SOUTH AMERICAN vSTYLE The gaucho lookis one of the new iashion creations ior Othe all season This allloath er outiitconsisLs of double When child can get his pet ent to argue with him he can pretty sureiywin his way Any 5hlid live years old who can manage his mother in this way must be pretty smart mother writes irom oecticut My son and cant seem to get along together He tends to Intentionally aggravate me fainiy by doing anything ave continually asked him not do iii have to punish him ior wrongdoing he argues with no calls me names and answers back My only choice is spank him and send himto is room or course this causes him to carry on with crying more de ï¬ance and even loud scream ression he will have terrible nightmares that same night then icel very upset and guilty Con he has rarely had nightmares on other occasions 71 am nervous person and home things my son does proba bly should not get me as upset as they do but try very hard to be reasonable and calm Sometimes ieel as though he were an adultthe way he argues backand talks to me When his father is around blhings are ianiastiel we get along greathe wouldnt dream of looking crosseyed at me But the minute Daddy leavesthe other side emerges My reply in par it is clear at you to in your childs ohedi ad and ooperation and be kind and reasonable with him Your seeing how easily your husband manages this little lad makes it harderior you But you will no ticethat theiather is consetent These in ghtcd strands at we ns heng examined by Linda DAgo noiat Honey industrial divison Port Washington Pa are Ithe actuating elements hymnrem that measureand or breasted locket worn with culotle skirt and thigh high boots gauchos wide 7brlm med hat completes the strik ing ensemble Photo Mdhér Unable To that he does not repeat com mnnds and that when he says No just once he meansit Because oiyour wish to be reasonable arid kind to your boy you reouést him to stop doingwhat you dont wanthim to do instead you need to tell him to stop you need to say No tnblm ynst once in moderate tone ll he does not stop promptly turn him over your knee bore thigh of his and smackhimsoundlyt Be quick he sure it really hurts it should happen heiore he could say Jack Robinson if this kind of spanking doesnt give him suiiicient pain usea wide very thin paddle No need tu send him to another room aitcr spanking himAiter you gethim under control so that he will stay where you put him you could avoid spanking him but have him sit una mused where you can see him ior exactly 10 minutes as mea sured by iheciock Oi course if he should leave the chair box or step too soon you should spank him You will not need to use conversation at all If however while he is sit ting as punishment and wishes to talk to you talkto him as if hothing unusual had happened hutnot about the reason he is being punished That should be so obvious to himas to need no explanation 11 he starts to argue with you reiuse to talk back Let itim cry or scream as long as he likes but dontlet him get down till the time is up You sayrhe intentionally tries to aggravate you liehas not iigured thistout but he has ï¬g ured out thatrhe can disobey you and escape Punishment by getting you toargue with him andgetting you so upset you dont know whatta do next record relative humidity on necwd to the meehani age the halra expand moisturecontent The hair must naver have been dyed bleached had permanent Pernod relationships be highlyjebnaenlal new no then indication that you could gain benefits either who business contact or throughthe good alum at an influential irieul Evening iollu eocn foyer romance and social interests FOIL 18 noran it tomorrow is your birthday youshoroompc indicates that despite possibly past slow going in umr and monetary attairs the beginning oi this new year In your liic promises Ihc attain ment oimany cherished goals Early in December you will enter planetary cycle which will stimulate new ideas and Nominees so make the most oi it since your innate re sourceiutness and ingenuib should show tangible results in various siagrc igorn then until March 3151 and successes dur ing this cycle will sparkst1ll iurtber progress next June July and August it Will he impor vtant however that you avoid extravagance andor speculation In October nd November also durng the last two weeks oi De cember ot this year and the ï¬rst two at next April when delt apiie previous gains you may be faced with some uuioresecn expenses child born on this day will be extremely ambitious and en dowed with literary andor mu slcal ability gt endure men women sun no use Exercise Help To Tone Slack ma JEAN KAIN Facial rejuvenating ex are marvelously moraleboosh ing It dieter whohu reduced to pounds wrote have managed to keep the wrinklesle my iaee by the use of isomitrle atrial exer cises What Joy to have my irieods tell me look ten years youngerp inr what women ci doesnt want to hear that 0n receiving that cheery line wrote to ï¬nd lust which exer elses she practiced Here they arethe one which tone the muscles of the checks law and throatline But first let me em phasize the importance oi your daily die tare iiyou slight the essential nutrients you will lose your bloom and reducing will show in your iace despite iso metrics It takes good nutrition to shore up the tissues The die tor in todays story reduced 65 pounds on highly protective highprotele tare She ate ade quate meals but skipped all des Facial Mosaics sert and pt totalcolorlea with inliwnday gt Now the exercises The ace is composed oi muscles and tuned muscles give alilt The motlh ia encircledby wide muscular band with an attach ment along the lawline The lol lowing exercise is deilnilo chin and lawline toner Grin sidewide opening llps slightly Hold the grid and keep stiii upper lipar you pull up strongly with the law muscles Poll hard against opposing mus ciao Hold the contraction ior count voi six Repeat three times twice daily This exercise brings into action the muscles right under chin and all iront thmatilne muscles Be sure to hold your head erect throughout this exercise To tone the cushion oi muscle that covers the chinline open mouth slightly set Jaw hard With palms ct hands rub iirmly along lawline irom tip of chin to each ear Youdonthavetobeman Wilhelm ii Itsaseasyasbankingrutmomeunng Sonsï¬ruél Béhoviour Is VanlltémugIdH no minnow am widow with three young boys to raise The younged aged 14 has me worried six mend all his more tune Moe birds with his BB tun tinny he kills them hum thoyveat tho iruit tmm our trees tmi that hoshootaaii yearrouod even when there is no irult detrleltli gigocdh my sons to res creatures The other boys want no part at shooting or killing ltbrulu my heart when find wounded birds on the lawn Once taught the boy iceding birds to the cat Ournelghbor1 told me it dont put step to my sons cruelty she is going to call the Conservation Ranger She says his behavior is not normal and one rhyme mightrlrill human being when the thrill oi blrd killing year all What shall dot DEEPLY CONCERNED Deir untrained Thisboy is in desperate neednt psychiatric bclpt His mind is twisted and the evidence is before your very eyes Dont wait another mo ment Take him to psychia trist or mental health clinic immediately unison Dear Ann Lsndfll Our 11 ycarold daughter is pregnant ï¬inbedimmb you llttle girl what to buy her uoxrondlhbaby Leinan it It is or ey ve er 500 Debbie Bellini it in times low against this have lookout is immoral even it it is not lilogatyPleasa tellmeGLP Der GL Pvlt is against thelaw to sell child Your daughter could accept camped ration ior her medical care but the commerttll transaction as you describe it is illegal and morally his rock bottom SIGN OE ELSE gt Dear Ana Ladders During our four yead oi married iliol have takeout lot oi goodne lured kidding about my cook ing know am not the best cook In the world but ifm not the worst either Lastnlght my husband kept neediing me about how lousy everything was had worked all day on that meal and my Mother iceiingimhlotMtiaIdld tbedishesidecidodtogoon strike wrote lbei Inoemut Indtotdhlm tiho didnt sign it he could deep abrasionoutwith thereby promo that John Doe will not by wordnjregcedor exprcs on meal placed beiore rue also promise it am going to be late ior dinner wlilcali mywiio by 700 pan it tail to keep any part oi this agreement will take my wlieout to dinner or cook myself ior so tiny idi lowlng the date oi the oiiense Signed John Doe biy husband signed the ame ment and am writingto let you know that ieel like new woman ll more wives would rs cert themselves there wouldbo iewdr ulcers and migraine head aches NEW LEASE 0N LIFE Hallelujah and men SET PACE AND WIN VANCOUVER CF Treas ures Glory set the pace and held oil stretch challenge Sat urday to win the 25rd running at the mmuadded British Coiunr hla Derby We say the notion that women shouldnt know any thing about money matters is as antiquated as the idea that they shouldnt show their ankles So youre welcome to use Moneycarc anytime Why use it Because odds are 9uut cf 10 thht at present you keep younmoncy insomc kind of account that earnsyounriywhcrc from to Maybe you think this is goodborgainMaybe you think itsabad oncEButone things for sure youcan get better deal with Moucycarc Moncycare is better why to care for your money affairs For instance it rewardsypu wrth higher interest rates on simple savings accounts And thats just starter The rewards get bigger You can putyour money into Moncycare Trust Certiï¬cate that will pay you anywhere upto Or you can join theMorreyearc Equity Investment Fund Its likenny investment fund except it doesnt charge you the high serviccfcés of conventional investment funds if you had joined this Fund years ago and reinvested your dividends would have doubled by now The care gets better and better too We oiier you the usual services like travellers cheques and saiedeposithoxes But we also provide estate planning and invest mcnt management as well or we can enroll your husband in rctirementsavings plan that can pay oil with attractive income tax savin gs now while hes slilI working If youre career gal the same plan can your money work for you The chances are very slim that you can get this kindpf care where you keep your money now Moreover Moncycare is easy For example you can come in say hello open asavings account put somemoncy in and comcin again the same day take your moneycutand say goodbye Its yoursto use Extra Win 5250 And more Come into our branch right here in downtown Barrie Find the Moncycare Reward Board gt Drop inan entry with your name and address on it Its as simple as that You may win SZSUTruat Certiï¬cate Or $l00 Savings Certiï¬cate Or 550 deposit to your SavingsAccount And each week for weeksyscmconc will win share inthc Moneycare Equity investment Fund The Moncycarc Rcward Board isjust one of the many features of Moncycare and will help you get acquainted with all these features Come in and enterncwt ANADA TR So you sec whether youre housewife or career woman or babysitter Moneycare can work for you Come in and meet with us and chat with us soon Start using it tract with changes in the airs