Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1968, p. 12

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arts can minor is it chAL ta Aucnottsatas me 3Satudny5eptemourza ar1pnLmarp yr lyrhmaGACItMPacul Congratulationato Mr and Mrs Harrison Beebe tnec shar on MacDonald who were 19mm mummumcr at no mo ROAD puma lAulANDALE ym FOR ARREARS 0F TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY given that tho list ol lands liable to be sold lor arrears ol taxes in the County of Simon has bout pre pared and was published in an advertisement August 1rd test in the Ontario Gaaette Copies oi the said list oi lands or Id vcrtisement can be seen in my nIIice Lists will be mailed upon making application for same in dcioult at payment at taxes as shown on said list no or be torc Tuesday November 12th 1968 at thehour of two oclock tEslI in the ailernoou shall at that time in the Coun cll Chamber County Adminis tration Building Barrie Onta rio proceed to sell by public auction the said lands to pay auch arrears together with charges titereon ll any of the said lands are not sold on hles day November 12th 1968 an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday November 26th 1968 at ttvo oclock EST JOHN COLEMAN Simcoe County Treasurer County Administration Building BARBIE Ontario nun itide Terms Cash lunoiacold IN runny COUGHLiN auctioneer er givingllplarmtng COUNTY OF SIMCOE wamr lor lull list October ARCHER coawru auctioneer the and mflkern lresh orraprtagtnl at all good household turn moanmat All dairy some Inflows equipment incl gluonp TcrmsuahNorewve10ln FARMERS MOBiLEGRINDINQ MIXIVNCTISEkiVICE On Your Farm 0r At Our Mill tuotassjrd BLENmNo PREMIXES VCONCENTRATES COMPLETE FEEDS BULK GRAINS MOBILE MILLS TO SERVE YOU Since 1969 Atttxtzlt mum auctioneer MARKET PLACE POLLID HEREFORDS BREEDING STOCK Guaranteed HOLDEN CEDAR FARMS Shanty Boy7266193 BADGER 51140 UNIDADERS and FEEDING EQUDMENT SAM and SERVICES WILLARD DODSON Utopia Ont Telephone 4241276 13 MILLEK EQUIPMENT mTERNAlIONAL DEALm new AND USED Terms 20 at purchlu Prise Irvwt monetith ntvule balance enclosing or days Sdoooll will be opeavat 101m day ele Id Wino For further information contention cnut bayou Ami2K 09th auctioneer AUCIIONSALE Saturday October at 1230 pita aharp for NORM HUNT At lots Concessth match Township twovtolles north at Cookrwwn aodtwo miles cut at Hizhwtw 21 Saic oi all household lurmture Including antiques larm mich lnery poultry cedar rails tie rods at brand new wire leaclng large quantity at new steel paste etc Terran cash No reserve as the acreage will beaold JERRY COUGHLttsfiauctioneer PATTERNS nw WATCH lor lull list October plc Xleli Dressed incluch covering Patton personal Impala monomer pro Oltlccra chosentwain Marie liliiock Shllriely Dmitri pm seey and Marlon oclt tress Mrs Robert Demtottttcd thadcmonstration and group work on Your Posture Shoius You or including hovr toen tem earth lady liltcmaa pert Mr ASoun rdtocuss ed choosing material style and pattern tor duster This group sponsored by Churchill iii mcet Wednesday avcolngl In tho Comnurnity Hall lrom till put ram WtttNGs hiany Churchill people attend ed Cookatown Fair at the week end vothera participated Allan Stewart was busy Friday as public school principal in Esaa assisting with sports program conducted lor clemena tary school children The Fer rier Bros capturedlltrst tor their Clydesdale tdam hitched and lust tor Clydesdan on line and second aodtblrd tar Belgians lohaNagcland Sons claimed eight prices withitbclr herd oi Gueraseys Marion till loclr and Eric Sauntcr meme bersol Cookstnwn Dairy Club aArTE the Eighth line oi lonlalil with upltrsta with an entries Vttlliam MKelln1snoticed Judging in the livestock Hal Brian bakers pictorial portrays ot its inter national Plvwtog Match was commendable WOMENS INSTITUTE It vaa regrettcd thatJnoro did not attend tha Womens In stitute meeting to hear Mrs Allanlhtartin ol Stroud inebk no CystlcIihrosls disease tairiy new and quits unknown to manypeopie Years ago Inlay died beloro the disease had been recognized Symptoms ling bronchitis or pneumonia or digestive trotlblc either or both Faulty digestive iuices lood Now eo ct diagn sis and upwards or 15 pttts day will control this condition sor overthe bed or sleeping andother home treatment helps those with the lung condition is born with cystic fibrosis the speaker told her audience Parents at these children follow Verydemandiog schedule ol home treatment audlcare with drugs and supplies costing up wards trom $120 year Tho W1 donated their collcclt tioa of $1000 to tha Cystithh rosin Foundation plor research The Foundationsells Cttrtstrnas cards to aid their work Debbie Black Stroud delightj ed the ladies with tour num contests Winners Mrs RussellStcwartand Mrs Ken nethSturgeon Mra Allun Todd conventr commented on the motto Worry ls like rockingcbair it keeps you on the move and can he elth disorder rescmbfi tail to extract nutrleuta lrdm speeialvlentvand air compresi Opelchlid in every thousand bers on her acctlrdionK In two rial In St Thomas Anglican Church at Shanty Boy Sept it thn school re opened Miss Bonnie Partridge of Crown Hill replaced Mrs Jebb ot onto an the Guthrie teaching stall Misc Joan Caldwell ialatlend htg Lake Shore Teachers Col lege Many Guthrlc students have entered or reentered University Miss Sandra Campbell and Rick MacDonald bath toYorP Brian Snelllng hack Water loo Gary Campbell backtoMc Master MissJanet CImpbeii to Guelph or her tlnal year Don ald Campbell to Kcmptvillel Mr and Mrs Lloyd Camp bell and lamily olWfllowdale visited Mr and Mrs Georg Campbell last week Recent visitOrc with Mr and Mrs It Stephenson were Mr and htrsPoarcc and Miss Mar ion Nessjall lormerly ol Eng land but nowliviog in Toron ttr and Mrs Mason helore re turningta her home in Gret ada Congratulation sdtoot pupils and stall who ob ietncdltrst prize tor their dis play at Ora Foir1wo boys pupils at Guthrie won llr st prize tor most unique Home or the Future MRS DHOWE The community was sadden ed to hearolthe passing on Sept ll ol Mrs It Howe oi Euriitin Park Mrs Howe with keen vision and sincere dedication was pillar in Womens brganlration at to United Gtitrcb She was an eld er oltluthrle UnitedChurch at thetimeoi her death Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr Howe and his son and daughter THORN MOBILE UNIONVILLE 2911044 gt gets you nowhere cooltsrovut Several lrom here attended the golden wedding anniversary oi Mr and Mrs ilanlord Home Sept 14 The gathering was herd in Forest Home United Churrh Farm andGarden Equipment TENDEI wit THE smoun mm Not 11 Hwy South mam SUPPLY OF FUEL OIL Separate sealed tenders will be received by the undersignedup to pm septamher 28 loss tor the supply at luel oil to the Municipal Buildings for the assess heating season lowest or any tender not nee essariiy accepted Specifications and tender envelopes in which the tender must be submitted may be obtained at the City Clerks Ollice STRAUGIIAN City Clerk 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday September 21 AT PJII SHARP tor ARCHIE WOODROW East End Service Station 233 Blake St Barrie Sale olscrvice station equip ment and ollice Iurniture Terms cash No reserve as Mrl VWoodrow is retiring ALLEN HORNER auctioneer WATCH for full list Sept 195 AUCTION SALE of Holstein Dairy Herd Surge milking parlor equipment 541 lbs of milk quota tor JAMES EARLY Lot 21 Con East Cttingua cousy Twp an airport road miles south of Sandhill on Monday September 23 less at 134 pm CATTLE40 Grade Holsteins consisting or ill cons due at sale time lresh 30 days ll heriers due March and April This herd is oi COCBA Breed ing pregnancy checked with DHIA Herd averageof 111 for Milk and 115 tor Fat MILKING YEQUIPMENT Surge it stallmilking parlor lectric putsatars Automatic her Vacuumpump system glass pipeline in new con nZero azcan bulk cooler in good condition Woods eiecg tric chopper MILK QUOTA lb has Vtube soldln 100 lb lots Milk Quota will sell at 130 pm Term Cash No reserve as owner is quitting rrtik business Owner and management not re spunsible or accident or injury rday olvsalu ALLEN HORNER auctioneer Phuna tootsie AUCTION SALE Saturday morning September mharp tor the estate at on late AWKES at 12 ALBERT Sr aantuc Sale of all househ turnltur The list ineludeaantique spac heatcr Antique clock Largo wardrobe Tea wagon Rocking gchatrs Wicker chairs vWash stands Dressers net Antique eta Tine cup alshfi allotureafland qu ison record Cyiindrlcaleutgchine with the same Cylindrica tecolds Par ior table and many oth articles tooinum arms cash No reserve as the estate must be settled JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer AUCTIONEERS REMARKS There are some pieces at turn vture tha buy real value HlENEHGY MlLLS ILTD ncwnankcr our aosam FEthlLlZEIR Fall wheat Hay and pastures Fall Plowdown cvcnv ANALYSIS allocation puck Truck Spreading Service HURONlA FERTiLlZERS LTD Allision 4357681 Now youican get cattle on lullfeedof horn silage or grain in 16 daysyor ledsw New SHURL Ally13 Diop in soon and learn ho new SHUReG lN lice ot Starter cangct your cattle on lullfeedaottner ensuribg maximum gains during the Zentire feed FARMERS um TRADE or SWAP Livestock household articl es farm equipment or act vices at word ad rates Corn Silage Additive ¥Cairea lor Beet Callie HURONA FERTILiZERSl LTD anulsrplr 4557531 DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry tnenare choosing Dekalb Puliets Started readytoday and dayold chicks For service or help on your poultry problems call CRAIG HUNTER Tommy FARM um mono 1mm TELL MORE SELL MORE FarSals in The Harris Er aminer keep thenpoints to mind state Wllht hour emu Speellioatiuna ATTENTION Whea yiiuplaoc patrrhrtlclea Slygr so BUTTQN ON IABOT ByALICEDEODHS blouse with short or lung skirts for holiday allure ette ol Itpiy lingering Pattern 7302sizes 3248 included FlnY CENT tcoinsl hr each patter nostamps please toAlice Erooks care at The Dept Out Ontario residents na roan NUMEERQNAME AD DRESS New 1969 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG jbest la shibns Mot now dosigni to knit crocht saw weave em broider say editors tree pat ternstusidev ct Book at to ttllyrugs com plete patterns inexpensive easyto make be Book Nu lDcluxe Quilts 16 complelepatterns Send soc hook patter BaokINo aQuilts for Todays Living New excitin colic on 15 complete patterns 60c Book at PrizaAlgltansKni crochet 12 tghans 60c OMFANNSEN snout WIDOW OF Istth CAPTAIN REPORTED oaonnao lNlGBB cottnwuco tDTuRN attenuate nusaonos BEDCDiERS AND PLACE HiSSllPPERS BESIDE THE New Wear lotlttonmh jahot button leminlne lacestitch jobot on or olf to suit your lan cy Blouse is easyknit stockln to sales tax Print plainly PAT By ANNE ADAMR gt ready for autumn and all seasonuceasions with the most elegant ol ensemblesthe dress andcoat They have slim smart details Printed Patte t965 Hall Sizes 12 Illz 16 We 2W1 flit Size 161 bust 37 dress yds SlXTYFIVE CENTS 65 cents in cnius no sumps please tor each pattern Ontario res dentaadd 3c bales tax Print By MISS McMASTER Mrs Emmersnn Gllruy at Toronto spent the past week at the home at her brother and sister Eert Armstrong onto to College andn torm er mi onary in lndia will he speaker at anniversary service all the Presbyterian Ch Sept 22 ll cm and 730p In the evening special praise service will be In charge at the Bramalea male choir Russell Matting ls spending this week in Hamilton at the home at his sisterMrs Bert Creasym Englandis spending three weeks at the home ol her sis ter andbruther in law Mr and Mrs Harry Cause Mr and Mrs Elbert Hayes have relur home lollowing twoweek with relatiyes in the western provinces Those visiting reattvesand ate tending the lair on Saturday were Russell Allison pad Mrs Robert Graham and JackAlli son Mrs Hay Hackett and Marling ol Toron Eussirtgtltwatle Mrs am Walker Mr and Mrs Elliot of Sutton with Mr and Mrs Ken Pegs Mr and Mrs Jack Finley andJohn rolUttcrsnn and Mr and Mrs Harold Finley of Huntsville with Mrs aster and Miss irene MrsW tam Now stead and childrenol DonMills with Mrs Newsteads parents Truman Morrison and Miss plainlyglm NAME ADDRESS Mary Susan ol Toronto with ANDSIYLE NUMBER Mrs Calvin Marling Mrs Bert Murphy Mr and Mimieo Mr and Mrs Gordon Mariing Burlington Mr and Mr Bert Creasy Hamilton and and FolltVinler Patter Catalog Plusfilree pattern coupon 50c Newl Instan Save hours out erncxpert way Over on pi tures Onlyi at Toronto Mrs Jerry Bell Bullalo at the Matting home Mrs Blackmore otheryisitors notic ed we Mrs Cameron Lobiovr Mr and Mrs Ronald Dunning and ngs Dunning Mrs Joe Davisand tamtiy Etohicoke Suada vis rs with Mr and Mr and Mr Robert Prin Toron to Mrand Mrs Murray Miles and Christine Mr andMrs Delistien and grandson Wi nd Mrs Bud Graham and daughters ol Alliston The toilnwlng students have tell to further their education Ted Momkmati has entered Lakeshore Tehchars College and Miss Beverley Monkman has entered Torunto hospital tor us year as flint nurse in training Miss ginl Doherty has entered iversttyol Western Ontario to Londo Miss Barbara Coutta has entered Teachers College in HamiltonrDougias ac Condo and Mrs Pdwe arelpatients in Steven sons Memorial Hospital Several from in an law Mr and Mrs nev runny McCleud at Top Mrs Andorran ol Luton Mr and Mrs Currie Mrs delar allot Kitchener Fisher Michael Stein and Jim Rain are Mrand Mrs Bert Jamieson attended birthday party Senl 14 tor William Anderson who was 90 years old that day Mr and Mrs David Kendall are occupying the apartment at George Campbell Ewen Caldwell und Mrs RGrny are patients in tiar rio hospital Mrs Gary Pealey on the arrival Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gary Penley on the arrival ot son on Aug 31 Recent visituswith Mr slid Mrs Mason were Mr and Mrs Michael Cram and Susan at Toronto bliss SandraShes and Edward Poltun ut Kapus using Mrs FredHugginsls on three weekirlp tit England Mr and Mrs Mel Jamicnn have returned lrnm visiting reu Iatives in Manitoba and Sasitatg chewan Mr and Mrs Bertram Mr ahd Mrs Harold Bertram and family Miss Carol her tram Mr and Mrs George Caldwell and tamiiyatteodql the baptismal service or dentu ler Ann infant daughter at Mr and Mrs John Bcrtram in All istnn United Church Sept 15 There will be nnscrvice in the United Church here Sept 22 owing to anniversary services in our neighboring Presbyterian Churchv lltlrs Mason surprised her mother Mrs Eaton on her birthdan Sept witha beaur tilully decorated birthday cake and lew close neighbors to tor ll pm tea party KNOXVILLEMTen pthp Universitybt Tennessee hus bandlwlie research team has found evidence that react to violence by vin hiackmoreaad Susan Bar riewith Mrfand Mrs Charles Anncma said uessed violent action expe enced asigniiicant lrlcr se in the release at brainehcntic that transmits nerve impuls became excited and triedto join the light General STO Seononelatelyl Astarkthat ls when the stark departr Its tlmelortha WelcomoWa on Hostess to arrive with its tor babyand helpful intol matlohtoctttc newptothe Be st tk spotter in our neighotlrhouoour Hyost esseswlil appreciate your help and so will the new mothers To report stem FEED MILL ghtln It tDla1=n 254 town rattendetl anniverattrynserV vicesnallol unday avenln Misses Louise and Barbara Wright assisted with the music TELEP ONE 33 gt Itharondltton olavocalduei cEStMittlAEt lnatallfiiesEsux once 7282414 GIMP WSSWE YMMV rav EXAMINERWANT ans none um

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