Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1968, p. 4

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on habit Estimator Mildred by canard unmamunlu WIJII Publisher 16 Blyflold Bertie Ontario William MoPhomu Managing Editor mm omega Paul Collective Proposed By Whenever the need for Canadians to have their rights and re uests from gov ernment competently andled arises sooner or later the suggestion is made that an ombudsman must be appointed Whether one man should have the re sponslbllity whether it should be given to parliamentary committee whether the Senate should handle it these de cisions have not been made Now however the Liberal party has tans toset itself up as sort of col Feciive ombudsman to fight for the rights of individuals and minority groups to keep lines of commurucation open betweencitizen and their govern ment As lheWelland Tribune says its hold concept this idea of turning the arty into mass vehicle of democracy between as well as during election cam paigns First decisions in reorganizing he party to bring into play machinery for participatory democracy advocated by Mr Trudeauwere made at meeting of the national executive of the party The farreaching changes are intend edto make theérarty the chem ion of the people even it means oppo ng the government on particular issue na tional president Sen Richard Stanbury told press conference after the two day meeting Our whole approach is we have got to turn the political party into veh Liberals lcie ofdemoua the arty president said if we dodtsucceed in doing that people willth no recourse but damn sirations and violence to get their point smash the government Guidance groups will be established in each province with representatives of the cabinet the caucus and the party organimtlon to make sure that thogov ernment and the grass roots know what the other is or should be doing mechanism will integrate Liberal youth and womens groups in the arty main streamrand party headqua ers in ct tawa will take the separate Quebec or ganization under its wing Party organizations in the tpast have been expected to go away uie and die between elections The erals are ex panding head uarters involving more poo le at the ocal level and planning to ecome active in seeking out situa tions that offend against the concept of the Just Society Cynics may see the Liberal plana as means of holding on to the army of young canvassere and supporters brought in by the new Liberal leader True if the plans jell and the Liberal organization enabling it off andmake it stick it will helpto ensure the longevs ity of the Trudeau government More important as The Tribune notes it will help close the communication gap between government and the governed DOWN MEMORY LANE 70 YEARS AGO IN SiMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance Sept 29 reps Majority of citizens of Allandale new Ward of mm stronglyobject to injustice inwhich council charged Ben Parker high licence for three horses in his livery same as Barrie owners who have as many as dozen Steamer Conqueror ordered sold along with all equipment to pay debts Miss Ejnma Fraser PhD talented native of Barrie who has been teaching at Uni versity of Pennsylvaniaappointed ProA fessor of Romance Languages at Elmine Ladies College New York Board of Arbitration placed vaiueof$77752 on Barrie waterworks plant but Samuel Barker company authority refused to sign document Strathyvdc listen law firm advertised 42 farm and urban properties for sale at very low prices landale division this year Number of people carried to Toronto Exhibition was 78000 increase of 23581 over last year Miss NitaMcLennan ofBar rie returned to Protestant Episcopal Hospital Philadelphia accompanied by Sister Daisy who villtake nurses train ing Ladies flocking to localsiores of George Reedy IFraser and James Vair to try out new fall hats Gov OTHERfEDiTORS views GROUCHES ARE HAPPY Windsor Star There might be some therapeuii value after allin being grouch An5 international health conference in Eng land has come up with that theory and even at first glance it doesnt seem much siliier thanaa lot of other ideas smdén unrest is being fitted into this assumption and certainly itcould have place there up to point That point would be reached when it becomes evident that the students merely are cut HAPPENED iii CANADA ernor Jonathan Sissons of county gaol thanks person who donated 20 yolumes religious literature for inmates to peruse Cheese making is becoming one of most im ortant industries in Sirncoe County wit 12 factories in full produc tion Marketing handled by Barrie Cheese Board Average price this week was 9c lb Thomas Paton Presbyterian mis sionary delivered lecture at Midhurst church on What Saw In China William Campbellropened law office at New Lowell James Gilpin of Essa found gt two horses dead in stable evi dently killed by lightning Much loss caused by bush fires in Medonte Twp John Hall near Hillsdale lost $8000 worth of logs all ready for loading in cluding 40000 feet black ash and 100 000 feet hemlock Stanley Piano Co may move plant from Toronto to Barrie if Town Council gives sufficient encour on easy terms Grand Trunk Rail way has had brisk business out of Ala agement Town Clerk instructed to write GTE askingfor cutdown on in cessant blowing of whistles on steam locomotives during night since many people have complained of sleep disturb ance Centre Simcoe Fair at Barrie biggest success on record John Pow ell took over management Grand Opera House promised finest stage produc tions in future WilliamMorris of Barrie enrolled at Knox College Toron to to study for Presbyterian ministry ting up because it suits their fancy of the moment to do so and because it annoys some educators they think ought to be subjectedtosuch treatment If this can be contribution to stud ent mental health who are the restof us to complain To this the students themselves would addWho indeedi The uninhibited students parents however may have other thoughts on this subjeot Such as for instance curtailing their childrens money and so pressions to inor New Howdy friend rm Hess Cartwrightmy Risks Are your more paw sure would appreciate morph in your Greek ConStitution Reciricis Freedom Jill the New York Time one they choose What may not be clear to the Canadian reader is how precise ly nation can be made to vote away its most basic and most essential freedoms Another New York Time story sent Invorved If Drugs Imported sirenmen monorsorv UllAWA The Pearson gov ernment introduced earlier this year but failed to implement bill defined to facilitate the importation of patented medical drugs The reasoning behind this bill was the entirely lollcal and wellknown fact that Ca nadian product is more exper aiva than similar article man ufactured in other connisru where labor costs are lower than in Canada Thus your local pharmacy could offer you your docwrapresaiptionat lower price if the ingredients arelm ported from say Hong Kong than if they are manufactured in Canada The avarege Canadian bought three prescriptions costing total of sum in recent year surveyed by the Canadian Phar cmipissronv mateutioal Asoclrtlon The governmenthopos to reduce this element inetha cost otliving by permitting the easier importa tion of cheap foreim drugs Canadians will hope to see the lowng of their clothing bills currently running more than 20 times the sine their drug bills thmugl the similar impot pation of cheaper textiles and dresses and suits from Hong Kong and other lower labor cost countries Itywouid be about 100 times nicer still for books to have cheap Japanese bars madefine readily avail able inCanada undergthaliew thinking being applied to drugs Stueythat would throw many Canadians out of work but it would do even more to hold down the cost of living similar bill to the uncom plebed Pearsbn drug bill will First World War Convoy Redalled non aownranv There are many men in Care ada today some of them in mi itary hospitals who vividly re member Oct 1914 when the first main contingent of CanaJ titans to tight in The First World War sailed from Quebec They had been preceded by the Princess Pats Thirtythree thoust men were embarked on so trough ships escorted by three battle ships and six cruisers nftha HoyalNavy most of the naval ships halogen ears old It seems strange now but the most difficult job in the embar kntion was getting7m horses on hoardthe ships There was no mechanized transport in those aye The horses would notwalk the gangplanks so theyha to liftedonhoardln 16 Hayfield Street Barrie0ntnrlo wAuthorized as secbnd nass mat themaost attic lie WE an at payment postage in cash Retron postage guaranteed fr 533 nexoepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $2600 yearly Single copies for By mail Barrie so yearly slings Nearly 300 horses had be left at Quebec gt One of the littledlmown stories about the voyage across the At lantic to Britain was that Admi ral Wemyss conrmandingtha escort was strongly opposed to the convoy system He felt it would have beensafer if the ships had been allowed to seat ter and go on their own When they were gathered together in the convoy system they would have been sitting ducks if Ger man cruisers had sailed into BEL Fortunately the German cnrisers did not appear but there was great danger from German Uboats and the course of the convoy had to be altered several times When the Canadians landed aafeh Wemyss went straight to the Admiralty in London and protested bitterly He was told Oh you must take some risks in wartime andiWemyss re li Yes but only iustiftahlo His sentiments were echoed by many ship captain in Th nd World scdcJdtvll EAsr rLazA Who soon be introduced into the new parliament gt hitlclsm of the original hllLr was heard in parliament from doctorvMPs on the grounds that it is lmpomibla to check every shipment of imported drugs as to purity and medical effrcacy Caries have been ex posed in the past of imported drugs being contaminated and being in tablet form faultily compressed and of lacking the correct medical eliicocywand even of being wrongly labelled Now there are new and dis Iurbing cares of counterfeit or look alike capsules and talk leis slipping through the lneffeca net to reach tlve government our retail oulels These lookolt likes purport to be the product of reputable Canadian manufao trrrers but in fact match them in nothing but appearance Being frauds offering immense profit in the corsclenoelest iars they threaten uncured dcknas and in extreme cases death for the luckleas pur chaser Theidisoovery of these cormterteit drugs in Canada em phasizu lira governments prob lem in policing drug imports at the port of entry This new situation offers yet another argument in favorof new suggestion being discussed here At preaent the patient re ceives his prescription from his druggist in plain container with an unimorrnative label As every Canadian mother knows this leads to confusion and even danger in the medicine cabinet ATTENTiON TEENS or postman DEMAND ran on DOWN cane wnrr an FEATUrthG roaonro Groups norn rumar Ann somber Nrnnrs warcsoun An even THURSDAY FOR UP conrrno eurnnnnv re the Swingers are from Athens five days before the young described the tactics for getting an overwhelming maturity Heroars some up cerpta Greek military policeman chased an American woman Mrs DoulsTannenhaum into the lobby of the United States Embassy late today tha Gredf officer had put his arms around her shoulders one hand over her mouth and tried to take her from the lobby it all started Mr Tannonbaum said when his toys arold daughter Thea decided as ion to scribble the Greekwork for no on sheet of yellow paper and put it in the window of their car it is not word that in pop ular this week with the army bacired regime which has piss tered yer signs all over the BlllllllS TAKEour service Hemmerwear rsaouNLop 51 wintry to persuade Gramu in favor of an confirm time in refsraadrnn Sunday ONLY NO Government officials story mntinuer thatthera Ibeoluta freedom of prank on the whim Tims com button to Greek politics more lenifid the only no in town The New rotr nmeisfnryi loss on to say that theTnnnenfi baunu rim moped about their religion the Greek dlcta for are lntiunriticl The not that Mr Tannenbaurns than wns horn in Russia In consid and somehow significant Thai lannsnhnunu were released Incl remested and generally harassed all day until they sought refuge in the 15 Embassy They were told they would be taken to court and geronxcrrhtnddgpltheior offence oy sign that said no in their car window The Tannenbaums are Amerk can and America is Greeces patron so Americans are treat ed with greater restraint than Greeks would he Greeks voting hr the filtered lfound only yes oia poll booths In BIBLE THOUGHT Yclul manned and said unto to them Verity say unlo you If ye have faith and mm not ye nhlll not only do this whl is done to the fig tree but also if ya shall say unto thlr mono tain be then removed and be than cut into thsreu ma be done Matthew 212 God will take you It your lalth All firings nrepossibla to lilrn that belioveth Tha biggest and the best eaters 7266664 NoWsHowING PM 910 PM The hanging was the bestslum in lawn But they maria two mistakes They hung theme man andiileydiilnfiinlsh Wich crrrrrsnsrwoon unuoenr Hrorr lliiiEiiSlEiiENSiirliiill mmmmmfirmm M307 Must Liiltkfilmltnouozcm Ammonium ammm nsrsnnerumsamm tutorian BARRIE HU 0NiA DRIVEIN THEATRE autonomousi unmannmmult rOntariu $1200 year motor 1llE pom FABRAMAMMfiflIltfltlfllfljfilDXWW actawrmmrmwwm rm mm umvmmm MMfllitWWOWIM throw off $15 year Out side Ontario 314 year Outr sidacamda British sses stuns 7315 year if and foreign 592 year NationalAdvettislng Offices 415 University Avenue Term YDEY Afarmo 16957551MMMF WEMJTMJIRGIIWVM om 44Mwwm4m2w nopeuflrwdamwssx su Tboav one curse avemurzae LANAorANs rsuuoan smear forrepubll to M0 Cathcart St Mono Member of the Canadian Pressand Auditjureau of Ciroarlations The anadian Prose is ex clusivelyentitled to the user cation ofnli news spatches lo this paper cred ited to it or The Associated Presa or Reuters and also iho local ewe published thean mm minus Molar John Davis Review SATURDAY nieur frbm Toronto lGHT one Hunsun it Jiiiili rundown snunru

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