Béetaniaatoncsg Sever Prsgtiécts7= started about month ago Trai lie was Haired aroundthoniain MANN HORSE WINNER IliT COUNTY rams Winners at area horse shows ior years Allan hlann Set Cdrn and vsons Peiorborough hors es are well known at district Session At Dalston DALTSON Staff Weed con trol will he discussediat meet ing of Sirncoe County corn grow ch which will he held at the Murray Greavcs farm at Dal ston on why Oct 22 Besides an afternoon speaking program mochin demon strations and displays by com company rcprcscntatlv cs are planncd Reports will be given on ex periments in weed contmi plots oi which there are six in the county and also on different growing methods varieties and other matters Experiments have been car ried out with 23 diiicrent var ieties of corn in the county Tire 1968 corn crop has been gener ally good cutin Tax Spending Urged By Publisher Ellistori ALLISJVJN Stain clit Ohack in government spending to reduce taxation was called for here by 11 Willis local news paper publisher We would have the govern ment make as much or more effort to find ways of cutting ex penditures as it now does in ï¬nd ing ways in increase revenue through taxation said Mr Wil lis in aneditorial in which he called for halt toihe current trend Great eilorLs and studies are beingmade to find new ways to tax us he said commenting on recommendations of select enmr mittecs on taxation which may HorseshoerValley Convention Site COULSON Statil Prepara tions are being made at nearby HorseshocVallBy resort for the first annual conference of the Hurunia Tourist Association which is to he held there on Thursday October 10 Main object oi the conference is to explain the purpose and aims of the new organization which was iormedin June with support from the provincial gov ernment county council and ï¬ty or Barrie it was omphas ed by ltay Atkinson director Election of six ofï¬cers to re present tourist operators on the Oboard of directors is planned Members of the tourist and in dustrial committee oithe county council which is head ed hy Reeve Carson Kecler of Victoria Harbaiir chamber of commerce representatives membenoi the Georgian Bay Regional development council and member of the provincial department of tourism and in iorination are other members of tbehoard be legislated inn law before long When they are the poor will be poorer and everyone will have to lower his standard of living There will be less money or industrial and business ex pansion and this will result in slowing down of cmploymcnt in reference to warnings from business and financiers that ex penditures are out of porportion to acceptable tax burdens Mr Willis warned against doing too little too late and commented We most emphatically urge that immediate and oiiizctive steps be taken to cut back on government spending and that there should he an aggressive conmitten formed to find ways or making government more etiicieni and oi cutting costs Mr Willis suggested much could be done mcroly by elimin ating duplication of eiiort and shcer waste in urging taxpayers to demand economies GoldwaterLions To Support Blind COLDWATEE Staff Cold water Lions club which is head ed by Don Curry is carrying on financial drive for funds to aid me Canadian National in stitute for the Blind Sale at tieketson 5110me bile has been bringing good responsetand members are hopeful it will raise the neces sary funds for the club quota Main officers or the club he Side Mr Curry include Murray Lovoririg Smith and John Narroway vice presidents Garnet Dohson secretary Tom Smith treasurer Harold Greenr wood tail twister and Ernest Beach Lion tamer Herb Smith was chairman of the member ton the Santa Claus parade srncor coNNrr NEWS IVY By Mus Winner erson IRev Robertson and Mrs Robertson Mrs Elwood Jennett Mrs lSsten Davi Mrs Davis andMrs Richard Price attended the induction service or Henry Har er form er Ivy ort Credit Canon wiikinson also former mi ster here conduct ed the service Canon Reid Trinity Church Bar as the Money and Keith attended this wedding of Mr and Mrs Gordon Stonemaii in Toronto Sept 21 Christ Church choir and ganisttMiséEsten Dav at Hantin servic Sevo iiomthe Presbyter ian Churchattendcd services at CookstoivnvSept 22 Rev iiuiicrtson was in charge of thanksgiving services at St Peters Churchill Sept 22 Joe Wilson OPP from Tissa Ion is visiting hlslpnrehts Mi and Mrs Wilmer Wllsun Congratulahousio Mr and Mrs Glcn Applegnte on the birth or daughter last vck gt Mrs Georgi Davrs spunto ewdays at fan and iiiiss Sandra Kursis spent the weekend of Sip 22 with her sis ter llsa in Toronto IMPROVEMENTS Christ Church received new coat of paint recently Also the inside of the porch Vestry and side entrance thanks to rector Rev Robertson and several of the parishioners who helped Anewv sidewalk was put in at therccio Weekend of Sept 22 Visitors eluded Mrs RaeCoriiwall VIS iting Mr and Mrs GlenApple gal Jast ek with Mrs Maude Wilson Miss Marion Mc Vanei aner irene Arnold at Bruce MeVanels Misti hora Goodwin at Mr an ErnestGoodwinp Mr and Mrs Syd Calnduti andfan1lly Oak vlile Miss Marie Speer and Mrs am Davey family Gordon Mark witii Spears Mr and Mrs Clarence Hog garth took motor tripto Osh awa Niagara Ifnils and USA recently Mr and Mrs William Porrand Stewart spent the weekend of Sept 12 with Mr nd MrsPaulant wasionr lilsWorld Montreal wack left Thursday for motor trip to Detroit ialrs in Simcoe County Bert Mann is shown as he prepar ed io lead prize six year old mare Starlight Heather back to stable after winning in roadster class at Beeton The horse also was winner at hokstown ore and Col iingwood fairs Examiner Photo Street for few days but the work was rushed and mod streets were open to traffic dur ing in weeks fall fair The new Sewers have been in siailedJn most oi the streets concerned and roads opened to unï¬t MANOR INCLUDED Midas all of Main street the installations include Centre St fromMain to Young SLiroin Centre to Tecianseth Queen St Tecumseth Stand Maple SL Shncoe County Home for the elderly Simooe Manorat the eastern fringe of the village and Teeumseth area public school are included among places to be serviced Sanitation lagoons are locaied north of the village The On tario Water Resources Commis sion and NHA are assisting in the initial ï¬nancing The Main street which con nects withcounty road is to be paved afterother work is completed It was proposed that ton with highway moth Newton Winston people and homeowners are ex pected to be ioilowed with con siderable communt ty develop ment Reeve Earliirown heads the liectonv council which also includes Councillors Ed Boyntoo PelEIVUlbflMH Lawrence Haw ton and Sheridan McGlnty First settled about 1820 Bee ion was known as Ciarkesvillo in its pioneer am Later it was renamod Boeton because of bees brought to the area by settler named David Ailanson Jones pioneer beekeeper Beettn became an incorporat ed village separate from Tecum aeth township in that which makes the 95thvonnlversary next year ONCE MORMSBURG EGBEBE Staif This Ego township community west of highway 27 was called Morris burg in its pioneer era The name was changed at the re quest oi postal authorities and Egbert was adopted Son at Mr and him beat of Coilingwood Officer Cadet David teal iii hm just corripleied his prelt paratory year at College Mil itaire Royal de SaintJean taking irst place in matheinatv ics He is graduate of Col lingwood Collegiate ASSESSMENT APPEALS ALusmN Stain Court of revision for the hearing oi as sessment appeals will be held at the town hall here on Tues day October wining at 10 am it was announced by Whltcside clerk Alliston asses slag is done down by assessors oi the regionaloiiice of the county assessment department rarer NEWS wwwmmxmvmcroammml Tecumseth Per Capita Tax Listed EtSIUtlJQ In Book BEENN Stall With an assesed population listed at 4750 1th township had per capita tax rate of $10019 in 1967 it was shown by the annual report of municipal sta tistics of the department of municipal aiiairs in released The chnmseih ammflil was listed at towers and to tal tax revenue at 875924 The town of Alilston with population oi 3165 had Per eapifa tor oi $14789 Allistoni assessment was listed at $8 490536 and tax revenue at 880 iiottenham village then with population had total as sessment of $814661 The 1967 tax revenue was listed at $66 674 and 53515 per caplin Cookstowns population WM listed at 705 with assessment or mom with M7 tax reven ue of $55640 The per capita rate was $7892 Neighboring Wes Gwitlimr bury with 2554 people had $757875 assessan The 1961 tax revenue amounted to $264 61 and per capita tax $9971 Tossorontio township with 390 people had assusmem at $1354 is with tax revenue of $140661 The per capita tax in Reeve Matthew Van lanes municipality or 1967 was low 71m Fios township had 2110 people on its mment list with 9210955 total amsrnent £39461 revenue and per capita tax of $14086 School Group Meets Thursday Progress in moves toward or ganizing for the new county school board due to take over adriiinistration on January will be discussed at meeting of the interim school organira tion committee on Thursday October at pm The session will be held in the county administration build ing here mi axonmvcn WANT Ape PHONE 72mm ship committee and Ken Hamill Mr nnd Mrs DAVIE Arnold we azoSaw Were LARGESOLID HEADS CEULIELOWER 25c Fresh Ocean Spray Cranberries Delicious Concord Blue Grapes BEsr EUYI SAVE tie DElSEY TISSUE 4rolls59c No qt bald No Each lb pkg $3 BATHROOM SAVE an riLLSBURY BATTER CREAM CAKE MIXES Zpkgs69c SAVE Sci Pea orVegaiabi Soups 2801 tins HABIIANT SAV l6El LIQUID MIR DETERGENT nation THIS WEEK at thisSpt¢i handmade ENGLISH DiNNERWAw Unlimited Quantities Only bitelean in Nouuirl mm anaAnAND Bunen 1002 ms 43 alerice an noooocm 331 9c GOODBEASONS WHY You soun IIOP liltilIl CHEESE Feature Varieties Siva Dads Cookies 391 Feature rPancacke Flour Auntiemimo Save me Jet Spray Bon Ami BEST BUYI REGULAR 95 VALUEi Miixwriiiiousr turret BEST BUY SAVE 10d KRAFT VELVEETil cutest BEST BUY sAvE 17c CANADIAN 20c ilb BIK sin Pkg 39 than Aerosol 591 Best Buy Save inc BROWN BEAR Creamed HONEY Plastic 65 IIOqOFEPACK saw2 lnSioniCofiee Reg ï¬cir 6a of Packi Dessert Topping Dream Whip Save lflcl Dog Food Gaines Burgers 79c 2LB FAilM LY PACK 129 eoz PKGS 69 so Jar 99c 49 iLB BAG 73c 1401 1th PACK Specially Selected 5io lb vg PorkRoastziL LEAN MEATY TENDER PORKBUITROAST FoR ERYINMWELL TRtMMED BUTIPORKCHOPS rib BURNS wELLsrREAKED NINDLrSsoAcoN FtEttétti 39 in PICNICS BUY or THE WEEK lMPORTED ENGLISH thORICE ALLsonrs Compan It 49c issoninpmvons mum METRECAI Frésh if DNED micaSitcoms so To PKG 59F SOZEKGE pkgs 67c Rag 49c Wcston Golden are sAvEsd RED WHirE riA BAGS sAVE 7rl AssoRrED into POWDERS Cap nnd Lids Bernardin doz 49 Pound Cake HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDSI REG 83c ionNsoNS BAaY roonR REG 53c JOHNSONS BAND Alps pkg 43 mm 191 ALKASELTZER 25 to bottle 69 REG Me scone AHA DRESSING nae $135 BAN ROLLON propoRANr REG $139 BAN AEROSOL DEODORANT LIBBYS HARVEST 0F FROZEN FOODSSPECIALS TENDER TASTY LIMA BEANs ii 59 DELICIOUS iii02 PKGS GREEN aRochOLi erARS ziorsac anEraniE IX Ns FOR STEWSLCasserOIES swm PREMIUM one