paIzs wmnra III oIsraIcr rIIIaj prize winner at Cookstown ing his been attracting con ing the horsa at Cookstown and other district fairs light slderahle attention from horse when this photograph was ning sevenyearold geld men Archie Weston was rid tlken Examiner Photo Warden Stand Fe County Trustee ELiiVALE Stall Warden of Simcoe County Alex Cliic Auloy announced here he was retiring from Ehnvale council after serving six years as reeve and standing for trustee on the new county school board it is now definite have been asked to let my name stand and intend to do so said Warden McAuley when asked about reports he was possible candidate trustee The area which includesfiay Fins Elmvalo Port McNieoll and Victoria Harbor is one of 13 words in Simcoe County which will be voting on its first county school board for second ary and public school board pur poses Another county board will be elected to look after ad ministration ot elementary sep arate schools whlle separate school ratepyaers will elect two members to the county board for secondary school ra presentation WISE SPENDING it is my intention in do what can to see that the money is spentwlscly said Reeve McAuiey When asked bout his policy for school LlllS tee From his experience on county council and at Elmvale he has followed school adminic tration changes closely The former Elmvale publisher at tended University of Toronto when young man and has been keenly interested in el Centenniel Elementary School at EIrnvale which serves the area aeex McAULEY forts to bring about equal ed ucational standards for all The area high school polity in the late 40s was praised for providing equal secondary edu cational opportunities for rural students with those of urban centres The logical next step is to pro vide equal opportunity for col lege education Thecauoty warden has fol lowed the progress and devel opmentot the New Huronia 0ntilningbispoltcy the war den said he believed these ndlt vencementc were essential but had to be attained on prac tical financial basis with due regard to the taxpayer As said would like to see the money spent wisely he com mented VILLAGE ELECTION Announcment by Mr Mc Auley that he was vacating the Elmvale reeveship is expected to stir more than ordinary in terest in the coming Elmvale election Councillors Alex Cur rie Norman Crane and Kenneth Knox all have been mentioned as possibilities but no announce ment has yet been made Councillor Cecil French former school principal also is considered good future pros pect for reeve but since he is now completing his first term as councillor it was felt he would not beseeking the high er office at this time However friends would like to see him allow his name to stand The Eimvalacouncil is ï¬nish ing up the second year of two year term Nomination day is expected to be in late Novem ber with election on Monday December The voting for trustee also will be on Monday December unless an acclama tion develo zyccuricil SicIyrIer Will Fade Election SPAYNEB Staff Mayor Elmer Doriiy and members of his chuacil face an election soon They are now completing thehome stretch at the second part at two year term The mayor is well known farm implement dealer is fin ishing his seventh year as head of the Stayner council All mem bers with the exception of Coun cillor Harry Mathers have serv ail five years or more on coun lleeve William More local furniture and appliance mer chant was formerly chairman oi assessment for Slmcoe County counciL Always civic minded he has been keen booster for Stayner at county council and elsewhere TO ELEM TRUSTEE Other council members in clude Pool who was chairman oifinance during the current year Allister MacDon aid herd of works Kenneth Kerr public property Donald McIntyre sanitation and Wil lianiKnox tire and police Wil liam Fullerton is town clerk Stayner voteis also have the Cooksiown Girl 4H Champion BEEMN Shaft Reta Mar all mm been so as gra ton exhibitor for South Simone 4H clubs which competed at chievement day programs here Sharon Swefiield of RR Allision won the 4H interclub beef classiorJH clubs showing at Deeton Town 4H agricultural clubs madedisplaya and competition was keen George Drennan and Graeme Hadley of Guelph wera lodges Phyllis Woodrow of RE Beeton wonthedatryr showing class Bill oi till Brad fordthe sheep class and Reta Morrowat 1th Conkstownth right to nominate school trustee for their area designat ed ward six to the new county board This nomination will be held on Monday November 18 Nottawasags township Cree more and Wasaga Beach also are in the word with Nottowa saga in charge of arranging this nomination as the largest municipality ior public school assessme The town of Collingwood de signated ward five elects its own county trustee The Coilingwood District Collegiate Board whose adminishation included Stayner Collegiate will be disbanded at the close of the year along with other area and local boards which will be replaced by the new county board Administra tive headquarters for the latter will be at Barrie former moment Governor Earl ltouewbo along with Mn Rowe officially opened the fair Mr Malcomaon told of his first meeting with Mr Rowe when chickens on display brought Mr Rowe to the fair Later Mr iii is as aria Ed gigs as hialcomson became horn en thuslast when his daughter our horses atthe Rowe farm and now there is pressure on him to get fast trotter his Rowe said he remember ed Barrie Fair from boyhood and he hoped the success of the fair would continuethrough the years MONARCHY nasr ltfr Rowe felt that any rug gcstion tochnnge Canadas ties with the Queen was not in the best interest of the murky He felt that right across Canada there was pride in our relation ship with the Crown He had seen this in Sudbury when thon sanda of school children lined the streets as he passed They waved Union iaelrs He had never seen so many at one tine LIVESTOCK DlSPLAY big display of livestock was seen at the Fair especially in the junior and 4H Club class are indicating that beef will not be in short supply Along with fine dairy herds this partvof the show was of special inter est There was competition from herds far beyond the limits of Simeon County making win hard to get lanlsill breeders came out with iirsti Cyril Cook with his Charolals tattle sher DISTRICT spars TILE DRAINAGE WAN BRADFORD Staff pro posed bylaw for the raising of $200000 under the provisions of The Tile Drainage Act will be considered by West Gwilllmbury council at meeting at its mun icipal building on Thursday Oct ober 10 starting at am The bylaw Would mskethls money available to farmers through loans FIRST IVY samnas IVY Staff First settlers of ivy were William and James Miller who came to this area initial and settled on the south east corneroi Concessiono and 20 Sidernad Soon afterward John Fletcher settled in lvy and William and James Eeclrerton took up land to the west CROSSING SAFETY BRADFORD Staff Pro posed action to assure safety at school crossing will be dls cussed by Bradford town coun cil at its next meeting on Dies day October at pm Par entsr and others interested have been invited to attend NOTEAWASAGA DUNTEOON Stem Noltawav saga township council which is headed by Reeve Arnold Van cise will hold its next regular meeting on Saturday October To GET CHARTER CREEMORE Staff Cree moresnewly formed Lions club will receive itseharter at ceremony at Cteemors Arena on Saturday October odesReese Mode ByrnvCookstOwn Harse COOKSlOWN Stain We always liked horses andwe en ioydriving said Lambert Will son wellinsown Cookstownrarea borsemanwhose led and white stable is well known to sultry horserace fans of the county His best horse LadyrFlorence fiveyearold mare which he purchased as yotmg tilw from Rowelaods stable atNewx inn Robimonhhas never boat out of the money 15 races so far this year If record in cludes 2071 mile at Hanover racewayl GREENWOOD LATER Mr Willson intends to return the horse to Hanover for more Saturday night racing and he also hopes in irythe brawn more for winter racing at Green wood track in Toronto later We believe the mere has greater possibilities he said of Lady Florence which ï¬nished second and third in two beats for onadaya race at Barrie fall fair recently and then came righthaek the next and no sec and twice That shows good stamina Whllehhe does motto the training himself usuallyvat training track he has madeon his faith Mr Willson also has ditterentvoiuntears who take Lady Florenceand other horses out for runs Besides other fairs the horse shared top money in theiree for all at Cookstown with Coilingwood horse named Suc cess Girl The brown mare was winner at Ora last year and finished second twice at Cooks town b1967 Wewere vcr atabeeton fair too but didn run Lady Flor ence in order save her for the VEarria races said Mr thlson commending the excit ing races at both places The announdng andhandling of the races at Beaten by Earl Lennox New Lights lei Praise iitilngus ANGUS Staff New lights placed at Angus playground park and Also on local streets have been corms nded by res idents here We have been very pleased with the way they were Ieceiv ed said some Page secre oftite villagebcard were The new lights include four at the park and 15 on different streets of thepolice villaE of Thornton wasgivea speclal mention by Harry thoss sec rotary manager of the Beaten Agricultinai Society lmmed late records on results were given complete with details add Ing to the enjoyment oi the races byvspeotators TRMTEE FASTENING Besides Lady Florence Mr iiison also has fouryear o1dSua Eva Gratton which win winner last year The trotter has bpen pasturing and appears to be returning to form although it is the inunediate intention to let the horse rest further We intend to have Sue Evn Gratton hack toraclng next year he commented Two mares atthe farm have promising lookingcolts Oue McKlliop which has been at tracting attention The other ll Spring Caper filly fr Vane lty Counsel lnterestcdin horses since boy Mr Wilison moved toltla farm hereirontChurchill about to years ago He said helnng Tbttenharn ladies Mos Margar List 14H Council Art Ora Shows Changes mountainousn nunsmu Mar erg arse it POEM candidate for county christ Ichool men the BroVet on Key and Elmer Shelsa well Is councillors Campbell Ralkes now with the county as sessment department at Raider for the Aliiston region was then 0m assessor Canadian Exports WASHINGTON CF Canadas real increase in output liutunin Festival Set For Midhurst Wish Plans arawcii advonced for tho an nual autumn festival which will be held in tho Vespra commure ity ball here this wmins Sat nrxay angryan lwm color ay have home made bread isms pickles morons knitted goods den produce coffee Avvdrds At Notiawasaeol nuurnoou sun Don Couttl of RR QStayner won most points for senior Guernsey showingand Alas Miller oi RR opthcemoie for senior Jasey class in 1068 program at Not tawasaga 4H cubs ship award was won by John Yasmin with John Seattle no on Willy Aardan of RE Stayner won for gilts with Arthur laws of RE Stayner second and moisturizes of lift Stayoer Donalso won first for dairy thlr showmanshlp with Gordon Mill erlecond and Peggy Gibson of second for junior Jersey Winner otthe Junior Holstein section was Garry Milne 3th Duntreon with Donna Fletch er at an Stayner second and any Gibson third in the senior Holstein class Merle Coutts of RR Stayner was first with Jim Couits of RE Stayner second ioh Beattie oi RR stay ner wontha steer class with John Vanclsewf RR Stay ncr second The bed showman in the swine showmanshlp class Colin McDermid of RR Stayner thitd John Miller was St ayner was the winner with Clifford Methersl oi Glen Huron second and Mardi McDernIld oi RR Stayner third John Van Vieka of till stayner won for corn with Glen Morhy of an Glancairn sec and and Arieiah Cubitt of an stayner third vFor corn stalks Arlelgh mom of RR Nleisark of RR Stayner see and and Bob Noble of RB Glencairn third William see an ama ill was hedge Toitenhami Nina Nearingtfstii Keen Boostér Of Village WM Oistaifl Jioté teubamda considered the finest placein Ontario by William Hammond one of its oldest re sidents who will be so years old on December 24 do not know ofany place which lemons scenic or neigh borly said Mr Hanuno native ol Grand Valley wh has liVedshere Irina oi his life lie said heconsldered Grand Valley iinep1ace too but he prefer red living in Tattenham member of Tottcnhsm lawn bowlingclub since it was laund eclin am Mr Hammond prais ed tbhsportfllle referred with pride to the achievement of two etCiarldge and MrsA Ander son in winning the provlcial honors in ladies doubles for Tot tehanr this fall Lawn bowling is st as good was as curiin he sald recalling keen competition in the past with Allandale Orillia and other clubsin the county Golf has takensome ot the attention Demand Io Stock mentio ice for share is outstripping supply on Cane an stock marketslc cording ton studyrthork Unl varsity which will be available Wednesday in Mammary form The Istudy which was com niled for the Torontostodr Eb change by Prof Conway rays that demand may soon be running at 31890000000 year whileinew issues oiequitiu are only expected toayeraze about homlawnbowiiog lnreeeot this years haconceded but wasnt reflection on lta pop ularlty he maintained It soc inimles but in helium always popular he amll Among those who helped elitist the accent Beaten Fair Mr Hammondsaltl he has been go ing to this and other district fairs for years We haveven Wï¬lm verymuch he said praising the good showing of exhibits Aslred about his health he said he felt very ilt His appear once was much youngertban his years Bursary BINGO nose PM Sponsored by Barri Minor Hockey Assert it Is encasement 015st her Is lnnewscensplendorlhe Riddeilriod colt koiiiViclry wanted to own race horse and when he got the opportunity he was delighted iWe have been having lotoffunbut We want them to pay their way too he said ornaments inostmaguiiiccnt piotnroevorl DMDDSflZNliXS munmm some mlttenr dishes eggs and ï¬sh 0i mdy 325 Illwhite elephant PM booth as pond endpoother 1m and exhibits are also olmed Ruth Bye WW mome ad the hall on be ope on Fri enlng and Saturday mom otgoods and services my ex ceed four per cent this year tho 115 com so department says it lists among favorable trends Canadas spectacular export performancesup I5 per cent in the first seven months of my Most of the apart surge has been to the United States led by autos and auto parts Dies irorn Injury CHATHAll UP Sara Pearson is of Camber Ont died in hospital Monday of ian ries received in the collision of milk tanker and station wagon on Highway 401 near Chatham Friday night Comher is about 75 miles east 6W ev ing for placing of exhibits of Windsor saneour senwcn The biggest and noise necrosis the best 133 Duplop St Barrie Ont Phone 7gh6664 WALTER MAITHAU the nations No authority on extramari tai hlIinks is back in the motionpicttlre that shows thereis life after marriage warren MATIHAU nwmmmwmwnsunw ANNE JAQKSON PATRICK ONEAL ammonos ADUIJ THESECRETLIFE osi were AN AMERICAN WIFE wanum COMPLETE SHOWS 910 Lass TIMES room own The incident or 630 ir 945 oils of Laurel trHordy Ooniy Losl Time Today 7005 910 HANGEMï¬lGH Altai Entertiiamenc