Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1968, p. 9

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Mr and Mn John Kenneth Muichlnock have been honey main in Nassau and warm ldiowingtbeir wedding in St Andma Presbyterian Qnrcb barrio The bride is the former Miss HeatherMule Drake and is the daughter ol Mr and Mrs Murray Ward Drake olNapier 6L Darrin Dr and Mn Will iam Jameleuicbinockof Ed moatonAlberta are the par ents cf the bridegroom Rev David Proctor officiated attho afternoon ceremoIYin which the bride was given in marriage by her lalher Mrs Eileen high of Collingwcod rang Perfect love and The Wedding Prayer accompanied by Mr Vanbemert of Pains wick Standard of yellow and orange gladloli decorated the aim WEDDING DRESS The bridal dress was floor length and fashioned of satin back crepe The gown had softly draped cowl neckline long full sleeves and an Empire waisL cathedral lraln hung from the shoulders fingertiplength ivory tulle veilfeii from an lmry crepe ring of petals Thebrida cra rled Woburn Abbey roses and eymbldlum orchids Miss Janice Maureen Drake sister of the bride was the maid of honor The bridesmaids were MlssLhuia lleacock of Aurl ora Mrs Nania Johnson of Ang us and Miss Joan Muichinock sister of the bridegroom niece of the bride Carri Lynn matey of Barrie was the now or girl Robert Thurlow of bar rio nephew of the bride was the ring bearer ATTENDANT GOWNS The attendants were gowned in floor length line gowns of shrimp moss crepe Th dresses had rounded necklines and short sleeves Matching pet al bows were worn as head dresses Flat wicker baskets filled with yellow and amber gold murns were carried by the bridesmaids and flower girl uncommon lCP More women than men need help for psychiatric illnesses and problems related to every day living the royal comuus slan on the status of women was Hold here loday In an eightpage brief to the eficommlssion presented on be hall of theNew Brunswick soci ety of social workers Pamela Tonary and Phyllis Keating said women show higher incidence oi disturbance than men be cause their roles are less clearly defined The two Fredericton social workers said that of 891 adults and children seen in 1967 at the citysmental health clinic 462 were women which is over half the total case load The major reterral problem among the women most of whom were housewi was an txicty and the inability to cope with everyday stress in many other cases there ferral was because at the emo ms or the wife but tating actor was mariml difficulty firmer 0F NINE The brief which called for tablishment of more family counselling agencies and for im proved premarital counselling was the first of nine presented at the commissions daylong hearing in Fredericton The live women and two men commissioners by MR AND MRS JOHN Christopher Hutchlogs of Barrie was the best man The ushcrs were barrio lave Peter Monkhous andToby Snelgrove all oi Barrie RECEPTION reception was held at the baystalrs Lodge The mother of the bride received wearing an electric blue bonded crepe dress with matching cape and hat tier accessories were bonelt colored and she wore corsaga of pink Sweetheart roses sleeveless gown of French biuerbrocade was selected by Harries or WOMEN PsYchiatrlc Illnesses Are More Gammon To Women broadcaster Anne Francis of Ot tawa will also hold public hear ings in Halifax Charlottetown and St Johns Mild as part of their 10day tour of the Atlantic provinces Mrs Tonary an rs Keat rug said that 60 per cent of the women visiting the clinic were diagnosed as psychoneurotic This meantthey suffered per sonality disorders that made them badly adapted to the ordi nary stresses and demands of their lives The symptoms were interper sonal conflicts with their hus bands and families and sexual malfunctioning Significantly of these were between the ages of is and 29 years which indicates either that younger women have more stress or what they are seeking help earlier hoping to avodl fu ture difficulties ROLES CONFUSING The two social workers ommended young women be more adequately prepared for the confusing multiplicity of roles they must play as childbearers maids cooks hohsehold mana gers dishwashers teachers and companions of their husbands lOne can generalize and say that many of the problems seen at this mental health clinic not require psychiatric treat ment they noted Many women simply need counselling in the area of inter as as ii 15 57 situational And hope you will ta me scrimuy be eauu the bruises are showing wherrmy emu leaves off Photonlob by on MULCHINOCK tba bridegrooms mother She wore Sweetheart roses and navy straw hat with matching accsaories The brides going away on fit was sleeveless beige acry lic crepe gown fashioned in an line tier accessories wre navy colored leather Out of toivoguesls arrived from Detroit Michigan Ed monton Modon Toronto Aur ora Guelph Mt Forest Hank iltonand Owen Sound Upon their return the newly weds will take up residence at Edwin SL Guelph personal relationships relating lo marital and family prob ems Soroplimistlllnb Resumes Activities Members of the Soioptimlst Club of Barrie held the first dinner meeting of the fall sea son Sept 10 at thebayahure Motor Hotel Special guest for the evening was Miss Dorothy Jennings Soroptimlst who is member of the Gyarston Spectre Soroptimlst Club Liver pool England MisaJennings is visiting tripods in Shanty Bay Miss Hannah Pritchard had usher guest Miss llarpal Grewal teacher on the staff of the school at lnnisiil Miss Grewnl is originallyrlrom liong Kong Members who had travelled extensively this past summer shared their trips with fellow SoroptimlstsMiss Wilda Cul bert spoke onher trip to Alas ire Mrs Pritchard on her trip to England and Mrs Enid Coupl land related highlights of be into the Souther United States lspeclalspeaker for the Octo ber dinner meeting will be MLsa Denise Trembiay We mens lra consultant for Air ammo rm DearPam lnsteedohgrab Dy AUDREY COULSON Teenagers were lops lntba Square Dance Competition which 116th Oro Worlds Fair Capturing first prize for demonstration of precision danc ing were the Plnegrnve Jack nnd lLll Swinging Couplels with dance director Murray Morrison as caller Thedancers ranging in age vlded polished presentation of perfect tlmtnl rhythm and pose as they performed routines which combined patterns of old Ityma and western square danc or Tha Swinging Couplclrl step dancc optiououaiy while per formIn which and any simil arity to modern square dancing of today Dance leaders in Sim coe County and other areas strive for smooth flowing pat terns to provide comfortable dancing An evening otsslen dance routines would tax the energy of most dancers regard less of age Romng local group the Oro Square Dancers were awarded second prize clad in scarlet and white print full skirts and while blous es the lady dancers and their escorts provided pretty pic ture as they exhibited their skill in typical old ty quare dan Final plans for their iifth An nual Ball were discussed last night attba Septemberlmeeting of theLady Sarah Armstrong lnnea Chapter of thelODE The ball will be held Friday Oct 19 at the Barrie Armoury with music by Barrie Col legiate Dance Band dance group sidewalk artist spot danc es doorpriresand candle light bufftt will also be featured Members of the dance com mittee lnclud Mrs Leg gett tickets frsn Harris arrangemen Mrs Taylor Tascona priz WW provided the grand finale of the from 14 to it years of age pro dier youngman who in very mm run mlfimm impréeiion on WHILE he gets into an Irnlment ladmlre air were to speak out for the he believes in but come healwayr seems to end no vicious argument Thrice week he got into fist fight friend has in two very good lobe this plat year because oi this problem One of the men with whom he had fight ended up with broken law am con cerned that he will have trouble SQUARE DANCE CONTEST Grand Finale To 116th Org Fair ing routines which have been standard down through the years The enthusiasm of the dancers was matched by the lively call ing of MikeMahoney Another group from Pinegrove the Jack and Jill Promenade placed third This is an adult group of dancers directed Mr lllorrlson with routines most identical to the first prize winners but whose stepdanclnr seemed to take them clear all the floor Attiredin black and white checked costumes with scarlet cummerbunds this group were judged best costumed Fourth prize went to another local group the Forest Home Octetto an old tymegronp with Monty Leigh as caller PUBLIC DANCE ltndy Mack and the Marii poraSunaprovlded the toc tappin music for the compeli lion and the public dance which followed Country Waltzes fox trots and polite with square dances called by Mr Leigh and Mr Mahoney rounded out the evening with Mr Macks as ll Wm Arrangements for the compo tition were directed by Lloyd Fletdzer immediate past prerr ideal of the Oro Agricultural Society Adindicators for the competition were Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson and Mr and Mrs Ralph Green of rie IODE ChapterComplefeSrPlans For Gala Annual Ball InOclober Tickets are now available from any member of the chap ten for further information or table reservations call 7284015 Mrs GordonDay took the Oath of fAflirniation at the September meeting potluck supper at the home of Mrs Tascona of Wellington St New appointments were Mrs Stephens secretar Mrs Harris membership and Mrs Tascona program convener Mrs Varden education secretary reported shipment of books ndportraits of the Royal Family had been shipped to the chapters adopted school Our Lady of Mt St Carmel School Mount Carmel Salmon ie awtoundland was agreed that tbochap ter take block of tickets for the Consumers Gas Cooking School which will be held in November Arwone wishing tick ets should contact any chapter member Christmas gifts for Eskimo childrenwiilbetnllected at the next IODE meeting to be held in Octobe Bachelor Premier Delights Women AsDance Partner UITAWA CP heavy rain failed to mpeo spirits Wednesdaymighl as dozens new MPs andrtheirwlvesiprondg ly paraded to Bideau Hall for the firstsocial biggevent of the parliamentary seasoH glitter lng non Pierre ElhottlTrudeau came stag and delighted allthe ladies byzdancing with as many as he could before the formal offer endedat 130 am The bachelor prime ministers partner in one last number was Mrs Roland Michener the host esa who wore pale blue gown sa duchesse The Michenérs held what was described by Governmen pa am opcnin sually ndlnne and receptionla given General There were about 550 guests baker and obert Stanfield nrylohn Dialed wile Oiive includin and hlarwife and July of next The forthcom are concerned aiso January March June and July Some ANN mm all his life if he doesnt turn to control his temper When he is between Jobs have loaned him money which he has paid back but dont want to marry ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr and Mrs Emirate of George Cllyburn of engagement of their daughter MargaretCetberlne to Lt Geo rga Richard Clsybnrn of Base Borden lat Claybnrn la the non of Mr George Clayburn of Woodstockand the late Mrs Beryl Cayburn The wedding is planned for Sept it will take place at live oclock in the afternoon at Central United Church in Barrie WEDDING Mr and Mrs Cam eronhave announcedtbe mar ring of their daughterLEIrpeth Macgregor to Peter Martians buitenhuis The marriage took place in Barrie on Sept LONDON nETRMDAL Mim Carol Ann Davidson daughter of Mr and Mrs Lorne Davidson of Barrie discuss variousproiecte for the will be wed to Andrew Manson Flett son pf Sir Martin Flatt KCB and Lady Holt of London ENGAGEMENT Miss Doreen Carrol Hunteru daughter ofMi and Mrs Craigliunler of Strand will be married on Oct 121 John nanaanwmon Mr Wilson is the son of Mr and Mrs John Wilson of Springfield0nt By ESTRELLITA FOR romonnow Mercui position somewhat adverse on Saturday suggests care in all written matters and in communications generally Be extremely cautious about slgoing documents of any kind and it you can avoid it dont sign at all son has BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is yourblrthday lour chart shows fine traits which should be extremely help futto you in the year ahead namely fine mind and imagi nation combined with practicali ty Planetary influences during the next 12 months will provide excellent stimuli for aiiof these typically Virgoan characterisi ticsespecially if you are on saged in scientificyork or in the literary field Amblttons should be soaring now with you in rcalmood to accomplish And you cant To be specific Except for need to be unusually conserve tive about expenditures in arde October and the first weekof November yonrffinancial out tookis excellent with gratifylng gains starpromised during the last three months of this year also in late March May June ing six weeks will be excellent whe re occupational interests valuable contacts made this month cnuld helpvto further your ambitions Those engaged in artich undertakings will find their most productive periods occurring during the balance of this month in January Febru my and June PIANO Lessons Tencher making crayonmutual terrible who ask you this intention he heard Mtge Vim iedinberdiamoodeerrtogund her diamond ring Grandma was once very wealthy woman and there diamonrk muetbelortbalotflaeyar aeodnonubeipaadlhopa it concern Dear All halalr hLv hue band and Mbflinl dim cult time financially lila par ents wantnothing to do with him because we married with out their knowledge Dad is dead and my mother cant give England The engagement has been announced by the parents of the brldotobe The cere mony is to beheld in London on Oct 10blh°rliledwlywednsar expectedto gues the Davidson for Christ mas season GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mrand Mrs Herbert Elliott of Wellington St are cele brating the 50th Anniversary of their marriage Members of the family and friends will gather to celebrate the occasion on fouloclock CLUB MEETS The Couples Club of Central Sept 14 from one thirty until United Church Barrie aod their executive meeting on Sept ll Club President Paris Sim clair and Mrs Sinclair hosted the meeting which was held to coming year Also in the city from Calgary Alberta for the wedding and Annie arlo The wedding will take place at 330 pm in St Pauls Anglican Church Stroud Miss limiter and Mr Wilson are boll graduates of the University of Guelph Photo by Beta Studio of Lon semen Most propitious periods for ro mance aod social activities The next twoweeks December February May and June Those with yanlfor travel will find the balance oflthis month Janu ary and mid1m generously in fluenced invtbis regard child born on this day will be practical thrifty and extremely meticulous in all his endeavors Also Vfrgoans being able to keepsecreta betterthan those boroundor any other Sign he wouldrnake an outl standing diplomat or confiden tial secretary before You anym new To gum wlltYllEMANlm news am fine lethalinn Ill Budge nosroaan nun nn Gusrlnteed wnolns runs DarriegExcluaive Farrier whrmaku and aellafur only liarrie Toronto Dunlap St mass roll WING not doing Grandma any good and we could use the abbey What wotdd you think it we liked the clergyman for per nussion to dig her opt1N NEED far You wwid need more the clergymang per mission Dearie There an laws in regard to digging up people The whole idea gives ma the afloatwhoistlnabletoltandon us any money Lbavcreesznrgetile SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES sum of the Abrabbm family is Peter MacFarIane grandfather of the bridegroom Mrs Parker and Mr Mac Farlane will return to their homes on Saturday 111 BIRTHDAY Sam Rowe resident of Queen St Angus marked his sail birthday yesterdayl At pro senl Mr Rowe is confined to liloyal Victoria Hospital Barrie FROMSAN FRANCISCO Mr and Mrs Robert Abrar hem of Downsviow Drive have as guest their daughter Mrs Lea Parker tbeverley of San Francisco California Mrs Parker arrived in Barrie Sept and with her parents attend ed the wedding for her brother Robert to Miss Gerda Karrys which took place in Toronto on Saturday renewal Mira Donna Jana Walton will be married to ArthlrrRIebard Trebbht in Trinity Anglican Church on Oct 12 att pm The engagement has been announc ed by the parents of the bride Mr and Mrs Leonard Walton of RE Thornton Mr and Mrs Arthur Treble of Barrie in the parentsol the bride groom elect lundR ising Event Blamed The Simcoe Kempenlelt Wo mens lnsututeheld their Fall executive meeting in the of Agriculture officein Barre There were llmembers and one visitor present at the meet ing with Mrs Joseph liennox presiding ltulcbenn which Duntroon for tvisiting delegates from the Womens Institute in ternational Convention The Convention is beingbeld this month in Lansing Michigan The minutes of the spring meeting wereread and lthe treasurera report was given Plans were madato hold the Annual Diser Meeting at Cralghurst in May series of demonstrations and bake sale will beheld in Guthrie Community Hall on Octuae at pm Coifee and cookies will be serv Christmas fund rai event flckeia will be 50 cents one is welcome to attend The proceeds willbe allotted to assist in sendinga delegate to the next national convention BARRIE KIDDISKOOI as DONatD 51 ton 3Sapt ids hegistratiooi now open for preschool educational program Well equipped school in delighth sur roundlngsliiernlng or al gterooonclassu for child rent5 years Competent staffincludés renninso Ill now for registration forma to avoid this ailing list or mono HEALTHVYQ not

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