tun AND was JOHN SIMMONS mg by by mm PEOPLE AND pucrs chiloony com snyi Roberts rm Pm MINNIE Randy Johnston sevenyear old son out and Mrs Maurice Johnston was the winner lucky draw irom Ihe Art Mu seum attba Canadian National Exhibition The prilo wasnp proximately H000 worth oiarl gig had been on exhibit at the The Johnstons are residents oi Richmond liill Indformerly resided In barrio Randys sis teriLMrs mes Hayes oi Napier St antrr arise The United Church Women oi Burton Avenue Church will hold Social loin an blended to svggenenl social ills parties Indiumller an item oi interest to Iden at one Your Bela in woalrlnr lot now will be emuy muster Please phone The Barrie Exa minnow no us tor Audrey Couhoeor Silly no berta It the Deput meat Hall The proceeds iirorn the evening will go to tho lloma tor the Aged ln0rlllla Tba aiialr ls being held under the auspice oi the LOBAand LOL age in its shoving Wednesday boobstbs ilrst in the business oi quick inexpensive but exact copyingteamed only six pantsoutiits in about 50 costum wblchjumped into rode law years agoah six pairs oi with in 60 outï¬ts The selected similar collection or CouplerT6 Cdntinï¬ejSiudiés At University Of Toronto Newlyweds Mr and Mrs John Vr Simmons will reside on Rushton St in Toronto whllc coli tlnulng thcir studtcs at the Upl versity at Toronto Their marriage vows were solemnlzcd in ancvening cere mony in St Marys Roman Cal Iholic Church Monsignor Clare oillciated belore altar upon which while gladioli and pink carnations were arranged The bride the former Miss Stephanie Anne itlerrinki the daughter at Mr andMrs hum ll hleirick oi Am St in Barrie hr and Mrs Bart lett ii Simmons ot Dalton St Barrie are the parents oilhe bridegroom The soloist Gils Bbucher oi Barrie sang 0nThis Day Sonclissima therer you Walk nrl PnnirAngpiirlts He was accompanied by barrio resident lira Gerald Padtiold WEDDING GDWN The bride was given inmar rlage byher father The bridal gown oi im rtcd white lace was designo with high neck line and lull cut in the back which extended into train Pink silk roses edged the coils horn and neckline oi the dress with scattering oi delicate rpink pet als oi the gown The at wore Dutch capwlth an elbow length veil oi the some fabric as the dress The silk petals which edged the veil matched the cascade of pink roses which she carried on lace mufi in the centre otlhe bouquet was single red rose ATTENDANTS Miss llebraZL Merrick sister at the bride was the maid oi honoi niece oi the bride Miss Darlene Moran was the Motor bridesmaid The ring bearer was Bill Merrick brother of the bride The maid oi honor was gowned in pink putt brocadeuwith lit ted bodice and semilull skirt Beading culled the long sleeves and bordered the neckline and waist Thejunlor bridesmaid was wearing dress oi the same iahric and similar design Tbe attendants headdresses were ar rangements otpinlr roses David Zlmcik or Toronto was the best man The ushers were Rlchard Aines oi Smiths Falls Sepdrdtés Laoa Can Be Romantic By ELEANOR ROSS The return of the waistline has brought back the separates look and extra importance for the blouse Though there are many diilerent moods and sit houettes to choose from most new blouses are made of fabrics that are supereasy to keep clean requiring only swish through suds or gentle washer cycle The majority using the durable press finishes can be tumbledried The romantic look registers in the blouse licid Ruiftes are ev erywhere billowing and cascad ing at neckline and sleeves Some blouses have hows others are seen with highriding ascots and stocks You also ï¬nd de mure rounded collars or clashed surplice culs reminis cent of the 30 ltluch attention is givenio sleeves which iormeriy were either long or short Sleeves in current collections are somel times highbuttoned with leg mutton tops like Gibson Girls of the 1910 erav sometimes they start narrow at the shoulderyto reach full lantern silhouette at the wrist before narrowing into trim cull Then theres the sleeve that is long and slim ending in lull oi delicate rui ties Fabric news includes cropa another old favorite of the 1930 But the modern version is made oi svnth tiber yarns for sale washahilit Solt clinging jeri says and limp sheers are used in the bodyshirts whiteon white looks beautifully soil and feminine in the Gibson Girl da signs Prints are tsciplined with emphasis on tiny florals or minivplaids With sovmuch lav ish detail it isfortunate that theseblouscs areso easy to keep crisp and pretty Ruiftes though lovelyand feminine and romantic when spotless attract makeup smudgcs at the oak and rdinary dirt at the wrist obvious thatthe new styles have tobe inentiy pra cal as far as laundering is co erncd live at Enrrte and thabrl he Iormer Flossie lirennan as hornln 0rlllia Tho loatwd children Grunt MacDonald oi Cooksvllle John Hart oi Burris cousin oi the xroo Joli Simmons oi Barrie brother oi lha grooms and James Pratt otbarrle RECEPTION reception was held at the home at the brides parents The mother oi the bride recclvcd wearing silk sbantung laven der gown with beaded iront panel and neckline The hrtdcsrooms mother was In light mintgreen silk shan tung vller Aline styletdrcss had blended beading at the neckline in shades oi greenSbe carried corsago oi yellow roses on her evening bag The couple spent their honey moon at Chalk River and Mono real The brides going away outï¬t was Bopnie and Clyde ensemble ot pale blue and black crepe Fall FashionShow By Ys Mpï¬cttcs In Barrie ThnYs Menclles oi Barrie met Tuesday evening to com plete details of their annual ï¬lashion Forecast to be pre sented in Central Collegiate Auditorium on Wedrtesday Oct ath at 530 pm An outstand lug programyltb the the re Upl Up and Awnyli as been planned byoonvenera Mrs Smith and Mrs Hock ley in charge at the exciting Fall and Winter fashions from Walk ers and The Town Shop are Mrs Howell and blra Coies The latestviu shoe lash ions will be from Norman Fam ily Shoes and all modelswili be outstanding in the beautiful hair styles to he created by Joan Garrick Hair Stylists Gard Roach Mens Shop will tend and bring the younger mernlt hers oi the family there will he baby sitting provided ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Miss Georgina iiosa Guerin will become the bride oi Stanley Arthur Dumont on Oct Miss Gucrtn ls thadaughter of Mrs Rose Guerin or Barrie Mr and Mrs Henry Dumont Sr ara tho parents oi the bridegroom elect The ceremony will he held at lium in St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrie re ception willbe held at Embassy Hall on bloke St following the ceremony SILVER ANNIVERSARY Pastor nnd Mrs Marl Stone of Uptergrcv will beatltomo to irieods and cighbnrs on Sept at between the hours of two un til fourrin the attemoon and seven until nine in the avenig The Stones will be celebrating their Silver Anniversary BENEFIT SUPPER hot beei supper will be held on Sept to at the Baxter Orange ieature the highlights oi the Fall fashion world tor men Mrs Boyd Robertson at The Fabric Shop will commentate on the outï¬ts to be modelled by Mrs Wells Mrs Patterson Mrs iiGarnar Mrs GirEpRontoo Mrs LJ Miller Mrs Brass Mrs Thompson Mrs Jones Mrs it Parker Mrs Gra ham Miss Joanne McCurdy Mrs Craig Mrs Hoenet Mrs Wallwin and Mrs Allen All proceeds are for the benc iit of the and anyone in tefestod in obtaining lickets can contact any Ys ltlenctte or call Mrs Peterkin at 72Msaoor Mrs REutfett at 72mm ANN LitNDERS Habits Oi Raccoons Subject To Debate eDear Ann Lnnders This lsa scrious letter and hope you will not toss it aside in the be iici that am putting you on low days agosomc neigh bors came ior supper and we had discussion about animals They asked me it know how raccoons breed said lve never given it any thought but suppose they breed like other animals You are wrong lwas told They breakthrough the nose said lows the lirst time had ever heard oi such thing and asked ii the mama raccoon car ried her child in her sinus envi tymaking joke at it Both the woman and her husband were so persuasive confessi nmhallsold Today iwenl the library andlosrncd lot nbolrt rar Acoonsv but couldlind nothing about their breeding habits ive telephoned several irieods and they all howled with laughter but nohédy ootfld say ior sure that they know Please educate me it need ioor my neigh bors it they no4 Dear it Raccoon are mammals They breed just lika other mammals That old ca nard about raecoons breeding through nose has raccoon dces Dear Ann Laurie our son Paul learned to speak later than most children He stultcrcd great deal attlrst and his in ther become very impatient with him My husbandkept loll log him to fshut up it he couldnt talk properly when Paul was seven years of age he refused to speak in his fathers Apresence Eating Pattern Irnpgrtctnt In Attempting Weight LOSS oy mo rm hm What is the prhcti tebtoi lactorliylvlhatjl onl it The change the food youll have it madeYou reduce discovered thoProt Diet it really did the trick ior ftv inllesadny years now My calorie chttrt withthe protective patternhss char sugar level andwardoffhun gen The chief inaction or pro bnlicrate and body rat otsap Driluth Leverton nutritio meat oilAgticultur describes eating pattern soyou can con trol hnager ettectively When you no longer crave too much may not believe word of tais bodet readerwho has held th weightlinetell you gt gt teryears uggltng is reduced tram 155 to 142 pounds which lsright for my at six inches take metric exercises and lie and halitn two lieel so wonderiul want to shhre my slirruniogsecret On this high protein way of eaLingAl have stayed slim for almost two iout lm enclosing stamped self addressed en iope Please send meauotber Many thanks Life requires protein Build slimness with protein What does Jprotelu diet consist bland why is thir pattern so clfeclive in reducing Pro in foodsglih crating their calories more 51 ly helpyou tosteody the blood rteln for aduitis to takecare thy ecessary repair work of the ody Extra protein has the power to stimulate on me pears better and taste bsclentist with the Depart the need ior adequate protein in this enlightening wa You are looking at superb package at proteins whenyou sea yourscli inthernirro All that showsmuscle skin nails eyesare protei Most of what you do protein tooblood and Il mph heartand lungs tendonsnid ligaments brainand nerves and all the rest of you You can build health and slimncss with protein The pro tein toadsare can rneat itch and fowl milk skim milk cheese and cottage cheese and eggs The following pattern is high in protein and furnishes l100 to 1300 caloriesaday Brenklast Fruit or juice llz eggs soft cooked Or Scrambled egg plus second ag whiteJJse non stick skillet Toast ls slicetibut ten or margarine it pat Coffee blackor with hot skim milk Noteï¬other mornings have hot or cold cereal with special mills Usk milk that contains one to two per centbu ter fat Luncheon Small sarving broiled lean meat iish or chl tonecooked vege bleRelishc Fruit or dessert Beverage lack Late alternoon energyhon boz glass of skimrnlik or but termillr or 161 cheese undjhot Dinner Lean meatWt to portion cooked weightl vegetables or ame vegerole dressing Cot tage cheesee cut Fritt tor dessert ff bl Ruth snow Sidney Etackmor Mamiee Evans Ralph Bellamy Tachncolorl been aroundTor ages Apparently lot of people believe it but no espectally if you display initi The boy is it now an extel lent student line muslctan hut shy and introverted He speaks to his fatheronly when it is absolutely necessary and while he no longer flutters bis voice has slight tremor We have two youngerchild girls who get along wall with Utelr dadintact better with him than with me The problem ieel itwould hegood for Paul to go toa boardan school Paul would lika to go ills lather says its non sense to spend the money 33 500 year and he retuses to pay forllt have small inher itance and can send Paul on my own Should lat the risk of an gering my husband We decid ed to do as you sayéSWAIttPa corn neer if the boy wants to go to boarding school and you can send him do so li your husband is angry sowhats newt Sounds as it hes been angry at oneuthlng or another ior quite some time igprcdict the separation will do both Paul and hisiather good Dear AnnLandersrliow no does girl have lobe before her mother letsher share her this aslllyouestlon it is big problem to me Please answer and settle iight40kllhA GIRL Dear Girl There is no pstilc ular age at which girl should be allowed to shave her legs The deterslining factorishould be how herlegs look and how she ieels aboutthem Unslghtly hair can be an embarrassment Bythe time girl is is she should be allowed to give her legs clean smooth look It she wants to in some cases it can be it earlier THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA ran Tontonnow Planetary influences ior Tues day will be truly excellent for accomplishment You should be able tomakev notable strides in both job and monetary aliairs ative and enterprise it tomorrow is your birthday youhshould ilnd the year ahead most stimulating one Both material and personal matter finances and liyou set big goals ior yourseli and pursue them conscientiously your at iairs should be in line shape by this time next year Best pe rlods for occupational advance ment The next six weeks Jan udmMarchn June and July Just one dmonitlmr however be careiu not to antagonize suv perlors through overaggresslve hersluring earlyNovember BARRIE Ktootskoot yias paths sr roundinga Morningor tcrnoonf classes ior ch 11 Now tor unit Ion forms to ivoidvtbe waiting nit legsi lhope youwont Liliflk separation rialm Vlilew tycra® Powernet Racists Yelioywing Stay Whiter often you bah them in your automatic wnahe No matter how often you dry their in your elechic dryers tGHTQNLIGHTRASés lacawlth lace centrepanel ssulgevperiect ad Wh Ac 532 at Diamond Ring trol Dlamond ntrapanel doubles to itattan mmyandhold you the now Lycra spandex powernot that re sts yoliowingin washer and dryer Whtte SLMLX Shortleg vdislon