Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1968, p. 12

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World SefieswhdtterfUo hittiné dun IKHit With maaaumaxanmvvmarmntnmnani mman Vomitinan bumsrare ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUN CEMENTS SPECIALNOHOBIGASE KATE In Menuhin no vane Verse per boon lino mm killing that BIRTHS mowHr and In Cunard Arnold or 1H Bantam street name lllh to mom Lh birth of fill lrimoihv Clutorol on Saturday sentcnabu tbs at to anyl Victoria Hospitat ENGAGEMENTS unnNocnommm in and lira John Kanteyn nt Poem inn wbh to annouaca lna can mrnt ot their naurhiu llary lllr llazinut sancmnaxcr of uradtord son or Mr and urn ll soliornmalrnr or llnuaad Landing rna mil11 192 pllce itll day Orin er oc 1Ian flist Christina helmmed Church an mmNSIUPENDICK ur Ind tun nutter in Dunn of narrla If nanny to Immqu ID en rarrmrnt of their umtu Llama ClmI lu Cnplnln Arthur SHIP endlck run of nu ma ltrs Charles smatnnlct or Fort Within The monitnltrtlu will take man at St Marys Catholic mum oar no on Saturday Nov lost ll kiosk NIXONmt llr urn Charles Webb at tho auahcnr hlrh in nnnounc ina annalcmoni or ltnramarlo Nixon to Allan Knit younger son at llr Ind airs Albert Kell of Conliltnwn mn rutmare to take place at than hauaheno united Climb an saiur dny November Ind so at no am DEATHS counts ntva hhhsudderily on Sundny scntunhor 29 ions Elva hill who of Lennard Collls of 110 Maple Avenue Barrie loving mornor of line Vlllum Audrey and June lovinn slrier nt Donn nave ann Amos ltlltcr of orutla Also survived by rrandchildrea in her out you Ruth at the Pethirk ntncral Home in Bay rieli street nnrrla Service in tho chanal Wednesday at 10 Imr cremauim nonumn lvilliarn hurrahsud denly at iliunwdale as the result or motor hmldtnt on Sunday Soptembtr 29 1968 William Ru sell noonctic in his oath your Dunr run of lira Velma nnbnetio of wluowdnio and the late John it Submit near brother at Hal nor Ilurnv IndGladys illrs 145 Lllrd all or Tornnin Elsie fItlls It McFadden Stanley lionald and Gerald all of Barrie liarion illrs Cari Sander nnd Lyle both nt Brucehrldlro licstinr at the Stlck loy luncrnl Home i0 Vnralev street Barrio Survlc in the chapel on lvndnesdnv Octobar at pm interment st Paul Cemotnry lnnlsnl MEMORIAMS tutta lnvllnr memory at our llnra who passed lwly Ier 1st and near Dad AIIKUSI 23 BEL men and renumbered always Dovlnitlv lzmunbernd by amino ier Bernice um roniatnw Tn nowlvovln lovlnr memory of near mother and trundmnthlt Elsie llary ltnidway who passed Iwa Sentmber to toss rune canalea may thtntr not love and memory vor clings tovtnatv romcmaercu and sadly missed hvdnmttr Helen Ind Engddnufltcrs oinry Ellen Ind PLANTIll loving memory nt our mother Ind grandmother WEllnn plant who passed away OcL 151 1965 near mothnr you are not mutton lnnunh na enrih you or no more still in memory you are with us As ynn always wore berm Lovinglv remembered by dluglr bu Florence and nandcfllldren Marilyn Indy and nnsalia CIIANEYIlt loving munnry of George Chaney who passed away Suptomhcr 29 uses as the result of car accident He is none out not forgotten And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thrillth of him are llwnys near Days of sadness will coma oer nr Manythink the wound ls healed nut tbev little know tho sorrow rhat lles in the hurt roncealut Lovinglv remembered by ntluc CARDS OF THANKS REWARDWe vgsh lo expres our mrcoihtion it many ihanlrv to the Tnnrntnn Community announdina area the beauti rui zlits we have received anon invitatlon is extended to nil to visit with us at 11th Kan and llatv ennard nanuNG wish to thank reta thfl Illlllfl Ind visitors or ALI the beautiful cards and flowers sent during my stavtn hospital SDQCIHI thanksto Yr Benton 171 nature Dr meson mum and staff on surgery in mennyat viiria iii 0595 Irene Darling COMING EVENTS TENTH ANNIVERSARY NEARLY NEW SALE Octoberl and am to pm TRINITY PARISH HALL COLLIER ST Two big days of bargains Good used clothingiand household articles Converters Mrs Woilcltden 77461st Mrs Wouonn 7286185 Mrs Van nt inn NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUMWm Gill Stat Eqnd ORJLLIA properties nry baaeman COMING EVENTS BINGO Legion Hall Barrie EVERY WEDNESDAY pm $300 JACKPOT Good Jackpot Every Wtelt Regular 1mm Cards 100 50 015 ADMISSION REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REALTOR AmiORE ROAD0R0 Now all electric home taste fully dwindled aIllltIllllm insu lated windows bedrooms piece bath kitchen cupboards large bright living room full basement on corner lot with view of Memorial Partr hill Price only 523000 Contact BEITY NEWTON Hawkestone 4672103 LAKE SIMOOE FlIII price $13500 insulated cot tage bedrooms living room kitchen lot 50 110 with ce dar hedge beautiful View of lake Contact BETIY NEW ION Hawkestnrle tiff21 0R0 DISIRICI room cottage bedrooms piece butll kitchen with cup boards living room screened sunpordt extra lots only 517000 for ali three Contact Emil NEWTON Hawkestone 431me KEITH L111 fiEALIOIt AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bobcoclr Barrio flit5095 Ooibounle Stroud Ltd1387 IL Manhood Barrio nurse Spencer Thornton 4559le Fillslmminl Ctllllll 4562620 Snow Strmld uncut Ed Green Barrio 721M111 lom Fitzsimmins Churchill 4562620 batty Newton gt Hawkestnnn 41512103 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 EMORY MILLER MIS Realtor o7 Dunlnp 726 88I OWNER SAYS SELL and thats what we intend to do This home has bedrooms forced air furnace and is in very goodoondition Priced at $10700 Terms couldbe arrang ed For further Information call Harvey Weber INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY in Angus homes Must be sold in block For details and inspeca lion call Ken Miller donutt nnltvzv wtznzn Pmtcit FORD SAMMY BENlIAM GORDON SPmCER KENNETH um it PM llANlnN JOHN cots RAWN Roal Estate Broker 308 BAYFELD ST Wit$51 SPECIALJZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES SEMIDETACHED HOMES Contraliy located Ideal income rioed for quid solo at $6900 eadt 40 ACRES Only miles from Barrie with frontage on High ay 27 Nicelytleed and loaded III spin Also stream run lung through property tosellat $4900 BEAUTIFULLY TREED LOT Un inceul Street north of city linuts $1900 Evenings Lalry Tarps bill Rawn Dick Draper nutb nwy vnlece both ter tenure dish us once room hona Whnant XEnLEII IIIEO on treated var2a units rm rnlnuies can not churchu £331 down Id tit 75 to LIN acllooll my llLLAmB WIIIEIILCII bedroom RENT DonImllldIlIG Mn Inlieflvl NI Exageigh MAOOMAR emdi on m1nrnumra 121a ITS no ADVERTISE ReIiabiIily rulttrsyor MLS VEDAYMDM vitovstmt so sat FRANK NELLES Phobilhliflllc mmnnmedrondmxmhlthlildtnglutfw mum aminumvnleymaumawm manna Ads NEAL rmkrv women OUTSKIRISL OF BARRIEV Wanted To Buy Two or three bedroom house with approx imately one acre of land Hultlphustlngsmliol CHOLKAN CO LID M13 W191 lttCoIIlerSLBlnIeMl Am H$5Gdl Mime555440 Wang Duchymm FOUR BROOMHOME in Barrie only one year old Recitation room with bar largo landscaped lot Substan tial down pigment required For more information phone Ifarg Wakafield 4495465 moon Frame bedzotm bane car garage modern convoniuices Full prim 313000 Call Des Lovogruve 4495111 $2000 DOWN Whntwillitbuy you250wes to build your dream home on You can go in business for yourself ratsng Nuokens rab bits or pigs also ideal nuruing area Call Pat Byrno iztoill EXECUTIVE HOME On lovely wide street Lulturi ously decorated bedroom brick bungalow has attached garage spncioils ltitchon tllniliiz room large living room with walkout to patio finished recreation room includes work shop and office bmadioom and drapes baths Why fight the mild in nnowsrcnt Canonndseethls beauty with me Call Allan Wor dle 77584 lidVivian Olmu lkrlon Newman John halter Baker Witt lawrrnn llant Klein Jlmls Stewart Wanda Edwlldl furniture 10W IDW TAXES Areryou disgustedwitbhlgh tam Then thisjs the home for you 111m bedroun bunga low large living loan with twang mince withI largo kit lo any woman Brondloom in living room dln Ing mom and master bedroom Finifited basement Also lots of morn to breathe on this large iota For furdlnr details call Hannah Pentland moon PER MONTH PRINCIPAL INTERN AND TAXES Carries this lovely bedroom bungalow at 618 close to outlook shopping and bus route For further particulars call Dolly Martel 77840674 EXECUIIWE HOME For low down payment lids beunrihnnaverage borne with large bedrooms has many ex tras included such as firepan cos broadtotm completoly tin islted recreation room to cut down the eldra expenses Cull Jim lllggitison mod anwwnns Here is your opportunity beatttuul bodrotn brick home included if desLeit Call Mnrg Klein mom Elgltnmn malu 71605 mm on AidIII Hannah PEEL 7W Hm MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS CARSON PHUIOJIIS REALTOR SH WORSLEY sum TELEPHONE 7756481 NOW RENtlING Modern nsuita apartment building with elevator intermmsystem to all apartments cable TV broadloom in hallways stove and refrigerator supplied Balconies on most apartments quiet rosi dentinl stmeL This modern apartment uses natures wonderful natural gas for building heating andwater heating Possession starting Oct LColl 7156481 521900 New bodroom home close to public and hlglt schools piece washroom on main floor piece bathroom and bedrooms on second floor $4000 75 mortgage Call any salesman in our off ice Norm Synnott 7262533 Bill Hamilton 728685 Russ Carson 7266161 Rupert MoGrath Eltnvole mun Billl Lang 77643114 HAROLD COMPANY PHOTO MLS READERS 93 Hayfield meet Mortgage Fluids Available FORSTER 7256453 Free Customer Parkinn LE YOU ARE LOOKING for house with larger than average diningtoorn see this magical storey bedroom home Broad lootn in livmgrooln and dining room hall and stairs and also bedrooms and bathroom lovely recreation room with bar and fnn garagenicely landscaped lotin good residential axon walking distance of down town Forbes for further details 3111011 Buuoolow ma Situated on large lot at North Park Road Price $25000 Terms Call lrene 119st bedrooms Ir shaped living and dining area large kitchen finished recreation room large bright laundry room fomdair nil heat $112 for the season Paved drive With new garage Plllltzlpal intermt and ism $140 For further information call Grant McArtaltur EVENINGS cam 61an moons moist mIm mm mm no ROWAN m3 gnu 60on using 1mm ARTHUR um curs GODDEEAD nitmi siCAMPBELLj PHOTO MLS his mom LARGE MLIDEAL Sm for future min or aparhnen location andidenl surroundings Gall now Ext 12 HIGH 51 DN EAYFIELD STREET Large older honie thathaa an go gt ndition fully modernized with conve ences appreciated Call now to arrange for appointment M18 la mun Charlie Read DUDCtimpDEII Fred Taylor Paul Penman Smith Campbell 7781205 7188313 ham to his insa mommrossssstouin unmet brick garage patio wlut bu Mrs swammas Nils Itsof in prestige areal rooms separate dining room All this loronly $16900 Call Butch noctr sour 111 baths large living room 0001 MLS asss 7337361 SHE SWELL and WILLSON guts hm ESTATE ltotvvtskitin man 110 mucusriooon THIS HOMEsecluded with acres of Lateshare Lovely large bungalow with many extras ldeal lectrle heating For full detailnonltMr REALTO mow slim Must be adsn to be lingo Plowman Lat 7250429 Doug Campbell 7250243 gDfl fills 456534 on arshalh 7232357 Richard Illicit Boer 726839 MORTGAGE BROKER in amino Fireplace in tamily room separnto dining room threebe room and don plus many features Coll0huck Lambert 119 Dunlap East Realtor WHITE iov Bayrteid st 7281071 Appraisals Listinzsiavitn Elva Mills 721M749 gm whi drum or nnxa Idantlt lnld inane null Inncreek Ill wdwmna Cecil ullh Fruit Nellos mm 4575716 WINGSCALLE 725668 Sthnmmond mt mar Wainwright WWI Tom loswr INESON MIS REALTOR Elaine boson721MB MLS Realtor 38 COLLIER ST WDAM 3mm MARY MORRISON OWN ST TBIDWELL nsmtlvlm bmwtu MWMNANOY McKLNZII RILO 72842911 Cathrrino Mortgage funds nvollm TELEPHONE 7254430 mid Paolo ins huhton SE APPRAISAIS MORIGAGFS RENIAm LEIADBMR£L mud Dick Hartley 772mm Bill Blackness Res Richard Rayontn ROGERS 81 mwl Russell finith Rea moses CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNIDP STILEEIEASI Al the Five Points Phone EVENINGS CALL FRED 21mm nil9m Eric MLS Rbnltvr Dewsnap 7268386 INVESIMENI PROPERle and apartments downtown area Call Harvey OSIAOIOUS BEDROOM brick home many olitrns now vacant immediate pass ession Anita has tho key OIWO BEDROOM insul brlyk bungalow Call Harvey AOREAGE spring creek and raved highway Call oTHREE nnonoou home including small wnmerdal business Cau Eric ANITA SWIFT HARVEY swer attic oswsuav AND CO OWEN 77432135 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENINGS GORDON COUTIS v774117275 SANDY OOUITS 7284263 WALTER COUIIS mean CORBY 1230755 71130155 was and Appraisers lot and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your prom is and mortgages MADE MARSHAL moova malignant utensil mum LAURANS KERR AlumnHIzlIsmt PETE iiBum 1234425 hiontmN roomhllnznlnw oleo Lian heated milbaseman en trally located in iown Elmer Tclrntinne 7155598 rnnnmovs neon amnernuinv bulldlngl 20 aarea 55009 down miles to harm miles in skltnfit mlle to the lake Also 11 acre low 51 down in name location rateanona 4814517 ion acltss or rough land canal in nt int l7 concession Or avnly to Howard Caldwell rt Shanty Bay or telephone 1255950 FOR SALE OR TRADE rm mas and nature mum at narria for in or trail lat Inddhouso all needéfinovhtlnghl ar osato ma ea ee tacaiion write an Ddllldlnle mamtnrr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEEHONE 728241 ctaraltiea ndvortlszlnents and non Co for these pages lxlilst ubl ltlcn 0p noon on SI Inn the attention vClnlrlflld Dispily advertisements which bu Ill Illf 1200 noon plcceilinl tI BLIND LETTER BDX charge df slots is murmur Mittflf BEXII1LIDEI ED Number at our Number risen in Strictly gunfdlenltnl WHIPW thkelfinoxu will be held only III days Alter stnguhllcntfia MUN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING uh Discount thu IDDIY IE Dill WIN Single 1norLInn5€ per ward1wo ennarvuuva insertion Wat ncrwold aer Insortlnn mm nonseoutivo insertlonn 4e aer word nel llnvortllon tout rfiflpfixfifi scout sar nnr ebiiIsuuon talnfieott nnn inly to clncellIil when result obtain Dar cent dttllmll that iénnuha on CORRECTIDNI to the Accepted canvclllenn Advertisin Denmutant requires III Ely figsihat be era that ol Igwlnn dl nllhlicltlnn rll Runner in reopanllbln only onelnoomotlv printed um of any advertisement and than anti to thooxtent of simian III tbn rlnvolvrv tnrmlynrint Errorl which do not invent the valua ha lmtl frtllelEIvI on tier reaervc he rinht llvll no for Reitl Estate Broker an notaonaac ranaa eeived by nm4 daypreceding Au nhohn insertion nrneisnra ndvartlsefl rhcratnra tna ctanltlen all aover era to kindly fechecb 7264423 xv cuos rooms moss MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL cannon Mo blIeM Homes General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up Year 170 BURTON Ivn model annunnnn 42 brdroolll noon condition fully rnulvven ldul Hm home in manner cob tare Tcianhnna titum evening or weekend nus OPPORTUNITIES VALUABLE Coon rrutehiaa nvlllahle for mat narty rat the moat mom ern un to data triniy cnolrwara ever lulnnen 5w $50 commit ainna now vane Earn no in nib nrr vet nlcvhnne Toronto 5333397 collect for annnlntmaat nr writ Bax Barrie Examlner uctthtm Nunannv schooltor nil in rapidly cxnaaatnx town as miter train narrie wrll situated in residential area maueai nonunity For lniormatina writ nax marnurlefinlnlnu rnv EXAMINER WANT ADd PHONE 7min CALL US FIR Dont forget to Wanted To Rent Ilwo bedroom lobed Itouso or apartment unfurn MAIL ALL DEIAHS TO BOX No 1358 BARRIE EXAMDIER noun would all can with an IhnlttIman Anm or lint ml Illut In nunbl wield Private PHrmvllnnIy writ liv Illl Ml nuualhn to Box DU lllltl haulstar ll lulu wanted at say hint ltaad at cub dtlnf wul to price euphoaa ltuueh canon mini 11 cm ltul mate rillup TIMI ammo not wanted Iltnvhu In lhI cttll of DIrIII lull hlln III union Also lot wanted within one mil of Elk lllnlIL Tellphonl Rifle uil Canon Cam ltna ml ML Evenlnu Hill PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT mu noun ln Annu far ul nr rent Stiltlblo for couple IIID nonno who almu nouns in Aw two uin IoLI gouty 1096 wlifl than and schools lieunna dawn mlnfOollld carry rent berm lo town lAnN rnr uln or rent nr tor naen lumber hoot unnnf Ant Inn Bun llm lmnlurlentl South or narrin uratu Telephon 7151502 LOTS FOR SALE Illgllutvngu a$19011 all can no av can burn nod 2n lull 57 EM Phone mam rnron INSURANCE MOVINOI INSURANCE paid If you need can coverage of any kind lee SIEVENSONS 11 DiINLDP SI MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Is and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL noun FARMS AND COMMERCIAL morality 90 0F IALUATIONS If You Need Money Th ennxniinain debts ammo iannrvvernentn qnny worthwhue Muse rite or Phone 7260981 Mottgage Funding over Slrnpson Sears nierr 5n em ll Onllflo mini lim Aaronum no you or liem cub as lend lull mun flu Id In sh We are Skilled incurStatute and WIN give you gt Piompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR Gums SEPTIC TANKS vltsssuiierumvs MORW HOMEOWNERS WeII Trade You Free Brochures For The Coupon In This Ad IT COULD BE worm or 10 $1000000 To your oomnlcta no crime not itta in and wed Slam r3sz brochure that new to liven Delia hid laminao yuan servtcvh in hdmutwnzrl yoo unfit inv nuv eaaavue you ask Eguihid thmel Vt law no EA nuEe Hanan umdl 310009 lulu ton 15 mo in now1 in min In your 7114 no rm Mn ovarinvnat SAMPLE PAW PLANS can MonthLv Annual MIva Payment Int hal 100 sun to Ihl 15on mama In butt on 15year amortization and is yurmteltrn when loan would be lumen outflng 33 35yaan°°aré without nation or boom ortrann Illnuts Am Avofi Delta nutty umlted too We nrioa St barrio rim narnc ontuiu menu read me your run banch on 7nd Mariam mans Nam CI manna more if you WIID imman 1aia 1nfornuLton at service was retarvrno Ans Avco Delta Realty Ltd Envelopes Draw tickets Letterlleads Busilless cards Term stamps Wedding stanonery Cheques FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL PRINTING NEEDS EXAMINER Commercial Priniin PHONE 7284414 CARPENTR SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Modern radiwcontrnlled trucks rvoss PUMP ElWlCE TILE BEDS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED ROBERTSON ANGUS $5595 iwm smm Tank siler sentio Tanlu aau Weearr Beds lnstnlled Wen alum noun45w COTTAGE REPAIR JACKIN Insulating and remodelling HURSTHowlesiona TELEPHONE 0RD 11875750 INSULATION shownvu mom insulation nee estimates Guaranteed warn Talophmtl Scott DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN Driving School uara to to Drive Modemnzlaa an JANITORvSERVICE ll murmur eon anoint omes offload Stow service nil1m IRONlN DIONING our lush Intiirmllllit 5002 and nallver zoom SHINGLING or ALDTYPES by competent sigh Itvriten rpm 3mm 7288872 nowadays ODMMIchlAL Prompt tervlu inlka alumni so you Defiancehr Mnknltéul to buy Remember tne anlalea for Salaietasnnca in tin OTIAGES PUMPS ashlng Machines mail Engines rhone unknown Assam AtuMlNUM SERVICE ALUMINUM Selfstoring doorsand windows siding store from INSTALLATION Direct factory prices AIIS RR SIMUD kidWIS PAVING ASPHALT DRNEWAYS rams Lois BARNYARDS unntes in the follivwing arena Barrie Bradford Allis ton Coilingwood and Newman lief Also free estimate on as ment work GARAGE moons PATIOS Telephone ect C0 Painswick TsuBONE PAVING WE Manieri Paving ltaltan ExpéttCo of Barrio roe Estimate Work guaranteed 7260081 1a4Ess on HEATING Limited limoi Only 2W GAIS OIL With every furnace installed 1le Earlit at BLACKSMITH BLACKSMITH lIandmade shoes specialty elephonojobn in rENErrANo sr mi PROFESSIONAL rntev htterlnly canrsrmslt conABToll tantrum renovation and hunt ltnlcIvn 111 time aerved trad mo 09 PAINTING PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR ExlEElOE Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORTWYK Rose Street mom Elliott AND Exterior PIInLI raperhannlnn Helsolllb nu meesttnllfes lid9759 PM vatnuaa interior uni rxtanfi on reasonable tree erttma can mom is out in RV interior Ind axterian re within in mm of Barri aeri Ulshor mums VESTROUGHING ORTHERN VESTROUGH 487e2121 cmuznvonv EPIECE TROUGH cyctss to manarari linen New used titanium in II 51 soon in awe 7IH111

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