Fall Program fitness floor hockey and haskstbatl prova for sponsored by the Barrie begins at Barrie North Colleg iate today The program it part of an overail lines and plush al education program The mens classes will be held every Tuesday evening tor 30 works Emphasis will be on full and recreation rather than hard calisthenics Badmipton will begin Wednes day and will also continue for to weeks Heavy inquiries to date have led supervisors to be have that this program will be well attended There will be four courts in use continually to handle the large enrolment ite gistration la being taken at North Collegiate tomorrow at pm Archery in adult sters begins at the building tonight Children lo 15 year begin at 630 pm with adults taking over at pm Supervi sion will be under Mr and Mrs 10 TOWN Wellington The Pet Brady Duo Country and Westernt Queens LouNGps min Robert wtriti New mate or tatamio have boa ordered for this lets in do classes Over 90 aged to it years will bu tak ing instntctibn Wndnudly even ing and Saturday citations from belt War Hans llaartmsnt Mixed adul ludo claaaoa are bcld Mondays while women only meet Tuesday evenings liillcresi tathoot writ be mad for womens ï¬tness classeslfun day evenings beginning tonight lnstructora ray that registrar tions to date have exceeded all expectation tor this program More than 500 children are on rolled atreadyfor swimming classes at the Greatest de mand hasbcen forle for children aged four in seven years There is currnntly vraiting list of too children in this agergroup The childrens program at inc YMCA is United Appeal subsidized but the adults must Pay the lull cost TONIGHT rmnum mun SCHOOLS Entert IentTodaylfldilsl To Teach Réspeét For ges that had taken place in the type ofootertalnmnnt that was available to the iilrn and teic vision viewer simple turning 01 the with he said will bring violence into the family recreation room Chief Tschithart contrasted this with the type of movies he used to watch Saturday after audits in Kitchener when he was boyThe fare he said ai ways included serial lea ring some champion of justice The cartoons usilly involved match bein rnousc or stmiiitrly doinrvcolcss mature odd despotic tomcat bulldog or overgrown rabbit While the mouse due it the unlawful tru paaa and assaults oi the lam cat always suffered oonsidm ably during the course of the uminlheflï¬lndhun mmflmmdtlfllJac incvlablynwedtosmdueii autumn M5 in end The need is tor young people at today to be remindtsi that our tree society dcpoods upon their respomihlo compliance of thelawsonwhidritisbuitand cooperation will thou charged will maintaining order by the enforcement of those laws he said in an age when in the United Slater promising Mot and denL peace preudting Nobel prircwinoq and presidential candidate are assassinated in the space of six yenra Jn an age when American cil ies are burned and looted ln an age where here in our own country bombs are plac rd In mail boxes and violence as means of political pain is by some groups openly ad vocated and in an are when the oiotllb by the by the gradual poisoning of ill morehanu of marlJuana and their black market dmgs in this age thero can be no public doubt thar great need enlru is more aroused by the kill both here and in other countries ingot baby seals on the icy to instill in toe population new fringes ut our land thanvii ir respect for the law The Music Company and Eva the Bodytilook group and dancer Hayshnrealtonnie and the Rhodctlcs John McAlliaier of the Bar Conllnental lnnConuiofltaï¬Â£uria Johso F1 Delinquent my RM an prevention with Cindy The incident plus The Further Perils Imperial Night Games plus The Tiger and The Pussycat Noted ZjRadic Singer To visit Native Oro singer Another sitter Miss Ruth Campbell line on Drury Lane in Earrio elementary schools this week showing films and lac turing on fire safety to the youngsters pExamlncr Photo Emma and Paul iapsoo at Steels Street Public School Firemen will be touring all Laurel and Hardy organising and dircctlng ama tuerahows he studied at the Tor native of Oro Station who now lives in Section irhart Investors Here More Daring TORONTO CF Canadian investors are less conservative than Americans according to study oithe Canadianrquiiy market The study compiled by Pro lessor if Conway of York University for the Torontostock Exchange says this is because the proportional taxpayers who report income from shareNlivi dends rather than from iixed in lcrcst investments is greater in Canada than the Unlted States The old myth of the conser vative Canadinn investor utier even more of myth if one compares the components 35 pm cent in Canada Ameri Although it gives no recent total the study says that the number of Canadlan equity holders almost doubled In the decade after 1955 in 1965 adult shareholders were tentatively estimated at more than 700000 Institutional lnveslmenl lt also expanding rapidly The study says Canadian institution al assets havebeen growing at swllter rate than those of would alleviate the Hed Move Ball Field Campbell noted Ca dlnn ra dio singer tow yeara ego is expected to be back In his home To Sunnidale Park Aid rump siuve last night suggested that the ball diamond can earning We am he and bleachers in Queens Park about half the lndividuolmarkot he WV the More park acquired by the city on wu Sunnidnlo nu He aaidmovlng the ball park to the former Barrie Golf and Country Club property and re laclng it with parking lot parking roblem in the lioan Victoria Hospital area Everyone drives to the ball amen anyway so it woud bc no Imposition an the fans to drive lit Sinnidaic Ed instead of to Queens Park of ihclnvestmcnt incomes of Canadians to that ui Amoriï¬ canst the report says it says that althoughAmerl can individuals on average keep more hi their money in staid fixed income securities the in vestment habits ufCanadinns vary in different provinces Residents of British Columbia and the Maritimcs receive the highest proportion of their in vestment income from share dividends while Saskatchewan residuals receive the least Dividends are more sign comparable institutions in the United States hecover Body from Lake Simcoe The body of Univerrity at Toronto engineering professor Gaspar Kalli 58 was re covered ltam Lake Simcoe near Sullon Monday Mr Kani fell from asnllboat he had been piloting Sunday with his son Mario 17 Aid Parker said the under stood that QueenalPark was dedicated in such manner that the city could not use it inr parking lot City Clerk Ben strnughan raid the original deed to the city read that the land was to be used solely for park However Aid Sauve said that he had talked with the city solicitor and that his interpretation was that parking lot could be built on the lite Aid loilliie said that building parking lot at Queens Queens Park and you want to destroy it with parking lot he said We bought the country club property as park because of its neutral setting and now you want to put ball diamond in the Simnidale area he said Aid Slave also suggestedthat alolnt meeting of the parks board the city planning consul tant the city engineer and representalive oi the savetho park committee be held to dis mm land use on the macro Sunnidnle property lie saidrtbe joint committee should report to the planning board and that the board could propose immediate owning for those section of the property that will be sold as residential lots He recommended that the city call tenders for the sale of cx can land and not sell individ ual lots Coiling lenders would mean an immediate cash flow and vduld keep the city out of the subdivision business he said We must be assured of an im mediate cash ilow in theevont that the citizens save the park committee does not come through country club land The subdivision would consist of peripheral lots of the golf club property abutting Sunnidala The iota will be sold to help The wrukmm sintlu and composer who went to Scotland mm or ï¬ght we makingntnur ofJCanada and the United States bout to years ago is currently He has agreed to appcar at Orillin Presbyterian church this timing Sunday wherejhe will ing at the regular morning sun defray marmflw cost of the vice at 11 am land Ald Parkcrsald that the citi zcns save the park committee was conccrncd with the amount While attending Barrio kilog late and university Mr Camp boll helped to pay his tuition by playing the piano in Bar oi land that would be sold for rig theatre residential development as they did not wish to conduct cam itir Campbells other Rev Nell Campbell MA paign that would mislead the pastor of Central Guthrie and public The commitloe who pushed the city council to acquire tho park has been charged with the res ponsibllity of raising 56mm as condition of the purchases Aldo Suuve said that it may be nccéssnry for the city to sell more land than it had plaa Ora Station Presbyterian chur hcs iur more Lllan 30 years Wisharr was taught to play the organ as young child and at the age of eight became organ ist at his fathers churches After graduating from Barrie Collegiate and Univérslty of TM nto he graduated from Peter ned If the commiltce did not bbrwgh Normal 59mm come through withthe antic taught school inHailburton and ipated $61500 Mayor Robert Bentlcy said city planner lan Mclhctstln was oi the opinion that about 25 acres of high table land on the proper ty could be used for develop ment and would be more in keeping with the development of Gait for five years and then took up music seriously Besides Flower lllaking onto Conservatory of Music it where he graduated withn gold medal and scholarship For ï¬ve seasons Mr Camp bcll sang at the popular Jasper Park Lndgo in Alberta as wcll as the TramCanada radio nclr work it was during these years that listeners first named him the Etillru volce oi the nirgt AWARDED ODE Alter few seasons with the CBC he served ior more titan three years with the Royal Air Force as entertainment direc tor and nlhcr posï¬ for which be was awarded the Order of ï¬e British Empire in ms Altcr the war he joined CFRB as musical director in 1958 he toured Scotland and during his holiday he visited the island where his father was born Titers he met his wife are former Eliz abeth Williamson whom he mar ried in 1961 Their home on the island at lslai is lust mile irom the home where Mr Camp bclls father was born Mrs Tom Craw ord nf Oro Stall is sister the noted arrie MODERN OFFICES Blend in with the modern concepts of insurance pro graming Large or this be sure you sell SARJEAmT MW 21 Collier st Barrio gt cant source of income in big with their commitment the my Pant wmrld be rdbbin ies than in smaller communi tics By the and of 1966 the study says Canadian individuals owned about 514000000000 or 40 per cent of the total market value of all listed Canadian equities On top oi this Cana dians hold another $200000000 or nine per cent indirectly through the ï¬nancial institu tions such as mutual and pen sion funds The value of foreign stocks owned by Canadian individuals was about $2000000000 with another 51000000000 held through institutions The study ionnd that equity holdings are more evenly dis tributed among different income groups in Canada than in the United States Canadian share ownership is almost equally divided between individuals in three broad ll come categoriesless than Before coming to Canada aboutto years ago to teach at of Ts civil engineering depart ment Professor Kani was consulting engineer in Stuttgart Germany He took his early iralniirg in Yugoslavia and earned his doc toralc in engineering at Stutt gari He was the author of several books on structural engineering Hls major field was construc tion in reinforced concrete Woman Injured in Collision Gunn Street resident was treated for cum on hér fortL head yesterday after her car was struck by another that watt through stop sign police said Peter to pay Paul We have good park at rmansonoucu or Ontario wheat producers will share $700000 in rebates from 1966 crop sales of ll42075t ushels James Oshca chair man of the0ntnrinWheat Pro ucers Marketing Board an nounced Monday The 22421 producers will get rebates of cents bushel Two cenls bushel already subtracted and put into the stav illzation fund nt to WEAK bill will cvcnlunliybe returned to producers $10000 year between $10000 Mr oSlIea told the boards The city engineer was asked at the lost city council meeting to prepare drait plan of sub Ontario Wheat Producers Will Share $700000 In Rebates board both designed to increase prbducers incomes may be in the offing in Ontario Petcr MacKlnnon of Bath Onochair man otrthe boards marketing committee luld the board The board has been making detailed study oi pooling quotas and other suggestions first made at the boarda provincial meeting last March Huwevervthe board did not feel enough inlnrmation was available at present to justify A10 A1 McMillamsald that be wnsscepticai about the citizens committee reaching their $61500 goal The zeaa ot Barrio have already been asked to hand out $00900 for the United Appeal its going to take an extremely vig orous campaign on the part at the Vcltllrens immmilhee lnreanh its obinctive The icons committee met last night to organize campaign strategy Aid Parker said this morning thabthe meetingewas closed and that the committee had decided it Begin jlli An eightweek course in paper ower making one at the latest nbbies to catch an in interior ecnrating circles will begin ext Tupsdsy afternoon at i30 at the YMvYWCA The course is designed for be ginners babysitting service will be available at the YMCA during the classes Mala objectofthe course is to teach penple how to brighten their homes with the delicate not to sue statement at this floral arrangementsmade from time tissue and crepe paper srt0Hiiruua 3f l1 rant kw ntwva jslnparis puailaaM 19 retina sAnpsaupam tpanM 001 NIGHTS AT Marilyn Older 33 was driving recommendation of now sys norh on Hayfield on crossing Whartonandmorethruszs tern annual meeting that rebates for In the United States however the under $10000ayear group owns only 26 per cent of all indi vidual holdings compared with Wellington when car driven by James Dempsey who was travelling east on Wellington Street failed to slap according to Police LITTER glewkitehtwilke $1 above An moan imam in 1957 sales are expected to be nnonnced in October No fig ure are available now Controlled wheat production and teed groin markctlng desict oi litter in said Qatarlolarmers with process price bushel for feed grains might have to coit ofWeslein feed grain entering the province tirir out wait or ring lialréViéwvg fRESTAURANT Ans MONDAYTO THURSDAY Homlmldc CABBAï¬E ROLLS or POT ROAST OF BEEF natural sauce $15 lnhludcs soup or juice hnt rolls choice of potatoes vegetables doll and average YRESTAURANT empty Barri tair Dial up cystson psaainanaf 391mm it two turséuraM airing tinnogtinnoq