Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1968, p. 15

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III utltan mm Class DisI melt Axumflm Ilnt monthly Annie it It Vulcan strut lUlNllm OD WW on Enema rlanaona lmnlssu aflar lut 15 212 row 31 some Am ans Mince em rent nu out finger ah rnphnns man mum mum us has mm Jllwn mono sinr M1 ihtamidls no fllarhl menuslamina use monthly nears mnoou spamht rInL now Adults Turknus Milieu rm Dnl mm In LII WHY tarnished DI DIGITth cut mint ltla Dvln It aslzhb scliiuas Tsieunnna no Hummus blcbrlor summons PNiflfllAIlddPrfinrafi Illrvslookm months Telephone 40150111 all mm Bedroom Maisonettas Under New Management Dinlnl room or bllscdn prt ll or ha pace no not rdfiltmfisernhénn titrl must ROOM AND BOARD ll ND Isard avsusbia or room AI slam per week ma phnns my time AND DDAED Ivsitlbll In 333 hours In Altpudall ans uenrlansn nretemn lunches path Its All homo cannon For lurther Inlarmatln telephone mam eAltrs son SALE NORTHWAY RUG Sco LTD Thahouse of line broldioom Remnants all aim and pricel DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADWM Collier St Phone 7251511 will Tilvision 253355 IIONI If pkg whit cardboard numerals nt mtflloosa tarsus nla Availabla at Berna laminar minors amo Am Zlntth mar Pharmslxsnu to ammo mu sasa It uK roi rule or rent are Tan Awning mm some ourrust sm gal Ksnt with Imitttlr month old suitsnls lar youss sm dutch altar van WIDDINGJZILIJ or salt Ilsa snIt led us Alan tier nu ma phonev so noun slurs PAW tires or rain mu nun soo Inlia Hail original prla 1mm altar shim so Wilts Motllt atov tomstls look timer window doubts an brands honuam an Suns until xillrpllona sum allure sis enslam hulll ms imr utlan Win 2rd mm mm rsll unsure an crown in nu inner mean II on 7261118 14 toot Knotty Plus in mi 0qu film flit Tslepbonsv heroes Ifimofln Inns ssIant lung or Om W11 accept Im 93 muons Isams nan hum nrolessiorssl typa Complete wllls chair excellent con dition SW Swivel Comb Out mull vinyl cov rdv Suitable lox recrea classroom 51 Telephone 71454655 puma roll sale new Mason and Iusch unlrtmeut size with bench 11 Walnut vllI take older olsnn tr IJeptionr mom or so our noouma mo tons littlest In It EITAEIJII enulan llflldlfl mast em ondl zmlait hiltnnsk wt kWhfirth UMllorsaIa Comnlte tolym ac muvs um run my run phone 7m Iltar pigs NW Mason Ind Illicit rinsta Free ivsry any am so sire lllfh Ontriot 0pm till Mt dsu ssiar Collin an out Wald mmWAer insnousa television Inlersn rul kitchen Its It mumlililtpa Hoover ltlhd up vacuum 01b ltemh AllMM nu is ley DIIEX wint rownk ntha lazuli mat so an Is Am lo mneI thing All cannon no condition ho lrnwnlnl double aniontie venllistrn rib can sisa Asking also Nsver as Pistol ZZoallhre Field ulna shot target modI excellent cun dItIDn Cost 3d kinkflfihla when72561 urENs Iris cnunonix sis boots also In and poles Ve pod enuultlon All Ior us Also lywlieal lsulier box mi rcuer twtde lIlssd ar meter drawn beneh Ind motor ms hinstlon mm windows like at smut Ind gun Villain peas excellent nosr nalossuhia raga la Beasleys tnnaanol Retrievers rush to qus at that meanest stool and rust Ilia Talmud us nom um Dllthnkit wall MI msr 5° ls $lrlflaltfihil5hlw Iota LANDSCAPING TOP SOIL to Inns spam ALE CAMPING EQUIPMENT m1 and stays pin hula rsia hana cam 1s In Lsdyklrl dr Isul ll ssnm Compiels NI wisest Used Me FRUITS VEGETABLES CUCUMBERS Ill trnltitnti Irons coins nu Your Own Coutllnar IL meats Vnngl 8L Burris tiny II It maym Mm by ohm or DIIDDII EDI sslo st ssdMsIms mass VIHRUBS EVERGREENS PLANT NOW For Best Results SOLTYS Nursery Fann nrta Cookstown 4594323 3rd lsrm ot Hwy 17 19th Con Gwiliimbury of water tower trauma Tr Gsorsisn Almctss WANTED want turnips stans noes min and ghoulish Chum rill mntsd at nelson power Motn ad Isla Antonino or one mm or or electric motor nsn lzllo vain lsicpbona mam swim mommvvmntss Also see It no nssa set at use In any condition relepnon smut uoestn ulpmsn nasdsd sor and one meals OLD sum Cronin Furnl wagliar sonrs Anomosolu ALUMINUM II wt In vnr Issad Mutt suit to Islaphnna mu assas on £03 lQUICK SALE rs Ia to ddhssffiufhflltl Its condition ssso Items or us 354 BOAT summon nurtshls III on nhle Telephone moors so es inlormation ARTICLES EUR RENT mu arm harms mum Mrllslnsc leohlnl Isss mutton for Its nth rlnt hiIflnd Pilinndm sanMsss Marts DEAD STDCK horses small animals unloved tree For that service PHONE annals mam Collect or an or NICKS DEADVSTOCK ZENITH in ND CHARM 71 hours any day we Jill Wm Ont cu No seem Nlcwdootasus Prop mosaic alum till MEAN mom mm In the Barfl sres call AI Harris Livssroclt Forests BOWMSWMI um hsiler synod sh Ill lllOIIM GRADE Holstetn hell In noon Telephone 1268117 NIGIBTWI momlhbrad mm tennis years old sud colt Also year old gentle gelding Helium able to sand home Call Mum atle opvmr do Our miles north no burn cattle or crippled cattle and snowman mam routh CHICKS 0000 Tuxtfirfitnii cans FOIt sALl Rays SIMCO MOTORS Np RAMBLER 7132311 fiflmrwfl sale um eIIII Ether Intonation ma VomlAGKN cu star NuI Tins Needs little BM WM 00 but all nuns nu sumac umnmn olilcm0rtg°lh3 mm co phone 1mm ulst walll 135 sturcss VI sotamue main and transmissto ate Ion ma use tomlie cylinder Issptnr and puts hilphnnl assIlla us toll GlluhIW in excellent condition VI utm All nguoh reirpdm Atrium II TRIUMPH HerId Convertible New motor new And newly tl or m0 sass usumn so melee vinyl tun slscr interior film trim Dower sksrtnl tnnlail Imamu am at is months old Plfllfl condition under mm sat all alter uaisnwood Drive nar flandlrtl mm mm lees mm cylinder IuLnIrIIn Li in waned III Al cots ltion Tele door s17 cuhle mm med lugt sail Telnhnno assms Wusn Ireeh altar pan uststoher mun door sedln eylinde aulnmslig slats tire template body to vary pltvna mars for 15 FORD country sedIsl wagon lestI condition Ownr Iuyst sell ona Hum asser vnoLsr new seams ry er automatic uan power in excellent condition or further lnrnnnnuun Issnhcns Isaem my tone VOLKSWAGEN ll boos HEIDI or new and almost Merld swarm nurse value wusn flowass aims at nu nono ndoor vs use sansl and than $32 MONTHLY NB Ill Ildld Ill so Mldi7 LIAWND cownu in I4 10M 30M PIMInnl door on In au as power bra coldltltfls or Dr nor rah eat ru II di on in sxcsusnt conlItIcn mmwsfieg gt PRIVATE SALE ma Beaumont custom to WI ssu min onm lor run as our until masu tomltle trsnnnlsiion Jaw roll martian rsrsnnans lees nonan ststlon wssan excel lent ram Isllut motor one finer ustrseli relennun no amounts bwer steeriul flvver hum rde Ike new Less mic Volkswn 746575 anln EllisQt ms Road ru 56 arses cumuu use Putty eculppnd tom mllsssoue phone fissure Tm MAC DOWIX Dllkll steering sumtic vs idle whorl diacs ans rsniowitn rear IPgllefl NI mill millwlig Risk ran Iw snow now mullsmeme ms METEOR duo eyIInunx fittilh°rlls°hiii Amidst rill Telephone new rm 967 COUGAR GT cm motorpnwer disc but powlr steering ety esrltmtlnn Ivlhllltr our ml tlm mu wheels heavy duty mail trlnmtssion an Only Iooo miles in csr is on In Me wth lack viny inwtha worth grill sell or as art sroan be run at Year or call Alli045 Moroncvctes luv svzsm Illdtec dittdll MW runilitli1 rd £5327 WILD winter will plan anus for internstron taller olu M1101 rousensersn wanted nu elderly ln IE artsy Inrpnrnrnnvertlbla vs supnlled Dicellent wages anIs wide SKIDADDLERJ aa 00 per moon tar IDIFCWKH INTI Ill HANDYVPRO HARDWARE swans snags Ito mm 10 HP PERSONALS CHILDRENS HORSES homomsxom mwnn arm sllowu momma nannies CRESTHAVEN FARM mm on noAn 7288365 northernWM us than meets WOMANS COLUMN 5m sPEéIAL muss REG $2000 NOW ONLY $l000 WICKS BEAUTY SALON as Dunlap St West 13M LOST rouuo new an to IO HELPvWANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED am any can to your IIIADI HI In cno 33x sat anslls Ontarla WILL CALI or ehltdnn In my on Mas rsslr Towers and and when mm sun wmr ts toss truck mu tabs stun Miguifltflfil MATURE LADY wish tie rmguanlst ammo rs tats attics End to rm Darri Exusstnnr MAM nabyr wInespostuan rudexdiaa or dintI emu DI Box 37s Eulitime wsitrosusywoqulred Excellent working conditions Uniforms supplied All company benefits Contact Mrs Ross Mr Newiove WAYFARE RESTAURANT PHONE 7283461 arentme nuuiaafurnhltcfissn mun ays No or Hotel Duan shell Ear any Liva in Telephona mourn looxxnnu or retail store ex dwritisrl lath llnnlibasltlafwnllrx cumin AIUHIANT COOK snudtutsrs 41 Italy Also nulm Nurse Immornbrlllmlsunn VI Home Ausslsh Telaphnne assTIMI Iran me lust axtrn mass Illumhtmtn W101 cssmn naulrsd or saucy dull tlma amps Ban lrflu phone Mr rsylor mists Ia AND nnsvsms IIutsurant rslt nutr woman lnr kitchen and cat am Prelerabiy er to club Ilnllslvu Ili pridl us goon rob the In cusuncstionn Car hostess sinilomss nunstlon Ilomg an mum rsowt Teenslers Mottl omnnnathm sun as one lllnw ultr euItIns line cards and gills to stubborn rIsuva nsrn axtr cslh lorChrtatmaa tnu as No announcements illustrth neurone son items shown iss on am Manneh out Go 17 cannon Hamilton MALEHELP wanran SH traa Dart COOK es and benefits Apply Ill person Chet BAYSHORE MOTOR HO TEL Dunlop Street SHIPPING AND RECEIVING Young men to 80 gidvalaut nu av Telzlmgi lusts lxrsumsoun snas mumr tar mu enlists duality shat store It ant ragga to Homes blue 01 CRT ORDER MALE prenllass Inns 1osrrots HP sumo hflWtfintm at nlistmd AUTOMOTIVE George than is aontiued IIImarket hospital James Central and Donald Ior sra Intending coliego in Guelph this year here was large attendance at School anniversary in the United much Div Gordon Weir Minadng was ihs speakrand Mineslnl The meeting of United Cburrh Women was held in this Sunday School room Sept II with splendid sttendaaca Mrs Lark ey was in ahsrga ol Illa war ship service tbsrml Build church Illness Ann sudlies flhrhay played piano selec Mrt Wilcox was in charge at the program based on Hu man Rigth She brought world situation near to us and concern toward others plus discussion wss pro rented by Mrs Keiler Mrs cox Mr Wilcox lirs atamsn ind Mrs Watt giv lng the opportlmtty to look at two sides at problems Mary Larkoy student at Brhdlord District KlghSchool had attended It balsa Oouehlcbiug for on weekspon sored by the iODE She brought an useliaptreport messing how much more concerned we are when we learn more about the dilterent situation even il ws are not directly involved Mei Wilcox sud Mary brought two way conversation Mrs Kneeshaw gays tav lO HELP WANTED FEMALEHELP WANTED Attention Ladies MRS BECKER INSTRUCTRESS 0F INTERNA TIONAL COSMETIC FIRM Is looking lor about 10 ladies to represent cosmetic linepid this IrdnTFIIII oi parttrme salary and over rides no odperlence necessary lull training given Telephone 72665 alter pm 10 HELP WANTED MALE HELP ucsuosn Ilschsrlln wanted to work nr nlnnu waftdv Apply In nemn st nalnu axr nan swap nautrad days Heels ertl Mini dulltllu ans und lary anpoc ed to Past allies Box MINI Ontario EXPERIENCED Gtoasry Mttlltr naulrel sxrasI ruin sonar ilons lispi to as not too Out renewalm lIrfi It Dfls mm AWillem rslsphons nurvux MAN or urtsdanla bull Mutt hsva chaulldurs nn ha bendable Apia ta iieL Islephans mom or Ix ta fillu IVs street nuvsnt WAMTD lar lull time work Must be 11 years of ale ever have guns drlvul record and good knowknfe as the city Awlt In nerrcn any to AIIsndsle rsxi WNW 259 Brlflorrt Street NIGHT JANITOR wintnd menus workinl canon gun gullqllmJAttllnnlfifll s1 ay surlnt sum°cdmisw Amalia Insn with piesIns arldmllty rlnlslrad lmsne tel or uv dlux Drilllu rim 11 ad recount Box 700 AND DRIVEN nestlur your on oralershly ls hill or out lirnl work isan allrcssiva and our Alliston MACHINE MECHANIC reliulred trslersnc apprehuca trained tor by inepfiorlo FEMALE ROTHWELL Giltord¢0htavrio or gt GEORGE SOULES STAYNER Citstlon son and milking ilill tosALADA FOQDSLIMITED Ontariro soon PACKAGING or sppblnlsnans THOMAS 5325 Brill WIT1 John Hanch ot Scarbor ough Vlllted Sept 13 with Ills mother Mrs James Henderson Mn Webb at Toronto visited harvtnther and Melaninin Mr and Mrs Breedou Miss Rogers ol Murat Donuts Illtted Mrs at the horns Ill In and Mn Harvey Simpson Mr and Mrs Wsts Kellieby spent Sept 15 with Mr Ind Mrs Tom Lambert Baptismal service was observ ed Sept is tr tha United Church Totteubsm Ray George Saund wanna an Home court Nov 12 charged with pa session or Imriluana LIOMAN museum nlzs NOUSloN Tex Reuters less Drunk Is recipient or new hurt in the tint woman tow om trsnspisnt at St huh IInspltlI died Monday of bleeding ulcer hoapllal ersoltldotinglorDavthodw rick son of llr and Mrs Ito best Kant and Stmn Horsey Sleldoo son of Mr and Mrs James Savers wls christened III robe brought lrorri Swiuerlaud by his aunt Mix Gwen Abernathy when she was on tour at Eumpa tilts PB illmlfl BOWLING badles Trequ Fowl Bouti lng Tournament was held on the local greens Rinks competed lNilI Streetsvtlle Aurora Allli dale Beaten and three of Tot ienlsarsl club Winners were lot wins Mrs Copinnds rink Aur our 2nd wins Mrs Mch den wins Mrs Kirbay twin Mrs Pat Birth alt pl Altundale Mrs Nelson McGee won the turkey draw YOUTH cramps iottenhsm Youth Centre sns proposcd to the towns Chamber cl Commerce President Gordon iilsliion statod plans hsva been made tor euohre and draw to he held in Knlgth at Columbus ilall date to be arranged later They have purchased tour trash bins and these will be on the streets Theo at are snubs native in town and hoping all will give them loyal support in their eilort tor the Youth Centre CANCER UNIT lottenham Brunch ot the CancerSocIelyIs getting organn ised again and metal the home at Mr and Mrs Clitl Abrams recently Oldesrs are Free Clilt Abrams Mrs Scsly seey treas Mrs th Thomson cam palgn chairnllu gt wnsrolistllcrl HELEN ammo Mn and Mrs Harry Mosaic Newport spent saversl days recsntiywithMer Collinl Mosley Strut Mr and Mrs Harry Linlay sre motoring through western Csnada George Iiichox haristt tor De troit after spending threa months It his summer home in the village Mrs Marter LynuIs Attend ing the sound conlarelsce at The Georgian Bay Regional Develop this week sum Nor IN Cvnrri Vatican City announced that 74 Korean Christians who vvere martyred or their tsilh will he bentiiied on Oct ti I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Thursday Evening Sept 26 At p111 At ELMVALE SALES STABLES LTDvELMVALE Complete registered and grade Holstein hard 37 head property In cows nearly pursued by flow or springng close 13 open and bred hellers and hailer calves mostly sired by clipper and Herdmsster mun Crnlt huik milk cooler Surge milking machine and unitsand pipe line lor com unit dairy sink TEAMS Cash or cheque no re serves Ill health lorees sale ARCHER COLWILL Auctioneer extenssy sxperisrtcsloonsidar ORCHARbs ment Council in lionsqubour granddaughter and husband Mr cdlor 1Iesdny Sept 24 at EVEronle welcome Mrs Moran nd yto tind any trscs at Roy Boutn LaOogamaeon slrudlou watts who disap peared Mday alterllesslng bus in rarnoto bush area so miles north ot Sudblry Oo garsss Is about 15 miles north at Sudhury NORTH NIIDI JOB TIMMINB The cum to Northiandv Transportath Conunluion announced It it Intends to ustan an ind ai 0mm to tbs Wm pine Inn The officer not named beip prostrate tn dusiry in the area WOUNDG GIRLFRIEND HAMIUION CPl Midlel hemsduu II ol Hamilton Monday oonusdttad to trial Ellis Id at Ellis who tasiin lied that she had been living commonlaw with Barnsques said she was stabbed Aug at an apartment they sharsd WWI mNDQN out or Thir tymeu underlfldulta students drulted petition Monday nlfht calling or the Ultlvarstty Wm Ontarios withdrawal tram the Cassadlsn Unlon ol Stu dents it is the tint step may sary tor Campus retarsndum on the issue ruuvs museum VANCOUVER OP Vall couver General Hospital will be randy within wash to perform the first kidney transplant in Canada west at the Rockies nt uctsls said Monday Dr ohn Price head of tha hospits rd nay unit said the only problem now is tinding donor kidneys suitable lor transplant NIMANDG MAGISTRATE VANOOUVEltCN For Inns magistrate Alexander Ar chibald McDonald 45 ot subur bsn Richmond was remanded lor one week when he appeared in magistrstaa court Monday charged with embezzling also ooo McDonald is alleged to hm embezzled the monsy from 16 aststes companies and indi viduals since roar Its is free on $20000 property but mumnmnrmns VANGOUVER CPI Two members ot entertainer Tiny Tims troupe arrested Sundly at Vancouver internsuonsl Air port Rescheduled to appear in Mailman said hgmhbslrt was no wn res bla or bu death FINANCE 00 LONDON AP SouthAl rlcs printer wu ordered Jailed Monday tor six year alter hs ldlltltted torging more thsn shampoo in United States cur rency ill purported plot to ll nurses revolution in Argentina Edward George Wilson 37 pleaded guilty to counterfeiting moo mo bin and to pomse trig lorgcry materials Itlltl GANDHI VISITS RIO DE JANEqu MP Prime Minister ludirsGsndlsi india arrived in Emil Mon day to beglnuu clghtcounlry tour at South America FIII CRASIIES LAS VEGAS Nev AP Another oi the controversial iii lighterbombers crashed on the desert Monday The United States Air Force said the two men shoarrl elected solely This was the seventh oi the Air Forces Fill models to crash No of the onvys Fiiih modJ sis also have crashed arm nimrsun SEMINAR UilAWA CPI threedsy seminar designed to provide tourists with more and better inlormslion on Canadian but under sponsorship of the Con dian government trivei bureau The 35 delegates will be travel counsellors from ledernl and provincial agencies and the Ca nadisn Automobile Association KILL TWO KOREA SEOUL AP Soulh Korean army troops killed two North Korean iniillrntors in two sep arate tireiighta on the western and centralsectorsol the dam Itsrtzed zonevduring the week end the counter espionage com mand announccd Monday It said defending troops uttered no unsalties in both engage mm GET EXTRA PAY SAN ANTONIO iex Rein tsr President Johnson More day signed into law legislation authorising hos nrs pay or of the captured v8 spy ship Pueblo The bill authorises $65 month extra pay retroactive to ls lor the mwot the Pue setsul by North Korea Jan lor sliagadly being in its territo rial waters INDIAN STRIKE ENDS NEW DELHI liteutarst The longest newspaper strike in indian history andsd Monday alter two monthswhen the last nussrsrmsp to settle with strik ing InnJournalists employees resumed publication This strike hit newspapers in Bombay cal outta and New Delhi Claim Toronto Girlllttempled To Call OII Murdergplot TORONTO GP Diane Ste lsnlssyn of Toronto will its tiiythst she tried several times to call all plot to murder her lovers wile her lawyer said Monday Defense counsel Eric Mars den told court that Miss Ste lanlszy ill say that oh sever al occasions she tried to stop tlsis He madelhe ltntuuent during crossexamination oi Kenneth Fews 21 about hon Few gath re taprreoardod evidence against Miss Slelsnissyn Miss scannmnls on our lor counselllngFews to commit an indictable oilence speeillcel lyto murder Sophie Cuocla ol month wile ol Joseph Murmur uy Mus rs MONTEITH Mrs Gouriie Scarborough is spending tew days with her sister Mrs Cooper vis itors Sunday at thehouse or Mrs Monteith ware her Ind Mrs Dotty McCoiiurn of Kingston Mrs Glilsut had surprise visit Sundnyrrom lormerischool chum Mr and Mrs James Curtis Grilli Mrs McDoIVell lsll last waex andhroisa hone in wouldliitato belong plassa isli Lloyddpcncs meetingts culi 7530 pm in Community Ilsil lull Mrs spent the eekend with vs in Sudhuryh Anyone who has news they wish toxput the paper please phouarmsersE Mantelilit Witt Ills car and connected to his telephone ltlr Msrsden asked Mr Few it he turned oil the recorders when MluSleinulstyu spoke ol calling all the plan Mr Fews said he never turned oil the recorders its agreed that theretweresilent spots on some of the tapes but said it was because they were nottallting at tltoscttrnes Du roccnsions he said conver sa was drowned out by the nurse oi the par engine would Our complete feeding programs Will keep your hogs TYLAN Tummy all the way fish cflcéulh 33th II my Imflnyfm III the

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