Canada 10mm Prank Robam said Wednesday nlfli that uncoordinated listless provincial spending to can in spending or essential public services lir Robut told the Canadian Good Roads Association mah ods 1min be found to arable governments to agree on spend lag and economic prioriUu in iael gimp the ilnanclal problems oi the municipalities and increasingly oi the prov inces uncoordinated otiorts can any result in cutbacks in the very public services that rank in the ioreiront oi the or tions prioritieseducation beallh urban transportation housing and pollution coatro hir Robarts said hir Robarls two weeks ago said the govenrment could run up delloit ol 5000000000 by use unless new revenue sources are tapped list Mercy Flights NRDNN OP The Aid matronNigerian Children Coma mitiee oi Canada plans to dis kibute 100000 postcards in 0n turn to be sent to Prime Mitils itcr Trudeau and External Iti lairs Minister Sharp calling on them to supply aircralt to jlood to people in Eintra and igeria RC Hospitals OTTAWA CP Two maior ZRoman Catholic groups will cnu duct joint study to determine the iulure oi Catholic hospitals and the religious personnel in them it was announced Wednesday The inquiry wfll be conducted by Rev JeanPaul liouleau nicsuit priest at Laval Univer jsltys Ctmtrcde Recherches en Sociologie Religieuse 11 Plutonium Sale OTTAWA tCPt Canadas new sale oi plutonium to France will not necessarily mean any new or iuluro sales oi ura riium Energy Minister Greene told the Germans Wednesday He was replying to Douglas ilarkness PGCalgary Centre who asked wheth there would fbe any mewallotment to ma nium producers as result oi the sale Canal Feasibility PITTSBURGH AP An 01 rclal oi the US Army engi neers said Wednesday study is being made an the ieasiblllty or building canal to link Lake Erie and Lake Ontario Dnnald ledell cf of hydraulics tor the engineers in the Bullalo NY district said the waterway would be entirely within the US border The proposed deep drait wat erway he said would follow the Niagara River or about 15 miles then cut overland inn Goodoot wide canal or 17 to 25 miles depending on the exact route Liddell said new locir would replace the misting black Roch Luck in the Niagara River To Meet Farmers OlTAWA GP Agriculture Minister ii Olson is expected to meet protesting corn iarmers iiom southwestern Ontario on Parliament lull Friday morn ing spokesman in the ministers qlï¬ce said the farmers will drive their tractors past the Peace Tower and then park them in nearby parking lot Enrolment Limit YLONDON Ont CF You cannot put lid on the modern university says President Carlton Williams of the Univer of Western Ontario loldan lnterviewer Wednesday that studentenral ment at UWOhas ex eeded 10000 placing new sir classroomia and mi the pere ial que onroi how big the vet will get Only six years ago planners viewed 5000 as th almaxl mum Dr Wllliarns now thinks 12000students should be Wederas cei ralrernt least twoyears before Canadian Indians can meaning hillysuggest changes int any new Indian Act Chief Wilmer Nadllwon ooL Oilby Wednesda He sold in an intervrew talks between iederal oiiicials and in dlnrzs being held now across the gaesltlmct suggmt cb to implement anew indian Act by next spring MruNadyiwon sat git woun cause bitternes ong indlans war theCapeCroker Said entirelyrinadequata en too or to allow Indian Commenting on plans by in dlan Alialrrfl Mlnlsteerhrétlen PAUL MARTIN Cyprus Forces OTTAWA CPl Canada has had to pay the full 4000000 cost 01 maintaining its troops in rCyprts since 1003 Senator Paul Martin the farmer external af intrs minister and now Senate government leader said Wylnesday He told the Senate thatCan ads is the only country involved in the peacekeeping force that has had to do this The reason was the low peacekeeping fund in the United Nations Senator Arthur Hoebuck Ontariol sold Canadas action in sending 1200 men to Cypnrs to keep the peace between the Gracia and Turks had been lhighzminded one wise or not He welcomed the act that the lore now was being reduced Waitress Strangled 22yearold wullress whose body was found in back alloy was strangled with her own scarf police said Wednesday the dead woman Wanda Dehlel oi Fort William was last seen Monday night near where her body was found Tuesdaymvrn lng in scrap heap Heart Transplant canonro GP Boyd Toronto WesternHospital said Wednesday the hospital may pearlorm heart transplant 11 Mr McAuley said in an inter view heart specialists at the hospital have among their pa lienls several possible candi datt tor transplant He said he believes testing of tissue types and blood groups oi these patients already has been done so that doctors could tell which one would be the best match tor the donors Ml Gardens TORONTO CF lacome tax investigators accompanied by RCMP otlreers seized sever al sets of ï¬nancial records at Maple Leaf Gardens Tuesday night The seizure involves dispute between the Gardens and the tax department over whether 000000 paid to the Gardens for irauchisa rights in the National Hockey league expan sion in 196667 iiscal year are taxable Gardens ofï¬cials claim the money is capital gain not income Viirtist Is Dead PARIS AP Marcel Due champ painter of the controver sial Nude Descending the Stair way died Tuesday night He was 81 Duchamps portrayal of su perimposed mechanicalï¬gwes barely recognizable as human much less female or nude creat ed scandal when it first was shown in 1913 orrAwh Transport Minister Hellyer sidestapped ra Commons question Wednesda aboutwhether Canada thinks renunbries with adequate birth control programs should receive priority in world Bank loans vative Leader Stanï¬eld noted that Finance Minister had just publicly endorsed such principle which had been ad vaneed by Robert McNamara or orid Baakp lllll lllllllll lllllllllllll nt HEW Wilillll Plillllllillll mar terer CH Police Chiei Charles Earl said McAuley executive director at ioreign Mon rimerr pb aphe Pity atom Ramrlrnkha so was killed by bullet that muck him in the rlatt shoulder lie was British citizen based lu Nairobi Kenya independent Television News reporter Peter Sissom at Kent England was struck hr the leg by another bullet its was reported in iair condition Park Studies KAPUSKASlNG Ont Rene Emnellc Ontario lands and loreas mianter announced Wednesday he will visit New Brunswick and Nova Seolia this month to study provincial parks and meet with iomtry minis ters oi the two provinces Purpose oi the trlp will be to discuss provincial park activi ties ltlr Bruntlie said KiwanisPolitics WNDON Ont CF Kiwan is delegates bcre Wednesday de cided they dont need Itnierienn politics rammed down their throats at international Kiwanis conventions The annual conventional the Ontario Quebec Maritime and Caribbean district of Kiwanis said they were dissatisï¬ed with guest speakers discuxing US issuts Delegate KenOIlkin oi Mont real said that at recent interna tional conventions in Houston Wtbo debalaWedoeaday inï¬rmpd huiy national polio of bn development to combpointy neipromm was needed OTTAWA CF 110 Calm dian members rot Parliament leit here Sunday to pay secret visit to Bilira It was disclosed Wednesday Andrew Brewln the New Democratic Party member ior Tomato Greenwood and David MacDonald Progressive Corn rervntivnmcmbcr or Egmont had planned to enter belea guerad BlairVon altclandastine night flight Al was not lmmedlnteiy known whether the were mini in getting int Jilebrea kaway Nigerian province Calls lope sin MOSNW llenters laadlngnSoviot doctor said Wednesday only an evil and cnrel Incubator could have is sued Pope Pauls encycllcai banning artiiiclal birth control torvlioman Catholics Prof Spérarrsky in the first detailed reaction here to the enclyclical said the Vatican was in life unmarriedeauplés with hopelwy outdated directives Transport Costs wannanolcai Transpor tation must be kept aiilclent and reaSonahly priced to keep Canada competitive Greent energy minesend re ericnng in the private to unptheyvago of lives and may under ernreut vellum mgrarm which tend to punch uaie poverty and dependence Mr Stanï¬elda pleaeamo dur ing tbahour Betastde daily to outwith private nientbersmo lions lbey rarely coane to votabecause other We talk to the end oirthe hour sending the motion to the bottom at long list on the order NW Vehicle Imports mews ca many sharp increase in motor vehicle parts importsln the lust seven moans oi the year climbed above the correspondingperlod last year despite rllghtdecline in iuiytbo Dominion Bureau oi Statistics matted Wedncsday imponl train all countries in thrownmonth period rose to value 56915421000 tram 50506791000 July importsto tailed $975719000 down irom lastyears 51111809000 coc Negotiations DHAWAuiCP Contract negotiations between the CBC and the union representing some1000 TV production em ployees have broken 011 Fernaud Dnoust atrial and tintor or the Canadian Union oi Public Employees said in statement Wednesday that the union has asked Labor Minister Mockasey tor the immediate aplt polatment at it string the questionlC rser icderal ccncilia pruidantaL the Man mater 995 MONTREAL CPI Deonard McLaughlin president oithe Seafaren internationalfllninn oi Charade says willsub tn lawyerprm reports statement by Rodeï¬ckvilclnclr cyoi Vancouver hir Heloekeyaiormor exec utlve vlcenrerident oi the sill tb aodcurreotly campaigning for the presidency oi the 17500 member union made state ments critical oiJltlr lllc Laugbiln and other oillcers oi the organizationrdurlng news walerence in Toronto Manda In statement Wednesday hlr McLaughlin said it Heinekey has with absolute disegard or the iaetnmade ntlegattons ago mysolf which left unchalleng uld chino immnn le Commons at 150 pm am tooonthuetbo mmuunaont FDBCAPHAIF HAT Vino your Want Manila in manners damaglnglbe statue of the Duke ol Windsor him Prince oi Wales ouLaide the Uiuvuslty College 01 Wales be dalrimca to prypersonal would that minimal expenses have drawn irom theunion that employs me arccenSSIetely excess1r He also allcg that PE tribute in lnequitable This pension plan wasueat ed by committee olrrankvand llla iuuan members and am requiredzpersonaily to conirib ule 50240 end month out of my wage as my pension contribu tion0n the other hand when Mr Heinekay 1th the unions employ he receiVed that sev erance payment of $20000 ior which ha made no personal can tribalton whatsoever stun prnri to which con herelbo men were dd by on lice to be attempting to the bend oi the statue unit cnrrrr noun HQUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE DRIVEJN l03 BAYFIELD ST 728551 More and more families areabandbnln lhehlnhways for the Air canad skyway when they plan their holidays and special tripsAnd with gqodraaaoh net