Purina byICInadian nqw aoen Ll in with Publishr 1s Bayï¬alfsuubicrfl ont Wllilam Talia McPharaon Managing cons THURSDAY llli PM THE Nous OWNER accusasroue mum Fin lllll industrle to deal lnilmnnuug In VGETTING THAT CORNERED FEELING Ian Ma képTenciï¬is Responsibility For Daincige flinch has been written about housing and about the difficulties of getting houses or apartments for people with children Usually sympathyis withfam ilies but they are not always blameless Owners of rental properties also have problems Two recent moves to take some un necessary costs from the shoulders of taxpayers and landlords have been ad vanced Ontario Parks Association delegates meeting in Brantlord recently passed resolution urging the Ontario govern ment to enact bill imposing liability on parents for the wilful damage of public property by the tortuous acts of their children Earlie responsible for damageto homes by their children Whether the two suggestions will get more thanipassing attention mains to ba seem But it mustbe admittedthere is en to both st iner vent in style with attendance 50 hanl ry of baking bus essrfounded here by John and brothers James Banqu or staff held at eric Hotel With present general manag Albe Bryson presiding Cou wrestled with problem of locat ing new dump Laren presided as Mayor Herb Robertson stili visiting England Provincial police reported cattle rustling seamschecked since several arrests made in county Council granted permission for har ware andelectrical stores remain open Wednesday afternoons eaving only grocery closed team won Stewart Cup as runalsoftball champions Simcoe County Photo show ed Walter Smithinfieid Eddie Cavan augh rt Roland Lee 3b MorleySchand len George Miles 55 Ellsworth Craw ford Paddy Miles coach Bill Patterson out field Len Chappel if Eddie Schandlen 1h CharlesMiles cfLynnRu ell Grant Mayor Newton Rob so led iub of Continental my Johnston third and outfielder Ra Imperials3chosen am oiYorkSimcoe soft Allandal awn bowlers ment at meeting of municipal heads was suggested that tenants be Ephraim McFadden Reeve Donald FMac butcher and barber shops Midhurstj forestry station James Torpey manager Fred was lnthe home has to pay for some of the childish fun It could he that couple of pay ments and the fond parents willtake so of the steps their daddies took and resson the minds of theirrthoughti less young that retribution follows fast on their escapades Condemnation of hardhearted landz lords who refuse to rent their property to people with children is usually by the parents of the progeny and the kind hearted who have no homes to rent Anyone who has had the misfortunne to rent house to afamily of lusty kiddies full of life and ginger is usually cured after one experience of paying for the repair of the damage to their invest Ii the tenant knows he is going to betagged with the damage his young sters do there would could or should be sudden and dramatic end to the spirited highjinks and damage to piac on the early ears too not ittoys parents hart Pou her Frank Johnson Losers Weie Andy Mai comson Joe Milne Harry Hook used to be that awoman but now awoma at home in almost any place healthy Doesnt he have ytall bronzed andhandsome mmmmm it new lira atala lake do to oeed And august may of ha burning it Canada but hero in Brit ainthey may become so set eat or parliamentary committee baabeen laboring iongpand it has luv given birth to anon alrour threMndahali pound baby in the form of report on tha nalionalludfmiuslriu And the loud groan with it carna from lha whole British bureaucracy for it will bylalt holding it no report and the question it answers or team unansvier nor in big business is more than relevant at pmnawi we may have all aorta of emotional and political attach ments with tree pdvala cnterw prise but the way the Euro peangrii British balls are bounc ing over here there is cart inevitability about the increas cg share of control being enticed to theme And in Britain this has reached such pitch that the report mention urges the crea tion of ministry of nationalised oi operatlp its bécn given finbred ceptlon Lord Robins lhe head of the coal board which is of course one of them snorted out some reference no nunisuy inter1mm hadldnt dpmnlt chili WELDFINGERED PM Heraa quick glance at Brit alus bigger pics in which there are governmental fingers Un der the ministry of power theres gas and and slicl tinder jtransp there lt Ish renunciation lrlvsnon the riothr and the waterways Under the maid of Trade theres FOAC and BEA and an airports authority Under technology hero is atomic energy Andunder the GPO tha general post ofï¬ce it self now agrent public corpor and with PIT responsibil ities that is posts telegraphs and telephones there is hutvary nominally and hmfleï¬munné na oaallring nalioflliaed induurinoipllt ling tbem underaoommou nm bretla it that except the baa been little loud Tory demand for nbolaaal den lion illaatlon ssez rams nnan Richard Maudiing the Tory deputy leader writer that longest that wa mount urn to totallyfica market acon omy ii one of theory alone alre would drive us back into iahe mic extremiam re the Iolii it lrlueh gnallonalltaticn has hp rircd and cannot work Both parties should bein favor oNs much denatlnnaitzation as tits lible But It continued the conservatiws should bawpre ol gerating the imporlance of ha TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 77124 nm nkmsatsma MiaFarrow in mcutoemom the in hard for the layman in this economicand bureaucratic mazeto chart course The and not simply under Labor been buying its way into various businesses giving subsidies to ex porters and securing repreren lotion on tho directoratas oi the greater monopolies There has just been great merger of elec trical industries for instance and the government will be repre sented on the directorate And all thisjn addition to the whole sale nationalization of things like the railwaysor theaoal mines LEADS TO MUDDLE Not surprisingly the reporthas found confronts ns and frictions between bus essmon and bur eaucrals ilii sterica are said to have proved short on Zpolicybut muddie are said to resulland now they ant1o hive off the yvholc iotsand put them for on eration it poses under British government has for years long on interference Meddle and BAR return to 19th century lotssaa CLARK GABLE for on far right wlngar Enoch Powell was mm repea beenheard in or uttula oi SocmgR Midi concert dullnl with vativa overnma As long ago at August may 01th Report 1h its read on that lit Diefenhaker gov ernmcnt was formulating lbc idea of nationallyaporisorad mutual fund by of which the savings ama iarg of all Canadians could be directed into Industry anddeveloorne For two or three can wrote more than sit there has bech Parliament Hill about the eras lion of national development fund which would attract to yestments from thrifty Cana choirs and thereby provide capl Embossij iIEEN town ThisSaniiiioy THE MARKELLS NExr saruiibav THE Lookqu DAVIDQSEtZNlOKS mmumwnmmllus GONE WITH THE WIND mm mm at Audenr ESLIE HOWARD OLlVlAdciiAVIlJAND Box Office open da RIE HURONlA DRIVEiN THEATRE nonpartisan can we Johan mks um new Woo otiyouuooinl anda Orders given prompt attention NE sllnron iii DAI arth Mi ESTSTAR ll nicotine GARDENS an on iia $590 50 so into aux one Agencies