Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Oct 1968, p. 1

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WHWEATHER Variable dotidmua Iiilhtiy wwwmwm 50llightinrecmtomcrmwia 70 detailron me 14 sub MoreffhanloeP 1cm 14 Page exams relapHouss amass Advclan mam Ila on Denrm new lMth Your No 22 JohraSOn Is if Wilson StrugglesToillestore British Labor Party Unity Buried MONTREAL GP Church bells tollcd farewell ovcr sl leot crowds today when the body oi Premier Daniel Johnson was taken on last lourney to his burial place at St Pie de Bagot The body was to lie in St Pie church until preparation for burial mass at pm The cortege movcd away at 030 am from the Montreal courtlmse where many thou sands oi citizens had filed past the body at the lotion premier lylng 41 state in the courts marble Hall ol Justice since late Monday Justice Minister JeanJacques Eartrand led prayer before the colfin Vwas closed and Mr Johnsons wile Raine and his four drildren joined in there spouses with members of his cabinet and other dignitaries l3 Invoices TaliHartleyiict In Longshoremens Strike NEW YORK AP lbe longshoremens union went on strike at 115 Atlantic and Gail ports at ll=0l am today but President Johnson had already moved to cut short the walkout under provisions or the Tait Hartley Act The strike by 1000 dock worirers was ordered by the AFLCIO international bunglt shoremens Association negotiations with the Shippers Association hrnke down Mon day Hours later President Johnson invoked the TaftHartley Act setting up threeman board or inquiry to hold hearings today to take action by Wednesday that could lead to an 00day coolingoil period rm Whitavliohsiaction omen with approximately 100 ships intmediately threatened by the Humphrey Bombing If Elected SALT LAKE CliYtAPl ViceJPresident Hubert llam phrey says if electedpresident Nov he would stop thebomh ing of North Viehiam as an tarxeptable risk for peaceii Hanoi showed willingness to re store the dermiibarised wne se parating the tva Vietnam in his first paid television broadcast Monday night the BLAMDOL England AP Prime Minister Wilson set out today to restore the unity at his restiveLabor party while lighting oila bid to bring his governmentmore closely under party control Wilsons appeal for unity came as the partys annual coo ventlon moved into its second day at the Winter Garden on the Irish Sea The prime minister was re porting on the work of the party irr Parliament and the govern ments action since the last mm 01TAWA CPtl For some Canadians the lust society just cant be postponed the Commons only woman member told her colleagues Monday Grace Madnnis tNDPVang couverKingsway 11 ior creatlon at human research council to concentrate espe cially on city problems At present there is scandal nus waste of taxpayers money in treating social ills caused by bad housing had town planning and pollution she said iflesearch could help take poo th We were to return to this plc oil the welfare rolls and onto the taxpayers rolls Mrs Macinnlsspoke just be fore the Commonsrpassed is sup ply hill releasing $3770101103 troops Todqv Nine police horscmcn on pal omioos Plus companies of mu lcipal and provincial police marched as the grey hearse bearing the coffin started on the iomlla drive southeast to St Pie village oi 4000 where Mr Johnson had home and law ol lice ile represented the Bagot constituency in the legislature since 1946 THOUSANDS MOUliN One provincial oillclal estimat ed that 30000 to 35000 mourners paid their respects at the court house duriog the nightwhen mourncrs sometimes stretched eight tn10 blocks outside Among those who paid their respects was lhc widow of for mer governorvgcncral Gcorges Vanier saluting the friendship between her late husband and the premier She was received by Mrs Johnson tieups of ports from Scarsports Me to Brownsville Tor Union president Thomas Gleason said military cargo would contin ua to move Gleason said he expects an today inlunrtion later in the week We will opiose it be said and the strike would proceed untilthe government obtains the altar lm unction gt Seventimes in the past 21 years the government has used the TaitHartley Act to return the longshoremen to work for the may cooling of periods The TaitHartley Act named after its sponsorsthe late Sen ator Robert Tait oi Ohio and former Representative Fred Earlier 9fNauJem+Waa passed in user over President Trumans veto Laboricng has attacked the law as restrictive Democratic presidential candi date said As president wouldstbp the bombing or the Northas an acceptable risk lor peace be cause believe it could lead to success in the negotiations and shorter war This Would be the best protection for our The vicepresident placed party conlerence in Scarbor ough year ago But his most urgent task was to repair the damage to his gov ernments public imagevinflicted hy the conventions rejection Monday his ellorts to curb wageskeystone o1 theadminis trations entire economic straté egy Delegates hadoaths agenda aseparate closed session to de bate proposedamendments to the ty constitution The amendments are aimed at bringing Labor legslators and thus the government more close ly under party control airman RESEARCH sruov for the government to pay its bills Later it also adopted resolu tion settlngup lzrnemher committee to lookintovthc exer cise oi power by government boards cdmmisslons and the government itself when it acts through urderincouncii CONSIDER FARM WANB By the end of the sitting the House had turncdto series oi measures designed to produce more money lorufarm loans with higher interest rates set by government subject today alter dealing with oneirasolution on publication oi statutes side by side in English and French and another author would St was specific condition but Humphrey aides ilmated itwas pathway to halt iha alreadylim yietnam yoirlhave given great plutonium nns PRIME MlNiSiER itvdeau monggrnup otpolidiciaos at Premier Daniel Johnson at and Prime Minister Couvai do Murville of From ware iiEBES ONE We one Dealer adyinparrot language those arent swear wordsat all qualification on his proposed bombing halt saying that be fore taking aehon he would place keylmportance on evi dencedirect or indirect by deed or wordoi Communist willingness to restore the derail iiarlzed zone bEtWEEfli North and South Vietnam His language suggested this only one example olpossihia steps Hanoicouldtalre or signal directly or indirectlyas the iteds bomhing of North Vietnam Humphrey added ii the govt ernrnent of North Vietnam were tosbowbad faith wouldre serve the right to resume the bombing Senator Edward Kennedy whose late brother Robertuwas Humphrey rival lor the Demo cratic nomination sent con gratulatorytelegramwhich all who look ioclpeacein encouragement and hope You are theonlyfcandldate lor president who has offered the American people proposals for ending the war in Vietnam aCNR line to petroleum properties in western Alberta highlightmf Mondays sitlt ting was an announcement by External Affairs Minister Sharp of $1500000 sale or surplus to Franceunder treaty saieguards against use of the material for nuclear weap The House was also inlonned by PostmastarGeoeral Ktcraus that study group has been set up to study theiieasibillty of turning thepost silica into ai wn ooporation the supply debate the spot iight was shared by MrsMae lnnls and =Creditlste Zlieader Real Caouette who had some pointed remarks about France tendingvlunerai services lot Govt ChanoésSton Quebec in the Basilica at ouorcls Quebec City yesterday GP Wirepbotol OuaVietnam Bombing OTTAWA There has beenia marked shift in the oili cial Canadian position on Viet nam but government officials imld hhatthe shift has been one of emphasisrather than policy ltwas signalled by External Afloirs Ministersbarp last week when he told the Corri mons that inithexCanadlan view shalt totha bombings North Vietnam is one of the what first steps required to end the war Such stepskbe madeclear would havetovhe taken by both sides Mr Sharp wasgrepiylng to David Lewis the NDP parlia menbary leader who queried him on SecretaryGeneral tl Thants statement that majori ty UN members would eh fWqlldce dome resolution calling for cessation oi the bombing Mr Lewis asked whether Canada in View at the oppmh tion oi the tgovernment to the bombing in Vietnam wmlkitakeflte initiative in posing the kind of resolution 11 Ihant nad snggested In our view balance would have who kept in such an up pea illt were to be made re plied Mr Sharp Mr Sharp said the idea of bombing halt as one at the esv sential first steps had been ex pressed by the government on number of occasions in lad however it represents eda noticeable departure from the position taken by his predé cessor PaulMartin now gov ernnrent leaderin the Senate would Choose Leinay Gnannnarrns Mich AP Presidential candidate George Wallacestumpa tiiloughMichlgan today state he predicts he will win in Nov ember iithe mail be has re ceived from vokhsdsan accu rateindicatiou Wallace speaks in Grand Rap ldsr Kaiarnamo Lansing and Flint today llexspoke to lomopersona hornrmcmrs Need Jusr after visit there with panllh mentary delegation The sixmember delegation wasroyally and taotdiillytrcat ed he said PAINTS GRIM PICTURE Mrs however sketched picture olgrlm liv ing conditions for manyCana dians Halithe population is livingin varying degrees of insecurity and frustration she saidwhile one in live liver in poverty fl am alceid this government does not realise that there are in our country people for whom the dust society cannot bsput oil until next yearyithe year after that or the year alter that Monday at an opénair rallyln Ciceros suburb olChicago Earlier Monday he was greet ed by tens of thousands who lined zthe sidewalks of State Street to see the lormer Ala bsma governor Police estimat ed the crowd at 50 00 Wallace said oopesjro the UN General Assembly one year previously Mr Martin said he had nnttbe slightest doubt that the first step in the direction of peace PW negotiations involved stopping thehombing of North Vietnam The Examiner TODAY Alan finders7 City Newsz Classified12 10 Comics0 Deaths12 Distrch Editoriald Sports10 11 rhesng TvtListingse Weather7141 womensd French Prenderhays Talks With Trudeau lire Helpful QUEBEX CF Alter ln fireside chat with Prime lilln isler Trudeau French Prcmlcr Maurice Couve do Murviile said Monday that Frances interests do not basically confliu with Canadas and rdotions could only improve bccause oi the highlech talks iheFrench premier made the comments at anews coolercnce ioliowing 95minute meeting at the pitadel with the Canadian prime minister The sesnon 35 minutes longerthan scheduled ended with both men in miles Mr Trudean who escorted the French premier to limoult sine told reporters We sat by the and had coffee We had firesidc chat ile said hemight moire statement today in the Com mons The meeting followed alfi minute sesslonbetween the two men at Montreal Inlcrnetlonai Airport Sunday when both were en route here for the state funer al of the lutepremier Daniel Johnson At the news coniarenec the French premier was asked it the talks would help settle what reporter described as the cold war between the Canalt dian and French governments He replied smiling didnt get the impression at any moment that was involved in cold war with Mr Trudeau or that my country was in v31vcdin cold war with Cam a3 The Reach presidents invi tation in Quebecs premier for visit in France Oct 1110 still stands hut in the circumstances tlve new Quebec premier would haveto decide when he could make the trip 28211 Americana 400000 Enemyllave Died In Vietnam snraou her rho number ol Viet Gong and North namese troops lrilled eight years or American volvcment in the Vietnam war has passed the 400000mark South Vietnamasdheadqiraflers said today The toll reached the 400000 mark sometime last week when 2060 via Cong and North we namese were killed the govern meot said This boosted the toll since Jan 1961 to 401589 by South Weinamese count For the same period through the week ending Sept 21 10211 Americans were killed in action in Vietnam and anothu 176436 wouded CAPSULE NEWS 15 Million Frenchmen Get ltaise rams Rafters aaaneisooopoo Frenchmen got an over age three per cent pay raise today raider an agreenent betyveen the government and unions following last Mays national sixrises Calls Tax Plan scare Campaigns r011on or Jamm Renwick New Democratic member gt for Riverdaie said Monday the threat to levy and collect separate Ontario income tax is ascarevcampargn byPrcnuer John Roberts thatwmrid cost Ss000000in annual administrative LlndiansfGive Riot Training BUMJNGTON DPl Militant Ganadian indlaosj are travelling woos Canadateacbing riot toohmgnes the prmrdant of tbe IndianEslnmoAssociation oiv Canadasaid Monday name vicepresidential candi data within thenext dayor so Connediout oowdinaton at the Wallace for President Commit lee said lnNew liaventhe for mer Alabama governor would name retired Force Gen Curtis leMay as bisfrrlnning mtg holiday is the retired air force chief of stall and once headed the Strategic Air Garrmand He is currently consultant with Cali roia Aerospace lir Bankruptcy Near Meanwhile Gian Parkerthe so The 5109 TORONTO WP gt The Sea larers lntarnalionalllnlon or Canada is closetobankruptcy because of mismanagement by its executive Roderick nekey oi Vancouver charged Monday Stir Heineckey who staitsa campaign today to challenge canard tltadl iMclaughiln for flie presidency of the 1500 member untorutdld anews conv iareoce the union had memo Hell rripped out the dellcit inthe that nine months of 1007 gt Toronto drugstore lode log twolwomenin the up

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