These three interpretations of the midi are part of the Ontario Fashion lruiilutas fall collection At lElI is an Attrao tlve Originala boucie coat bor ndcrod from collar to hem In black fox At centre is side alosing coat III wool ottoman ins W5 Rslnbaw Heathtwa medias as ii 53 in st it ii 31 or iii uni ï¬gs IODE Urged To Become Involved SUDBURY it All Omar lo chapters ot the independent ion with collar and hem oi black ior patent buttons belt by John Warden of Hudson Cloak Co The pewter saber dlna at right is trimmed with Chloehlilette in bolted dirndl waisted cool by Sol Swarts Garment CF Photo Color Slides or Afghanistan Mark Central UCW Meeting ine first tall meeting at Cen tral United Church Women was held Sept 24 with Mrs Orville Dohson presiding Miss loyce Crosse read the minute and tha treasurerr re port was read by the presldnnt in the absence oi Mrs Lin included in the correspondence renewed by Mrs Ruth Lalnson was lettervoi thanks from the Strachana The United Church missionaries to Brazil iorthe vow gm itwarnotéd by the president gut drivers for the Arthritis lety are needed to take pat ients to Toronto Plans were discussed for the 0ld4Fashioned Christmas Baz narrand Tea to be held Nov 27 from 5pm Miss Downey nominations fhalrman noted several vac aneies still had to be filled for oiflces on the 1969 executive Mrs Marcellus reported on the Fall Happening which will talte place Oct 25 andzs at Cedir Glen 5A higidighto the UCW fall fawn the Fall Oonvoca on ill be at Alliston Oct 29 and 30 at Rama United Church The devotional service was In charge of Mrs Standbrooks Unit Perfume and conducted by Mrs Jay The entire service walla song with all members accorn soled by him Walher The Man Preys was tread by Mrs Jay and Mrs Cochran This beautiful service closed win the storing of rat Lords Prayer The program lcaturnd color slides on Itighanlatan presented by Mrs Walah whoo accom panied her husband Mo the country last year DrWalshan ophthalmologist went to Afghan istan with medical aid udder the Care program Mrs Wald com mented on the slides as rthe pre sented them andbrought out swap the hisnllshts oi their visit to that Asian darn Scenes from the towns axes countryside and lthybe Pass gave to the audience very vivid picture of the way of life of hose friendly inqulsitive People who are almost all Mos Term The great problem or san itation and water supply ex Dlalned by Mrs Walsh on how diiilcuit it as the wstern personto main good Eeilth while living in the country question and answer peril iol lowed this most interestln pre mutation Lunch was served by Miss olive Robertson and her Unit Factory Dizzies Reported1 NEW YORK AWA visit to perfume factory oanbe iszylng experience It can eave you bit disoriented your mind addied your awe of human vanity multiplied iFirsi theres the smellï¬A young lady olivthe productlon lines gels on the tiny elevator and as the door closes descent ou to gasp tor breath at the pure industrial smog youve been used to breathing Then theres the language its fragile soft murmuring IoaSual observation may now in melody of tender sounds that cans to createyan awefoi the product and its users look at iragrance as an ex pression ol the mystique oi each woman it surrounds woman iii heightened aura of ex temont says Andrew Bonner vicepresident oi the Coty company He holds up linool new produds This is tribute to Am can wome Borzner snyshis excitement growing as he visualizes the iuture market is distillation of American women It is mystical expres stop of her is MES To RETAIN YOUTH Then theres the feeling that lagalnst reality conspir say to make people what they arent is secretly being perpe trated behind the employees olydoora The essence of the neecosmetics business described this way by lerre Parrhols another Coty Ajoman likes to her rsonality when she is young likes to look more sophisti ated And then as she grows der she attempts to retain her outh Periumes and cosmet archbia distinguished Ind lemanly native ot Grasse one says more than 500 reacts might moire one per it could include clvet is from the clvet cat and $10m kilogram Bulgari whlchis distilled with musk tonkin from Igoat and ombergris whalea intestines vanity You aro in tobelreve is responsible lthBu powder and perilrmencauses lsntvanlty at air they sail Its mam laid at it and the desire to sequiire it perfume or Nanette in not something applied only tothe outside oi woman you are told You are then eduut in the theory of the woman It does something to the in side oi woman said one Coty man lt gives hereonflr1ence the feeling or being complete Another added heararia is essential as dress it gives arts re attainedby Old oi Damien of the Em pire were urged Wednesday to tnvdvo themselves in helpful protect Morrisonnlaltt Ontario diaptcr oi TODB in speech on dissemina provtndsl meeting that it notncaough simply to want womanDevelops New formula CANARY GP Anyone for dscwpsger Decoupage is the art at men log adléht Mann1 tun map or it proven an may or Calgaryhousewiio who new is exploring the marketable aspect of the art gt MrsRohertC neutrinos tame involved in dotowage it 55 its 3535 Teenages read iitiie better DcarAasLaadenFbrilvl yearnsveralncadeanandour KEMPENFELT CHAPTER IODE Sponsors Marathon Bridge Plans are under Wfor the annual Marathon Bridge spon sored by tho Kcmpenielt Chap tcr imperial Order Daughters oi the anirs No separate groups will participate the Mix ed and the Ladies Details oi the Marathon liridsa were given at the September meeting oi the diapter by Mrs In Cam eron Regent MrsM Dean pr aIded at the session held in the The Blue Hall High St Correspondence included letter from Mrs heavens seo rotary or the Hospital Ancillary Gilt Shop committee thanking the members for their assis tance both In the Gift Shop and with the Sunshine Cart Part of the proilts fromthese pro loot have been used to turn lsh two iour bcd wards in the new wing oi Royal Vic toris Hospital leIter was received lrom Provincial Chapter regarding while living in Montreal Sbe begin leading on the whim Ind developed her own tech alone year ago when she moved IoCIllary Decoupln is iron the French word cooper meaningto col Mrs McCalluma decoupaga endeavorahave resulted in den oratlvs wail plaques She does these with mini old maps or old prints usinga solid wood bedding and her own formula eoating This aspect oi the art varies from her first exposure to decoupase when the saw fun niorreowered by this method SETS OWN HOURS Her hoirleworhshop is cob ncr oldiebasement next to the mace During the three to iourweeb it takes to complete panel curiosiw overtomes Mrs McCullurna two daugh ters Glynis and Gillian who marinated by their mothers One of her improper was an old m3 of Virginia which covered 13 to inches But MrsMMcCsilum ï¬nds the work can be fitted into her schedule as housewife slateshecansetherown hours Her search for prints has in chided trips to Vancouver Vlclt toria Montreal and Toronto she broadens her tieid even more by sending to Ihellnlied states for prints liraMcCaliuni says the results indecoupage like proper materials Ste says thick paper oi good quality is needed and thawood backingmust be my wnnraoa nonenow AN ElXCITiNG iEREViEW OF FRIoAY timbers SATURDAY canons in the elegdnriRed Carpet Salon Wendy Hiclgs commentator an thaseml annual meeting in Sudbury Sept 15 to It letter mm the Studio Theatre megation the chap ter bring liva theatre prodne tion to Harris ior children was discussed NATTONAL COME The Regent congratulated nu Cameron on her being ap pointed member of the TODE National Education Committee which includes Citizenship Com monwealth Relations and World Aiialra Dell Klttmer secretary for Commonwealth Relations re ported her visit to the Peace Gardens on the border of North Dakota and Manitoba in the Turtle Mountalm The Peace Gardensare at interest to all chapter members as an annual donation to help maintain tho gardens is sent by the TODE plaqun stands in the garden stoop trying to cle hearse or make the sooner did set one shape when the kids tore one had lust finished wondered what womendo all son Rob have been married they have spent Mothers Day Flathus Day Thanksgiving Christmas EuIer and thartth ol Juiywilh the other grandpan eats We get them on St Pat rtcxji Day and mo Day This year we want Jean and Rob and the grandchildren with us for hanksgiviog or Wilts mas My husband had heart Ittackin April and his health is not good Jeans parents are much younger than we are and they will probably have many more years to enloy the little ones Shall speak to Jeans parents about releasing them Wishing Fairacaa expressing appreciation to the lDDE ior its assistance Education convenor Miss Iana Simpson read farewell lctler irons Mr Johnson who has been theteacher al the chapters ad opted lndian school near Kenora He sent samples of the lndian diitdrane work done in the school OCIOBER EVENTS Mrs ii Wheeler reported on the rummage sale to be hell Oct 13 in the True Eiua Halt Anyone with articles for plcir up may crll her at 7202730 Mra West and her com mittee have planslcompleled for go Thrift Shop to be held Oct day beside drink aoilee and talk on the phone iound out when my wife bad to go to the hospital it was during my va cation so TiTfld rest opportu nity to play housewile iuil time cooked three pedecuy rotten meals every dayI didvntnoloads How It lbdkidstothedcahst and drive her mother around is beyond me The sveraga American house wila is miracle worker Any guy who doubts it should try to wsikjn huicnnls shoes for couple of days 5marler Row Dear Smarter That mud you hear ls millions of women blowing you kisses LADIES SOFTBALL Linens Silver trsys were awarded the most valuable players in thue Kolmar Ladies Soitball ague at company sponsor ed hanquetbeid in Miromar Gardens Shown above from leit to Right are Bernice 0r ser ot the Lipstick Depart ment champion team in the rum ooitm saintsssmoao ssul poroua rALL sunbs gt 56loves penplige mono lit Small Your hair HERSHEY 10¢ mints Bunny MINERALS TOOTH BRUSH DIET VITAMINS Hum 90 BHISTLES Assid Colours Emmi ours on WillLE THEY MST grams 16W Sugg llsl 155 mm mm nmo Sn rAuoLE TAMER anion leaguarDoroihy Kennoy Pow der Department third place team Fayslsoves Cream De partment second place in the league and Bob Eldridge who presentedtlro trays The lea gue hoposvto expand and chal longe other local ind Linnea sum in METTES izss Hams WITH FREE 5m llsl sun COMB at 88° Sugg on us on rv 329 Zn or SYRUP 299 Link 1511 7266434