Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1968, p. 4

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mini with wih Poiinod1g1ortunes Change Qulcklir Today woman Who was interest in li tics in 1896 used to tell story to ear up people who were politically saddened by the way the vote went The Printed Word of Toronto recalls News of elections was slow tn arriv ing in country places The lad could not leave the babies while she ed mile or so into the village to see what news there was tivo days after the vote Event uall she discerned Mr Carmichael com down the road with something ducked under his arm that looked as if it might be newspaper She knew if it was newspaper it would be the Toronto Globe or maybe The World So she went to the gate and as Mr Carmichael approached she called to him Who won the election The Liberals said Mr Carndchaei 0h said the lady throwing her ap ron over her head in the gesture common in those days for women who were ex pressing consternation what will we do now Mr Carinichael laughed unfeelingiy and went on his way He was Grit in the seventyodd years since 1896 there have been various changes of gov ernment By and large Canada has done pretty well in spite of electing the wrong party from time to time thewrlter con tinues This anecdote about the lady in DOWN MEMORY LANE 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner sept it 1948 Con siderable damage when twister hit Big BayiPoint area during thunderstorms Trees and lines were levelled many cot tages damaged but fortunately no hu man injuries reported Dennis Mo ran builteup considerable business truck ing water to farmsand residences north ofBarrie Frank Etheringtons Dutch mill and garden on Thomson St got much praise as local beautys ot Bam harvest some livestock lost fire at farm of Elmer GibbinsStrou¢l Hon Brooke Claxton Minister National Defence opened new army personnel housing uruts Camp Borden Nor man Capping appointed managerinstruc toifharriellying Club Mainland jeant prominent Barrie businessman for 60 years died JFrank Jackson Barrie photographer for many years died suddenly His work won many awards in Canada and US also at Paris Exposition 1900 James Blair chief clerk Allandale division wenton retirement after 42 years service with ONE ArthurA Smith retired after 42 years with Bell Telephone succeeded asBarrie district manager by Gilbért Garrick Wayne Corbett won an nual soap box derbyvspohsored by Bar rie Recreation Council Barrie Col iegiate opened with new principal Rob son Bowman in charge and staff of 22 teachers Isaac Cutlercomes from St Thomas to head mathematics dept Ronald Blackstock Eric Channen and Robert Halfyard won Dominion scholar billet Editors Views RICH WESTERN TAPESTRY Winnipcg FreePress Since its earliest days monitobah551 been favored in the great variety of custom and backgron of its citizens People from almost every corner ofthe earth have come here to make their homes bringing with them attitudes and customs which they eventually share with allthelr fellow citizens One of the richest threadsin the Men itobs ftapestry has been provl those of Ukrainian background the iittlevillage is told now to console voters who were quite sure that the trt umph of Liberalism as exemplified by Mr Trudeau would bethe end of all things whereas if it is adisaster and many people say it isnt it can only be altern mry setback for people opposed to Many people did not vote for Mr Trudeau and his partyand the sweep that confirmed him in office was not such greatone if the popular vote is considered The Conservatives the NDP the Creditistes and generally what the late Armstrong used to call mixed bag got goodly number of votes That is too bad Canadians were better off when there were only two pol itlcal parties Also times can change quickly even though lot of people will be dead be fore another election comes around Mr Diefenbaker was swept into office ln 1958 with 208 seats triumph never be fore achieved Four years later he re tained enoughseats to continue the gov ernment but on minority basis Thats how the mighty fall The mighty to stay in office as long as Mr William Lyon Mackenzie King did or as long as Sir John Macdonald did must never forget that political dis aster is always near ships Kempenfelt Community Players concluded successfulscason of stage productions at Shanty Bay directed by Stanley Sharp assisted by Mrs Vera Hawkins and James Cowden Angus Ross directed music Some leading roles play ed by Ian Welsman Marie Murison How ard Naphtaii Quentin Hardy Harold Cusden Wallace Kennedy GordonBes wetherick Roger Welsman LCpl Francis Jermey Barrie won place on Canadas Bisley team for rifle shooting Shear Park with Betty assuperw sorwon pennant for Barn playground rogram Springfield indians led Eddie Shore opened hockey training camp at Barrie Arena First junior golf tourney for Cliff Brown trophy won byBilly Craig Everett Emma Eeonard Cumming starred as Barrie Hawks heat Borden RCAF 20 in county soccerleague Arthur Johnston Barrie made good showing in CNE 10 mfle marathon swim Emerson Creed Barrie won Simcoe County Golf championship Pertinent Paragraphs Maybe people have been getting little smarter allalong saidOld Sore head There wasa time when nobod but Noah and his litle bunch had enoug sense to come in out of the rain ileriiaps it isnt so much that person gets wiser as he gets older as it is that he doesnft get much fun out of acting the fool The death rate among stars is very high says an astronomer This is pa ticularly true of stars that people hitch their wagon to Didyoudo or say something foolish yesterday or were you unusually inac tive andvuntalkative if you spent no more time worrying aboutwhat others think of you than they do thinking ofyou 10 minutes week probably take care of thiswoiry Anothei disadvantage inha your nose to the grindstone is that youre in such handy position for peopleto hi you omiononammomommammmmmnoncrhmmtmuomdnmmmmmnnmmmnmmnmmnmmmmmmmmmm on and Escrow 1r unit IN CANADA election OTTAWA By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWATho opening of Canadas 25th Parliament showed House of Commons changed beyond recognition for the third time in about 10 years There are 102 MP in th Parliamentwho did not sit in the lastflhls compares with 105 new faces when the Conserva tives scored their runaway vlclo ryvin 1958 and 111 new faces when they suffered Ihclr great defeat four years later it is unusual that about two fifths of the members of the Houseof Commons should be new faccsiaftor anelecilon which did not rosult very great change in party standing in the election this year the Liberals gained only 24 seaisln total in contrast in the two re cent years which brought many newcomers the Tories gained 96 seats in 1953 and lost 90 in 1962 An unusual featiue in this which accounts for many of the rookie MP5 was the large number of offsettln gains and losses partly stein ming from the redistribution of constituency boundaries For example the New Democrat emergedfrom the election with 22 MPsjust one moreihan in the previous Parliament But they in fact last seven consll tuencies which they had held before and won eight new ones BIG CHANGE they had beld in the last Parliament but won in new ones fora net gain of 24 seats Another factor icontributlng the man new faces on Parlia ment Hill was the unusually high number of MP5 who re tired from politics at the endof COmInonvasChartgéd Beyond Recognition Those are the four Conserva tives from RE Even more surprising was the spread of the 58 sittingMm who were defeated in the elec lng eight of the falsitllng Sas kaicbewan MP5 in addition to four who were forced to retire as their constituencies were abolished Thusifl of Sas katehewnnsil We in the last Parliament have gone all Con servatives Then there was massive change in Newfound land where six of the seven sity ting MPs all Liberals were de feated by theirConservative challengers MPSBILNGE Emu be greatest number of MPs are from Ontario rich these totaled of which 31 are Liberals in contrast this there is one province where the election caused no change All the MPs who representedolt in the last parliameiit are back again non new 1759 lie had been trying to break throum since thebegin ningofluiy and The huge lastchance effort British force could vnot have stayed much longer and risked being frozen in for thewinter Tde capture of Quebec was after Iheisez elect is Anniversary 0f WpllesdifVliiitoryd Wolfe took position atthe Montcalm also fatally wound up ltsirninii how to react to lhe vakia Another pointoi interest about the new House of Com mons is the changed coats being worn by some wellknown faces The disintegrating Social Credit perm whoso 30 ms were such an impona factiir on reduced to in Cred tiste MP3 all from Quebec Two prominent members of that 1962 bandvare now sitting as Liberals Bud Olson from Alberta who is the new minister of agriculture and the able young Marcel Lessard from Quebecs kingdom of the Saguenay thiid the partys former leaderll Thompson of Red Deer Alla now sits as Conservative Former Indi pendent hfongreln ofr Trolshivieres Qua site as liberal And of course Corn walla former Liberal MP Lu cien Lamoureux won rcelec uopas an independent head of the Louisbiirg Grena dicrs at the right tlankof the British line He was hit twice during the charge but kept on going until the fatal bullet en tered his chest He remained conscious until he learned that the French weie retreating and then he died gt oriented to the possibility that WestGermans Anti Pollution Cliitens Com mittee as stated Alderman Rob art should act saith utmoit haste to remedy the situation by apologizing for his implies um Yours truly tins MARGARET ARTHUR Marion Crescent INTERPRETING THE NEWS our sun At the council meeting Sept tirade presentation on be NATO Nations Differ Greatly In Reaction To Czech Crisis The North Atlantic alliance onsiraie Western unity and having trouble trying to make hard lino onSovlet moves But the Kremlin is as were as anyone that it no longer is possible to speak of NAT roll Some countries principally darlty France has taken pool West Germany would like to lion described in some quarters see strong diplomatic res as western neutrality Even the aponseg accompanied by FrenchWest German treaty of military display to warn the So friendship is insufficient for vlet Union to stop building up President de Gaulleto accede to military pressure on the Czecho an early meeting of NATO mi elevateWest German border isierstbo minimum west Gor Otbcés linciiudingi falsada airs man request report oeavsgnsti tight tienothing attitude based WWW on the argument that overdsao The madSm 5m tion would play into Soviet we Germ Empathye hands The Kremlin by uttering such statements that Soviet occupation of Czechoslo thnnhrem from um We are the Russians should get outol um very reason why we War Czechoslovakia and that the saw pact countries cannot tolery Rmmls 5mm 993 ate neutrality in asthma gimolsovak action in West The debate within the NATO mill 51 den structure illustrates one of the we AmelcannmPs weaknesses 01 by Emma and understanding in spheres of in the need for fresh revisions It We the Vi first rope suc an un er ng was designed as defence body exists wuhida Jlllfllmmmu Russians mam up Wu and pres enta ee on his in West Berlin which could finhzgsaflgaIfirgggyuqfigg 53 over mo an EHS tangled in another fronipari2c ulnrly when the problem seems NEEDS IlEDESiGNfNG to concern the Soviet Unions Probably noneof the Western vhackyard planners envisaged in ions the That may raise oncemoreche possibility that the Communist issuo of how far the US would camp might break up and that respond if Western Europe is this might require some form of threatenedA suspicion outrun unlled response from the origi completely eliminated from Eu nal is NATO countries ropean minds is that if it cam in the new conventional tab to an EastWest nuclear show once of European power the So down the Us mightvnot be viet Union has preponderance prepared to use iIlBSSlVflfDrCJ of tanks while the NATO onun for European protection if the tri have preponderance of reaction would be nuclear hat tink defences The aggres ocaust on American cities we quality of the Soviet inva sion of Czechoslovakialncludes heavy buildup of armor on the thchosiovakborder facing the GAINS NEW POST MP Luisandorzhin Toiv formcriy This could mean that lnany itfongolias permanent repre Soviet breakout towards the sentative to the UN hasbeen West West Germany would like named foreign minister say re ly be the first to be hit and hit parts from lilan Betor the cam Ihard The Hon administration tal The previous foreign mlnis has found this matter of con tar Ma galyir Dugersureng cern and has proposed quick ssircdto be relieved for healJi NATO summltmeeting to dam reasonsx ALL GLASES UNE L0 PHIGE Settld rForLoss Than edgwas able to send message weresi1read among all prov slve 15 the last Parliament sur ris of the most important hat but 27 MPs in the goveriiing lies the history of the world fibeflLparty quiz and 15 05 and it is interesting tospeculate seupvatives as weli asfour of volle fihtbgleiedehéupaednedflié ousThese temts gr reu probably would have failed if inces except REJ and New Montcalmsplans had not been foundland and included amas thwartedby Governor Vau rain1115mm om dreuil and the crooked Inteo to the British before his death it is believed that be said of his troops andihe Canadian people En their protector as have been their father oration nvnurs liloCadillac was appointed Governor of louisiana in and six from Quebec Bayfieldstreet as second class mail byithe Post Office De Subscription rates daily by nine in lions cat or momma suso coaueoaoa Rsaucia House Mensa 5km sacv Mr lfSlMEAMWvfadfih Mu rm carrierfu 50c weekly $25 yearly Single copies 10cBy mail Barrie Out National Advertising Offices 515 Universit Avenucioron to moCa cart St Mont real Member of the Canadian udit Bureau of dentrFrancols Bigot Dne possibility is that Canada would havebeen sold to the US eventually Napoleon did sell the remainder of French to tory in NorthAmerica to onus in iano for327mm of course the US mighostill hive been British territory if Canada dnotibeen captured Thor number ofvtheo tofheresy hi iBiSSecond save 33w firmed and Wolfe used the path oiget his troops to the Plains of Abraham during mman like you THOUGH elusiver entitled to thexuse for republicatio ofrall nswl Idispatchesl paper cred ted Assoclate Reuters and also the ubiisiied therein havingimadeJmproner use or lidsMontcalm held council with lndlans at Ticonderoga insBenedict Arnold left Bostonto capture Quebe iuzahafontainc refused to flceptseat in legislativedCoun lastConfederationdelegaies agreed tomeet at Quebecin 0c ber 1W0 service lessMontreal Presbyteri foundProiessor Campbell guilty telegraph began sion arered OCULISTS PBES Securities and Ex ch Commitsion with nsiderl iniormailo acknowl edged Wednesday oldtMO share of Douglas Aircraft Co llncfll ifMquhEdKryptok1liex art stations ousnrso Finer AT some fineness Openlucs tth Sat ttnm lo pan Open FH

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