sseeeï¬intésusés By JOSEPH 61mm MD Dear Dr Metc We are Me earned am nodms Ins severe use so we never heard of before divartim lltls Her staunch is swollen and she ls vay tmcemtutahla hut her doctor told her she would not have to return that It would only take time and diet olvno raw loods Shouldnt we he tak togvsoaee medication WhIle divutkollils andir serious Msa as la hriel the lntestine quite otten develops somesz halzes probnh nun us or more have some at these Dulles the time we reach middle lite sudsahulxelscalieda diverticulun great many people never know it unless the condition is rhown in Xrays taken tor some other pm And he as the diverticulosls that ls the presence at these bulges doesnt er person theres no reason to do anything about it However mush ï¬brous or seedy foods sometimes irritate these areas or divertlasln this causes inflammation the condition is called diverticulitis the itis ending indicating such stage of the condition The ï¬bers at the pulp ot raw vegetables and fruits and lands with seeds should be avoided to prevent irritation oi the diverti cula it helps also it nervous patient can he persuaded to calm down it is very seldom that surgery or other drastie treatmaot is necessary Long contlnued irr tation at one oi these areas can cause bleeding and even pertain ation to which ease the weak ened part at the intestine can he removed But tor most at us very simple enntrol of diet and sometimes mild medication is sullicicnt TELEVISION suesuse seams BUFFALO serrate rononro l1 summon THURSDAY OCTOBER EVENING aeo sm lHWII rm os you mm llSuaer Heros glen Grimes 100 31rana wane kHasal Tenn lGillluns mane 7Hlnutonu ï¬lling arts eeoma 114m and rllerl GNth seo sxosln Hood tPerrv Mason 14 Love Luey liMan mm was 114 sue zwmt say um 7115qu ï¬rm snorh isNawr Weather we swm In VBawtlche Izoo JNewl Weather rte one Son aNwer 141m asthar Sporil switched liPiem 811am Ina 11 at us mes awmm 0n ran News évnme em liï¬mmm us 1133 Go lDoeterx House call wigme Ms 7mnlomnt Illa mo 1Newa 7Koeketahlu 155 and 4Nrwr Week zMmtunslon servic nun 47capulnxanrareu s1n Untverstty 01we Mr liPooeya one =eNewe Weather 555N111 2130 examinure mum sLnivnm court 4Ne sc tltl seatJnss Thelter sneer loom no aPay carnal cstrtieespsauu lses uwomenr tsIossns Heraea some or conaqueous Tles Weather 3star rrek tans uGomu H10 U6 ho amnm loona DIY 11mm cm in em IIDO ll BItl Hahn lain has élNlm or the 9D Mull The Night ol the lrl alarm Aura names ocronans MORNING AND Ame no Honcsnlntinn llNendly last 113qu hllllu Street 7chk Cavett ggncle Irony Nam Qanansilty lï¬ï¬t Zaélllti ELM ltEd Allen Time then use 1H Asfllal World zrsou nod sauasls if Van ms onl Spend llBetorl Noell tree uNewe warmer sos Soom llNavu Weather Snosta 41 Home urns calorieeaueatol ï¬gure basedsoo Deontinsel Awhilun staunleevshov 01 It We pint vanilla its cream its at otter lee milk four per cent loo calorea sherbet no la mu llzms 911Nde semeaariatioa lee aeam may tor example be higher hhganu ienlly ltvmust contain at least lopersentmilhtatandatieast 20 percent mllksolldsr lcemllk varies mm have at least two he uht and not more than seven per cent milk mind It least 11 per cent mtlk tollds mu melee contains mills products along with suit or juice and sweetening and is as shown somewhat lowarln calo rlea than its ueasrL Water lee anrnetlmes misidentiï¬ed at sherbet is sknllar to deerbet but contains no milk products With its meetenloz however it rates about the some in calories as sherbet Dear Dr Molnar Jr the cause and what are the symp toms at hhrosla in the hllarre zion ot the upper iImstleldl 4M3 Fibrole means scarring ol the tissues Whether rem irri tools or infection whether viral bacterial or whatever the lung tissues have become scarred and hardened lha hllar region la the area to which the traehea vtwindpl branches out Into the hon Such areas at ilhmsie usually are discovered by xsay Unless it is severe enough tolntestera with breathing there is no symptom which you could delt tact and so unless youndocter has told you otherwise Id tor glelt about it its there thats PnoGBAMS am IDfllrlel 1hme rar uns isssuv orurtn some 11m ssrrtia Hues llMm omen euur World time oNrwr sanls renames Hohnny Clrlols lNewl Weather Snort TMovla Lnourhest Hundred ilell Koch aMevta Temum Im Dutereeam nun IPerrya ms liMovle Dr stress lma sane DMovll ra Course the Waswok aNm eahar Snom 1mth tstake On Dove lnt ï¬le lMlet the return Leaner1 Honltal 1Dream noun Helena panlI Run llMov Mn 3Worldserter 135w Brownian gimme Deaths sleov new splendored 1Newlywed Gaul ilN Swear Weather WWI131M Llrht nr 7Dattns Harrys mm liPerryMasnn 145 3111 Out Hnother wme World ioz As new somersan mutual zï¬essss mr Ql guest 35 psalms new QAOI was use ihahldflnat rear anus gm Pun Pass lead acelol dla moods Jhlter as hoarde had been pllMlnthewbolrdflnalot the ThkdWorld Bridle Olym piad the itallanswero leadiu the American teem by so inter national match points hot by the time Deal No as was over ltaly was ahead by When Fennel and Guano held the NorthSouth earde the bidding went as shown For oueta tour netnsrnp response anyone 31 MRS EAWYEB Mrs Guthrie was hee tess tor the llrst tall meetinz oi Glitord United Church Women Sept 19 when ladies of Church tum Ebenezer were guests MrsEhen Sawyer president openedthe meeting Mrs Will iam Keil assisted by Mrs Gordon Hughes led the worship service the theme being The El Speeds Misl Barbara Guthrie sang solo MrsW Gough Presbyterlai president spoke briefly con cernlng her work The guest speaker was Mrs Taylor secretary at Sell Determina tion of Toronto Conierenee Her topic was dsrlstlan Women in the Chanulnx World outline lnx ideas being good Church witness to the word and to our nelzhhour develop tnz new sense oietewardship friendliness and consideration The social function aommlttee served retreshments to about so lldles genome Gillanl 4H Homemaking Club held the first meeting tor the newproleet Being Well Dress ed and Well Groaned Sept 18 at Mrs Kells home Ofï¬cers elected were Pres Elisabeth Kell Vleo Pres Dehhle Guthrie and secretary to he rotated headers are Mrs William Kell and Mrs Keith Keil Eight girls were present The next meeting is to he held at some Kells gsea club name will he select Visitors at Mrs Paul Rus GorhisnMre Tommy Carlyle Mrs Bennett all at Toronto and Mrs uwd Gohn at New moslret Mr and Mrs Sawyer have returned trons Manitoba where they visited the latters aunt and cousins Apnoea SAsxitiary Study ma etudent 4Posressln atyls ï¬stula one since Belladonna would had an operatle tor Ippendly aellehsesday were Mrs sehedule in your business meetin in on your wile will sit alone hsithe neg to go along olein proneuh Roman pair that slnsleton in an unhld melt is net ahar to takeout double when there are the hlihnrd viluea present tor an openlg hid The hiddlnl pro ceeded South West Dhie Paa Pm Pan Put Pan Pane Pm nhlo Jordan and Rohinson Judged the hand exceptionally well to continue on to slx spades down have wrapped up six clubs with out struggle hut even so they sutured team loss of 550 points Their teammates at the other tahla had never entered the hid ding even though they could have made slam in either or two suits animus MRS cssfseh Clark Middleton Melton husband at Florence Diego or merly oi Edenvele has passed away and was hurled at Comi een Sept 23 Mr and Mrs MrNshh Mr and Mrs Kenneth McNth and Mr and Mrs Alex Mchhhat tended the Show Kempera weddin in First Baptist Church Harris Sept 2t Gregory Gifted has been con tlned to Eelrte hospital having eltls Mr and Mrs musell Sale were guests of Mrand Mrs Norman Gillan Stayner ThusE day evenlnz it beinl their gather ElWood Giflln hlrtlt ay Many Edenvale peopleattend ed Barrie lair last week and some reported it one at the best showings etoelr especially horses or some years Stayner air was also attended by sayM eral irom Edenvala and they lound it interestinxtand good George Ward left Sunday or Dorset where he will he taking his iinalsemlnar tntotestry Jack Robinson Ottawa made visit with his aunt Mrs Will iern Wsrd and admins Mr lndkMrs Raymond Ward last wee 25 mm entity ot SECRET AGENT X9 GnANpMA RQY MGM LITTLE LEROY THE MOST LUXE TOY an EVER SAW IT EVENHAS PRICELIST OFACCESSURIES ON ONE OF THE WINDOWS ouzz swaenj THEREISNONE SERORTRUBLOOD rauesrrrorowu nouns moose LOUKISOMEONEIS AwoNE lNTtiEMlNE Tut STEAL ELEVATORCAEELS Mi 74111 Faatura llTlh 30 gt iMeta 1lOct1t ate liHawkeya VGcnersl Howlï¬h gt ssh 111 IPeoola in cops et 2w Mlkl Doullsl 1000 ilsearch or LYN Dnul Sly Hun ludrment Tomorrow nurs ol ses Allan 1Trluurl me Nim L1 mimilglili uh Hllrstunssel 1Cmsrunfllr Tom uasmrnt or Truth kmng ml 1131 1255 rm Fania ooroemsgrevemo Izod VHMguclyny slsuoar Homes hlahle game 17H etmnary Face 1901 10 Sheeplika ahapes 25 Hllnl 120merwlao Uttie glfl Cull measures Lane oeaiter 1stout mumth They solone roperty hiaek liBrtmsning 13ungleb otha some simmerea red tatuteetlva 1560mmond 5134 11Bizger to runner IMGlrlanarne home atad 218morgas 20 Leather 83 Fth hord treat workers picture Meier m1 eowln sermon unsu esmw sacraments Dllcrltlc renegade Wm ï¬lifllï¬ilï¬‚ï¬ lll¢fllllfl Illé uotaurweuavewoxes mutt muemves Emmerth mwomgï¬rlsus Jermain Pup ssmua resents new ruRwrmtek FRIENDS gm BE THE BAD wenustz WW sggalutnuoazsrwv Was on so unumyezvomel mnweaemausv mmpscuoou Mil urngvï¬ Love 4K Jan tlMovte sNewr glaNWwflmu Sung 116eennd mount as Yuri 41Ne unrms Th 4110 ilVaa r1 gï¬ï¬‚ï¬z tï¬ï¬lu so 121 tTruthwr DZMHHMMI ceneeauauees ova 1Horaaa Her MI 1NlVl Weather tlGllllaana Island 53535 mlua Bull is llfPettlenstlunctlon JOn Slllll 12 tPerrv Mlsnn 7Unuersox llMln mm NUE uc mam as Once more gt as mu sesame room 335 iM EXPECTING hmwm some OFTHE 4a auiegg maurlu Charleys famous turnovers 7H armqu Travel 11 snv ilFilntstonea Dshrtltnmont bHeresluev tifHossne norm ucatsrmrt ITsh7risure Breedt slivers Hour E230 zoIilflg Glut Eons rusuué Klndotiily tanmy 417mm autos