iiao To run de tails oi the Brown and Gold Ball are tclt to right seated ther Lo Plante Jerry Plante lire Dormit lilo THE OLDER SECTION of SL Josephs High School shown above was formerly convent or the parish The interior has been completely renovated since the founding ANN timbers iDVtsrs Luighlio Father Bledrwcil and John Clobosoy Sanding ieit to right are VincevMonJ alwn Mrs Villemairel Mike Scutlioo Doug Heritiltoh Frank Marys and Peter oithehighschooiinlbtï¬nnd anew addition added Much ot the necessary labor was volunteer with the studants titanselves assisting in some oi the work Shown in rent oi Kcanis As is usual at St Lioseph wuir for the Ball 1being done by an ioiormai group or volunteers which he cludes parents teachers stu dents and those who are sim ply lriends of st ioseph There are no otiicial titles or assignments each individual contribule his or her etlortx wherever they are needed Examincr Photos gt iBANNER DESIGNED or St Josephs High School by artist Peter La Plante will be publicly displayed or the first time at the Brown and Gold Bolton on 25 An elaborate decor is being planned which is based on the leaunes oi the bannerstndents Charles McNellis and Mary Ann Wha len shown above are wearing the unilorm oi the school The Faith provided tape For St Josephs High School Eby sum Rosanna Sometimes dream can come true but very seldom lust for the wishing it usually tekesa iot oi hard work added to laith in what can be done Here in Barrie we hove an outstanding exumplcoi drenrn that has becomea reality through the loith asd elbow grease of number of townspeople lt wosbnck in lots that Msgr hi Clair thenDean Clair loundeda high school in what had be St Josephs convent The bu it had been vacated by the sisters in their move to BAKING VENTURE it was rather daring ven ture considering the tact that otthe substantial sums of province be providing some assistance or students through the building thenew rcd Cortina which is beinggiveii as door prize at the tenth coming ball Tickets for the ball are available by calling Mail Prayidés inst Question Qt Adoptiozl Dear Ann lianders My wile and have been married for sevenyears and we have no children We havebotii been to several doctors and the reports are contradictory Two speci alists told us we would probably never have family because at underdeveloped le underdevelgped ie said there is no medical or her childlessnes My brother and hisrwlfe have two adopted children and they are nwonderiul family lhe nextdoor eighhors just adopted baby girl and they seem to be seventh heaven In the tthrce years when mywite has gone into depres sions because of our inability to have children have suggested that we consideradoption She is 100 per cent against adoption because she says she isnt sure she could love someone elses child Please Ann print your views You must receive many letters from people who havelhad some ï¬rsthand experience with this problem warv T9 BEZA nan Dear Want To The loilowin or cyossedtmy deskviihin five minutes oi your letter it is the pertect answer tor your wife HOMELESS Dear Ann Land Dear Ann Londe This letter is for the woman who signed hersei Van of Vaandjnll the re ire her It makes my blood boll when bearivomen The tragedy or our lives is that we were never blessed Every youngster nEEdS love 1ection and guidance and there are agreatmany more home less hildren iii the world today than rs are placesior them This letter have yet to encounter set at adoptive patents whodidnt ieelas warmly about their chit7 dre as if they had given them life In fact parean who went outvoi their way to adopt young sters often seen to love andap predate them more have decided that people who are unab to have families and do nothi but monthabout the tragredy areJuo selfisbto AND PRO an words lot of innit in HOE TOMORROW goodday Especia voredare business and financial interesisp negotiations itvoiving Iongrange ventures Since the daylight hours will pr be pretty actiyemake it pointto hovolsome relaxation in eve Avoid hectic socia very promising tilldeEd Occupa nai rod monetary gains are ted anti with the excer brleigperiod in mid personal relationships will nder beneiieerit aspec beekzolr COMPLAINT Dear AnnzLonders Print my chief gripe and make iriend or life will you please have worked withtbe public ter 20 years so know how im patient inconsiderate rude and downright nutty people can be Since going to work as tele phone operator howevergi have developed an emotional allergy to pet names can tolerate Vul garity but iloathe being ca tered to When strangers call me Sweetie Sugarliun and Dear get So mad iwant plug them out know several operators who feel as do Will you do us alla favor and at this complaint DIAL Hear Over the yeiirs have Tedelved many letters trout telephone operators and thevast imaiorlty of them would preterï¬weetie Sugar Hun and Dear tothe obscenity nd pro fanity that sometimes sears their ears Settle Enb Conlidentlal to Cold nit Wuriri He Thissounds pretty chummy to me iriend Cool it Youre too young for such test between December 5th march 31st ne Wellwishers in Job familycirclcs will be oi assist this year and there is every dication that before another 12 both quired boobies lat once to furthering your interests stream the grade ten Grades 11 and wouid thout grants The British North America Act of 186 guaranteed the rights of Catholics to maintain as aratc school system up to are eight inclusive this was iater updated and applied togrédes nine and ten these additional grades being loaded on the 12 grade eight primary school has rather than on the rate sad in the collegiates There was unique eahire to the high school that iirotmet in the convents upstairs common room it was opened to all stu dents ona tuitionfree hesis Since that time the substantial burdenot the support and im provement nithe school has wandering noose FACTORY Ont yearold public school teacher who says she quite often gets her own way has successfully raised $8000 to build library for her school Construction will start on tworoom profabricated library beforethe No mber freezeup comes tothis island community near th south shore of James Bay Miss Ushercame to oronlo low weeks ago as delegate from Moosonee to the Federated Ontario meeting She talked the teachers into paronngioi ea Moose Factoryhas library of Shoobooks etold them but no lacilities for storage or 114 ost oi the Indian children hve intvvo or threeroom houses with coalo notgood accsfioraiterschool prescriptiongp ca are enough to make you feel bettert dune Jul and Build Library Women Teachers Association of ightinE rested anythe roemberemi the parishand the atom oi per sons who wanted to see them jcct succeed rutnon FREE in the twenty years its ex istence the school perhaps lonearnong Catholic him schools in Ontario has remained tuition lreo whila the old eanvent has been renovated and new rooms added The original ti students who studied with ltlsgr Clair the first principal and Sister Francis Regis the iirst teach er began what has become traditional service Students laid tile scrubbed floors wash ed windows wherever there was need they were available Today there are Ilisvstudents withseven lay teachers and two members of religious orderson the acuity The ups and sciene cs are altered With corrimer clal option The school serves the entire area Angus Borden 0rilllanot just Barrie There are noMJahtolic students in at tendance as well as catholic number of Ontario Scholars have been St Joseph students including one Garvey oi the classro number at the proiessions in cluding teaching nursing and medicine The ECllWlahusthme long way from the barly days but one thing otteast is the some as always The spititol the people involved As the needs of the high school have increased they have at Ways been met by the voluntary eilorts of such people as the St Josephs High School Auxil Graduates serve in inry The smuty is an infor mat organization composed of the parents at all the students hirrently they are hard at work along with members at the toculry and number of the student body planning the means by which they will sup ply the School with audio visual equipment BROWN AND GOLD BALI The school colhrs have been adopted tor their fund raising ailair the Brown and Gold Ball The lormel dance has been plain ned for Oct 25 and will be held in the Barrie Amory trom nine untn one ani Brian Barker will be the mea ter of ceremonies and approx imntely 300 couples will dance to thcrnusic of Bob Hunters Orchestra Busloads are ex pectod to attend tram Oiiilia Angus and Borden hot bullet of heel and turkey will be serv ed and there is aveiy special door prize in the lorrn oi red Coriino The car is on display Discrimination Is Apparent OTTAWA tCPl The ledm civil service discriminate taint rum in providin chances or advancement sayi the National Couch or Women Canada inabriettodaytothentus olwoinen comndsxion the coco disayr ducrimiaation is vivid ly apparent in that there are or low woolen in highlyrated po sitioos to governmental service Even when wellqualilled women apply tor such positions rarely are they accepted The not misliried aspect ot the sitti atloo changes to tacks personal suitability or insertice training the council rays government train ing departments are reluctant to open their doors to women who would like to participate in intermediate and ad tnngundy blazers are worn with ties of the Centennial Tertenby male students and tnoginlslttlte areotthesane Centennial design NOV ll MEETING SET BRUSSEIS Renters The North Atlantic Assembly will hold its next plenary session to Brussels from November 11 to 16 in front or St Josephs on Mul caster St Elaborate efforts have been made in planning the decor or the ball and banner be on display which hasheen signed by artist Peterjlia Plan to who was member oi the first class to graduate from St Josephs in the design Mr La Plante has incorporated the gold and brown colors of the school Twelve maple leaves represent the first twelve students in St Josephs and also are meant to symbolize the system which of fers equal educatidnol rigiitstlo all Canadian children management courses The council recommends that Women get equal opportunity in Lralnlng and than prejudices and hidden barriers which pre vent women troin straining top management sltlons in the public service eliminated TOWNS GOES WET CAMBRIDGE any Nivrr° CF The returning oiti Lorctlsfloyden announced that residents oi this community coo files north of Winnipeg have voted to go wet The voted in lover of beer porlu cocktan lounge and govern mentoperated liquor store VT0WED AT ilNDSAY The engagement at Eliza hcth Anneliirtey to Joseph Cosmo Saso hasheen announ ced by the bride elects par ents Mr and Mrs Simon Austin Kirleyoi Lindsay Ont The bridegroom to be is the son of Mr and Mrs Anth only Saso oi Barrie The mar gt riage will take place on Oct 12 at pm in The Church of the Puritication the Blcsscd Virgin htaryI Lind say Ont HREEgt5 oAvsr To the many people who have been intooui Sale let me say thank you for your patronage If you en advantage of our many specials theres still time The store will close fortwo weekso Saturday for renovations andwill re open 11 der the new ownership of MrsJune Allen we Still have very goodiselectibn of cottoh and partyfabricspriced unto regular price DatabaseLinings i54 are priced at only oregano youll find good sale specials ailthrough the statabut Her The Sale Ends Saturday IEnds sonny