TDRDm tCil OM should eidead its sales tax toin tclude iood but give conalmm break by setting up sales tax credit legislative commitv tee one shldled the Smith port on taxation mommen today The proposed credit is aniden which was reiected hy the oSmilh report presented to the t9 Ontario government in August 1961 gt The legislative committee which studied the report for two months said however that sales tax credit would result in rlmplilied tax system provide additional revenue and be fairer tor elderly persons and those with low incomes Commodity exemptions are costly and capricious method of reducing sales tax burdens the committcc said They do attend relief to those who require it but at the cost of extending it indiscrimi nately tothose who do not re quirelt Establishing sales tax credit to be charged against provincial income taxes could result in lowincome tamilies or those with large number of depend ents getting rebate iromlbe government the comnutlea sold Gels Merit ilward oar pr medical and gen eral director of the Montreal Heart institute which has per formed Canadas three heart transplants has been named to receive the bronze merit award from the graduates of the Uni vorsliy at Montreal Trade Mission SlNGAPORE CFReuters trade mission fromOntario flew here Saturday trom Syd ney Australia in the last week ol threeweek Asian and Pacif ic tour to boost Canadianex ports Stanley Randall Ontario minister at economics and de velopment and leader of the on said just before leaving to ingapore that Australia hopes to step up exports to Can olada by about lo per cent annual iUse Paris Talks MONTREAL CPi lt The headoi South Vietnamese delegation touring Canada says Cgmmunist forces are using the Paris peace talks to pull Czechoslovakia on South Viet ham Senator Huyllh Van Cap is one of six Vietnamese senators of bis cauntrys oreign relations iv oinivIn LONDON CF Forces oi nine NATO countries including Canada today opened large scale exercises over wide area of the North Atlantic Canada is providingst oi ore than too vessels engaged or the eastern Atlantic and another tour vesselsvirom Niaci tinle Command araiaking part in simultaneous manoeuvres in the western Atlantic The combined exercise called Sliver Tower includes forces rpm the Uniï¬ed Kingdom United Stateshelgium Den vmark WestgGermnany The Netherlands Norway and Por tugal Cana lan ships participating onthis sideoi the water are the carrier Ebnaventnre the heli copter destro rs Annapolis Ni epigonand Sk na the destroyer deéé Loyalty To Queen throne because she hasn made any recent visl to Canada and none are projected in the near future Prime Minis terlrudea Sunday night 71 am notone otthqsevm on aid is always uselulio seeking new under etandhiirand support from the Canadian people in the later at thejggression sncycllcalsdsd WAStiiNGmNlAPl Most of Si disideni Roman Catholic priestt at odds with their cardi oal overPopePaui birth con trol encyciichl real lrmed San urday their public stand in on position to the Popes ban on birth control by artificial means Their action raised the purse hility oi punitive action by Pat rick Cardinal OEoyle who had given the rebellious priests until Saturday to recent or face cn oonioai penalties Fewer Trains OTTAWA CF The tirst step in dealingnvith CPR apple calions to drop number ol0n lario train has been taken by the railway trdnsport commii tee oi the Conadinniransport commission in decisions released during the weekend the committee ruled that all the trains in ones tion are passenger trains within the meaning oi the Railway Act The CPR is ordered notto discontinue the service without first getting permission of the committee The railway alsoir redured to post notice that il will not cancel servica Oct as stated in earlier rl ments lielorm Govt TORONTO CF All One lario legislature committee has lound positive desire lnr ac lion in the near iuture on re form at the structure at local government The legislative committee which studied recommendations of the Smith committee on taxa lion said the concept of regional government has become accept ed and there is no need tor pro tracted studios in those areas where region al studies have been completed and in those areas in which the present county anddistrict boundaries comprise rational boundaries or regional govern ments the time for action has arrived or is last approaching Czechviteingeesr TORONTO tCPt Alter ninehour flight in an AirCan ada DCo lrom Vienna zoo adults teenagers and children all relugees from Czechoslova kin landed Sunday at Toronto international Airport to begin new tile in Canada NATO countries Energise and Sea King antisubmarine helicopters are included in the canadian forces The man oeuvres nearér Canada are being carried out by tbehelicop ler destroyer Sagueuay the de stroyer escort Kooteoay the submarine Onondaga and the auxiliary vessel Saclrville The exercise will continue through the week with antisub be Awarlare air strikes rn ng and minesweeping sub marinc operations and convoy escort or which merchant lend realism This majorexercisc will im prove the cooperation andread inass at Allied lorces and dem onstratesthc ability of national maritime forces to integrate rapidlyan eiiiciently int an stance organization the tish defence ministry said statement today parade in alty headded the Queens name had been om itted ir the throne speech ior me because or Mr antimonarchie ieelv iirancasMistral one of the worlds detest trains runsiront Paris tieAlanna at 79 miiei an hour ships have been chartered to IYeunaliberetif rollorrr macro Sunbury said Sunday Ihehialiooal Liberal Federation has embarked on aprogram to estaplish better link between the government and the people particularly the young He said hi an interview here that theytirst steps in reorganiz ing the party on more demo cratic level were taken at meetings this weekend of the iederations national executive in Ottawa llm Senator Supports Trudeau QUEBEC CF Jean Lo sage provincial iabcrai leader says he is sure Prime Minister Trudeau has excellent reasons for accusing Frenchman Phi iippe Rosslllon at being secret agent ol the French govern ment amconvinced hir Trudeau did not make the accusation without good grounds said Mn usage He had nothing to gain politically Administrators TORONTO CF School board based in large communl ties may skim oil the cream at education administrators next January says Brampton con calionist Charles Bryant ot the Brarnp ton separate school board Sutur day asked meeting of 90 school trustees from Peel iiol ton and York counties to consid er gentlemans agreement that Would limit the dates ol nd verlising for administrators Costs Conference OTTAWA CF Federal provincial conicrences aimed at trimmlng the cost ot several sharedcost programs will be held this autumn or winter Prime Minister Trudeau said Sundayniobt rile was speaking ina iele vised interview on the CBC Frenchlanguage network pro gram plus about the recent cancellation at the winter works program Mr Trudeau said that ï¬nance mi sters and perhaps Eventua Well give you GENERALLY MUDY conv parts of Ontario that is cxpect coast will have showers Ci dltions prevail over most of the country today with log in TllXrSiiiDY TORONTO cpl High lights oi recommendations at the Ontario legislature com mittee which studied the Smith report on taxation Elimination of all exempx tlons irom retail sales taxes including jlcod Speciallsales tax crcdit to be allowed against income tax payments to compensate or lost exemptions Assessment at all properties on actual market value Tax on places at worship equal to 70 per cent at market value Full taxation of universitles hospitals and government prolt parties Formation of regional gov ernments throughout Qatariol starting immediately Larger exemptions for wide ows and orphans in estate taxes New system at municipal equalization grants Business occupancy taxes ally government leaders Will meet to discuss several other sharedcost programs that have disadvantages not only for the provincial governments but also tor Ottawa GuifStreom water hgotelf Free oldie months VCdllur rainy Boos hernia 71266558 Odo woody cc to change into sunny con ditions during the day West HIGHLIGHTS relnlodlo assessed value at real property Preferred tax position or agricultural lands Change in basic shelter grantslo make them income tax credits Formnlion ol provincial income tax administration it needed 11 maximum prosper is lotsll Disralcl mm Warm Weather Continue Warm neither ï¬ll continue over Barrie may and tomorrow alaioly sunny weather covering the region todaynvili give way to variable cloudiness on These day Scattered shouch may oc cur lucsday alternoon law precast tonight is 55 de grees iiigh Tncsd ay should reach 75 Winds will be light Overnightrlow in downtown Barrie was so The to am im perature was 67 Synopsis Ontario will have another mainly sunny and warm rluy today Showers could Wirephutot sandalwood SAULT STE MARIE Ont tCil The St Marys River Bridge Co basicallcd press conference tor today amid indi cations that tolls white in creased on the bridge connect ing this Northern Ontario city with Sault Ste MarieMich Prcsont tolls are $125 one Yr and $30 return One said the new fares will likely be $150 and DIOW THE reach the Windsor area tonight Some cloudiness trill spread over the rcst oi the terrorist dis trict and there is chance ol showers reaching the eastern regions Tuesday Windsor London Lake St Clair Lake Huron Lake Erie Sunny becoming cloudy by evening Scattered showers to night and Tuesday Continuing warmWinds light today south erly l5 Tuesday Hamilton Toronto North Bay Sudhury Lake Ontario Georgian Bay tialiburton Ni agara Timngami Sunny and warm today Tuesday variable cloudiness and warm with chancc oi showers Winds light Sault Ste Marie White River Algomo Sunny becoming cloudy by evening Occasional raln late tonight and Tuesday Warm today cooler Tuesday Winds light becoming southeast 15 this afternoon Western James Bay Ench rnne Sunny and warm today Tuesday mainly cloudy with scailued showers winds light lodoy southerly is Tuesday Forecast temperatures Low tonighr high ittcsdly Windsor 73 SL Thomas 75 London 75 Kitchener 75 Mount Forest 75 Wlngham 75 ilamhton 7S SLCatharincs 75 Toronto 75 Petcrborotlgh 75 Kingston 7S 75 Ti ED 75 70 70 73 70 75 70 75 75 iiuskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Sault Ste Kapuskosing White River hioosonee Tim BACï¬EHEa BlADDERY IRRITATION common Kidney or Blunder lrrlla llons mil many men and women rerl lcnu and nervous lrom irrournt hurnlnc ar Itchln urination night and day seconaor ilegplano naive long ed In ea entfl cores rr surlt cow CYSiDt usually brings relaxing comfort by eoruln Irritat in germs in acid url In quickly eulngpalncetcisT atdxusrtsts GOLD MEDAL WORLD COMPETITION poivigilaan Canadian itithe1968WOtd BeérfOIlmPiCS Frpmamohgifl differenthrands fbaaréntarqd uryvoil the basis Z1oxhauslivotosts for 2th ofthoworldsleadingb weries atthoqualilyflavotir and appearance Dowwas 7th World Bear Olympics held inBavaliai the only adian ale to be so honoured GOLD neonatal fpovv zanwsnvtonrAalo LlMlTn wadu edemathmm ammonia Dowwas awardadtheonly GoldMedalforaio The Gold Medal symbolizes Dow Aiafs high This awardwas made hyyanintomational standard ofex use bedism