Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1968, p. 6

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IN sir coir THE lililiiiiih IODE BALL no LEFT ro RIGHT their dance routine as they pol strongdoncs Chapter of rthe holding its annual ball Connic Hodges Lloyd Gobrial ish up the act they willbe lmperial Order Daughters at careers archiGr9ll TORONTO CP mat at ttgoooom lie given by at in Oct in The dancersarc all members and Jean Grema go through putting on tor the Sarah Arm the gfimpire The chapter is of the Littles tiill Players glint dinrcn Women at Can to provide extras for lndlan daildren in Wat across Caiuda The innbunaenieot wan made 1hirsdny It twoday national board meeting by him John Robertson oiKitdieoer ACW president Detect High Rate VOi Breast Cancer TORONTO CF Canada has the highut rate at known breast cancer cases in the world Dr Phillips of To ronto said Monday Dr Phillips said the high rate may be due to the tact that in Canada breast cancer is detect ed and treated at an early stage in many other countries he said cans oi breast cancer go undetected through less knowledge oi cancerwarning signs Dr Phillips assistant execu tive director and statistician with the National Cancer lastl tutc compared types at cancer in various countries when he spoke to the opening session of an international training course tor cancer centre volunteers Tbe conIercnce has attracted 22 delegates lrom Canada the Belgium Colombia Brazil France England lcciand For tugal and Spain The training sessions continue to Saturday Nun To lSevflrVeviASl Delégfcue To UN General Assembly Human NATIONS tAP iveresuppdseoiolbeauoi She wears tailored suits nylon stockings and high heels and in diplomatic circles prciers being called madame or protes sor in her other title as Sister Ghislainc Raquel She is the tirst nun to serve as delegate to the United Nations General Assembly Canadian representative to the Jim assembly session Sis tor Ghislainc believes that nuns liloe American Negroes have been wrongly stereotyped one group by color and the other by garb WestCodSlWWST Of Local internal wedding at local into st took place in Victoria British Columbia when Heather lanc daughter at lirs Montague WeaverBridgman of Christmas Hill Victoria and the late Mr Weaver Bridgman exchanged wedding vows with John Boyd Robertson son at Mr and Mrs Boyd Robertson of Barrie St Lukes Anglican Church in Victoria was decorated with tall standards at white gtadioii tor the aitornoon ceremony con ducted by Archdeacon Wolfe EEIRLOOM GOWN For this special day the bride chose alulllength gown oi heirloom lace over satin lash ioned on simple Empire lines Wide satin bands edged the cathedral train at matching lace headdress cluster oi tiny rosebuds held the shoulder ihe some cult she said in an interview Well were not and you must learn thatgnunrtoo are individuals with personal convictions likcanynnc else HerspccclLis usually solt calm and deliberatefiis might betit the stereotype at sister at the Holy Cross Orderbut on to her post as chairman oi the philosophy depaririient attont rcals Basile titoreau College when the assembly winds up at the end at this year PICKS ATITLE Her iirstaet nl qmacy alterhci appointment was choosing convenient title or herseli Noone in the Canadian matters that seem to touch her jexternal atlairs dcpértmcnt most deeply her voice quickcns isle like many piomats attend ian the session she is only partvtime envoy She will return length vcll oi si tulle illusion The bride carried cascade of white roses and siephanotis sprays The tour bridesmaids in wedding party wore Empire goulns oi jade green cut silk with large bows ot matching silk tashioning their head dresses stepbanotis Dr Midiatfl Penn at loria attended as zmomsman The hridcs mother received guests at Christmas Hill House allowing the wedding dress and coat onsgnble of deeP blue silk was accented with turban ot burgundy silk leaves Alter honeyrnnonspent at Nitrlh couple will take Quadieum Beach inn Vancouv Ottawa this newryearin yo and her large green eyes spar Their bouquets were oosegays of white roses and Her much as raised the subject but she decid cd shedidnt want to be ad esscd as fsister during her diplomaiic tour it might seem she was mixi religion and im tcrnational ics Madame isa ierin the French ottcn use in addressing distinguished Reinaa Catholic sistersx Butlhéri mightbe trans as Mrs Shehas settled iessor as tirst ehbl Though she is the iir sit in the Central ASSernlily religiouspcrsnnage in that role Oneot the best known was Rev Baulort Hanan Cathol lc priestlwho represented The Netherlands tram 1945 until his death in 1556 ln Canada Sister Ghvlaine earned measure ot prorni nenceias peacemaker while member at acommission that worked the years to revamp Quebec She also learned something abontdiploniacy tram her bro ther ClaudeRoquet who ischiei otthaWast European desk in the Canadian external aliairs departmen INJUIUES FATAL PAUL Min AP MarionJames19 Bethel Coi lege footballtpiayer in hospital Monday oi injuries sut tered during scrimmage last week FOR TOMORROW influences continue th accen ontbe solution of itticult problems and other matters requiring good judg tuationsi flhdfiY indicates that with your horoscop Shanty Bay was surprisid disco dabll bloo entirely dill ent onthc ani atcmlln den Phepls dunes icd blnom within stripe the mutantbioom sa delicate shade of pink close to mlhiv the 1x Cockhlitn diameter and thef closo tosix feet ii height it ddditontorthepro1 lluslo vol lowersin theyard II aled literally into English iorm the public mum5mg in AvParis Match spokesman IwHAT THE iBy osmium Inent and keen analysis of si run niacin EXAiuiNnn TUESDAY mcoann iron ioueenRequestsiBritish79Editns Personal Photcls Reirain From coupon the The Queen has asked British edi tors to retrain trom publishing Sister Ghlslaine is not the first ersnynai and intimate ipho Thfll bla te pa tographs include six oith Qucensittin up in bed in the royal drop in tourshe is holding iniant Prince Edward borninltttiti it was understood in London before publication in the mag azine Paris Match thatisoma pictures showed her nor the intent but no suc pie tures appeared The Queen has requested that because at the very iElv sonal arid intimate nature of the photographs they should nutbe shown in this countr sada palace spokesman No meat the palace has any idea how they came to be available to thc Fr ch maga zine in London tbe£photolt graphs in perfect deligbtlul pictures which tal taste They are all very dc btlul pictures which tell sibeirown story oi the iii of the Royal lainin at th time at the birth or ceEd by an identity shouldealso park iuither suc ccss next June July and An cellent as Ettsbeiweelt no and midJanna also help lui nd Auguste Romance or blessing in dvemberf January may late June and try careful to Prnuisi an arm llMB pics and thatthe magazine not have the original neg ati lic said the photos appeared to have been taken by an am atciir and sources do to the royal courtregarded it as in conceivable that any protes hal cameraman would have beea presen at sueh intimate fflliliiym0m ts herelwas immediate pee ulation that thavpictures were made by members oi the Royal Family and belong to the Queens private nlbum Besides the set showing the Queen sittingupin bed one set of live are labelled as in cluding Queen Elizabeth and Queen lngrid of Denmark at an intimate reception The other blurred figures are said to include King Constantine and Queen AnneMarie at Greece Don Juan Carlos of Spain and Queen htoth Frederlka of Greece Most at the figures are standing bold ing cups third set oi five show the Queen in coat and head scarf PrinceAndréw and Princess iine standing up against what appears to be stone garage the Queens husbandk Prince Phib swim suit arge Charles and An drew in plastic wadin pool and Edward with lllllSEs Andrew Charles and Anna The royal request not to publish the photographs in Britain is not binding on dl tors but th would be likely torespect it tot ourtesy to renowned runsrs natitnte ban found murmur healing substance with tboab ty shrink hamorv lipids may lbmfiovaaiicbip nd discomfort in minutes an of many monthl Thiswna accomplinhnd til new bulin nubablnootfl om wblnb nic ylhapaaui called gmfijflimm Never needs an ink padi FastEasy Eli ant Can be aiae shape or message re iiirement PERMASTAMP lines smalttlttfl laces tog vtypeseven photosin true riace Charles holding two an inninb custom orderEd oiiaeetiaay will reproducecolors tine NEW anarpms Mr nodal Clarice Whod ormerly ewniar ve taken up residence at their new ham 25 Blngny Point Painswlck HOLIDAY IN EUROPE lir and hire William Morton and daughters Mary Alice and Martin oi Leircy accorrv panlcdbytncir soninlaw and hunter Itevand lilrs Donald Bone of Roches Point have returned train six weeks tour The travellers journeyed overseas on the liner Empress of Canada outbound trom Montreal to Liverpool England AllEr Sight secan in Marlon they left or ircland where they visited the htortoii tamin homestead at Tiaahely County Wicklow and iound the family records andgnives of their ancestors Using rented mini bus they toured Holland Belgium and Mixeribourg and in Switzerland visited the Nuoch atel school where hirs Bone had been student They rc nosniiairin Nixon and Allan Kcli will exchange wed ding vows In ViVanbnushene United Church on Nov Zat an atternoon ceremoynl oclock Flaps ELAINE CAROL DAKIN will wed Capt Arthur Sl pendlck at morning cere mony in St Marys lipid Catholic Church on Nov at 11 oclock The bride alert is Sodllutupnhtuddh coverthewlenludflilh olmdtylllflridlefllnu vmmvdien andva an Lillian bland mums Ibllllle Yen tlIllIbn Barrie Ex and MI tar Andrey Cooko ut Ethyl but at the Women men turned to Camila as Passeng crs on the Tim res of Eng land disemb at Montreal WEST COAST SHOLIDAY litr ind Mrs blew Beaver of Donald St reioroedtothe city on Thursdayatter rnontlivloag holiday touring Westorn Canada bycarDuring weeks Buy in Calgary Alberta the todpla were guests oi Mr and Mrs Aub Griswalo Ai Nelson Bri tish Columbia the Beaver call ed on tormerlBarriotresidaota lttr and Mrs HarbidCampbell En route the tmellera eondngmiirriage have been announced by Mr and Mrs Charles Webb otWauhau stienetho bridagroomatoba is the sonar Mr and Mrs Albert Keli oi Cooksbiwn Pbo he scanner utilir and Garlield Daltta or The bridegroom to be is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Stipcndick at Fort William oration ot Worried lucbon Aa tPhoto by Favero 11 called on ninjavat hir mi Ira Harold Fort Madood Ind Tim Pindtet Creek AllI row minim bliss Mabel Spot of trod has been in Barrie ltuig was friends and nuaintnnoe Ills Sprott is daughter ot tormer mayor Barth Dr Sorott bin Sprott ATTEND GRADUATION hir and tile Prank Demons and ion Warren at aged at thlifletown tal flicir daughter Min Jullog Benirose was anion tho intn graduates train the School pt Cblld thrc VWork htluhomae msehssacceptednpodtbnulb Child Care Worker wllb tho Cblldrenl Atu Society Toronto the graduation included Mn ad Murphy Mr and Mn Johr Home and Bryan Hotlinks rwrao The annual Fall Ten tponsor ed by the Barrie branch Fled 131mth E5 5955 3e iiiiuizm rpm to soclailons pt Ontlrlo will be held in Johnson Street school on Wednesday altemooti comments lg at oclock Guests will be welcomed by Mrs Marlene Theien President ot the local association Mrs lama Synnott ts convener ot the tea BRIDAL SHOWERS htlss Lind Boettser on Oct ober bride elect was guest ot honor at miscellaneous show or Sunday evening at the home of Mrs touts Bristnw RR Utopia Guesu included lira Vcrn Adams Mrs Cilit Varcoe hirs Rober Green lira Ken EpplettMio Henry Grob Mrs Norman Glitch Mrs Robert Bell Mrs Edna Gail litre Dor othy Faddea and Mrs William Armstrong all at Barrie lira Emma Davidson grandmother of the hostess attended hom Feversham Another miscellaneous shower beld at theliugenla Ont homo ot hits Magee was attended by to guests all neighbors and trichds or the bride elect For nier classmates at Miss Bocttger will honor her at bridal show er Oct 12 in Fleshertom The bride is the daughter at Harvey Boctiger ot Eugenia Out and the late Mrs Boettg Yarrvshe will wed Thomson Arni strong son of Mr and lira William Armstrong oi Shannon St Barrie on Oct 56 It CUSO Volunteers To Go To Births OTTAWAGP The Cans diau University Service 0v seas is expected to send th volunteers into rebelbold Blatra within to days Frank Bogdasavich executivo director said Monday the volurn teerswill he scbt it suitable or rangements can be worked out with other international agen cies now Working in Hiaira tho secessionist eastern region of Nigeria The CUSO mcmb likely to be sent othersources said are Dan Turner 24 Sarata wbo with CUSO in Nigeria ordon Paliett 24 Dor val QLc who worked in Nige ria 1963161 ZSolves Youroshop ing Problems plwitlittvuluepockedJZpogeu callinn sfiinulntuzrowthot flu nionay

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