ioc arm emuMn was wsnnnm nook helm 323 Ewilyufrmmt £3 sneerus om ruif liitkp tips Cook MILK Anal ruunr runner one bedroom bachelor torment newly heron omtm loention lrnrnson nu notnoun senuelnsp only Plrklnl utilities rersohons no 5a modern one bedroom lurnlshed smrtmrnt relrllerltv and stove Tv espie nut unr rtrrs couple Iizo monthly Is God litnon St at Albert mm mm unfurnished nutrient lustful ogerdmlm gmpglrg sun r1srlneie nrinuAynilsnlo October LIITIIGDMIie rim LOCATION one bedroom unlurnlshed nplltrnrn living ronsn uni kitchen seitennteinro nadir tth Includes utlutles AvIinoie Oct ober Telephon between Ind on wnlnmslrm bedroom but tear taculdnlri llgltor Aiierlrcellel dlstllol deposit 11wa ei ï¬rktnp hemd In lshle October Telephnno 12s rssi slur Bedroom Maisonettes Under New Management II II Mull 30nmgmulftc sliciiï¬uï¬ï¬‚rfl Wlï¬inliifnil be decorated upon mzlhlï¬wrothnt eil ROOM AND BOARD Whit my in per wee long ohm my time 300m AND 1mm his in pH in home in AlishaIr rm unenIoreIemc lunches pack All horns roosinr Ior Iurthnr internalIon telephone 7m ARTS FOR SALE NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD house of line broadloom rnnanis all sizes and prices DONESTIC AND IMPORva BROADLOOM 61 Collier St Phone mini sansu Silenthon recs epecIrn Sewius landlines vsruunrsi type wrllen television ins1m me Its arts TEIIS Ind Awnlnz ysluNs Fox um 10 tr nly white cardboard maul more to Rent Eonp or etc Available At Bsirt laminar business nmoe routs TIGER pAw tires or sale he thrn sou miles iiur prisiosl 27158793 alter on ANOI New Nupn Ind Filth at uses Uprisnis Free delivery Jud tuninlr Lowest trim 1n when in lime street Thom burs Ontnripr Open till pro n12 cniilagwooa or on 14an BABY uniu like new mei cost with us collar Red cost rur collar and ï¬bril elsï¬l Teerr size it bird use with limo sInd All items reasoneth prices m4 CELLINA ACCORDION la pus with Cl lelcohonl wasrill rlcm parlor ror nil Ipproxl Inster tz Inchdl as lest long 350 reyphone stoma 01L Tsnk ior ntle ion ions hood condition 518 Telephone sows rims CLAD sunning is as It with truth root For lurLller lnr nation telephone 72mm on coon flow or sale Also wand nova Both Ill load condition TGBPIIOIII MIMI BOY SKATE III it 300 lunlor boys skates sire 525 clip with nu mattress 5700 this Is their bicycle 20 Telephone 1mm er Ier pm RADIATOR clenned anIled ens floored Heston and us took re mired iisnriltuns nealsior Ind uwn Mower Service mm Iuon Fol slle mixed body hara wgnn including white birch or virepiur stove and lumen pe iiverea and sawed to your rpeclli caLlon reasonable 7231637 mnwnmns sneerl renul rsteenor students nenul to euro on pnreiiasz Machines boughtsold rented reptron Free estimates Stu Typewriter Co smnunron street West Treason VIPECIAL Model 74 Remington automatic riiier m7 modell enunre mas snne Sports Collier Street Telephone iii DOGS 8r PETS JOHNSTONS PETS TROPICAL FISII BUDGIES AND SUPPLIES 236 CallordStreot ANGUS Open Evenings 6309 MonFri 26 Saturday Assets 900ml Trimnuns Proteruonnl Oflmlnl III Dr 311 rï¬uyary miss mm maximums netneyerl mile in nno resistereo 75 with ers geï¬ihone khiiriisnn mmpIrtor GARDEN surptiss MANURE wellrolted ham or rt old by the hurnelyordtniior VIM Telephone vzsoiso LANDSCAPING TOP son Number top loll lol 11 ElemU 171 mom ARTICLES WANTED in Flunlm stov cos Hy nd hunt shop our Liarsroom FRUITS VEGETABLES ARTICLES FOR RENT 10 CABIN miles unlit ï¬t mï¬uï¬nhm FARMERS MRKT DEAD amen Dead tl crippled outdo Itid bones hall Inith moved tree For last service PHONE BARRIE mm or at NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH Mm NO SIAM hours day day was an Pbmlesd Optsrb Um liehaw Nick Montague PM FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Sonic CA New Rolland David Brown snotty CASH TRADE TERMS lld BURTON AVE 718337 HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Caplets line at Dairy Farm Equipmem Supplies Barrie Holly Rwy 27 7W hires alumni sioelr CASE TRACTOR TYPE Good condition 00 Telephnnl LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nmrsmun thoroughbred nur ior ssle Tel old Ind colt AIIp Rte0010 flange cloak Reasons nine 12mm situ lion pm lioness entrees box AhlLv use moms riteman Acres anni phon mi mass All mo one he so 335ng inun north Enm on unholy mas WANTED And overNot This noosos ems nANolulcs reryieuhin been and bred slits mohiu noon our winners Also Iervicsbk airs shire com in anwtemncuImm It cools smoker It as airtsï¬iii GRADE 30mm It one luaild El tillu calmng OMI Keith Kelli Gillord TGIEDOOIII W130 lalmy LANDMCE all Hi III Gills also one ymninnim nd yDIIIIlGl sllu Illa MEX Mg II no papers Pill 37211111 537 $T55Dr TIXBllld XVID llnl Well GWII AUTOMOTIVE or oell Helm courtroom is it IE 35 gets EEE 10 HELP WANTED senate HELP wnurso WOMEN CHRISTMAS SELLING HUMP Herold Cohvutlur on motor new top and new painted new summer tires the pin winter Una Good nine III Du MIMI door Ksilnarr tilnmnï¬ni iiï¬nrdl rï¬e 72m Telephoa minim two on an en nlt initial uso news 1967 COUGAR GT and cm pintstr power tile mu Dower sturins ulets outs pnrltmtloo ItebIlser bar will oan um flu wheels pm on antennae trlnmslulhn min 0n Isooo miles The our Ls area motllllc with Illell vinyl roof Never been driven In In winter Clr worth loom will sell he seennt run your MOTORCYCLES 1m DUCATI or sale 50 three months old Tel 06106 AUTO REPAIRS MISTER Transmission Lid Automatic Specialists 36 Mary St 7783141 SNOWMOBILES POLARIS Snowmobiles SALES AND SERVICE ALBERT KELL AND SON OOOKSTOWN Allis Glshnerl Equipment SKIDOO69 AT RONS SnowipobilgCentre Sales Service Peril Accessories 81 ESSA RD 7285558 Watch for our big opening at 151 Tiiiin St 18 HP it inmost curtsonoA gr Home huvkl in tons bundl NEIL nelsonhie Telephone 72s lumen IrW un LEW PERSONALS YOU CAN LEARN LEATHERCRAFI FOR PROFIT 0R PLEASURE Free instruction by qualiï¬ed craftsmen Individual instruc tion Group Demonstrations or weekend workshops TrnNDY mamasmmi or visit the NEW SIIORE st John Street Barrie Itlte early with AVON 0051mm part or lull time nimble sales terri twy now Available Wnie Mrs Tod anoluk P0 Box us snrie or phone no 55L mm ted erred ApstIn Wrath toe in Dunlap street not haunts orbslitter planted in my nope not to in our week relpoops Dunvusrrsu reouirrd in slums Anpry In run chin is than raptor riot buan street it LEGAL SECRETARY Info smiï¬e Roiï¬himsii 9h ro srrie hammer lieills ml psih utn money reruns sour winners Houn wives unima No upsriencl mom WATERS wllIIEd top was sooo washing cenolusm All Ihlit IvlllAhie Apply ll Dim lap street West AasrarANr coon wanted Immedi sto Also Registered Num and lie stereo NurmI Assistlnl went ed Stevenson Memortll NIIIIIIII Home Allistnp Telephons slum KKPDIIKNCED Mollleplrlllllo can it mi Please ml to Box DE Burl Bummer WAITRESS WANTED Merienced lely in person to BushoroJiotpr ilntei la Duplop BilIII AND plunder nemursnr rw quires violated or kitchen and Cl Preierehiy over is Instrle and pride in rains iop no the main dlllllllclilonl Car hostess unllorml tun lien Imeiient wsses 1rlnslt nilsn hpmn lter mianlm Rieohpnh Itsour ior Interview Ip Pointmth WANTED Nowl Tremors slain ers Grandmothers Start at once to Allow our excltins line cl chrirtynu cards and nitric mend nellxhbrerihmsllvgï¬mom trs on or is My Nnmupcrienre needeo our besuumllo illustrated catalogue wilin mr loo ï¬emy shown no se mlny rlzérwritgl IronyI rare on no my In incur lionInn cm co Dept 111 Cannon Hamiltuh SALES HELP 8r AGENTS POSITION Dlgniiied representation of in ternational institute of learning No competition QUALIFICATIONS At least to years of ago Well spoken and pleasing appear ance Own Isle model car and prepared to travel within loo mile radius REMUNERATION Well above average with ex cellent Iuture prospecls Reply in Box 510 Station TORONTO Ont Attention Regional Director EMPLOYMENT WANTED CARS FOR SALE iso cpshsum lnr in run condition rerepnonmoosi trig runner inrnnnuinn issi roNTIAC cylinder sutonrp tic Meet In an nanny A1 condition lelr lose cnsv aunt in excellent eonnitinn radio new curtain humanwoo or best otter our gig at Anne street Nhrl PRIVATE SALE 19H Beaumont curtain door huh top 117 vs Iulnlnntlc roninll shirt bucket rests radio rest belts ms extru very low milere will gillsIsl der Imlll clr ll tilde 710 MISUNRMM Alpine ripwly heirlo Egsrdnwlsntgutnm soofloflronsiuon no epnnno utmost rm Inzlmom mum rednn cylinder automatic Til3 compleln horiy lob very clean cut Telepho mam runner particulars 1m smsoit door vssuto mtg Inebualiténptheï¬ Ion grrrllober mo er on 1i CHEVROLET BelAIM sedan rimsid automatic rldlo power nor to eueiient condition 1901700 For unlizr Inlnrlnltlon telephone motor has time 19st FORD Gslexle lioo convertible vs Automatic power ateerlnx pow er brakes Very clean ihrnushout owner oar Prrirct running con dItIpn Top In onllient condition mam siter rate easy conr coach luxury sppnlnunrnie unto exeriientrne no TELEPHONE 4872346 Want an eveningpi fun Try BAREECUE AND DANCE Corn Roast Wiener Roast Horse and Buggy Rides THE PONDEROSA Is 101173 Mann problem no not hsb II In limeJflefli n9aflsl NATURAL VITAMIN amie Health roon sierinI zshnirin lipI mom Hours Implill tzso pro citth nmrnl Jacklptrs Palnt Ontario will notion res gle or my d345 contract In rimre on or Ember 196D without my wrist codIept WILLIAM RAB PM Ferris Lane Esme wluï¬rotilie responsible or any dehts incurred my more ironl this date Sept amber 1965 lorwsrd my written trousers ml DRESSMAKING EXCLUSIVE Dresses Chats Suits Bridalsnd Evening Gowns Made to Measure For An Appointment Call 4363045 Toll EXAMINER WANT Ans lunlcsi utio be in mwiiepngn Warn jINTRODUCINGCARSi THAT CA The only cars PHONE 718th THINK in the world with computerizcdfuel ihjections asstandard TEST DRIVE ON AT my doliNSlON equipment Morons LrM no BarrieVOLKSWACEN lt16th tr sonogram ONTARIO IW tionof fireman was All worm like to do bookkeepiux and Min In my own home Tele phnns 72 WILL GIVE dly rare to young children In Apsus Inn Please wrilc EO Box 165 Arum Ontario WILL CAM or arilriren Inmy own home near Towers and and Telephone macros MALE Er FEMALE HAIR anusr reoulred Bill or urn1e Also nuroruuins surren tice Apply Continental Hsir stylinr anrrio slugserepnono IlaIlia zxrslrrchnp nrir stylist run or our time preterm with clientele Top Illsrv transmission Tele phone mmrrur App Hour at seiuni corner stree EDUCATIONAL PAY RAISE 1th It home or ppDIM loin Send name and address far your me roo on Career Opportunities Guide gt not your sneer Adverttalns Career mitectuni and Bill Carter Art Csreer Bookvkeerllu Cujeer Business Msnllement Cnreer Computer Proxnnuner Career Cost Aooountlnr cueer humor Career Elechchi any cueer Electronic Eng cueer roresuy aueer MMOIIIICII Bill career Professional nos cum writins cmer iArtirIes sno snort Storiesl CANADIAN rNsrrrurnror screams and misnomer LIL 102 Garden City sunning Adelggo Street West ronvn NAME Abram FIREMAN Written applications will be re oeived up to October 11 1968 bythe undersigned lot the posi wills the Barrie Fire Departmen DESIRED MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Grade itediioat lavauffeurs licence Physically Salary soiledulo our week lull employee beholits in eilect srnsucnnlv city Clerk PO Box 400 Barf 0ntarlo Moto iih iii rs owns trio Wlilre MALI Hsti ACCOUNTANT ORILLIA Ontario kWhsimswihumf AI WW new pins in olliis optsin Id Mmflhflmhll toetllyesrdliJApsmm Is AUCTION sues AUCTION SALE Saturday0clober st 13 pan sharp IE nor mm truism herd bred heir loo Elli base Delnvni at upsimp 0008 se mm Saturday November Property of RALPH ROBERTSON mile east oi Highway 11 st Stroud OR miles south at Bar rie t2 registered and classified VG II Gi 11 lresh since Augint several due in Nover her Mostly uriii brad held founded on Ten bloodlines Several rim have production Replyhiwditiogsutinghlll PORCELAIN AND METAL PRODUCTS LIMITED Colborne Andrew St Orillio Ontario WANTED sond relishi man to Henryh1nntre AND DRE Restaurant day new wantsarise bringing MACHIN PERSONNEL SHOP 0th now IIotory ls nearing completion We are nyurold Canadian Wu newly relocated in Drillia hil product line diamond drill bits drillqu maohihery and dia mond abrasive dustly avglooking for men who have varying de grees oi SKILL IN THE OPERATION OF MA CHINE TOOLS There is requirement for young men as trainees some experience isls and setup men Our lacton is basically machine shop operation with vitrier of lolliesradial and turret kills millsgearltutteiI grinders etc Write bricl letter to my attention or drop into our cities MaliI day through Friday 830 am to pm during the next two weeks Saturday appointments can be arranged by telephone or letter BOYLES INDUSTRIES LTD 256 Hilghes Rd Telephone 32576l31 Attention FRANK Kooluc SHORT ORDER COOK Required experienced Top wag es and boneiits Apply lliperson Chel BAYSHORE MOTOR IIO TEL Dunlap Street East VALUABLE Cookware lhrichis nyeilsnie lor risht plrty This in the most mDfllt em up to this tripiy roolwuf ever outlined as to too comnth rlpru now pure Earn up In silo per set Telephonl Toronto slum cancel or appointment or write Box psi Blirll Drummer LINOTYPE OPERATOR required lor compusliil room or arrrte Ihrnrnluer Good vases and urunl eumpsny henoiiiy Apply Mr Ashephem 72m LiancIJI Meohlnle wsntro Apply liitchen And son in ms 11d LICENCE sturn Filters and Ar prentices immediate work In hir rie Telephone eollrct 1156111 To rontp hirer on NIGHT JANITOR Wanted Ibrcellent working solidl tionuntoflns supplied ell sour psny benefits Apply Whyhn hen aunnt Isaem Cookrtowu LV COIiSllmell WIIIA RIIICIKD milctr wnte mwlelghp pent IIZBJTI 4005 Richlulu 51gt recnires youna men retersoll over is or you or part work Neat cicnn expressive end pridl in ruins ma lob ths mlln strum marinarala It or ened Telephahemm ior In tuview appointme REQUIRED to Barr ulu pam Inenl employment cod lllllll commerclll ininins ur Iuei In Itlll duties wii volclnz rnsil ltrilmuon Apinus will ldtincn sllmlstul applicant to responsible position write Box rm Berri Intminer WHICH DAY ISBESIT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY lTHURSDAY lFRIDAY SATURDAY AdvartlscrI frequently dskthls question Fortunately there is no best day to adverbs Each new readers as old one satisfy their wants We moment that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it whenyultlet ro sults Alter manyv bost day to start your every day is the best day to advertise InyIhe Barrie Imm lnar Classified Section Iaasnlizlrxhlinvlln producinnreuorldmownedhithe IllvnIVI llllrll lll of September 1968 WANT ans Examine warn Ans mining in for others with qualified machin Oriilia Ontario TRADE SCHOOLS Computer programming artsyoiling Iield or him schoolr graduates who want to make punching at them selves Unlimited opportunities Promotions based on per 1111131109 Career with prolossignal Etatus our opportunities everybody Write lor our career liriorma tion packet whiiul includes sample aptitude test Thousands of ECPl trained mcn and woman are now enjoying rewarding careers in the dynamic world of computers Maybe you can too ELECTRONIC COMPUTER PRIOGRAMMING INSTITIMIE 0F ONTARIO Dept K909 38 BIDOR ST mnom mam lor against an Estate ofAGNES lainyuï¬ the Townshrpor Ora In the County of Simcoe Wid deoeaaed who died on tile Iron day of August u1mmnluisgtmforward to ers on or the 7th day of October 1368 afterwhlch date the assets Will be dis hated amongst the parlles entitled iliereta and the Administrator will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 16th day soresnAGllAM snows Barristers ls Solictolp 13 Owen Street BARRIE Ontario more my SEASON STARTERS sizes 23 7A 25 27 25 top skirt yards flinch AND STYLE NUMBER her first yearas nurseAinytlainA speakerilor the ï¬rst meeting of geria Alrica gave an informa records over 100000 Ills Plan to attend Terms cash No re serves ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer PATTERNS Ill IARII EXAMINER MDAYIHI III 11 Semaphore Bright By ALICF BROOKS Discover the on Lil quillmak Ing wrlh this jigsaw design thats so Iasclnating 4770 WAIST as 29 ANNE ADAMS Season starter skirtsone iashiouabls flare Ilrcr One Hour Quickie with asyIit clas tic waist Team with shirts sweaters jackets PrintedPat tern 4770 Nelelisses Waist 29 Size other its SIXTYFIVE CENTS 55 cents in coins no stamps please or each pattern Ontario resi dents odd sales taxrrinl plainly srza NAME ADDRESS Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Exomi 60 Front St Toronto Out Short on time More quick easysew styles in our NEW FallWinter Pattern Catalog Pius free pattern coupon 50c New Instant sewing hook Save hours cut Iitsew mud ern expeli way Over son pic tures Only $1 COOKSTOWII By MISS RICMASTER Mr and Mrs Wilson Kelllor nnio spent the weekend with the Iorrners parents Mr Mrs Kell Doherty of roquois Falls and Miss Virginia Duhery of Western University London spent the weekend at their home in town Danny Campbell has entered Lakeshore Teachers College Toronto his bmiller Bruce is continuing studies in Waterloo University Miss Jane Elines has entered Weilesley Hospital or log Miss Mary Sheiswellls continuing herstudies at tile hitheranCoiiege Waterloo MissPhyllIs Crasbie was the the fall of United Church Woi men Sept Miss Crosbie missionary on urluugh from Ni live message oi her work there and showed pictures Mrs Mil roy in charge ofthe program led In worship period heiore introducing the speaker Miss George Faris presidsnt conduct ed tho business meeting solt ciai time with lunch served by the committee was euioycd WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Earl McFadyen were guests olhollor at sur prise party in their home Sate nrdhy ening lire event mark ing 1h zstli wedding anniveri asry Hostesses were their three daughters lean Linda and lies lherMcFadyen and large ruin her oi relatives Iriendssnd neighbnrs Were present his the happy occasionDuring the eve ning euchre was enjoyed alter which the couple werepresent ed with many gills includlugs law boy chair andswallmlrror homthalr friends and nelgh hora tastyIturkey buffet sup per along with hésuiiiilily iced anniversary puke was served Relatives ITICIIIIS rvcre pres cut from Niagara Falls LIOIIS HeadBarrieaud Toronto The iollowrng day IatIliiyyreui1I was livid sl Ills MGF it Semaphore bright quilt Ai ieruaic patches Iahrlcs Its easy enough lor beginners Pattern 7367 chart pieces yardages FIFTY CENTS coins Ioi each paticri nn stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Necdlecrait Dept 60 Front St Toronto Out Ontario residents add 3c sales tax Print plalnLy PAT TERN NUMBER NAME ADI DRESS New 1969 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG best In shionsl Most new designs to knit crochet sew weave em braider say editors lree pat terns insider 50c Book 01 16 lilly rugs com plete patterns inexpensive easy to make 60c Book No 1Deluxe ouiity is complete pallcrlls Send 60c Book No rZMIISEIIIII Quilts pattcrns lor 12 quilts60c Bonk No JQuilis for Todays lerllg New exciting collection 15 complete patterns We Book of Prize AlghansKlrlt crocth 12 digitalis 60c MESSAGE TO CLASSIFIED USERS hefore you call all AdVisol to place yours COnsideryThiIs You are about to investmonoy or an adand we want you to get results To accomplish this It is necessary for you to TELL ALL about the details of your otter Be sure you dont make any of the following errors that prevalit results 1Don Omit The Address write you hilt will not spend money ior long liaison call Dont Omit The Phone Number Many readers will call youlii do not find It convenient to one to yourhome Dont Conceal The Price Desired Surveys show that laid palm tags of readers wilinouhsw an ad unless the prionh livl Dilnt Leave Home On the days yondsdvertiu Many good prorpeois will not callthe second time if your phone Is Inlanswared Dont Omit Inporiant Words To Save Money Readers cant guess on llnporb uni detour Remember well when Informative ad will get results faster and cost much iesl pattern It Dont Overlook on Low Weekly Rate Liliane loo2411 TELL MORE setsmoles When youpin wisrudu ForSslaIdinTholslrmEh