Gets amwa CPI Aianem ergyotCsasdaudhasboen erdeedhythaublnettohalt studies on mother of an in tense neutron generator the biggest federal scientiï¬c Meet ever pm It was an nounced is know abort £155 000000 and taken seven or eight years to complete Annwnoemesl oi cancel lstloaolplsascamlnebrloi statement iuued by Inert muster Greene it Is the second major scientif Ir protect be scrapped in the cabloets drive to sills aspen dliuree hvo weeks are the lov ernment called hall to toe mantlth Queen Elizabeth 0b eervatory involving giant teie scope istlilb in British Ci tumble Rockies Gilli Derailmenls MONTREAL tCPI Cans disn National Railways hIdsy reported deteilmenti on both the companys lines serving the Msrltlmes Ironi Montreal caug log delay In travel to the Ma rltlmu ONE spokesman said cars on irelgbt trsin leit the track It Leiontaine One in day afternoon on the line that goes through Edmundstou N3 and on to Halifax Ilippie Hepatitis TORONTO CPI The Outer lo health department said Fri day most hippies who con tracted hepatitlsilurlng on out break In the Yorkvllle district this summer shared thosame syringes to intent drugs Squadron llebom HAMILTON CPI The col moi Hamiltons no solution retired four years ago when the unitwas disbanded were bro ken out again Friday as the squadron was reactivated as communications and rescue unit Mayor Vie Copps rehrrned the colors to the squadron In cere moin watched by 50 members of the Canadian Armed Eorces and army and airiorce veter ans Hal Banks Case WASHINGTON GP Sens tor Paul Fannln charged Friday that the United Statu behaved in very negligentmannar toward Canada in its handling Lax oi the ilal Banks case lie was elaborating at news conierence on Senate speech in which he said Banksiormer Scalarers internsqu Union chieiin Canada appears to be receiving protection lrom cabl neolevel otlicials In exchange for what amounts to one oi the biggest single political con tributioosoi recent times The case he told reporters in bis oiiice is very impbrlant irom the standpoint of our rela tlgrls with our neighbor Can gt am very firm in my tooling that therels tie between the handling oi the Bankscase and SW political contribu as Parents Negligent uremia or peler Ont couple Haroldand Leona Finley were iound guilty Fridayoi criminal negligence1in the death at their our children last March sin an sportinsnt The Finlcys both wcrere manded in custody to Sept 21 or sentence They were also convicted of abandoning chil drenimdertheageoiiosothat their lives were endangered The children Cynthia ll hrisn Sandra and Tammy died inilis iira that broke out in their Hespeler apartment while their parents were visitlnziriends two blocks sway Stabbed Iiance VANCOUVER cm Roger Allan Williams 23 was sen tenced Friday to Ilia imprison ment or the total stabbing of his 10yearold tisnce near Assoc Mi WING Irfomoo Every Manda at 800 panI srecuus Jackson $36000 SHARE me WEALTH Admission 50 Wotmdodhr mm in charged with winding ï¬xbelnimn so 35 West was shot in the Vuey ot segrbcrouh was heated hospital and released Cbsrsed are James William sismplxtkownerotthores cannot and Allan Jooeph MacDonald as an employee Deiend Unity ounce cpl VPromlneat and Painful Frenchmadian spoke out or Ca businemnen will federalinn Friday in ilid lo Indians LONDON Ont it Ontar io has the resources and basic machinery to provide ladlsns with the same living standard other enloy in the province says John Yaremko provincial minister oi social and ismlly services The real challenge is to make that machinery work he said Friday at the annual cou ierencc ohthaOntarlodivislon oi the lndlanEskimo Associa tion or Canada Indians nonindlnns and both the provide and Iederal gov ernments would have to work togethe to New these ends But indlans would have to play major role in suggesting changes in any legislation that could alicct their lives Urban Planning NIAGARA FALLS Ont GP Delcgates attending the con vention of theAssoflstion oi 0n tario LandeEconomlsis agreed Friday that private enterprise should play leading role in urban development hisurice lkevithlck oi Ottawa senior economist with Central Mortgage and KonringCorp said methods and techniques at the local level of government are not capable oi handling the problems oi urbanization Ont Tax Access mNDoNOntGP alar lo cannot proceed with ap plying the brakes on govern ment spending that threatens billiondollar expansion in prov incial debt by 1973 unless it has greater access to progressive sources which it shares with tbe federal government Provincial Treasurer Charles Machughionsaid Friday He warned municipalities that the movince alone cannot re lieve them oirtha burden placed on property taxes as recom mended by both the Smith com mitteemn tax relorm and se lect committee at the legisla ure Atlantic Studies wooos nous Ma art The Blesk Soviet ii re searcnvesscl has arrived hero to join United States and Caps dian vessels in conservation studies in the Atlanllo Dr Robert Edward acting director oi the Woodsflolc labo ratoryoi the v5 commercial Iisheries ld the joint jrcsearcb program was on last Novembe der ing Moscowfnegotiatioosto de velop tish conservation plan ior themiddle Atlantic that portrays separatism as an economic dl star iorQuebee soc The study commisslo by the noonmember chsmhre dc commerce do Is province de Quebec makes It apparent that FrenchCanadian business is vore reloirnminded In the constitutional debate Paid ToKilI NEONIO CPI Kenneth Fer3l testified Friday that we only bdng 13 otherI cn reported to ca at redhaired girl badollered him 500 to murder he lovers wlie Fens service station opera tor remained cairn through ills hours oi questioning despite sev eral angry outbursts between the trial lawyers and Mr slos tlce Frank Donnelly The Judge several times wamed deience lawyer Eric Msrsden to stop badgoring Fews on the witness stand The trial of Diane Steilniayn mural Toronto charged with counselling Fewe to murder So phie Gracie wile oi her lover Joseph Qiceis The trial was adlourned to Moods Depart Family MONTREAL CP 1n Mont real the MachineGun Molly lsmliy Is no more Anthony Tony Smith 45yeanold wid ower oi the iemale bank robber who could handle chatter gun like commando was de ported to his native England earlier this week it was learned Friday st tried to ircep tha entire procedures aquulet aspossi Me an immigration spokes man said in telephone inter view Friday Smith had served in months In Bordeaux lull Bewas taken to the airport Monday sndde portedEis two children went withhim pted at high scbooliootballgsmes in the Florida cities oi Orlando and ï¬tusvilie Friday night At lehst persons were in iurcd including three police men one of whom was stabbed Trouble at the Titusville high schoolSaninrd Seminole game began afterthe Seminole band struck up Dixie the schools theme song Spectators said Negro youths rushcd the bandsmen and began beatingthem Ten persons tiv white and schools eraintegrated BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE tllltbttï¬l BEE 284339 minim his mid west mix with cold temper atnmsouthoitheborderto mummiesis our mee ave is scheduled next week at lbeUnl varsity oi Western Ontario to drait plans ions campus reier endum calling on the students moon to withdrawrirom the Canadian Union oi Studenti Brien Pollick graduate stu dentlnhlstory said he called the meetings because the moderate voice at the university has been stifled partly because at our own apathy Priest Statement CMARY iCP Bishop Paul OByrne at Calgary said Friday that socalied secret statement on birth control signed by Roman Catholic Priests in Western Canada is really no secret at all The Toronto Globe and Mail in story published Friday said 350 Roman Catholic priests in Western CanadahadsigIIEd what the newspaper described as secret statement asking Catholic bishops oi Canada to leave the decision of practising birth control to the individual wellioer conscience Bishop OByme said in enin terview that the mailed secret statement was questionnaire circulsted in the dioceses by special nongoing committee of priests asking the bishoszor directives to help them to aid th the Individual In andllng err 40 dudmrmm Wm b° consclen the birthrcontrpl Steam Locomotive MONTREAL UP Cana dian National Railways last op erative steam locomotive was to take nostalgic trip irom Mont real to Ottawa today The special train was to leave Montreabat nam EDT to wood its way throughthe East ern Townships and Eastern 0n iario making several stops to enable passengers to ï¬lm the steam train Grape King sr commons cal Wallace Yungblut 47 of nearby Thorold who operates 21acre vineyard in partnerhsip th his brother Albertp Friday was de clared Idng the Niagara Grape and Wine Festival panel oiyjudges made the selection oi the basis of quality quantity and general cultivation oillIr Yungbluts crop live blackwere arrested Both me from the no In iouthern Ontario Cnishediiy lrée SAULT STE MARIE Ont CF James Agawa 40 oi the Rankin lndiaii Reserve near here Iliad Fridayaiter being wished by tree while working on the reserve Hunter Is Shot RED LAKE Ont 0P lohn Sebr 56 oi Munlllng Mich was killedhy bullet WJtimm with in was sizeuaniare 75 miles northeast oi bére Police said the couplewal alonebnt there were other bunting parties In the Irea hireSen said her husbnid 10year veteranoi the Munlslng police department wasmistak en tor moose byanotber hunter The investigation con ues solemn one MONTREAL or Impe rial Tobacco Co Ii Canada Md said Friday its brand of ciga rettes coatalning the Suleiman ï¬lter were not selling as wellas bevhad originally hoped Teachers Exams TORon OP Examine tlon pass requirements at Ontar rnised next year to 60 tram50 per cent Education Minister gliilisrnDavis announced Fri ay He said tilehigher standard result of $per¢ent in crease ln the number of stu dents enrolled this yearto 200 iron 6800 last year Language Issues manrm or Ontario will continue with programs aimedat giving machspeak ing residents better deal and wfll not retaliate against Que becs promised Frenchouly policy Premier Hobarts said in an interview Thursday ilendded that Ontarios pro grams have no bearing on what goes on in other provincesn Investment Dealer osnawa on top John Harris an Oshawa invest orient danler hlday was re srasrszsuuoar hootodd Immun and Quebec Elsewhere tem persmm will be less extreme with more reasonable tepid conditions it eropholo modes In custody until Sept what he appeared In cunt on charges oiJrsud and then Harris 66yeanold president at the nowdeionctOshewa Ae ceptanceCo Is charged in connection the disappear turd 211111000 in company Family Courts NORTH BAY OF Deputy bdayor Richard Donnellylrl day praised the work of Ontario lsmilycourts as the provincial cooieIeoce and annual oi the Association oi Juvenile and Family Court Judges of On mu hesa here in his welcoming remarks to the 50 delegates be laid ismily emsts do great deal at work in community and the peo ple oi the ootmtunlty do not realise It CMil Cornerstone OTTAWA CowGen Roland Michener wielded sh ver towel to apread the mortar andoiiiclally place thecornerr stone or the new headquarters oi theCanadian MedicalAsso ciation here today The new $1150000 building will house most of the associa tions staff being ahiitedhere iromflo to ltbrsnded the JoanieJoins hair Evolution Issue Flares In Ilitica ï¬amrrmnvno Reuters IWIIIIW MW debate betweeninndllltflltallsts Ind evolutlmlst on the orldn oillishuilsredupaninin Owe if lithe can journal of the Colvlnloitilc mob Rein led Cl said no one shouldteschï¬ar wlns theory or evolutionln the lclountryl schools slid universi ea along and its props lorsmih verslve FRONT loner KEEFEEN Sggggflflflflgggaaggggazggs orannaaaaaseassseeaaeses RE J55 CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY somaumveasanv season NOW PLAYING TO OCTOEER l2 AIDA her near 11 l0lllS nu st wilABOHEMEé Wï¬Jthat 0ctl5lll SALOME vlmiï¬ï¬‚800ï¬ll zvinvnicssur ran nantimer names new EM soon no car nvns mo um um ms aox SAT MAW $600 ISM $1M $15 OFFICE OPEN ll Adm10 PM MON so SAT mason coitus7 seam DISTRICT COLLEGIATE snare Course will run for IOwcelts on Thursdny December REGISTRATION Septrim and Tuesday 730 pm LII301mm AtCantral Collegiate from September 30 lo mum Fees to deaid in Cash before Registration Islcomplete SUBJECT Basic English gt Advanced Electrical Construction Advanced Vehicle Repaiter Grade ll Mathematics Typing Beginners Bookkeeplng Grade 10 creditl Mo 20 wks nae 939 one also nio one man 7230 930 nipoat Lale ade 12 credl Economics Display Art Woodworking Electronics SheetVMeta Auto Body Repair OilPaintingBasic do lntepnediate Wainscolom beginners Basin Processing AdVanced Wed 20 wks 1301930 nan 930