytravelled by bus and car forNominations MIDWEST Staff Vespra township counctlhassetthe annual township nomination meeting for Monday Nov 25 withMonday Dec eiechon dal Vespra voters alsouali have the right to nominate candidates for the Vespra0ro ward to the new county school board fhis meeting is expected to be held at 0rd township hall near Mit chell Square on Monday Nov 18 in the airernoon The Vespra meeting will be held at the cornmunityhall here where the Varpra countxl met until the new council hall was openedleaily in the year Recve Wellington Dobson binds the Vespra council which also includes Deputy Reeve Carl Dnr an and Councillors Harry Ad ams George Euler and Alan hnsto CHURCHILL Staff lcr sey cow owned by 0thmarH Struuman of Churchill has been awarded lifetime production certificate by the Canadian Jer sey Cattle Club The cow lnnisarc Valiant Lady Favor in nine lactation produc cd 70645 pounds of milk with 4035 pounds of fat She was winner of two gold medals and ton of gold award zetime 111 service of induction of Rev Bruce McMIrtin EA to Trinin Ccnlennlai charge by Simone Presbytery was held at Everett Friday Sept 17 mir man wasbev Donald lilo BrA of Drum United Church assisted by George Evans semtary of Simeoe Pre sbytery Rev Waiter Les Ail lston offered prayers of center lion and pardon Rev James Shlliou Alliston delivered challenging address Mr Lute inducted VMr McMnrtin who closed the service with the bone diction Sunday Sept 29 Trinity Car tcnolal United Church crossed milestone in the life of the new churehrr The unveiling of the cornerstone took place at the Church site corner of ad line Tossorontio and Highway e9 ficv BrD McMartln new minister of the congregation presided Rev Canon Molar en minister of Rosamont and Everett ng Churches read the scripture ftevr Chan les Townsicy ofAllislon and the Mansfied Presbyterlln Churches sang solo Rev James Shillon of Allisiocnnd Euros United Churches offers cd prayer and unveiled the cornerstone The Junior and senior choirs rang accompan ied by Mrs Dawson harp and John lrciand and Jim Kidney guitars Light refreshments were served and all enjoyed social lime together CLOWES By MRSJEEITE LEM Mrs Leta Dicker will be bos less for Clowes Womens lnatilt lute October Roll call will be Ways for farm womm to Earn pin money motto by Mrs Tom Hutchinson pro gram lfome Ecorromicl demr onstratlon on quilt making by Mrs Partridge Each mem bar is to bring quarter yard eacll ofprinted and plain cott tnn Contest to be given by Mrs Johnston poem Mrs Partridge lunch Mrs Charles Simpson and MrrN lennell Multiply mo Buy highestinteresth canalam aond atthe Bank of Montreal and to 14m get back 21 timeswhat youve but It $250 foreVery $100 invested ncanbny wyinnalmenh The Bank of Montreal sells Canada Savings Bonds by instalmentsas well as for cash You can buyyours iot5 down balm in easy payments were year CDOWNiFORA BONDi Getyotncanada Savings now atthiaBankofMontréal

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